r sA™! 0 IT'S EASY ! Merely a matter of spend- 0 5 ing less than you earn. Keeps growing eas- 0 ier, too. Becomes surprising after you have £ practiced it a while. People fall into the habit S 0 of spending thoughtlessly, and imagine they $ X can't save. We p&y 0 % 4 PER CENT | £ Interest on Savings. Why not open an ac- Z 0 count TODAY. J t Piedmont Savings Bank, t 2 Corner Liberty and Fifth Streets, { 9 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. J E. W. O'HANLOIN WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. C. JVlail Order De- | Itri^Sn part men t given* g special attention. t £ 2 § lg"| a- w Biig Stock of drugs | -z-.s * f s rr *i 7 4 . • | • 8 o. n( S g"o » Toilet Articles o1 j 3 3 every kind, garden H'flSgjf g seeds and Flower X a ® w seeds j « I Nil-I § Most varied and t g|2rss;|® g best selected line oft |' o 1.18.1-•§.*, f fine Perfumes ever# || cf|§|o§ o shown in VVinston. t -a q»S-| BtgU g VISIT O'H ANION'S to' g§ §S| 3 § M WHEN YOU COME TO I ' 2" * ' TO IK/V. GLAD TO SER. VE ♦ g" 3 5.3 S. ° ro U IN ANY WA Y. ♦ O'HANLON'S is THE PLACE ff SALARIED POSITIONS $$ FOR GRADUATES OF THE National Business College, ROANOKE, VA. The Roanoke Evening World (daily) hh.vh, "the National Buainem College places more students in good positions than any other busi ness college iu the South." Interesting, thorough courses: only pro fessional instructors; wholesome social anil moral influences. Write today for our handsome catalogue and )*>autlful specimens of penmanship. Address E. M. COULTER, President. Do 100 Deed Any Stationery ? The Reporter's job department is now fully equipped for turning out Letter Heads, Envelops, Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags, Circulars, Blotters, Cards, Tickets, or any kind of printing you may want at short notice and rock-bottom prices. Drop tin a postal and we will mail you samples and prices. Address REPORTER, - Danbury, N. C. _ .'; . -■» ~ , ...., ihn i■ ■ . YES! GRAPE: TOBACCO I is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plug* I I made to imitate CRAPE, i.nd they are all imitations— I WHY? ■ because that rich, sweet flavor in peculiar ( ihe genuine L«*f, and flj I wo have been buying and m-rnif icturing it lor over fifty years. □ B IT IS MADE BY A FirM THAT KHO*aj HOW J I R. £. Pa'tsfso:i ?0!w.c.0 10., V» ! mm iwin'ii" 11 i " 111 i i pi" Notice of Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the power voutaiued In a deed in truat executed to me on the 4th day of Dec'., 190.1, by John A. Overb.v and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, in Book No. 45, pajre. 451, to secure the payment f a note therein recited, default having l»een made in the payment of said note, and the holder thereof having ap plied to me to sell the lands convey ed in said trust deed to satisfy tlie note secured by same, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Danbury, N. C., on Saturday. Jan uary 19th, 1907, at 1 o'clock, P. M„ the lan s conveyed in said trust deed, to-wit: "First tract.—Beginning at a i*-r --simmon tree, corner of David i en nett's land, thence west by a line of Chas. Bennett's, £4 poles to a stake, and corner of Judge Ruffln, thence north by his line, 54 poles to a stake and corner of Isham Bennett's thence east by his line, !W poles to a line of David Bennett's, thence a south course by his line to the be ginning, containing 90% acres, more or less, and lying in Yadkin town ship, Stokes county, on the waters of Townfork." "Second tract.—Beginning at a post oak in his own line, runs north on his line K% chains crossing a branch to his corner pointers, Cau dle's c n rner, thence west on Candle's line 10 chains, crossing said branch to a black oak. there south* 4N (leg. east on a new line. 12% chains to the tieginning, containing 4 and i and n half tenth acres, more or less, lying in Stokes county, Yadkin township, on the waters of Townfork." This the 10th day of Dec., 19Ki. N. O. PETREE, Trustee. NOTICE. Having this day l>eeiidul£ appoint ed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth E. Martin, dec'cl, all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thein to the undersigned duly au thenticated for payment on or before the 20th day of Dec. 1907, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted.to said estate are hereby requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. This Dec. sth, 1906. G. WILSON PRIDDY, Adm'r of Ellzal>eth E. Martin, dee'd. P. O.—Danbury, N. C., R. F. 1). No. 1. J. D. Humphreys, att'y for adm'r. State of North Car. lln Superior Stokes county. | court before the Clerk. Order of pub lication and notice to non resident de fendants. J. R. Martiu, Sarah Alice Priddy and her husband G. Wilson Priddy, plaintiffs, vs. Geo. F. Martin and . Jno T M rtin, def'ts. In the above entitled cause it appearing to the Court upqo affi davit filed herein that the defend ant George F. Martin is a non res ident of the State of North Car olina and after due diligence can not be found therein and cannot be personally served with process and is a necessary party to this action or Special Proceeding, the same being a Special Proceeding or aotion for the sale of the lands of the late Elizabeth Martin, de ceased for division among her heirs at law, are the tenants in common now o^qing,the same, the said land containing about 50 acres and'lies in one tract, adjoin ing the • lands of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers', Jno. R Rhodes, Henderson Priddy, G. -tyl.. Joyce and others. It is therefore order ed by the Court that publication of notioe be-made .for four success ive weeks in the Danbury Repor ter, a newspaper pnblished in the town of Danbury, Stokes County, N. 0., notifying the