Sfc , IAUT UM N ' f |/Vj TRAC T ION Si M I The New Season is noiv I 1 m I upon the threshold and life I I m I and animation Jill our I J ■ I store. ir? are deeply grate- I I M | ful to oil of our friends for [. 1 I their liberal patronage da- I I M R ring the pa st sea son and we I I | ask for a continuance of | 1 Evert / Man—evenj Boy I i We've bright» new Fall I * I M I Our prices will continue a I ■ 3 to be as low as our high 1 | fij standard and, quality will 9 ■ I allow. This store never has 1 1 1 and never will offer its pa- 1 I ■ S Irons '•trash" in order to B I I | name a seemingly low price J I m m We're yours for the best at 1 I M B right and satisfactory pri- B I | IN. L. CRANFORD & CO. 1 1 One Pi •ice Clothiers. Winston, N. C. iiinirrin I n I - nil in mm N — IIMB I'III m HB^I ***** \ Did You Ever Stop to Think C Where All Your Money Goes ? # In one year you must pay out quite a sum for necessi- 9 M ties. If you had a checking account and paid your bills by check you would have a complete record of every cent. j You oan tell how much you spend for trifles during the £ It is a good plan to have a record of all money you pay We will show you every courtesy possible consistent M > PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK \ M P. W. CRUTCHFIELD, Cashier. \ w Winston, N. C. # 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On \ Deposit. John A. Burton ■ Walnut Cove, N. C. • Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who w r ant the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand all kinds of farmers' sup plies—Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. % At Winston Prices HILL TOP. Hill Top, Sept. 10. Mr. Editor : If it is not asking too much, al low me space in your valuable pa per to say a few words in regard to a certain game of ball that was Ito have been played on Saturday, September Ist. botween Hill Top and Pink Grove but was not played owing to the failure on the part of Pink Grove to show up on the ground. The rule says "when a game is set to be played on a certain day and the visiting team fails to show up on the ground the hour the game is scheduled to be played, the home team may count them 1) to 0." Boys, we are sorry you didn't come, for we all were very much disappointed, the ladies especially. "PLAYER." GERMANTON ROUTE 1. Germanton Route 1, Sept. 10. — The people are busy cutting and curing tobacco. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boles was laid to rest at Friendship church Monday even ing. Their loss is Heaven's gain. We extend a heartfelt sympathy ' to the bereaved parents. We hope they will meet again in Heaven where parting is no more. Mrs. S. F. Stewart visited Mrs. Daniel Riser Sunday. Wishiug the Reporter much success, I will close. A JOLLY GIRL. AR E YOU ENGAG E D Y Engaged people should remem ber, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keep ing their digestions in good con dition with Eloctric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says : "For years my wife suffer ed intensely from dyspepsia, com plicated with a torpid liver, until l she lost her strength nnd vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Elec tric Bitters, which helped her at ouce, and finally made her entire ly well. She y now strong and l he* thy. ~ All druggists sell and gUlrantees them, at 50c a bottle. 1 A GREAT TIME AT WINSTON. | Preparations Being For the Greatest Fair Winston Has Ever Had—Gov. Glenn To Open The Fair. Preparations are on foot for an ! interesting week in Winston-Sa lem, beginning October 2nd l'.K)*>, I when the big Winston-Salem Fair opens its gates to an anxious pub- j lie. The annual Fairs that have; boon held at Piedmont Park havej grown in interest each year, and I indications point this time to a j record breaker. Farmers through out this seotion are wide awake to the occasion, and they aro coming in great crowds. An unusually in- 1 teresting premium list has been prepared, ami the contest for pri zes will be spirited. The Fair managers have at great expense, secured a number of free attrac tions, including tho Marvelous Castello circus and a balloon matt' who will make daily excursions to the skit s. A number of other in teresting features will delight] youug and old. Our Governor, j whose home is here, and who is j devoted to his town, will be on hand and open the Fair. Senator