S Arc You Interested? k * h The Latest Improved Saw Mills and Thresh- ers. Best Traction and Portable Steam and Vj Gasoline ]k J ENGINES fe 7% and all kind* of Wood-worklnp: Machinery and pumping outfit*. ©L SawH, Belts, and repairs at the lowest prices, for cash or on time, rj 3 Second hand machinery taken in exchange for new. A For Sale—Second hand, 1 forty horse power Boiler,one ttveli. p. upright Engine, two Saw Mills, one Planer and matcher, one & St. Brush Mountain 4-foot corn mill, complete; one 50-bbl. wheat mil! tiyrator; one power corn and cob crusher; one corn shelter; one & one h. p. lwiy press. (teg? It costs only two cents to write to me. W. H. CLARK, Stuart, Va. ? PILSENER EXPORT BEBJ fifHS) Is pronounced by the highest medical authority to be a Mf\ perfect pj MALT TONIC jyi|3 It is an absolutely \ pure beer. I Mall orders soil s ited. Write tor |fg| prices, THE VIRGINIA BREWING CO., f ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. We Arc /Now Open and Ready For Business at 1 Iffl PlfDflOM || The Biggest and best U Warehouse Ever Built . For the sale of Leaf Tobacco. Come to see us when in Winston and make our house your home whether you bring tobacco or not. Your frionds. M. W. NOR FLEET & CO. If tobacco begins to fire up, save the primings. Don't let them waste. They waste. They will bring you good prices. YES! GRAPE TOBACCO Eg! is just a little sw#et>r than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs |p grt made to imitate CKAPE, ;nd they are all imitations— Hjß |g ... . ■.... . ■■ i'.i i . ... BBBBBEB I riT IS MADE BY A. FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW | f Do Tou M Any Stationery ? ITise Reporter's Jo|| 1.-parlinenl Is now fully equipped for turning B out Letter Heads, Envelop*. Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags, ■ cfrculars, Blotters, Cards, Tickets, or any kind of printing you may B want at short notice and rock-bottom prices. Drop us a postal and I we will mail you samples and prices. Address REPORTER, - Danbury, N. C. 1 MR. BRYAN'S POSIJION. F i # t Leaves It to the Party as to Whether Government Ownership Shall Be An, Issue. : Louisville, Ky., Sept. 12.—En : | tering the Southland for the first time in two years, William Jen nings Bryan to-day was welcomed with spontaneous gladness. He seized the occasion to read a state ment in explanation of his New \ ork speech on government owner ship of railroads. Mr. Bryan's arrival in the city proved a great outburst of accla mations from thousands of march ers and other thousands in the streets. His reception at the ar mory to-night, where he addressed 12,00 persons, was widly enthu jsiastic. Mr, Bryan read a statement which, in part, follows : "Let me answer these two char ges. 1 have tried to make it clear j that I expressed my own opinion I and I have never sought to compel the acceptance of my opinion by I any one else. Reserving the right !todo my thinking, I respect the I I right of every one else to do his j ; thinking. "If you ask me whether the I question of goverment ownership \ i will be an issue in the campaign of | 1908, I answer, Ido not know. If | you ask me whether it ought to be in the platform, I reply I cannot ; tell until I know what the Dem -1 ocratic voters think upon the sub ; ject. If the Democrats believe that the next platform should con tain a plank in favor of govern ment ownership, then that plank ought to be included. If the Dem-1 ocrats think it ought not to con tain such a plank, then such a : plank ought not to be included. It rests with the party to make the platform and the individuals , can only advise. I have spoken for myself and for myself only, and I did not know how the sug gestion would bo received. lam i now prepared to confess to you that it has been received more fa ; vorably than 1 ex'pected. There is this, however, that I do expect, namely, that those Democrats who j oppose government ownership will accompany their declaration against it with the assertion that they will favor government owner- I ship whenever they are convinced that the country must choose be tween government ownership of | the roads and railroad ownership of the government, NO REGULATION POSSIBLE. " I still advocate strict regula ] tion