Iriefs Adrift N. A. Martin has goue to; ton. Geo. W. Neal, of Meadows, j Dan bury visitor Tuesday. Rufus Carter was here today > way borne from Winston. J. S. Taylor is looking after le of several loads of tobacco 8 Winston market this week. •Tas. A. Slaughter, of Pin- Route 2, was a visitor at the rter office Saturday. J Jno. B. Jones, of Pinnaole, at week for Wake Forest ye, where he is taking both w and literary courses. A. H. Joyce has recently its fine water power on Dan Ri*er near Francisco to Mr. R. T. Joyce, of Mt. Airy, at the price of SBOO.OO. Mr. Jno. Neal, Jr., of Meadows, was in towu Monday. We are glad tosee thai Mr. Neat continues in robust health for one of his yeara. Mr. Robert Tucker and Miss Emma Tilley, of Dollar, surprised their friends last Sunday by get ting married. The ceremony was Sirformed by Elder J. A. Fagg, of anbury Route l. y Mr. James Dodson and Miss Claudia Mabe, of Danbury Route 1, were united in marriage last Sunday by Elder Paul Priddy. The Bahk of Stokes County so licits the deposits of farmers, school teachers, ladies and gentle men, women and ohildren. Four per cent, interest paid. Within one-half mile of Saxon postoffice were killed recently in one day 13 hogs that weighed over 4,000 pounds, an average of 320 poands each. What other neigh borhood can beat that ? Mr. J. D. Geerare was in town Monday. He had fattened ao we didn't know him. Dillard muat he getting some good rations that agree with him. Mir. A. O. Joyce has been re cently indisposed and has not left his dome for several weeks. The Reporter is glad that be is getting along nicely. It v You Want to Buy Machinery OF ANY DESCRIPTION -- WOOD-WORKING OR FARM, OR HAVE REPAIRING DONE, WHY NOT WRITE TO W. h. CLARK, « » Stuart, Va Mr. W. H. CLARK, Dear sir :—We purchased a I>eloach Mill, after It had been rtin nix month*, and paid first cost and carriage, and after running It somj time, we think more of it tha the flrs,t day we worked It. RICHARDSON & FOLEY, Buffalo RIDGE, Va. Danbury, N C., R. F. O. No. 1, July 11, 1900. Messrs. pLoach Mill Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Qa. Gentlemen I bought "ne of your mills a little over a year ago, and like It fine, the bent f all mills I ever saw. I think I would like to have some moiv of your machinery. You will send me sp clal prices on your planers. The "Mo Itor" and "Paregon" with ut in nldlng attachments as per specifications of catalog •Yours truly, D. C. NELSON. (I sold Mr, A'elsoil a Paragon Planer and he is uow Just setting it up ) All the refere> ces desired given o- application. Private phoi e "Gle»wuod." «? NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. I will meet th« people of Stokes County for the purpose of collect ing the taxes for the year 1906, at the following times and places, to wit : Lawsonville, Monday, January 14th, 1907. J. Wesley Morefield's Store, Tuesday, " 15, " Sandy Kidge, (J. E. Shelton's Store), Wed., " . 16, " Prestouville, (Dodson's Store), Thnrs, " 17, " Dillard, ' Friday: " 18, Pine Hall, Saturday, " 19, " Walnut Cove, Monday, " 21, " Qermanton, Tuesday, " 22, " Wilson's Store, Wed., " 23, Allen & Tuttle's Store, Tliurs , " 24, " Former HuUs, Pu6t Office, Friday, " 25, " King, Saturday, " 26, ,1 \\ alter Tuttle's Store, Monday, " 28, " Pinnacle, Tuesday, " 29, " Delk, Wed.,' " 30, J. Dillard George's Storo, Thtirs, " 31, " ,f. H. Wright's Store, Friday, Feb. 1, Sat., " 2, " Danbury, , l Monday, " 4, The people aro earnestly requested to meet jne at the above times fftTlTul, H-"I the tnxi'a »ewded t > meet the ourrent expenses of the Couuty, the pay the taxes due the State. The State Treasurer is urging the Sheriff* in the State to pay the State taxes as early as possible. -Tho school teaohers will soon want their money, ami 'he current • xpeitses of the County must lie met. The Hrst in stallment of the Court Bouse and Jnil building bonds will be due April the 4th. 1907, and will have to ho met. The tax payers can see the necessity for payment, and it is certainly to their interest to pay them without coßt. It is not, by any means, my desire to put the jteupieto any cost, but as I am charged with the duty of collecting and settling the tnxos, I must discharge my duty, and if the people do nut pay, and are put to cost, they must not blame me. Tbis the 2nd day of January, }907. