fTHE Danbury Reporter* N. E. & E. P. PEPPEK, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : One year, sl, fi mo. 50c., 3 mo. 25 SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 THE BANK OF STOKES COUNTY FORGiNG AHEAD. The Reporter is pleased to note the growth of The Bank of Stokes County. Its assets at the end of the first year, Sept. 15. show up * well for our county, and indicate that our people appreciate the convenience of a home bank. The cashiers tell us that the bank has now about 200 check depositors, to say nothing of the large num ber who are placing their spare money with the Bank and receiv ing 4 per cent, interest on it. The Bank of Stokes County is a credit able institution, and we should show otft appreciation .of it by patronizing it liberally in pref erence to banks outside of the county. Stokes county money has done business away from home long enough. Every farmer who desires to get better prices for his tobacco is in vited to come to the Farmers Meeting at Danbury next Monday. The farmers of Stokes county are going to organize into a unit, in order that their rights may be looked after by the State Farmers Association. They mean no harm to the Trust ; they only want what is coming to them. They are will ing for the Trust to live and pros per, and only ask the same priv ilege. Let every person who is a farmer, or who is interested in the condition of the farmers, be on hand. Prominent speakers will be present. The whites and blacks are at war in Atlanta. Four attempts at assault on white women by "ne groes in one day was the starting of it. Ten dead negroes, and a large number injured, is the latest bulletin. More serious daily grows the question "what are you goinf> to do with the negro." Two races growing up beside each other, the one with ambitions, hopes and desires like the other. Did some writer miss it far when he said "amalgamation or extermina tion ?" Never before in the history of Stokes county has there been such a warm desire or a stronger effort on the part of the young men and women to get an education. This is an encouraging sign. Educa tion is capital, and wise is that boy or girl who incurs debt, hard ship, frugality or even suffering to add to the wealth of his or her mind. The day will come when every dollar you have spent will pay handsome dividends. The Reporter is glad to see that Prof. Smith's school, which is a worthy institution, is fast grow ing. A goodly number of bright young ladies and young men from all sections of the county are now students here, preparing them selves for teaching in the public schools and other avocations of life. This school should be well patronized. The rates for board . and tuition are very reasonable, and the instruction is able, SALE&&AN WAITED to look after our interest in Stokes and adjacent oounties. Salary or com. mission. Address THE HARVEY OIL CO., O. G. C. WHITAKER KILLED. Son Of Mr. Henry Whitaker, Of Pilot Mt., Shot By P. F. Hedrick At Spencer—A Woman the Cause Of the Trouble. Spencer, Sept. 21. G. C. Whit-* aker, a Southern Railway flagman,' of Pilot Mountain, was shot and instantly killed here this after noon by P. F. Hedrick, a South- : ern Railway conducor, of this place. The killing occurred in a store in the center of town where Whitaker was making a purchase, and it is stated that no word was j passed between the two men be fore-the shooting began. Accom panied by his wife, Mr. Hedrick was seen to pass along the street and enter the store he was. , On seeing Mr, and Mrs. Hedrick i enter the front door Whitaker im mediately ran towards the rear door, apparently in effort to es cape the presence of the conduct or. Hedrick, it is said, opened fire with his revolver as Whitaker escaped at the back door. Follow ing him to the back lot it was found that Whitaker had been wounded and had fallen in a small ravine. By this time Hedrick had emptied his revolver and was snap- i ping at the wounded man. RELOADED HIS REVOLVER. A crowd began to gather on the j scene and in a moment, it is stat ed by witnesses, Hedrick hed re loaded his pistol, walked up to Whitaker's side aud fired another bullet into the breast of the dying j man. He then walked away fol lowing Mrs. Hedrick to the front j of the block. Hedrick afterwards returned to the scene of the kill ing and asked by-standers if Whit- i aker was dead, after which he went to bis home and later surrendered to officers. COMMITTED TO JAIL WITHOUT BOND, i After being taken into custody he retained as counsel Overman & Gregory and Clement and Clem ent, of Salisbury, and was com mitted to jail without bond. Hed rick was tried and acquitted for | killing A. D. Shuping in Salis bury eight years ago, it being held that the shooting was justifiable. The killing of Whitaker is said to have been the result of his at tention to Mrs. Hedrick. The con ductor, however, claims self-de fense. Five balls took effect and Whitaker died without speaking. Ho had a pistol in his hand when he died but was not seen to at tempt to use it on his assailant, though two chambers were empty. Coroner E. Rose Dorsett was summoned and held a verdict over the remains of Whitaker this af ternoon and his jury decided that the latter met his death at the hands of Hedrick. Witnesses tes tified that, as the conductor fired the last shot, he exclaimed "I guess you are dead." Both, Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick were well known and muoh liked in Spencer, where they have resid- , ed for the past six years. Capt. Hedrick had a run between Spen cer and Monroe and had just re turned home when the tragedy occurred. The affair, which has caused considerable excitement here, is greatly regretted and much sympathy is expressed for the family. Young Whitaker came to Spen cer about two years ago from Pilot j Mt., and was a valued employe of the Southern and