Briefs Adrift; Farmers report the wheat crop looking well. A mad dog was reported near Danbury Monday. Mr. Cleveland Mabe was a visit or &» town Monday. Mr. J. W. Pitzer, of Red Shoals, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Thos. S. Petree spent Mon day night at Stuart, Va Mr. Jno. M. Taylor, of Winston, spent Tuesday night here. Sheriff R. J. Petree is up again after several days severe illness. Mr. Thos. East, of Walnut Cove Route 1. was in town Tuesday. Mr. Thoa. Martin, of Smith, paid the Reporter a pleasant call Monday. Mr J. P. Boyles, of Vade Me cum, paid the Reporter office a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Nelson, of Campbell Route 2, passed through yester day euroute to Winston. The Reporter regrets to learn of the illness of Mr. J. G. H. Mitch ell, of Gideon, who has an attack of grippe. Mrs. T. J. Burton, of Winston, who is the mother of Mr. Girard Gstes, has recently suffered a stroke of paralysis. Senator Carter has introduced a bill in the legislature "to pro mote the cause of education in Stokes and Surry counties." Lnico Manuell returned home Saturday after spending several months in Winston. In his sait against the street railway oompany for $5,000 damages he received $;». The Reporter is pleased to learn that Mr. Ed Wilson, who has been very low with pneumonia, has ta ken a turn for the better and will soon be well, if no relapse is taken. Mr. J. E. Davis, who formerly lived at Danbury being Deputy under Sheriff Dalton, but who now makes his home in South Carolina, was here this week looking after his interest in the Davis lands re cently purohased by Jno. M. Tay lor. Mr. W. F. Davis was in town Tuesday. Mr. Davis is making preparations to leave for Okla homa. He will have a sale of his personal property next Saturday. Mr. Davis has many friends who will regret to see him leave. Messrs. Jas. A. Leak, P. D. Padgett and J. E. Hutohens, all prominent oitizens of Peter's Creek, Va., Route 1, were in town Monday, their business being to probate the will ef Mr. A. C. Pad gett, who died Friday night. Mr. Geo. W. Smith, one of the - prominent citizens of King Route 2, was here Monday. Mr. Smith is one of the members of the cele brated Oak Grove Debating Club. They meet every Saturday night. Mr. Smith says that debating so cieties are good thinga. They sharpen your wits, make you read up on history, the Bible, etc., and otherwise improve the intellect. Marriage On Danbury Boute 1. Danbury Route 1, Feb. 12— Mr. Jack Mabe and Miss Maudie Mabe were married Sunday, Elder J. A. Fagg officiating Mr. Bun Nelson is improving. I Painting And Papering. I am prepared to take contracts for painting or wall papering and decorating. Prices rensonable. Or will work by the day. Write me. H. A. BLATR, Danbury, N. C. HOLLISTER'9 Rocky Mount' inTta Nuggets A Bitty M* far Busy Peooto. Brine* Qoidtn Ht and Renewed View. A specific (or Conitlpatlon. Indication, Liver and Kidney troublw. llmplcs. Eczema. Impure lllood. Bad Breath. SltwUh llowela. Headache and Backache. Itt Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, M cents a box. Oenulne made by HoauTUt Baca COMPACT. Mad'soa, Wis. 601 DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DEATH OF DR. V JOHN C. BLACKBURN OF GILES COUNTY, VA.—WAS FORMERLY OF STOKES COUNTY-SKETCH OF HIS LIFE BY J. G. H. MITCHELL*- Gideon, Feb. 12. Editor Reporter : A letter from our old friend, Jos. H. Reed, to-day oontains the sad news of the death of Dr. John C. Blackburn, of Giles county, Va., Feb. 8, 1907. He was born in Stokes county 72 years ago, and was a nephew of the late Cjl. J. M Civington, who give hi'n a liberal ed ucation at h line and at Oak Ridga, N. C. He afterwards taught school some, and clerked for Lash & Moore in Danbury about 185H, then read medicine with the late Dr. W. W. McCanless and attended Jeffer. son Medical College at Philadelphia and after 12 months service in the Confederate army as Ist Lieutenant in O/Hpf R K. Pepper's Co & 21st N. C. volunteers in 18fil, lie returned to Stokes and p'actiend his profession until 1865, when ho located in Giles county, Va., where he enjoyed a large and lucrative |>ractice f.