Briefs Adrift. Mr. Robt. Ray, of Francisco, was here o*-° business Monday. Mr. W. R. Stephens, keeper of, the County Home, was here Mon day. ♦fTe farmers are burning plant i beds iu some sections of the coun try. Register of Deeds C. M. Jones spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Mr. P. H Young, of Sandy I Ridge Route 1. whs here a shortl while Monday. Mrs. J. VV. Pitzer, of Red Shoals, visited relatives and friends here Tuesday. Mr. N. A. Martin went to Wins ton Monday to look after the sale of some tobacco. Mr. G. W. Neal, of Meadows, has recently built a considerable addition to his store. Attorney J. D. Humphreys went to Vade Mecum Tuesday on pro fessional business. The ptiblic school here, which is being taught by Mr. W. P. Wilson, has 59 scholars enrolled. Mr. William Gordon, of Ger manton Ronte 1, paid the Re porter a short visit Tuesday. Messrs. Jas. and Walter Mabe, who are fine tobacco raisers of the •Jewel section, were here Monday. Mr. Jno. W. King, of Greens boro, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King, here last week. Mr. W. R. Vaughn, of Walnut Cove, was in town Thursday look ing after some business and paid the Reporter a pleasant visit. Mr. S. F. Gordon, of Germanton Route 1, will leave for Lynchburg, Va., this week, where he expects to take a business course at Giles Business College. 4 Messrs D. S. Watkins and J. Will East have formed a co partnership at Walnut Cove and will engage in tho wholesale gro oery commission and brokerage business. The farmers are very busy these days burning plantbeds and pre paring laud for early planting of tobacco in the spring. Small grain is looking fine, owing to the recent warm weather. * Mr. E L. Martin, one of Rock ingham's good citizens, was a wel come visitor at the Reporter • ffioe Tuesday. Mr. Martin says the people in his .county are very much divided up as to where the new court house should be bnilt. WISE COUNSEL FROM THE SOUTH. "I want to give some valuable advice tolhose who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. R Blakimship, of Beck, Tenn "'I have proved to an ab solute certamtv thai Electric Bit ters will positively cure this dis tressing condition. The first bottle gave me gretf relief and after tak ing a few uiore bottles, I wasooni pletely cured— BO completely that it beoomes a pleasure to reoorn raend this great remedy." Sold under guarantee at all druggists. Price 60c. If You Want to Buy Machinery OF ANY DESCRIPTION -- WOOD-WORKING OR FARM, OR HAVE REPAIRING DONE, WHY NOT-WRITE TO W, h. CLARK, « = Stuart, Va Mr. W. H. CI.ARK, Dear xlr :—We purchnned a Deloach Mill, aftef It had been rnn nix montliM, and paid flint cont and carriage, and after running It pome time, we think more of it tha . the Hint day we worked It. KICHABDHON & FOI.EY, Buffalo Ridge, Va. Danbury, v C\, R. F. No.l, July 11, li) 0«. MCHHTH. eLoacli Mill Mfg. Co., Atlanta, (Ja. Gentlemen l bought • lie of jour IUIUH a little over a year ago, and like It flue, the.bent f all mlllfi I ever saw. I think I would like to have norae more of your machinery. You will aend me *p clal prices on your planer*. The "Monitor" and with ut 111 nldiiiK attachment*) as per specifications of catalog ">o 10f>, paK»-*44 and 42. Youro truly, ». C. NKLBON. (I nold Mr, A'elson a Paraxon Planer and he IH now Just seitiug It uu ) A(1 the reference* desired Riven on applloatl -u. Private phm e j NEW STOKES ENTERPRISES. Coal Mines To Be Developed and Brick Vard To Start At Walnui Cove—Terra Cotta Works At Pine Hall—New Mill For Danbury. Old Stokes is coming along. The new year starts with several new enterprises in various sections of the caunty. Mr. Cabill Hairston, the owner and promoter of the coal mining industry on Town Fork creek,near Walnut Cove, tells us that these 1 valuable mines will be developed: jas quickly as machinery can be : placed in position, n strong coni | pany having been formed wh mean business. Mr. Hairston say he has used the Tuwu Fork coa. in his home all the winter and that it is of a fine quality. A new brick yard, which will employ a large force of hands, is being laid out near Walnut Cove, i The clay at this yard is said to be ; of excellent quality. Another new and much needea industry for Walnut Cove is a wholesale brokerage and commis sion house, which has just been ! organized by the firm of Watkins & East. These gentlemen are rustlers, and will donbtless build up a fine business, as Walnut Cove is an ideal distributing point for the merchants of Stokes coun ty. The terra cotta works recently established at Pine Hail is said to be doing a good business and will mean much to our county. The company will manufacture