F S AVE i S IT'S EASY ! Merely a matter of spend- 0 5 ing less than you earn. Keeps growing eas= 2 # ier, too. Becomes surprising after you have # X practiced it a while. People fall into the habit 5 # of spending thoughtlessly, and imagine they # S 4 PER CENT % Interest on Savings. Why not open an ac- X 5 count TODAY. ® t Piedmont Savings Bank, I I Corner Liberty and Fifth Streets, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. |j HMMHM •••#•••••••« E. W. O'HANLOiN MMMM% WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. IJARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. C. Mail Order Del 8f fl 5-gg^ partment given! Iff g special attention. ! £ g § I-g'lsV « Biig Stock of drugs ! R 3 ?=■.§■» *| § s ™ 7 . .. , r* • Sg.°39Sr > Toilet Articles ofj 3 ■ S-Li*-!' ~ every kind, garden : o ll'lhgo s seeds and Flower | w « Most varied and t c best selected line of! |" 0 T fine Perfumes ever# l| o||||g,| £ shown in VVinston. t trS-f g VISIT O'HANION'S ♦ o" g'iSSgsS w WHEN YOU COME TO J ' ' GLAD TO SERVE ♦ fg"? 8.3 B.° YOU IN ANY WAY. % O'HANLON'S is THE PLACE $$ SALARIED POSITIONS $$ FOR GRADUATES OF THE National Business College, ROANOKE, VA. The Roiuioke Evening World (daily) says, "the National Business College places more students in jiood positions than any other busi ness college in the South." Interesting, thorough courses; only pro- p fcssionul instructors: wholesome social and moral influences. Write today for our handsome catalogue and beautiful specimens I ot penmanshi]>. Address E. M. (!OIILTER, President. B NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. I will meet the people of Stokes County for the purpose of collect- i ing the taxes for the year 1906, at the following times and places, to wit : Lawsonville, Monday, January 14th, 1907 J. Wesley Morefield's Store, Tuesday, " 15, " Sandy Ridge, J. E. Shelton's Store), Wed., " 16, " ' Prestonville, (Dodson's Store), Thurs, " 17, " Dillard, Friday: " 18, " Pine Hall, Saturday, " 19, " Walnut Cove, Monday, " 21, " Germanton, Tuesday, " 22, Wilson's Store, Wed., " 23, " Allen & Tuttle's Store, Thars., " 24, " Former Helsa, Post Office, Friday, " 25, " King, Saturday, " 26, " J Walter Tuttle's Store, Monday, " 28, " Pinnacle, Tuesday, " 29, " Delk, Wed., " 3 0, J. Dillard George's Store, Thurs., " 31, " J. H. Wright's Store, Friday, Feb. 1, " Francisco, Sat., " 2, " Danbury, Monday, " 4, " The people are earnestly requested to meet me at the above times and places, and pay their taxes promptly. This will be my third round, and the taxes are needed to meet the current expenses of the County, the Schools, and to pay the taxes due the State. The State Treasurer is urging the Sheriffs in the State to pay the State taxes as i early as possible. The school teaohers will soon want their money, aud the current expenses of the County must be met. The first in stallment of the Court House and Jail building bonds will be due April the 4th, 1907, and will have to be met. The tax payers can see the necessity for payment, and it is certainly to their interest to pay them without cost. It is not, by any means, my desire to put the people to any cost, but as lam charged with the duty of collecting and settling the taxes, I must discharge my duty, and if the people do not pay, and are put to cost, they must not blame me. This the 2nd day of January, 1907. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff Stokes County. Notice of Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. My virtue of the power contained In a deed In trunt executed ti) me fill the 4th dn.v of Dee., 11N(T», liy John A. Overliy iiml duly reeord"d in the office of the Hegister of Deeds of Stokes County, lu Hook No. 4T>, piW 451. to secure the payment f a note therein recited, default having been made in the payment of said note, .nit] the holler thereof having ap plied to me to si'll the lands convey ed in said trust deed to satisfy the ftote secured liy same. 1 will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Danbury, N. 011 Saturday, .lan nary ltttli, liHt". at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the lan s conveyed in sjiid trust deed, to-wit : "First tract. —Hegiiu big at a |>er sinmiou tree, corner of David t en nett's land, thence west by n line of ("has. He uiett's, poles to a stake, and corner of judge Itutlin. thence north by his Hue, ."4 poles to a stake and corner of lslmm Heunett's thence east by his 1 int«, !Mi poles to a line of David Bennett's, tlieuee n south course by his line to the be ginning, containing :!0)4 acres, more or less, and lying in Yadkin town ship. Stokes county, on the waters of Townfork." "Second tract.—Beginning at a post oak in his own line, runs north on his line NJ£ chains crossing a branch to his corner pointers, Cau dle's cr'icr, thence' west on Caudle's lit e 10 chains, crossing said branch to a black oak, the l ce south 4k iley;. east on a new line, I^chains to the lieginnlng, containing 4 and i and a half tenth acres, more or less, lying in Stokes county. Yadkin township, on the waters of Townfork." This the 10th dav of Dec., l!H)(i. N. ). I KTItICK. Trustee. State of North Car. ! In Superior Stokes county, j court before th e Clerk, j Order of pub lication and notice to nor resident de | fendants. J. R. Martin, Sarah Alice Priddy and her husband Gr. Wilson Priddy, plaintiffs, vs. Geo. F. Martin and Jno T M rtin, def'ts. In the above entitled cause it appearing to the Court upon affi davit filed herein that the defend ant (ieorge F. Martin is a non res ident of the State of North Car olina and after due diligence can not be found therein and cannot be personally served with process anil is a necessary party to this action or Special Proceeding, the same being a Special Proceeding or action for the sale of the lands of the late Elizabeth Martin, de ceased for division among her ! heirs at law, who arc the tenants in common now owning the same, the said land containing about 50 acres and lies in one tract, adjoin ing the lands of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers, .Jno, R Rhodes, Henderson Priddy, (f. M. Joyce and others. It is therefore order ed by the Court that publication ! of notice be made for four success ive weeks in the Danbury Repor ter, a newspaper published in the town of Danbury, Stokes County, N. C., notifying the defendant George F. Martin, that an action or Special Proceeding as above en titled has been instituted against him in the Superior Court of Stokes County, N, C., for the pur pose of selling the lands of plain tiffs and defendants, for partition or division of proceeds, which are now held in common by them, the said lands having descended to them from Elizabeth Martin, de ceased, and the said lands are ad joining the lauds of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers. Ji.o.{R. Rhodes, Henderson Priddy, G. M. Joyce and others, and requiring the said George F. Martin to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Stokee County, N. C., in the town of Danbury, beforo the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., on the 28th day of January, 1907, and answer or de mur to the complaint oi petition which is now on file and .will be on fiile in said offioe at said date, and let the said defendant George F. Martin take notice that if lie fail to appear and answer or de mur to said complaint or petition the relief prayed for therein will be granted. Given under my hand and seal of said connty on this the 19th day of December, 1900. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. J. 1). Humphreys, Atty for Piffs. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. Tlie largest and most varied stwk of pure Drugs to Wlnalon-Salem. 1 liavp lad 30 VP:irsex £oi Inner iii Ottii.2 tru.