and shall rejoice if experience | proves that that regulation can be | made effective. I will go farther j than that, and say that I believe I we can have more efficient regula i tion under a Democratic adminis tration, with a Democratic Senate and House, than we are likely to have under a Republican adminis tration, with a Republican Senate and House, and yet I would not be honest if I did not frankly ad mit that observation has convinced me that no such efficient regula- j tion is possible and that govern-1 ment ownersaip can be undertaken On the plan outlined with less danger to the country than is in volved in private ownership, as we have it or as we are likely to have it." CONFIDENTIAL—When you | deposit with us, or borrow money from us, the matter is strickly con fidential, known only to yourself and the Bank. We are careful of I the interest of our patrons. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. I HAS STOOD THE TEST 25! YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know ; what you are taking. It is iron ! and quinine in a tasteless form.' No cure, No pay. Eczema and Pile Cure Free. Knowing 4 what it wiih to suffer. l| wllljsive FREE OF CHARGE, to any I n filleted a punitive cure fur Eexeiua, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, write F. \V. WIL-! LIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New | York. K tie lose stamp. Chew What You Know About and i Know What You Are Chewing J «-k Jk 61 ? f; Cai P leasure in chewing chewers and pounds of tobacco f k obacco grown—where the chewed, to the population, in those best tobacco grows-in the famous States where SCHNAPPS tobacco Pl^r n i CoUntry ; • „ was first » oid than there are in Jnly choice selections of this States where SCHNAPPS has not well-matured and thoroughly cured y efc been offered to the trade ™A C pp«Ts U r d u in making SCHNAPPS is like a cup of fine f Tk « Why S? H^ AP?S J ava coffee ' sweetened just enough d others of the Reynold s brands, to bring out its natural, stimulating as shown by the Internal Revenue qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all statistics for a fiscal year, made the classes of chewers: the rich be wonderful growth of six and one- cause they do not find a chew' that quarter million pounds, or a net really pleases them better at any i>»^ n 0 one ~ tilirc * °f the entire price; the poor, because it is more increased consumption of chewing economical than the large 10c. or an smoking tobaccos in the United 15c. plugs and they get their rrfon % . ey's worth of the real snappy, stim cntl cannot resist ulating flavor so appreciated by to theflavorand they cheer SCHNAPPS bacco lovers. All imitations con because SCHNAPPS cheers them (a in much more sweetening than more than any other chewing to- SCHNAPPS. They are made that SCHNAPPS every T that , ch l ew 3 wa y t0 hlde tobacco improp- SCHNAPPS passes the good thing eiiy cured chewer makes other For the man who chews tobacco i H 1S now es ~ for tobacco s sake, there is no chew ; tabhshed that there are many more like SCHNAPPS •- I .S.i Sold at 50c. per pound in sc. Cuts. Strictly lOc. and /Sc. Plugs R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Wington-Satem. H. CJ « AT TIIE STOKE OF R. DAVSS, Winston, X. (J. Yon will now find the newest and nicest of all A'iiuls tilings for Christ inas, sucli as ladies ready made Suits (ind i fiats. Call and examine her stock. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, A'. C. The largest anil most varied stock of pure Drugs in Winston-Salem. I have had 30 years experience in titling trusses ami can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. Executor's Notice To Cred itor's, Etc. Having duly qualified as execu-1 trix find executors of the last will j and testament of James S. Flippin, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons hold ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly authenticated, to the under-1 signed fur payment on or before the loth day of Aug. 1900, or -this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Aug. Bth, litOii. LOUVINA W. FLIPPIN, Executrix, ; and R E. L. FLIPPIN andC. W. KAY, Executors of the last will and testament of Jas.S. Flippin, deceased. J. D. Humphreys, att'y. