THE fIADLSON DRUMMER Published Once a Week By the Business Men of Madison, North Carolina. Jg—C—— ————— I PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, K A C DISON : I 3 LEWIS, HUTCHE/NS & CO., Proprietors. To Our Friends and Customers of North Carolina and Virginia : We take pleasure in returning thanks for your liberal patronage given us during the year jnet closed, and ask for a continuance of . the same. We will be better prepared to serve you than ever before. We have built plenty of new stalls and repaired the old ones ;we will have good warm camp rooms for you and plenty of dry atn lls for your stock. The demand for tobacco 011 the Madison market this year will be double that of any previous year. Tom Meador is our Auctioneer, you know him, and this means the top of the market and the last little dime for every pile of tobacco sold with us. R. H Lewis, one of the oldest tobacco men in the iState* and who stands as it line judgo of the weed, will folio v the salo and push every pile w ■ to the top notch. T. and T. L. Lewis are Book-keepers and want their friends to sell with them. R. S. Thomas, our clever Floor Manager, will be glad to serve his many friends. i Wanted! 1 _ \ Hoops for Hogsheads. / # On account of so much to- % X baeco bciii£ sold at Madison X { I find it hard to get a £ sulficiciit supply of hoops. C \ I am in the market for a £ C large quantity and will pay £ J the best price. \ C li. I'BIVN, $ 1 Madison, N. C. i •# WWW® © Col. J. M. Oalloway. Pres. W.C. Ruffln, V. P. J. O. Raodals, Cashier. g The Bank of Madison, g CAPITAL $20,000. & RESOURCES OVER SIOO,OOO. ® With seven years of successful business @ # solicits your deposits whether large or small. # tttjHM— ——————l ———» • &——— THE MAN WHO BUYS HTS GOODS IN # I CA It LO A D LOTS § W IS KNAIiI.KD TO SKI.I. YOI" & iSHIPSTUFF, MEAL, FLOUR, CORN, HAY, AND OTHER HEAVY GROCERIES AT A LOWER PRICE than the man who buys (A IN SMALL QUANTITIES. Z A This is one of the reasons why you'll save money by getting your supplies from Z 5 J. h. WOORE, MADISON, N.C. • IIMMMMM M HMMCMMt £ * THIS SPACE IS , g RESERVED FOR 5 A MADISON AD * * 6 VERTISER. | W. J. Lewis, of Walnut Cove, only wants a few minutes' notice to or der any kind of liquors from Wood's Saloon, Madison. See him in pass ing. ■fil Vm ■' y Wavelets From the Dan Local Sittings, Personal Pencillings and Business ► Brieflets Caught Flying Around. A. H. Wood's is the place to satisfy the "inner man. ► ♦♦♦♦♦ ► Madison wants 10.000,000 pounds of tobacco this season. ► ♦♦♦♦♦ More than K>,ooo people will read the Drummer this week. J If you don't get in the "Drummer," you are liable to be left. ► ♦♦♦♦♦ I * The Websters are hustlers—Bob, Bob, Jr., and Tom. They arp pullers right. ♦♦♦♦♦ Publicity for the leading merchants and busineas men of Madison i , is what the Drummer is here for. ♦♦♦♦♦ '| : \\ hy haul your tobacco 40 to »0 miles when Webster's Warehouse k will get you just as much, and save you miles of mud. ! >! , i j Madison apprectates the trade of Stokos county. Conte and learn 1 , J more of us. We are your friemls. and want you to be ours. I > > ♦♦♦♦♦ i T. J. Hutchens asks his Stokes friends to stand by him at the i Planters Warehouse. The highest market prices guaranteed. ) I I ♦♦♦♦ I I I | J. C. (bravely invites his friends to come in and inspect hissplendid ( | stock of dry goods, notions, shoes, clothing, and gents furnishings, ( millinery and groceries Look out for the date of his millinery open- I ing. ' > 1 y | I The ladies of Stokes county will save money by visiting the store ( k; of D. W. Busick & Son before purchasing their fall millinery. Come | \ and let us show you our beautiful line of cloaks, furs, and everything I that you may need at the lowest prices. ' ) H \ ♦♦♦♦♦ I |J. H. Moore —"Honest John" they call him—wants your trade on J | flour, hay, meal, meat, ehipstuff and all heavy groceries His prices | } are the lowest. Give him a call and he will give you a square deal. ( There are no "knockers" in Madison. I I I ♦♦♦♦♦ L. J. Lackey is ready and waiting for his Stokes county friends f with a stock of clothing, shoes, hats and gents furnishings that will ' j compare favorably with any establishment in the Stata as to quality J 1 and style, and at prices guaranteed the lowest. You will lose money if ( you buy before inspecting his stock. I F • I ♦♦♦♦♦ I One of the handsomest as well as one of the cheapest stores it the ' 1 Piedmont section of North Carolina is that of McGehee Bros., at J [ Madison. Their stock of dry goods, millinery, clothing, shoes and j t notions is entirely up-to-date. They invito their Stokes friends toi| . make their store headquarters when visiting Madison. ♦♦♦♦♦ 1 The Websters buy on order and contract about J of the tobacco sold . on the Madison market. They have the largest independent order in the United States, and of course it pays to sell with them. They have * the nerve, cash and experience to make all grades of tobacco bring J the highest prices. They guarantee that tobacco put on their floor | will bring as much as on any market in North Carolina or Virginia. ( j| "Hardware Tom" Pratt is so well known to the people of Stokes | and Rockingham counties that- ho needs no introduction. Indeed, but I | say "Hardware" and you think at once of that splendid honesty, that * | rugged integrity, that hearty whole-sonled handshake that makes you J feel wekJourfe at once and that has made Pratt's Hardware store a | 1 household/ word in hundreds of homes in Stokes county. A place where honesty, square dealing and the lowest prices prevail. • •••••€> • w An Hxaniination Of Our Line Of £ Millinery, Dry Goods, £ 4| Notions, Shoes and Clothing Will Convince You That We Have THE PROPER GOODS AT THE PROPER PRICES. Our enlarged facilities and increased space enables #us to show you the largest collection of high High Class Merchandise in our section. Hsp • We invite you to make our store headquarters when you come toMadison. • mailed promptly on request. V Yours for business, McGehee & Co. • WWWW wwwwwWfPW WWWV> WWWW WWWWwf 1 J. C. GRAVE L Y1 f Madison, N. C. 2 5 It's the same old story- here : "GOODS BOUGHT w ® RIGHT ARE HALF SOLD." I carry one of the largest w # stocks of UP-TO-DATE Z 6 m S Dry Goods., Notions, Shoes. Clo- J thing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Z J Groceries and Millinery 9 i%# to be found in this section, and lam always in position to A offer you BARGAINS. Z ® My new fall goods are arriving daily. 1 will w ® notify you of the date of our Millinery Open- W J ing for Fall, which you can't afford to miss, w J You will find it to your interest to give me a J • call when in town. I will be very glad to see J !w you and to serve you. J Yours truly, 9 J. C. Gravely, $ Frame Building, Comer Murphy and Market Streets. •WW wwwWwW IVVVfVV VWvWWv9 (mmmmmm mm •#•###••••••••• J v 3. J{ornkucfi/e J S «/he (Confectioner 2 © z Sl.owney's Candies, always fresh; Coco Cola, Tropical A Fruits, Best Line of Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Z gu Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. Particular attention given to Z J Mailorders. Z"'" *•— MMMMM ————— | hotel Madison | 2 2 Z Convenient to the station, dining* room in sight of the trains, good fare, spotless beds, attentive servants, rates $2 a day. s z September 20, 1906

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