-seg a'Mi ran advisf -y i; in in;.' i nmi. Coma Arul See Me. V O. THOMPSON.! Trustee's Sale Of Real Estate. By virtu© «>f n tleed In trust ex- j ccnted to me on the l>tli day of Nov ember, liMM), by William Edward*: i mid duly reglntrml In the offlw of i lie itcg'lMtcr of l>els for Stokow County, in Hook No. :111, jtnuv :11ft, to secure the iiuvniont of ii note therein recited default having been nm 'e In the payment of said note, and the holder thereof having applied to me to sell the land conveyed in said trust deel to satisfy the same, 1 will expose to public sale, to the highest bi'liler for cash, at the Court Mouse door in t lie town of Dai bury. N. (' , on Saturday theDtli 'lay of February,; 1007, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the lair's i conveye l lu sal l trust deed, to-wit: t "On the waters of the Little Yn'-j kin,.adjoining; the lands of I'. N. /'ai | to", feed., .John E'wards, J. >l. Ed*! ! wards a" ot 'ers, bunded as fol- 1 j lows, viz : I Heslnnlt'K' at a white oak a il runs North (i decrees East, chai st'» a W. (). 11. :t7 decrees E. S chai"s to' tlie river, S, XT degrees East H chains i crossing river t«> the North of a branch, N. 15 degrees East chains | to a p 'st oak. East 4% chai s i\ 0., I X. KJf i hai s to a W. 0.. S. «»7 "'egrees | VV.:{ dial's t a\V O. at a bra cli, N. :'4 degrees W. chains to the j river, thence with the river as it meanders South ti where it inter- j sects with North prong of Little Yadkin, and crossi >•' both prongs, the ce 15 degrees West o i division li e bctwi e > sal I Win. and Mat. E '-1 wards 1(1 chai s to a H. )., Mat's corner, the ce South ls degrees E. 14 cliai st the tieglnning, tai i g 57)4 acres, in re or less, see 'ee i i j Register's office of St kes Co., N. j ii Book -o. 27, on page 10, and to j which reference is hereby lia>t f r more certainty of description." This the first day of .lan., 11107. 11. M. JOYCE. Trustee, j LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes County, ren dered on the 10th day of Jan., 1!R)7, in the special proceeding entitled "J. S. Snider, et al vs. Alpha J. Mabe, et al." I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door In the town of Danlniry, N. ('., on Monday the 4th day of March. 1!H)7. at 1 o'clock, P.; M., a tract of land lying and being in i the county of Stokes on the waters I of Snow Creek, adjoining the lands! of J. E. Shelton, L. L. Spencer, and others, and known as t lie William, Snider lands, bounded as follows,' to-wit: Beginning at a white oak, Jno. P. I Smith's corner, near a branch, West j with his line, crossing said branch, 72 poles to pointers, Smith's corner, I South:! 4 poles to a small Spanish oas East 10 poles to a black oak, South 70 poles crossing a branch to pointers on a ridge. East 72 poles to j a post oak. North 12N poles to a black oak on a road, North 17 de grees East, 42 poles to a Spanish oak 011 tlie main road. West along said ! road 42 poles to a black oak on the j north side of the road, South cross ing a branch, passing near a spring, 54 poles to the beginning, containing acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed by deed ! from Stephen 11. Poor to William S Snider, recorded in the Register's office of Stokes County. N. C., in fiQok Is, page ®!1. This the loth day of Jan., 1907. N. (>. PETKEE, Commissioner. ferirW NarfQikiWesternß.fi SCHEDULE IX EFFECT JAN. 6, 1907 j Daily ! Daily Ex. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. | P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. | 2:50 7:-10 Lv. Winst nAr 2.00 10.00 :!:2s vl:i " WaUVve " 1:21 9301 5.00 9:50 " Marti s. " 11:45 7:4!) 7:25 12:30 Ar Roan ke Lv 9:20 5:15 ' P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WEBTBOUNP—LEAVE KOANOKR HAILY. 5.00 a m—For KA«t Radford, Blnetteld, Tf»7.«- well and Norton, i'ullman Sleeper to Columbus*, Ohio, cafe car. 6.00 a in ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) , for Pulaxki. principal stations, Bristol and the j South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or- ! le:;ns and Memphis. Cafe car 4:35 p ni—The St. Louis Kxprens, for j Bluetiold, Pocahontas, Kenova. Cincl- | nnattl, IndlanoppMs. 