| Are You Interested? i) «. The Latest Improved Saw Mills and Thresh- 2 ers. Best Traction and Portable Steam and h Gasoline c, I engines | *5 and all kinds of Wood-working Machinery and pumping outfits, fe 01 Saws, Belts, and rupnlw at the lowest prices, for cash or on time, ri "5 Second hand machinery taken in exchange for new. PV ft. For Salt*—Second hand, 1 forty horse power Boiler, one fiveli. p. ™ *5 upright Engine, two Saw Mills, one Planer and matcher, oue S\ Hrush Mountain 4-foot corn mill, complete; one ."iO-bM. wheat mill (iyrator; one power corn and cob crusher; one corn s heller; one W *r one li. p. hay press. ©I K&"It costs only two cents to write to me. r W. H. CLARK, Stuart, Va. ertsr erer or &£>■ 0-0-er&a~ & & - YES! GRAPE TOBACCO R is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs I H made to imitate GRAPE, and they are all imitations— I because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and g H we have been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. I IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW I R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. f( We Arc Mow Open and Ready Tor Business at i m pifDHom U The Biggest and best Warehouse Ever Built A For the sale of Leaf Tobacco. Come to see us when in Winston and make our bouse your home whether you briny tobacco or not.. Your friends, M. W. NORFLEET & CO. If tobacco begins to fire up, save the primings. Don't let them waste. They waste. They will bring you good prices. J) Do lon Need Any Stationery ? The Reporter's Joli department Is now fully equipped for turning out Letter Heads, Envelops, Hill Meads, Statements, Shipping Tags, Circulars, Blotters, Cards, Tickets, or any kind of printing you may want at short notice and rock-bottom prices. Drop us a postal and we will mail you samples and prices. Address REPORTER, - Danbury, N. C. f 9$ SALARIED POSITIONS $$ FOR GRADUATES OK THE National Business College, ROANOKE, VA. The Honnokc Evening World (dally) says, "the National Business I College places more students in good positions than any other bnsl- I liess college in the South." Interesting, thorough courses; only pro- E fessiomil Instructors; wholesome social and moral influences. Write today for our handsome catalogue and beautiful specimens ■ of penmanship. Address E. M. COULTER, President. I ' i I TO \ f A "-t J W. R. * to His Friends therffrons Of King' 1 f Route 2. f | Good bye Route 2.—forevormore, . Our roving days are almost o'er; [ We've had a good time, but' couldn't agree, Just see what 2 has done for me. j To the patrons and my many . friends of Route 2.—1 wish to say that during the past year and nine months that I have journeyed among you; my dealings with you i have been very pleasant. I thank you, one and all, for the many favors you have shown me. j i I have learnt to love you all j and regret that I'm but a few days among you. I wish to suggest to you all, that you do all you can for the better ment of the r. f. d. service. Work your roads as often as they need it and patronize the route all you can. I fear if there is not more interest manifested in the service, and that very soon, the daily ser vice will be cut out, and a tri weekly service ordered as a sub stitute for the daily service. A tri-weekly service would seem very hard to some of yoa who have learnt to appreciate the service rendered you. Saturday, September 29th, I will make my last trip as carrier No. 2 ; and I would be glad to see you all that day, but if I have not the pleasure of seeing you that day, I wish to say that I will of ten remember you dear people. So goodbye to all. Sincerely yours, W. R. KIGER, R. R. 1)., No. 2, King, N. C. WALNUT COVE ROUTE 3. I Walnut Cove Route 3, Sept. 22 j —Farmers are most through cut-1 ting and curing tobacco in this J section. We are sorry to note the death ! I of Mr. Isaac Neal. Miss Jennie Isom is spending a | few days with Misess Ada and : Mandy Flinn. They report a j pleasant time. Mr. Tebe Knight called on Miss j Jennie Saturday and also Sunday j afternoon. Call again, Tebe, we j are glad to see you. We had all grades of ice-cream, j i lemonade, etc., at Mr, C. M. Flinn's ; • Sunday afternoon. There was a I large crowd attended. I will men | tion a few of the visitors : Miss Jennie and Mr. Tebe Knight; Miss i ! Yonng and others, j Misses Jettie and Harriet Hix , j were the guest of Misses Ada and 1 i Amanda Flinn Saturday and Sun- j i day. SWEET GIRL. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. Suppose every time one of our Stokes merchants ordered goods he would send the money in a registered letter. The fees he would have to pay would more than pay his taxes. Instead, he pays by check, and saves hun- i dreds of dollars. If doing a bank-1 1 ing business is a good thing in a big business, it is a good thing in a little business. All accounts, large or small, are welcomed alike by us. We charge you nothing for the work, and give you a nice | check book free. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. CONFIDENTIAL—When you deposit with us, or borrow money from us, the matter is strickly con fidential, known only to yourself and the Bank. We are careful of the interest of our patrons. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. Eczema and Pile Cure Free. Knowing what It was to suffer, I wtll.'gtve FREE OF CHARGE, toany afflicted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Eryslpeku*, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, write F. W. WIL LIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose stamp. | The Chew that's Sweet and Clean ? I wonc^er SCHNAPPS is popular— it's the chewing '*■ *°^ acco t* l3 * su the man who chews to get enjoy- 4 ment from the tobacco, instead of the mere habit of chewing and expectorating SCHNAPPS is made from choice selections of the ma tured, thoroughly cured Piedmont leafj an aroma so delightful and appetizing that ** popularized the chewing of tobacco. There's , no other tob acco in the world that requires and '^ hat ' s what makes the difference between SCHNAPPS and the many excessively sweetened imitations—and it's such a difference that once a chewer chews SCHNAPPS, he is never deceived With any Station. Th e sweet, tasty