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnastly request nil younpr persons, no mat tor how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today, 'be Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon, Gi. UNIVERSITY COLUGE |j OF MEDICINE "WiITSa 0 STUART McGUIRt, M. P., PutlioiWT. Thin College conforms to the Standards fixed by lav tor Medical Education. Send for Bulletin No. Il # which tells about it. Three tree est nlogues- Specify Department, MEDICINE - DENTISTRY - PHARMACY | I USE : t * i Qoose Crease j 1 LINIMENT 2 ♦ j ♦ * A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. ♦ t ♦ i ♦ ♦ ♦ TlieS-i. jiuii Surest Remedy X ♦ fur Klii'iiiiinlisin. Neuralgia! ♦ Cruup. Coufihs. Colds, T ♦ Sprains, Scalds. Z % A Trial Will Convince. X ♦ ♦ J I'll in-'. . Manufactured by ♦ GOOSE GREASE T t LINIMENT CO. t ♦ ♦ ♦ Greensboro, V r. + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f ■IIIBIIII !■ II ll——J(l^—H j KlLL.thb COUCH f A * p cu RE THE LUNCB WTH Or. King's New Discovery ___ /CONSUMPTION Prie* I FOR I OJGHS and 50c & SI.OO Free Trial. I Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. {MmSMMSSHBHSHHOBBBBa E. W. O'HANLON WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST A.YD BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. C. Mail Order De- I IfFlSfiS partment given: flf g special attention. : " Biig Stock of drugs | K s ®|§ & Toilet Articles oft § every kind, garden ♦ Q "li I-8 2"S a!! S seeds and Flower I a ® w seeds : 5 Is-illg-l | - Most varied audi gl.fSsi'* 8 best selected line of I |' c *p fine Perfumes evert §J o|S-BS. O | shown hi Winston. "4 g I /SIT O'HANLON'S TO' §'| gS§ 1 § w !!'// E. \ ■ YOU COME TO X ' * ft *1 * ' TO N: V. ; LA N TO SER VE ♦ § g*.a o3 © ? >%>/' /.A //.A' V IFI4 r. ; O'HANLON'S is THE PLACE NAW MarfolksWesternßg. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, 1905 Dally I Dally Ex. Sun. Daily Kx Sun PM AM PM PM 2:">0 7.30 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 3.258.13 " Wal. Cove "1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. "11.45 7.49 7.25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15- P.M. P.M. A. M. P.M WKSTBOUND-LKAVE KOANOKE DAILY. 4:10 a m—For Ea«t Radford, Bluetield, Taze j well am! Norton, Pullman Steeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. i 5.10 a m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) tor Pulaski, principal stations Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or loans and Memphis. Cafe car p ill—The St. Louis Express, tor Bluetield, Pocahontas, Kenova, Ginci nnattl, Imlianopolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbus ami Chicago. Pullmatw Bullet Sleepers /foanoketo Columbus and Bluetield to Cincinanti. Cafe car 4:35 pm— For Bluetieldand intermediate sta tions. 4:45 p in—Daily. For Bristol and intermediate stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points I South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxviile. 9:110 a m—For Bristol aud intermediate stations, Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH AND EABTBOUND. 1:50"p m—For Petersburg, Richmond and Nor. folk. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 1:45 p m—For Washington, Hagerstown, Phlla. delphta and New York via Hagerstown and Harrlsburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:451) m—For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. ; 1:01 a m—For Richmond aud Norfolk. Pullman I Steelier Lvnchhurg to Norfolk and Richmond. 12: in a m—(Washington and Chattanooga Ltm , ited). For Washington, Pliiladelphlaand New : York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers to | Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. 1:10 a in—For Lynchburg, Petersburg, Richmond and Norfolk -7:45 p in—Daily. For Lynchburg. Pull man .Sleeper for .Richmond. DURBAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg (Union Station) dailv except .Sunday 3:00 a m, 4:30 p n» for South Boston and Durham and intermediate sta- I tiens. For all additional information apply to ! ticket officer, or to VV. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGO, | Gen'l Tags. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKE, VA.

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