>r many years, and wan very popular in his section. Elis health failed several years ago and he had to retire from active duty. The deceased was an invalid for several years, and was gently nurs ed and cared for by his loving wife, who was Miss Maggie Stenson, who survives him. He is also survived by two brothers, Mr. Colum bus Blackburn, of Walnut Cove, and Capt. T. J. Blackbnrn, of Mount Airy, and one sister, Miss Olivia Blackburn, besides hia nephews, Messrs. W. J., J. D. and W. M. Flynt of thia neighborhood; also leaves several half sisters in Surry county. Peace to his ashes. Written by his old time friend, J. G. H. MITCHELL. Mr. Stanley Lane and Miss Ida Eaton Married. ; Big Debate Coming King Route 2.—Rev. P. Oliver tilled his regular appointment at Olive Grove yesterday. He preach ed an interesting sermon and a very large crowd attended con sidering the icy weather. Mr. Stanley Lane and Miss Ida Eaton was united yesterday in matrimony. Rev. Long officiated The people of Oak Grove have been on top for quite a while and are still on top of their beds with grippe, whooping oough, measles, chicken-pox, fever and the itch. If there be any small-pox or mnmps in this section or anywhere plcnse puss them around, for we would like to have them while the storm is raging. The Oak Grove Literary Society met Saturday the 9th iu regular order and discussed the querry, Resolved, that the South was Justifable in Seceding From the Union. The judges rendered a verdict in favor of the affirmative. Pur Saturday night, the 16th, Re solved That the Sexes Should Be Equally Educated. Feb. 23rd, at { 7:30 P. M , Resolved, That the ! Laws of North Carolina Should Letter From Y'ade Mecum, Feb. 13—The R. F. D. carrier says he wishes the patrons of his route would buy stamps and have their letters al ready stamped, especially theso cold mornings. It would be much better on the carrier. We understand that Mr. J. G. Coffer, who went to Tom's Creek, Va., some time since to work, will be at home about the 19th. Guess Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do It? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich,thick,glossy hair! And we know you'll never b 2 gray. «I thlnlc thai AT«r'« flair Vlnor la the wonderful hair grower tl> lwn fwr ««''• I have oae«l It f««r mine time and I n nth folly aav that lam greatly with It. I cheerfully mmrviwoH It a* n aplendtd nr«|»a- } ratlou." - MIM V. BKK K, Wavlaud, Mich. 4 A Made br J. O. Aw Co , Maaa J yi Alio luaaufuoturera of /J _ SAVSAPAKILLA. j / JL (HEKRY PECTORAL. mm iiiii "■■ n **■ ■■ Be Taught In the Public Schools. The above Society have accepted Mr. W. L. Smith's challenge, Re | solved, That Strong Drink Has Caused a Greater Evil Than To bacco. The Society takes the affirmative, W. L. Smith, the to bacco alone. W. L. Smith ar gued this question before with the tobacco as the affirmative and fell short of the question. He says he cares nothing for winning the question. He simply wants to tell the people that they are do ' ing and claims that all people who use tobacco are drunk inone sense. Phis question will be discussed at Oak Grove, Saturday March 9, at 1:30 P. M. The speakers are J. C. Tillotson, W. W. Edwards, G. W. Smith, T. B. Smith, Gaston Gen try and Roy Boyles; each speaker is allowed 20 minutes and W. L. Smith will follow each speaker with the same length of time. We are preparing to make this ques tion interesting to each other and also to the spectators. As the So ciety makes all her debates public, we are expeoting a large crowd. DE BATOR. /a d e Mecum he will make some more of that good old tobacco. Mr. J. T. Watkins, of King, was visiting relatives at Vade Mecum Saturday and Sunday. Miss Pearl Hutohens and Miss Rosa Shelton took a nice little walk over to Piney Grove to preaching Suuday. THAT'S WHO. A VALUABLE LESSON. "Six years ago I learned a val uable lesson," writes John Pleas ant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then be gan taking Dr. King's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at all druggists, 25c. The Ideal Family Laxative is one that can be used by 11* entlrr family young and old, w. ak nnd strong. withoi t any danger ol liaonfttl effrct*. Is should lmve properties which insure |, e same di»e, always having the same effect, other wise the quantity will have to be incrraaee nnd finally lo*e its effect altosether These properties can be found in I hat old family remedy, Braudrelh's Pills, because iu In- are of the purest herbal extracts, and every pill is iepl for three yeare before beine sold, which allows them to