very popular: with his friends. After being ex amined by the coroner his re mains were taken to an under- j taking establishment for prepara- j tion for burial. It was found that | one ball entered the neck, one the j back, one the hip from the rear, I one the leg and a fifth one the ; breast. It is said that either one of four of the shots would have i proved fatal. The father of the j young man was notified this after- i noon and is expected to arrive j here tomorrow morning. WANTED—A second band disk harrow. If you have one write P. H. Young, Sandy Ridge, N. C., Route 1. Sept. 13 —3t NOTICE! ' Sheriff's Round To Collect Taxes And Public Speaking. I will meet the tax payers of Stokes county for the purpose of " collecting their taxes for the year 1906, at the following times and | places, to-wit : Wilson's Store, Mon. Oct. 15 'O6 Capella, Tues. " 16 " Pinnacle, Wed. " 17 " King, Thurs. " 18 " i Grermanton, Friday " 19 " Walnut Cove, Sat. " 20 " Danbury, Mon. " 22 " Br6wn Mt., (J. D. George's), Tues day October 2iJ, 1906. Francisco, Wed. Oct. 24 'O6 Lawsonville, Thurs. " 25 " 1 Sandy Ridge, (J. E. Shelton's), Friday October 26, IJKXS. Dillard, Saturday Oct. 27, I ( .KXS. I hope the people will meet nie at the above times and places and pay their taxes promptly. The county candidates will make a joint canvass at the above times and places, and the people are re- I quested to come out and hear the issues discussed. Speaking will begin at 12:30 P. M., and it is re quested that the people turn 1 out early iu order to hear all the candidates, as it is necessary to be gin early in order to give all the candidates an opportunity to I I speak. This the 22nd day of Sept. 1906. R. J. PETREE, ' Sheriff Stokes county. ; | 11 is said that Bailey and Wil | liams begged Bryan half an hour to cut out the "ownership"feature of his New York speech, telling . | him it would lose him the nomi - nation, but Bryan wouldn't hear to I it. That shows the kind of sand he carries around with him. Truly it looks like the Nebraskan had rather be right than President. The marketing of the 1906 crop of tobacco has begun. It is the general opinion that an early sale will be effected, aud that the bulk of the crop will be sold before ' Christmas. The prices prevailing are about the same as last year, I possibly a little better, consider ing the inferior quality. HOW'S THIS? We offea One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cane of Catarrh that | cannot lie cured l>y Hall's Catarrh I cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .I. Cheney for the last l."» years, and believe him perfectly honorable . In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. WAMMN, RINNAN & MARVVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, ). Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testlmenials sent free. Price ""> cents per b 'ttle. S 'ld by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. DON'T SPEND YOUR MON EY—When you sell your tobacco, don't throw away your hard-earn ed money. Bring it to us and let us keep it for pou. We pay you 4 per cent, interest on any sum , from $1 up. You can draw it out t any time you wish. : BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, t: Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. TR UST U K'S SALE. >! liy virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed In trust evented to 1 ! the undersigned by A. J. Wall and '' wife, Cora Wall, on the L'xth day of , April, IsDS, 1 will offer at public sale | on the premises on September 2Nth, I!KNi, I i between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. . m., and 2 o'clock, p. m.. a certain tract of land In Stokes county, con- I I tabling 78 acres, more or less, ad joining the lands of llalrston, W. I'. liutcherson, A. J. Wall and others. For fuller description of same refer i enee is hereunto made to the deed of sameWm E. .1. Eudally to A. J. I Wall, lM'ing on record In the . office id the Register of Deeds of . I Stokeaf-c.iint v. | Thl/Aug. 21, I!MMi. JR j. H. MOORE, Trustee. ■ j Mu#Tson, N. C. I Brown's Warehouse j WINSTON, N C. If HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH PRICES I Is centrallv located—neamrt the large factories, HO most convenient ! fewv to the buvers, nearent the large stores and business house*, nearest the [ o®s at tl,e v, TV t >l' w hen It comes to prices. Si i ' made the Highest Average j W [ Last Vear. j \YM T i .lolui Sini|iHoii ami .lolm Alie Newnoiii, auctioneer, can and will get [ JKSf*' # • you more money ft»r your tolmeeo tlmii uiiy uthtr two men 111 \\ In vljiv a '*> nt>ll. With exjierienoed men, good iiccoiuinodationH, plenty of good ( | stalls, we cordially Invite you to sell your tobaeeo with us. SIS FIRST SALE DAYS : S2s] HI ' -drnMrM- 3r OCTOBER—Monday, Wednesday and Friday. |p«p JmSfrnKtOKml NOVEMBER—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. DECEMBER —Monday. Wednesday and Friday. |§j Brown, Carter & Simpson^ Wtarfir flrfflMt gfgriiiWiirili I*l iiu|^| ljust Mail Your Wishes I I and Ideas to Us | tfjj We will figure them out and quote you prices which you will find gQI [- i to your advantage. If it goes in the home, we have it, and at a little jpl jp|j less than the other fellow. B| I HUNTLEY - HILL = STOCKTON CO| The Furniture hustlers Winston=Salem m I I 1 5. P. TESH | S3 MAYODAN, N. C. Jg S3 Sp in Agent For the Chattanooga Plows and Repairs. M S S3 Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns, Good Assortment of Rifles, jp/| All kinds of Gun Shells, Cook Stoves, Furniture, and a big line 2A| aH of Dry Goods, Hats, and a great many different VfJ kinds of games. 8^ Oj YOURS FOR BUSINESS Vf m «{ | S. P. T E S H | I I w CP m HBBBBBBBaBBBBBEBBBS fTo Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaWets. on every | Seven MflHon boxes sold in past 12 months. . Thk rigßltlOT, **OX. 25c. |