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff Stokes County. I 7- '" ' ■ . v . - i Wo heard yesterday that Mr. J. j I W. Baker hud predicted two kill -1 ins frosts in May, and nine snows before the winter is over. i JMr. E. C. Sheppard and others | are promoting a telephone line : from Danbury to Stuart, Va., via J. Wesley Morefield's, Mabe & Son's, Dellar and other points. It is certain that the line will pay dividends, and will be a great con venience to a large scope of coun try. v Mr. Howard Golding and Mrs. Rosa Southern were married last week. Mrs. Southern is the widow of the late Bufus Southern, who several years ago couducted a sa loon on the Danbnry-Walnut Cove road. Mrs. Southern is only about 25 years old, and has been thrice married. Miss Mary Taylor left Monday to resume her studies at Guilford College after spending the holi days with relativea here. She was accompanied as far as Winston by i Miss Mattie Taylor, who also ! spent Christmas here. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield was a visitor on our streets Monday. He came over and took out of jail Bobert Oakley. I Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry i Pectoral for coughs, colds, 1 weak lungs, bronchitis, con j sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. 1 | "I had an awful rough for onr • Tear, and I nothing seemed to do nte any good ! tried Ayer'a Cherr? I'mtor»l and vm eoon cured. I I recommend It to all m* friend* whenever they here a couirh." - Mis* m. Mbycrs. •; Washington. IK C. A Made by J. C Ayr Co , Lowell, Maes, yi Alao manuffcoturere of /4 _ > SARSAPAIILLA. ,i fx.ijers saw. ' Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular. All vegetable and gently laxative. V Appointments For Preaching. Elder Jas. M. Crews, of Ker neraville, will preach at the fol lowing times and places : Shady Grove, 4th Sunday in January, Spoou Creek, en Mon day ; Russell Creek, Tuesday; Snow Creek, Wednesday ; North View, Thursday ; Clear Springs, Friday. Mr. Crews will need convey ance to oarry him from one point to another. A New Enterprise At Dknbury. Preparations are being made for a new grist mill at Danbury. The site will be the Pepper old saw mill seat just west of town. Out of-town parties aire behind the scheme. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, a* mercury will surely destroy the se' ae ot smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such nrtlcles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good y»u can possibly derivetromthem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chcey & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces "t the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It Is take" in ternallv nod male in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheuey & Co. Testimonials free, Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stlpation. Trustee's Sale Of Real Estate. By virtue of a deed in trust ex ecuted to me on the 16th day of Nov ember, 1900, by William Edwards; and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes County, in Book No. 39, page 316, to secure the payment of a note therein recited default having been made in the payment of said note, and the tiolder thereof having applied to me to sell the land conveyed in said trust dee'l to satisfy the same, I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Da"bury, N. C., on Saturday the9th 'lay of February, 1907, at 1 o'clock, I>. M., the lan'is conveyed in said trust deed, to-wit: "On the waters of the Little Yad kin, adjoining the lands of I'. N. Dal ton, deed., .John Edwards, JL. M. Ed wards a others, bounded as fol lows, viz : Beginning at a white oak and runs North fi degrees East, 5 chat's to a W. (). H. 37 degrees E. 8 chains to the river, H. 87 degrees East 3 chains crossi'g river f> the North of a bra' ch, N. 15 degrees East chains to a p-'St oak, East 4% chai s P. 0., . 8)4 hal s to a W. 0., S. 67 degrees W. 3 chai st aWO. at a branch, N. 34 degrees W. 10)4 chains to the river, the"ce with the river as It meanders South t'> where It inter sects with North prong of Little Yadkin, and crossi g both prongs, the ce 45 degrees West o • division line betwee saM Wm. and Mat. Ed wards 16 chai s to a R. 0., Mat's corner, the ce South 65 degrees E. 14 chai st» the beginning, cental 1 g 57Ji acres, m re or less, see deed !'