and exhilarating quality of #> ®^ HNAPPS tobacco has made the Reynolds factory famous as the manufacturers of the best and most popular brands of chewing tobacco, and as the largest a best equipped flat plug factories in the world. They contain every modern appliance for producing best chewing tobacco, by clean, sanitary and healthful processes. The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com P an y is under the direction of the same men \}/t wh o have managed it since 1875, and who have made the chewing tobacco business a life-study. R. J. REYNOLDS TOSACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. AT THE STORE OF R. DAVIS* Winston, N. (J. Yon will now find the newest and nicest of all fcinds tilings for Christ mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call i and examine her stock. 'Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, N. C. The largest am) most varied stock of pure Drugs in Winston-Salem. I have bail 30 years experience in fitting trusses aftri can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. Executor's Notice To Crcd- \ itors, Etc. Having duly qualified as execu ! trix and executors of the last will | and testament of Jas. S. Flippin,; ! deceased, all persons indebted to : ' said estate are hereby notified to ; come forward and make immediate j setllemement, and all persons hold | ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thein, duly authenticated, to the under- j signed for payment on or before the 15th day of Aug., 15)07, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Aug. Bth, 190T>. LOUVINA W. FLIPPIN, Executrix, and R. E. L. FLIPPIN and C. W. RAY, executors of the last will and testament of Jas. S. Flip pin, deceased. J. D. Humphreys, att'y. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We eerncstiy request all young persona, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to j obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion. to writo by first mail for our great half-rata offer. Success, independence and probable fortuno are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today, fht Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon, Gt. UNIVERSITY COLLIDE Of MEDICINE "Jf. M aT» 0 , N . 0 STUART MCOUIIH, M. P., PmsiotHT. Thla College conforms to the Standards fixed by law for Medical Education. Send for Bulletin No. 11, which tells about it. Three tree ceteloruet - Specify Department, : USE : !Goose tec! | LIINIMEINT ♦ !l ♦ A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. !♦ i + The Safest iiml Surest Remedy 4 ,♦ for Rheumatism, NeurttlKiiij ♦ 5 Croup, Coughs, Colds, J I ♦ .Sprains, S-calds, + : : ♦ A Trial Will Convince. X It f ♦ GOOSE GREASE ♦ ♦ LINIMENT CO. i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ureensboro,- N. C. * ♦ f ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KILL™, COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCB w TH Dr. King's New Discovery i_-_ /CONSUMPTION PRIW *1 FOR I OUGHS and 50c &SI 00 j VOLOS Free Trial. 9 Surest and Quickest Cure for all 3 THROAT and LUNG TROUB | XiES, or MONEY BACK. j E. W. 0' WINSTON-S/ I LARGEST AND B EST CO. DRUG BUST, Mail Order De partment given special attention. Biig Stock of drugs Toilet Articles o I every kind, garden seeds and Flowei seeds Most varied and best selected line ol fine Perfumes evei shown in Winston. 1 VISIT O'HANLON'I WHEN YOU COME TC TOWN. GLAD TO SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY. O'HANLON'S i NAW NorfolkiWesternßß. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, 1905 Daily I Daily Ex. Sun. Daily Kx Sun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 3.28 8.13 " Wal. Cove " 1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. "11.45 7.49 ; 7.25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A. M. P.M WESTBOUND—LEAVK KOANOKE DAILY. ! 4:10 a m—For East Radford, Bluetteld, Taxe | well and Norton, Pullman Sleeper to j Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. 8.10 a m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski, principal stations, Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or leans and Memphis. Cafe car ! 4:25 p m—The St. Louis Express, for ! Bluetteld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Clnci- I nnatti, Indianonolls, St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Bullet J Sleepers Aoanoke to Columbus and Bluefleld i to Cmcinanti. Cafe car j 4:35 pm— For Bluefieldand intermediate sta | tions. 4:45 p m—Daily. For Bristol and intermediate stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points | South. Pullman Sleeper to KnoxTllle. ' 9:30 a m—For Bristol aud Intermediate stations, I Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NOKTH AND EASTBOUND. l:so'p m—For Petersburg, Richmond and Nor. folk. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 1:45 p m—For Washington, Hagerstown, Phila delphia and New York via Hagerstown and Harrisburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. \ 7:45p m—For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to [ Philadelphia. I 1:01 a m—For Richmond and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond. 12:10 a m—( Washington and Chattanooga Ltm- I ited). For Washington, Phlladelphtaand New I York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers to [ Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and 1 New York. ! 7:10 a m—For Lynchburg, Petersburg, | Richmond and Norfolk* ; 7:45 p m—Daily. For Lynchburg. Pull j man Sleeper for .Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg (Union Station) dally except Sunday 3:00 a m, 4:30 p m for South Boston and Durham and intermediate sta tions. For all additional information apply to ticket officer, or to W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGU, Gen'l Pass. Agent. 7Yav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKE, VA. HANLO/N KM*. ALEM, N. C. JTDUCTED r NESS IJV WESTERN JV. C. ♦ g.S-® | o 1 ♦ ®5 en C c 0 0 * 1 ♦ s 38® £ . ffi ® ~ 0S S ® W ♦ £ S g S- W » I h®—~*c p a2. c s t: § r?® s 4 §2. er» 50 5 >-• «2 ® to B tO ♦ g ISu-ffES ft , ♦ tr b®b2lb§ 5 ' ♦ tz v 38 z- sr. 2- n- _ d 1 t iv t-;- I t tJ- s. ■« £ ♦ r s ® &o rr. ♦ - 2. 3H m B O 6 ♦ p as®So® B M Of ® a CD ®{ SlMs.? Is THE PLACE