drain pipes, tiling, etc. The new milt for Danbury will, we learn, materialize at an early date. CLOSE OF FJRST YEAR S WORK. Meeting Of the Stockholders and Directors Of the Bank Of Stokes County. The stockholders and directors of the Bank of Stokes County held their annual meeting in the office of the Bank of Mount Airy on the evening of the 14th inst. The old officers of the Bank worn re-elected as follows : Jnsse H. P'Bther, President; W. J. Byerly, Vice-President; N. E. Pepper, Cashier at Danbury office ; and R. R. Rogers, Cashier at Walnut Cove offi'-e. The accounts of the bank were gone over amd found correct and approved. The Bank's finances were found in a fine condition, deposits are steadily increasing, and the con fidence of the people in the in stitution is daily growing. The stock holders are well pleas ed with the first year's business, and wish to extend thanks to the i patrons of the Bunk for their lib eral patronage, and to invite all those who have not yet given the Bank their wo >nnt, to patroniz- H home inst : tntion that is safe, con servative, careful, and which de sires to be a help and benefit to the people of Stokes couuty. Date For Debate Changed. Hartman, Jan 14 Mr. Editor : Please change date of the de bate from 18th to T9th. Y fiirs truly, BERCHIE DUNLVP Mr. J. S. Taylor went to Wins ton today. Before returning he will pr .bably visit Greensboro and ' purchase a lot of mules. ■UJ&, .*?t VAWMH It €luiets\ the Cough i This isone reason why Ayer's ? Cherry Pectoral is so valua- 5 ble In consumption. It stops * the wear and of useless | coughing. But it does mo- p —it controls the inflamma quiets the fever, soothes, u heals. Sold for 60 years. u Ayer's Cherry Peotv ral hup hem a r# - life pfenorver to me Tr ».romrht mn - l n «rrere atlnck of | oft- nK.tih u t th »t I owe my »'fe t. i • - » * w - WiLtiA-t ! ' i Xl*io ~y C!. Aycr 00., *. w,-u Mk JlUo m*uaUo;urdra of Z-M 9 SAK*APAIUUJL fivers u!ur s vi(k«. i I HMMMOL TOQSaMMHBHMV 4 I Hasten recovery by keeping th«> !bo we: 3 regular with Ayer's PIIL" The Legislature Meets—One Bill 0( Interest To Stokes People. The General Assembly of North Carolina is now in session. The only bill introduced yet of speoial interest to Stokes is an aot to re peal the'law which allows Saora town, Meadows and Danburv town ships to utilize the railroad taxes on the publio roads. A Remarkable January. Has anybody ever seen such a January as this ? It has been more like May than winter. A soft south wind has blown for several days, a warm sunshine has awaken ed vegetation, peaoh trees are al most ready to blossom, plant life is budding, and violets are bloom ing. But today the raw north wind is howling, and a cold, fine, dis agreeable mist is in the air. Old nature likes to be freaky some times, and is now ready to exact tribute for the concessions she has made. j Marriage Licenses. The marriage license market is not very active recently. Since last week Register of Deeds Jones lihs issuea the necessary papers in I only four oases. They are as fol lows : Mr. Joseph M. Alley to Miss Minnie L Tuttle. Mr. Thos. Bulliti to Miss Mary E Bnllen. Mr. Elbert Jessop to Miss Al pha Bouldin. Mr Samuel H. Rierson to Miss J Clemtnie Powers. ✓ Two Deaths Near Prestonville. Mr. J. R. Rhodes, of Prston ville, was in town last week and told the Reporter of two deaths in his neighborhood recently, to-wit: Mr. Thos. Kington, the young son of Mr. Ed Ksngton, who died of congestion of the brain; a daughter of Mr. James White, whose death was caused by some feinHle troublo. Several others are sick in the ra>ne neighborhood. Mr. Lester Ward is low with pneumouia. Mr. liussell Ward is sick. HOW TO CURE CHILBLAINS. "So enjoy freedom from chil blains," writes John Kemp, Esst Otiffield, Me , "I apply Buck I' n's Arnica Salve Have also used it for salt rheum with ex*ellen re sults." Guaranteed to cure eve sores, indolent ulcers, piles, Imrns, wounds, frost biti-s and skin di - eases. 25c at all druggists. Public Auction Sale! On Saturday, Jan. 19, 1907, at 1 o'clock, P. M., I will offer for sale to the highest bidder near Hawk i'is' Mill, the following property, to-wit: One complete threshing o'i'fi», coi-sisti" k of >ne 5 horse po*i*r engine aid boiler and one No. 2 (jti*iser gin. Also a good h >rse and a one-horse wagon. Terms of sale, cash. This Jan 5. 