• Register's office of St kes Co., N. C., i Book *o. 27, on page 10, and to which reference is hereby Ijad f r more certainty of description." This the first day of Jan., 1907. H. M. JOYCE, Trustee. —_________ The Sanitarium Winston-Salem Jqbß Chronic conditions specially treated. Eczema and all skin diseases positively cured by our modern methods. We cure rheumatism, blood diseases, stomach disorders, diseases of the nervous system, etc. Our Sanitarium is equipped with X-Rayand all other modern appliances. Write for booklet. DR.T. M.COPPI.E (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. aPiedmont Warehouse I I WINST N ' C- ' I 9 We wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous Hi New Year. Kfl We have Bold since September Lst considerably over four million pounds of tobacco (tbe biggest four months business we have ever done) and for this extremely liberal patronage, we thank our many friends most sincerely. WI i Our sales olose Friday, Dec. 21st, and open again Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1907. i The market closes for the old year in good shape with prices high, and we see > no reason why there should be any change after the holidays. Bring us your first ffj load in the New Year. If yon want fair treatment at all times, the best accommodations possible and l£ the top of the market for every pile of your tobacco, sell it at the New Piedmont, E jC Winston. K 1 YOUR FRIENDS, | I M. W. NORFLEET CO. | FLUE CURING IMPROVES TOBACCO LIKE ROASTING IMPROVES GREEN COFFEE Flue Curing Develops ihe Stimulating Aroma and Taste Found In Schnapps that Satisfies Tobacco Hunger There are three ways used by far mers for curing and preparing their tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. The old and cheap way is called air cured; the later discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended over intensely hot flues in houses especially built to re tain the heat, and there kept in the proper temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant arohia found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by- the roasting process. Only choice selections of this 'ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco,: grows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands of high grade, flue cufed tobaccos. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. I USE | ! (loose tee !| j LINIMENT j; ♦ A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. t — r V 1 The Safest and Surest Remedy 41 ♦ for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, j X Croup, Coughs, Colds, ? « Sprains, Scalds, ♦ : t t A Trial Will Convince, t t o l TRICE 25c. by ♦ | GOOSE GREASE I Z LINIMENT CO. t\ 1 i ♦ Oreensboro, N. C. 4 j Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale tiiat look like Schnapps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to bacco is flue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco; one chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and \akes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the kind of tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy, more than the mere habit at expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew ers formerly bought costing from 75c. tosi .00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in sc. cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. and the greatest quantities of every growing yiiiig can readily be pro duced with tholiberaluse of Virginia Carolina Fertilizers, togetner with careful cultivation. The matcrialsof which tltoy are made, cause them to en rich tho land, and the plants to come up rapidly and more proliflo. Use Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* w-n on your fruits and fruit-trees jL) of all kinds, corn, wheat and all trucks For, at harvest tlrao. you will havo tho largest M. ■ (for these will "increase your M&wl yield per sere") and tlnest crops you ever raised In all your farm life. Don't buy the Inferior substitute that any ■ fertilizer agent may try to per ■uade you to put or. your land. IH VIRGINIA oAriOLINA CHEMICAL CO., Ul] kilkaoU, T*, lorfolk, ?«., Ituitß, 1.0, Mi Owtmus, I. 0., hJtiaort, lid., iUiaU, 6»., itnuik, «•„ KailMHrj, Ala., j. tafUi, Tub., SkrfTtpon, u. iu^_" JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. Died On the Train. Mrs. Ella Cardwell, of Pinnacle, died on a Norfolk & Western pas senger train Thursday night Dec. 27th just before the train reached Madison froru Walnut Cove. She WHS on her way to Stone vi He to visit relatives. | CURED OF LUNG TROUBLE. "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from con sumption," writes C. O. Floyd,a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. (, I had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's New Disoovery, and con tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and 1 was re stored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guaran teed at all druggists. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free.

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