fWebster's Wa rehouse £ # . MADISON, N. C. • TO THE TOBACCO GROWERS OF THE PIEDMONT SECTION : • We call your attention to the fact that we have put our warehouse and Btalls in good condition, and that in addition to our last year's buyers we will have with us Mr. Will G. Penn, of Danville, Va., who will represent several large manufacturers of this country as well as of Canada. We want to impress you with the fact that we have talked the good qualities of your tobacco to outsiders and have gotten them interested, thus creating new competition that did not exist years ago. We know some of our competitors boast of their big factories. We recently visited a city 200 miles south of us; this same city had eleven big cotton mills, some of the smokestacks seemed to pierce the very sky. One would naturally think this a great cotton market. I happened to make inquiry and was told by reliable people that cotton never brought any more there and often not as • much as it did 25 or 30 miles away where they had no cotton mills. The cotton growers acoused the big mill men of gottiug together and fixing the price. Human nature is about the same th® world over, and what holds good with cotton, holds with tob icco. Our buyers here buy on commission and they are aware of the fact that if our prices are not equal to other markets of the coun • try we will not get the tobacco to sell. So you can see the situation at a glance. Webster's Warehouse doubled last year's sales, and if the tobacco growers of the Piedmont section will do themselves justice, we will double again. On account of the favored location of Madison we ought to make this a 10,000,000 pound market. No manufacturer can make a good chew without some of these good sweet tobaccos, to mix in with the nondescript, grown in other sections. And they know when they buy on the Madison market they get this kind exclusively. Therefore it is no trouble to get buyers. But tobacco is what we want to fill these large orders. Remember we are large buyers ourselves. • And we let no grade from a sucker to a SSO wrapper sell on our tloor for less than it will bring on any market. So the matter dwindles down to this proposition : You can haul your tobacco 40 to 60 miles, or you can haul it 10 to .'JO to Webster's Warehouse and get just as much cash as you can get by go ing the long distance. Do your own choosing, gentlemen. 2 R. P. WEBSTER & SONS. } ••••«•••••••«•••••• ••••••••£•••«•••••••« ••• •••• •••••€> t D. W. Busick & Son i Madison, N. C. g • The Leaders in Dry Goods, Ji| Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods and Millinery. § # _ I* # We have a beautiful line of Traveling • Bags, Dress Suit Cases, hats, Umbrellas, Qloves, Ties and Qents Furnishings. WW Our Millinery Department is entirely up • to-date and we invite the ladies of Stokes County to come to Madison i'Pl and inspect our stock before buy ing elsewhere. eeeeeeeeeeeee |«NMNWHHHNIMNN| • To Our Stokes County Friends: 2 Hflve you ever thought where to buy X J your Winter Suit and Overcoat ? If not J Ijust give it one thought. We handle the clothing of the well known firm of Schlosa Bros. & Co., of A Baltimore and New York. Go where you can get them the cheap- 2 * est and you know where that ia without L. J. LACKEY & CO., | 5 Madison, - - N. C. | HMM —— iWhen In Madison Go to 2 Wood's Up-to-date Saloon f m 9 g And Restaurant W Opposite Bank Building. A • m mi m S ! Nice, Regular Meals, 25 cents. 'Lunches 10, 15 and 20 cents. @ Restaurant open at all hours. X Draught beer 5 cents at Saloon. fa) THE NEWS OF MADISON. New Tobacco Coming In, And Bring ing Better Prices Than Last Year —Six Times As Much Sold Already As Up To This Time Last Year— New Postmaster To Take Charge October 1— Mr. R. A. McGehee Sick—ltems And Personals of In terest. Mrs. Sam L. Duggar has return- ! Ed from Baltimore and New York, where she has been buying J. C. Gravely's stock of millinery. Miss Mounce, D. W. Busick & Son's milliner, came in last week.j Col. J. M. Gallaway's arm is im proving fast. The old Masonic building will be remodeled at an early date. Dr. McGehee, of Reidsville, and Dr. Williams, of Greensboro, were ; up last week to hold consultation ' in regard to his sickness. The Madison market has sold ; 6 times as much tobacco this year as it did up to same time last year. J I The Madison buyers are eager for tobacco, and prices are good. Mr. John W. Martin, one of j Madison's tobacco buyers, has re -1 turned from a business trip. Mr. Ed Martin has purchased | Mr. Will Shelton's interest in the ! livery business. Mr. R. A. M'Gehee is quite j sick, but hope he will be out soon. Mr. Tony Walters