3t. Louia, Knnsas Cltv, Columbus* ami Chicago. Pullman Bnft'ei ! Sleeper- Aoanoke to Columbus and Hiuetieid to Ctncinanti. Cafe c*r 4:45 pm— For Bluetleldaiul intermediate xia tions. [ I:sspro—Dally For Bristol and Intermediate i stations, Kuoxvllle. Chattanooga and points I South. Pullman Slee|*er 10 Knoxville. 9:30 a m—For Bristol and intermediate stations. Bluefleld, Norton, PfK'iihontas and Welch. Pullman Sl» eper to Welch. NORTH ANl> BAST BOUND. l:;;o pm-Kor Petersburg, Ui. hmond and Nor- ! folk. Pullman Buffet i arlor Car to Norfolk. | 1:40 j) m—For Washington, lluj/erstown, Phila j delpliia and New York via Tfagurst>«n ami , Harrlsburg. Pullman Meepor to New Vork. j 7:45 p m—For ilageratown. Puliman Sleopur t* Philadelphia. 12 V) a in—For Kichm >»; d and Norfolk P-'lman j Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk un> Kicl.tuoitd. ! •:'l a m—(Washington and Chattanooga Lim- j ited>. For Washington, Philadelphia and New I York via Lynchburg Pullman Sleepers tc I Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia ami New York. 0 45am —For Ly nrlibtirg, Petersburg Kt*binunl and N'oiMk* oi--Dally. For L> Pull fc»r //iclitnoiul. DURHAM UIV hinv. .». Leave Lyiichburg (Union .Station) dalh iwpfc .Sunday 8:00 a. in, and dil.y m f«»r tfoutb aid Durham •nd intermediate stations. For all additional Inform itiou apply to [ i ickt*t ottl'vr, or to W. li KKVILL, M. F. . BRAGG, GhiH Pa« 9. Agent. TVav. Pass. Agent ROAV(>KK. VA. uni 1 IQTFR'Q Rocky fountain Tea Nuggets A B isy fw Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A spoclOo for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidney trouble*. Pimples, Eezemu, Impure Jiliiod, Had liroath. S1 li llovreU, Hosd.iclic and Hockacho. Its Rocliy Mountain Tea In u»l>- let form. 35 cents a box. Genuine made hj Hollisteb Dhdo Comi'ant. Madioa, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLBj . Ask for the Genuine I And see tHat you get what you asK for The largely increased demand for Sun - tobacco, created and sustained by the distinctive (/ quality oi the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, nas encouraged other manufacturers to place on the market imitation brands and tags which are made to lwk so near like tlie genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured that unsuspecting chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting the genuine Reynolds' Snn Cured tobacco. Look close and see that the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured, «nd you cannot be deceived in getting what you ask for and want* —the best valuc for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown where the best sun-cured tobacco grows. ASK FOR "REYNOLDS'" and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. It's like you formerly got, before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade, costing from • 60c to SI.OO per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. ' * R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem. N.C. (t The GORRELLS 0F Farmers | Warehouse WINSTON, N. C. Want to sell your tobacco. They will give you a n square deal on every sale, and will always get you the biggest prices for your tobacco. sna»———— bhi iin m n u—ws—— BLUE FRONT S TOR E, WALNUT COVE N. C. I don't claim to have the LARGEST store on earth, but the CHEAPEST. J. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. I Ms id Boys' (loli; « We are now receiving our fall lin? of K>"»ds. If yon want I tho best in Overcoats, tSuits, PauL', flats, Shoes, Shirts, ■ Undt-rwoar, Neckwear, Trunk- hikl Vidises, for both Men H and Boys, di>n't forget th cull on ns. We make the lowest I prices possible. When i.n town come iri and s»'e for your- Hi Be^' IL. J. Lackey &Co MADISON, N. C.