1907. LUKE HAWKINS. Mr Marvin Binkley, who holds a p is'ti •« a* nidi clerk on the i. a 'mining between Hagers town, Md., and- 1 Charlotte, N. C., is .'xpe 'te I 'tore today to visit his Imt'c■ .i 8, Rev. anil Mrs. D. A. B> kley. SLLth. COUCH CURE THE LUNCB Or. King's 'jw Discovery _ /Consumption phm ijQ I OUGHSand 60c *sl.oo Fm Trial. ill rest and Quick eat Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. I %» WW IMP UPIIIIIBM mm «■ m&warujj BP^FF H^MFB IPied mont Warehouse l | WINSTON, N. C.j I l j We wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous IE 1 New Year. K J| We have sold since September Ist considerably over four million pounds of Qi >y tobacco (tbe biggest four months business we have ever dune) and for this extremely m liberal patronage, we thank our many friends most sincerely. V Our sales close Friday, Deo. 21st, and open again Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1907. Ep The market closes for the old year in good shape with prices high, and we see W 3 no reason should be any change after the holidays. Bring us your first load in the New Year. 31 If you want fair treatment at all times, the best accommodations possible and |C the top of the market for every pile of your tobacco, sell it et the New Piedmont, H M. W. NORFLEET & CO. I Meeting Of Protective Association. The Farmers' Protective Asso ciation of Meadows township in Stokes county is hereby called to meet at Wilson's Store on Sat urday, February 2, 1907. Each and every member is earnestly requested to be present. We would be glad to see all the farmers of this section, who are not already members, come out on the above date and enroll with us Time of meeting, 1 o'clock, P. M O. L. PULLIAM, Pres. Mr. W. F. Brown has resigned his position as R. F. D. carrier of Campbell mail route No. 1. Mr. Thomas Spencer has beeu ap pointed to the position and enter ed on his duties Tuesday. CURED OF LUNG TROUBLE "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from con sumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. 'T had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and con tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was re st. ired to rny normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guaran teed at all druggists. 500 and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. He Sanitarium Winston*Salem * Chronic conditions specially grouted. Eczema and all skin disoases p sitively cured by our modern methods. We curt* rheumatism, b!"oil diseases, stomach disorders, diseases of the nervous system, etc. Our Sanitarium is equipped wiili X-Ray and all other modern appliances. Write for booklet. DR. T. M.TOPPLE (Successor to ttier- & Copple) WINSTON-SALLM, N. C. WATKINS & EAST WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commis= sion Merchants and Brokers. The farmers of Stokes County will find the store of Watkins & Hast headquarters for feedstuffs of all kinds, chop, shipstuff, corn, bran, hay, meal, flour, etc. Prices guaranteed to be the lowest. Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy ing their goods from us. We represent several of the largest wholesale houses in the South, and are prepared to meet all competition. YES! GRAPPA TOBACC^^^| ■ is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs I I made to imitate GRAPE, ind they are all imitations— I because that rich, sweet flivor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and I I we have been buying and m .nufacturing it for over fifty years. 1 IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW | R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Vs. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ L USE : \ doose Orease I j LINIMENT | ♦ A Common Sense ♦ | Preparation. ♦ | - | i The Safest anil Surest Remedy « j for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ♦ X Croup, CoiiKhs. Colds," x ♦ Sprains, Sealils, « X A Trial Will Convince. $ PRICE 25c. Manufactured by ♦ GOOSE GREASE I I LINIMENT CO. ♦ ♦ X ♦ z ♦ Greensboro, N. C. « jRggH and the greatest quantities of every growing thine can readily be pro duced with the liberal uae of Virginia- Carolina Fertilizers, together with careful cultivation. The materlalsof which they are made, cause them to en rich the land, and the plants to oome up rapidly and more proliito. Dae Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* k/ - on your fruits and fruit-trees ) of all kinds, corn, wheat and nil truoks For, at harvest time, j'ou will have the largest Ml ■ (for these will "increase your Mj- Fl yield per acre") and finest wVI/ crops you evor rained in all your farm life. Don't buy tho Inferior substitute that any I fertillzerugentmaytrytoper- I fiadoyou to put on your land. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL 00., Ufj Kidraond, Yn, Jorfilk, Tv, Detail. I. 8, U] (ftaMMoi, ». C„ Bel two re, IL, iUuU, Be., SuTUßih, 8«„ HoDiroMry, Al*., n» *«mpfci«, Turn., Smnport, la. — r ' ' *

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