came in last j week from Rochester, New York, J where he has been pitching ball, j Tony is a twirler. Webster's Warehouse had about 40 loads of tobacco last Saturday, which is a nice break for this sea son of the year. Without a single exception everybody was well pleased. The people are fast learning that it does not pay to haul tobacco a great distance when the Websters at Madison guaran tee their prices up to any market. Tobaoco is selling much better than it did last year. Look —read and liston—t he Websters guarantee you as much for your tobacco as you can get on any market in North Carolina or ; Virginia. Do You Know That j Tom Meador, The Groceryman, | Madison, N. C., Sells it Cheaper. Car Triplett High Grade Flour Just Received. Car Pillsbury Branded Daisy Middling. Car Lynchburg Milling Co's. High Grade Meal. Car Timothy Hay. Car Fine Salt. Come To See Me When You j Want To Buy. I Have The Pri-1 ces. Farmers, wake up and take a day off and come to Webster's Warehouse and see what they are doing. Mr. S. F. Webster went to Lynchburg, Va., yesterday, where he goes to consult the tobacco manufacturers, for whom he buys at Madison. Col. M'Michael, the lawyer and baseball editor of the Herald, is at Danbury this week attending court. Mr. T. Hutch ens, who is one of the popular proprietors of Plant er's Warehouse, is attending court at Danbury this week, shaking) hands with his many friends and J expecting them to sell their to- j bacco with him this fall, insuring; the best market prices. Mr. Phil A. Peatross, the old j postmaster here, has resigned, j Mr. Tom Newman, the new ap-1 pointed postmaster, goes in office j j October Ist. Mr. Peatross will go . I into the insurance business. His , office will be in G, W. Martin's i ! building. A Stokos farmer from Dollar 1 S visited Madison last Saturday, this ; i being his first visit. He was struck j | with surprise that such a hustling | town existed so close by, and he I had never known it. Such pretty stores and such accommodating I merchants. He promised to do ! business with us in the future. | and feels very grateful to the Re porter and the Drummer for di recting his footsteps this way. Stunts By the Webster Twins. Bob, Jr., and Tom Webster ! reached Danbury Tuesday on a tour of the county in the interest of Webster's Werehouse. They ! carried a graphophone grand along with them, and proceeded first to give an open air free show in front of the Reporter office to the amusement of a large crowd j of famers. While the machine dis | pensed charming music, the boys waited on the congregation, hand ing out Webster literature and promising the tobacco growers the highest market prices. These boys are hustlers, and make friends wherever they go. Their next point from Danbury was Lawson ville, whither they went with fly ing colore. Mr. Jno. W, King has accepted a position as eastern agent for Cuesta, Rey & Co., manufacturers of Havanna cigars, Tampa, Fla., (and will take up his work Oct. 1. I He will have 1(5 States in histerri- J tory. His headquarters will be in Greeusboro. [FOR SALE One l(i-h. p. engine and boiler, boiler on skids, en i gine on boiler. In good running condition. For further informa | tion call on or address A. A. MILLER, Walnut Cove, N. C., Sept. 27-1 mo R. F. D. No. 1. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. / Brings Golden Health and Renewed VIMtT A speclfle for Constipation. InditreeJcn. Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eoienu, Impure I Blood. Bad Breath. Slumrlsh BoweleAHeiulueiio and Backache. Its Rooky Mountain IVa In tab- I let form, 86 cents a box. Genuine \ma«to by HOM.ISTKH DHUO COMPANY. Madtson.\Wla. •OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ©••••• ••••••• 1 PRATT BROS. | HP MADISON, N. C. § Hardware, Stoves, All Kinds of Building (B Material, Sasli and A Doors, B1 i n d ?> m Dressed and a Undressed Lumber • • a Lime, Cement, Paint, a Plaster, Powder, Dynamite, Guns, W Shells, Oliver • 9 Chilled Plows 9 # _ • { FURNITURE { A Our Furniture Department is A fully equipped and up-to w date with a beautiful line of bedsteads, bureaus, • rocking cliairs, tables, A lounges, pictures, etc. • W • • We will keep on hand constantly a large • number of HORSES AND MULES. See us before buying elsewhere. ® # mmmmm •••••••• WWW WwwwWW WVWVWWvWv 1 The i f> Madison Grocery | 1 Company | 2 Has saved the merchants of Stokeß County thousands of g 2 dollars in freights alone, to say nothing of-their prices 1 w which meet the competition of any market. Why not buy J j w your groceries from us Y We offer a square deal to all. £ 1 The IMson Grocery Company 1 # MADISON;JS. C. wwwwwwW