defendant George F. Martiu, that an action or Special Proceeding as above en titled has b«»en instituted against him in the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., for the pur pose of selling the Unds of plain tiffs and defendants, for or divisionprooeeds,- whioh are now held in common by them, the said lands having descended to them from Elizabeth Martin, de ceased, and the Baid lands are ad joining the lands of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers, Jno. R. Rhodes, Henderson Priduy, Gh M. and others, and requiring the saiu George F. Martin to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Stokes County, N. C., in the town of Danbury, before the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., on the 28th day of January, 1907, and answer or de mur to the complaint or petition which is now on file and will be on fiile in said office at said date, and let the said defendant George P. Martin take notice that if he fail to appear and answer or de mur to said oomplaiut or petition the relief prayed for therein will be granted. Given under my hand ana seal of said county on this the 19th day of December, 1906. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. J. D. Humphreys, Atty for Plffs. I THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING J REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO J ■ sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused 1 ly win from the old brands of much H longer standing the place as favorite with - L > sun cured chewers, because it contains £ iust enough proper sweetening and fla-. ft and enhance its goodness, causing a large jL REYNOLDS^ from choice selections cf the genuine sun | cured leaf grown where the best sun j cured tobacco grows. It is like that you F best value in sun cured tobacco that can j R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. | MAW Norfolk-Western R.R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT .TAN. ft, 1907 Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. P. M. A. M. I'. M. I'. M. 2:;">0 7:HO Lv. Winston Ar 2.00 10.(K) 3:28 8:13 " Wal. Cove " 1:21 9:20 5.00 9:.">0 " Marti h. " 11:45 7:49 7:25 12:30 Ar Roan ke Lv 9:20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WF.STBOUND-I.KAVK ROANOKE OAII.Y. 5.00 a m—For East Radford, Bluetield, Taxe vrell anil Norton, rullman Sleeper to Columbia, Ohio, cafe car. 6.00 a m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) for Puia*kl. principal station*, Bristol and the Bonth. Pullman Sleei»ers to New Or leans and Memphis. Cafe car 4:34 p m—The St. Louir for Bluetleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Cinci nnati!, ImlittnoiHriia, St. Loula, Kansas City, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Bullet Sleepers tfoanoke to Columbus and Bluetield to Cinoinantl. Cafe car 4:45 pm— For Bluctieldand Intermediate sta tions. 1:55 p m—Dally. For Bristol and intermediate stations, Kiioxville, Chattanooga and point* geuth. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxviile. 9:30 a m—For Bristol aud intermediate stations. Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NOKTH AND EABTBOUND. 1:30 pm—For Petersburg, Kichmoml and Nor folk. Pullman Buffeti arlor Car to Norfolk. I:4opm—ForWsshington, llagertrtown, Phila delphia and New York via Tlagerstonn and Harrisburg. Pullman Slee|»er to New York. 7:45 p m—For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleoper to Philadelphia. 12 60 a m—For Klclun >nd and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond. lj'l a in—(Washington and Chattanooga Lim ited). For Washington, Philadelphiaand .New York via Lynchburg Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. a ni—For Lynchburg, PeU-rslmrs Kichmond and NOP folk* 7:40 p in- -Daily. For Lynchburg Pull man deeper for Richmond. DURHAM />IV SION. 1 Leave Lynchburg (Union .Station) daih except 6'uuday 3:00 a. ni, and daily 4:15 pm f«>r .South Boston ai:il Durham and intermediate stations. For all additional information apply tc tlcltAt officer, or to W. B. BKVILL, M. F. BKAJG, Gen'l Pass, Asjent. Tr.iv. Pass. ROA.VOKR. VA. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. ■ The largest and most varied stock of pure Drugs in Wmslon-Salom. 1 have had 30 years ex peilence iti fltting iru»v»a aud can advise yon in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. i KILL". COUCH I J>.ND Co." T "« LUNCsI I "™ Dr. King's New Discovery /CONSUMPTION Prie» FOR I OUGHS and 60c l> SI.OO 1 VOIDS Fro Trial. 3 Surest and Quickest Core for all •! THROAT and LUNG TROUB j USB, or MCOWKY BAOK. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buty Medicine for Busy Peopls, Bring* ttotden Health and Renewed Vigor. A epeolflo for Constipation. Indigestion, Lls'or and Kidney troubles. Pimplea, Eczema. Impure Blood. Bad Breath. Slufrglxh Bowels. Hoadaeha and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form. IB cents a Do*. Genulne inade by UOOJWTBB Dnuo COMPAKT. Mad'too, Wis. fiOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEO The GORRELLS of Farmers . Warehouse WINSTON, N.C. Want to sell your tobacco. They will give you a square deal on every sale, and will ralways get you the biggest prices for your tobacco. BLUE FRONT STORE, WALNUT COVE, C. I don't claim to have the LARGKBT store on earth, hut the CHEAPEST. J. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. We are gov our fall line of If you want Tjfejjj ■j the l>est in Overcoats, Suits, Pants, iiHtß, ishoes, oufr:3,' Sjjr Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, fur both Men ; ■ and Boys, don't forget to call on us. We make the lowest I prices possible. When in town oomu in and eee for your- I IL. J. Lackey & Col MADISON, N. C. I I J