I Tillman and other distinguished j men have been invited. A great Midway with numerous j interesting features, will gladden | the hearts of the visitors. The I young men of the city will give a number of dances and receptions in honor of the visitors. The Hutel Zinzendorf, the finest hotel in the South, will be open, and a fine troupe will give nightly per formances at the Opera House. Everybody is invited to come to Winston-Salem during the Fair week. Come and see a progressive and wide a wake city. Come and ! take possession for one week. Come and you will receive a cor dial welcome. Death Of Mr. Thomas Mabe. | Mr. Editor : By request 1 wish to write a few lines about Mr. Thos. Mabe, 'who died last Thursday, Sept. 0. j Mr. Mabe went to carry his cow to the pasture about 2 o'clock and upon his failure to return in a : reasonable time two of his little | children went to hunt him. They j found hiin about sun down lying |in the path dead. It is supposed that heart failure was the cause I of his death. Mr. Mabe had been complaining j for some time and told his wife and one of his friends a few days J since that he did not believe he j would live to finish his crop. The deceased was about 57 years i and 10 months of age. He was a ! man who was noted for paying \ his honest debts. The writer I lived near him 5 or > years and always found him honest in his dealiugs. Mr. Mabe lived 4 miles north of Danbury. The remains were laid to rest Friday evening in the fam ily burying ground, Elder Paul Priddy conducting the burial ser vice. The entire community ex tend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Ho leaves a wife and seven chil dren to mourn his loss. The de ceased was a kind husband and loving father. I had a loving husband dear, Most precious to iny sight, Alas! that stroke, it was severe, Which took my heart's delight. I had a husband good and kind, The partner of my cares, He's gone and left me here behind, Exposed to many snares. A precious one from us is gone, Whose voice is ever stilled, , x\. place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. A FRIEND. Snipe Hunting At Prestonville. (Continued from first page). crew the slip and never did divide and it is supposed that he is still feasting on snipe. Wo will try and find out how many ho bagged, but the next hunt wo will be more careful and see that there is a di vision. Hope this may not find your waato basket, as there are a great many around here that would like to hear from the hunt. PRESTONVILLE. _i- :s 1 miMMMwrißlßllill I Like thai your~> T.s-jty got, costing | frsiw BCii ka £>.33 psr pound THE CHEWERS PREFERENCE BEING FOR THE GENUINE SUN CURED TO- ' BACCO WITH LESS SWEETENING THAN IS USEL ON THE OLD BRANDS OF MUCH LONGER STANDING, CAUSED REYNOLDS 1 SUN CURED, IN SO SHORT A TIME, TO WI& THE PLACE AS FAVORITE WITH CHEW ERS. SOLD AT 50c. PER POUND IN sc. CUTS; STRSCTLY 10c. AND 15c. | PLUGS, AftD IS THE BEST VALUE IN SUN CURED TOBACCO THAT CAN BE PRODUCED FOR CHEWERS. *V I B. h REYNOLDS TO3ACCO CO., WlnttOfl-Satom, N. C. I flaeariv-yrszs i—miwi rju&x■■ i -or ——————J ...THE... BLUE FROM STOR E, WAL/MUT COVE, N. C. I don't claim to have tlic LAIKiEST store on earth, but the CHEAPEST. J, WILL EAST, WALNUT CGVE, || Gents ill Doys" (loin; I We are now receiving our full line of goods, If you want I the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pants. Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, for both Men I and Boyß, don't forget to call on us. We make the lowest 8 prices possible. When in town coine in and see for your- L. J. Lackey 8c Co MADISON, N. C. 'fWmmmmmm wmumm*bmmbb— gihioned State Fair 535,0G0.00 ' PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED of t'ro Year—f 7,000.00 In Purses—Trotting : Races and a Steeple Chase Every Day. IIOIIT ATTRACTION o-.v During Fair Week—Finest Show Horses itry. $! J,000.00 in.Cosh Frizes. u unsH Lire Slock Exhibit Ever Held in the Sooth Premium List Includes Liberal Money Premiums itl Every Class —Dairy Herds, Live Stock generally, Sheep and Swine, Poultry and Live Stock, Pigeons, l'arm Products, Fanning Imple ments, Manufacture ! Articles, Pure Pood Kxhibit. Elaborate Art Department including Needle Wo k. Write for Premium List To-Day Reduced Rates on All Railroads THE VIRQINIA STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION, Inc. RICHMOND, VIRQINIA