mellow. We do not believe there Is a laxative on the maikct that is so carefully made. Itrandreth's Pills are the same fine lax all re tonic pill your grandparents used They have been In use Tor over a century and are sold in every drug ami medicine store, either plain or sugar-coate-o WALNUT COVE ROUTE 1 r Mrs. Lettie White Very Low-Other Sick Folks. Walnut Cove Route 1, Feb. 11 —Mr. Willie Meadows, who has been ill for some time, is no bet ter, we are sorry to note. Mrs. Hattie Meadows is spend ing the week with her motber-in law, Mrs. M. T. Meadows. Miss Martha Meadows is ex pecting to visit her brother at Sandy Run this week. Miss Graoie Smith looked sad as Mr. W. V. M. was sick and could not be oat at preaching. Mis. M. T. Meadows is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Lettie White is very low but hope she will soou be bett'-r. Guess Miss Agnes is sick this week as Mr. Geo. did uot call to see her Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meadows visited Mr. and Mrs. Dock Tuttle Sunday. Little Irene, who has been sick, is better, we are glad to note. Rev. W. T. Albright filled his regular appointmant at Palmyra last Sunday and will preach there next Sunday at 11 o'olock, A. M. BILLY BOY. Newsy Items From San dy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, Feb. B—Several of our young people attended church ' at Buffalo Sunday. We are having some very cold] weather now. The ice is several inches thick, and some of our girls enjoyed skating very much. Miss Nannie Martin, of Ayers ville, is spending several days with Miss Rennie Hutchersou at this place. Miss Mabel Amos gave a birth day party the 7th. Several of her friends attended and seemed to en joy themselves very much. Mr. Geo. Wilson, who has been at Madison since Christmas, visit-' ed bis parents at this place Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Nannie Southern is visit ing friends and relatives at Bis sett, Va. The teachers and pupils are busy preparing for their entertain ment, which they expect to have at the close of the school. We will close, wishing the Re porter much success in the future. TWO CHUMS. A WELL KNOWN REMEDY . One of the oldest, safest and most favorably known remedies in the world to-day is Brandreth's Pills—a blood purifier and lax ative. Being purely vegetable they , can be used by old or young with : perfect safety and while other : remedies require increased doaes , and finally cease acting altogether, with Brandreth's Pills the same doße always has the same effect no ' matter how long they are taken. ' One or two pills taken each night , for a while is the best thing known for any oue troubled with con stipation, indigestion, dispepsia or any trouble arising from an im pure state of the blood. Brandreth's Pills have been in use for over a century and are sold ; in every drug and medicine store,!, either plain or sugar-coated. When you want good goods at the right price, see Jacob Fulton i at Walnut Cove. Never has and 1 never will be undersold. Flour ! and chop are now lower. Ask ] Harry Davis or J. H. Fulton for prices before you buy, it may pay 1 you. Our spring line of dry goods j and notions will be in this week i [i PerCeiit | i You have spare money ly- A 1 ■ ing idle, or will have when | you sell your tobacco. Why • not let ns keep it for you T X safe in our vaults. We W I pay 4 per cent interest, I 1 and your money is ready • A for you when you want it. I i THE BANK OF I ■ STOKE S COUNTY. I If You Want to Buy Machinery OF ANY DESCRIPTION -- WOOD-WORKING OR . FARM, OR HAVE REPAIRING DONE, WHY NOT WRITE TO W. H. CLARK, = » Stuart, Va Mr. W. H. CLARK, Dear sir We purchased a Deloach Mill, after It had been run *ix months, and paid first coat and carriage, and after running it soma time, we think more of it tha • the first day we worked It. RICHARDSON & FoLEr, Buffalo Ridge, Va. Danbury, N. C., R. F. O. No. 1, July 11. 19W. Messrs. freLoach Mill Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen:—l bought «ne of your mills a little over a year ago, and like it fine, the best f all mills I ever saw, I think I would 'like to have some more of your machinery. You will send me sp cial prices on your planers. The "Monitor" and "Paregon" with' ut m nldiiiK attachments as per specifications of catalog No 105, pages 44 and 42. Yours truly, D. C. NEKSON. (I sold Mr, A'elson a Paraxon Planer and he Is now just setti gitup ) All the references desired given o» application. Private ph->i e "Ole..w> od." Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds C. M. Jones has issued licenses to the follow ing parties since the last issue of the Reporter : John Lawson to Emma Boyd. James S. Joyce to Irene Haw kins. All Kinds of Furs Wanted. We want all kinds of raw fur skins, and will pay more for them ! than anybody can that travels over j the country to get them. Send i them by registered mail. Also want chickens, eggs, and green and dry beef hides. T. J GANN & CO., ! JanSl—lino Gannß, N. C. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Win. Wade Johnson, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them |to me duly authenticated for pay | ment on or before the 10th day of Feb., 1908, or this notice will be plea | ded in bar of their recovery ; and all : i»ersons Indebted to said estate, are hereby requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. ! This 30th day of Jan., 1907. • 'NO. WADE OH.V ON, Executor of Win. Wade Johnson, dec'd. J. 1). Humphreys, Atty for ex LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su l>erior court of Stokes county render ed in the s|>eclal proceedings entitled "Ruth McAnally, R. P. McAnally et al vs. Estelle Sledge et al," appoint ing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter de scribed lands, I will on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1907, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Danbury, N. C., the following described lands to-wit: Beginning at a poplar formerly Mar tin's corner runs south 85Jf degrees east mostly on Dr J W Neal's line 21.75 chains to pointers Estelle Pledge's corner; north 3 deg. east on her line 40 chains to pointers her corner; north KT>% deg. west 15 chs. to pointers in what was formerly Davis' line; south 3 deg. west 24.7*2 chns. to pointers, Martin's former corner, north 85% deg. west 75 chns. to a maple, Martin's former corner, south 3 deg. west 14.5 chns. to the beginning, containing (58 acres more or less. Tills land adjoins the lands of Estelle Medge, Dr. J. W. Neal and others and is well watered and tim bered and Is excellent land. Sale sub ject to confirmation of the court. This 23rd day of Jan., 1907. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes County, ren dered on the 10th day of Jan., 1907, in the special proceeding entitled "J. S. Snider, et al vs. Alpha J. Mabe, et al," I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Danbur.v, N. C., on Monday the 4th day of March. 1907, at 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land lying and being in the coanty of Stokes on the waters of Snow Creek, adjoining the lands of J. E. Shelton, L. L. Spencer, and others, and known an the William Snider lauds, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a white oak, J no. P. Smith's corner, near a branch, West with his line, crossing said branch, 72 poles to pointers, Smith's corner, South 34 poles to a small Spanish oak, East 10 poles to a black oak. South 70 poles crossing a branch to pointers on a ridge. East 72 poles to a post oak, North 128 poles to a black oak on a road. North 17 de grees East, 42 poles to a Spanish oak on the main road, West along said road 42 poles to a black oak on the north side of the road, South cross ing a branch, passing near a spring, 54 poles to the I*> ginning, containing 78% acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed by deed from Stephen H. Poor to William Snider, recorded in the Register's office of Stokes County, N. C., In Book 18, page 631. This the 10th day of Jan., 1907. O. PETREE, KILLTH. COUCH »»» CURE TH« LUWCB "Dr. King's New Discovery Consumption Priea FOR I OUGHt and 60c 4*1.00 1 w \jOLBS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LM, or MONEY BACK. LAND SALE. By virtue of a deed in trust execu ted to me on the sth duy of August, 1905, by J. R. Shelton, duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county In book 40. page 398, to satisfy the payment of the notes therein recited, and default having been made In the payment of said notes and the holder thereof having applied to nie to sell the land conveyed in said trust deed, to satis fy the same I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the premises of said land inSanra town township, more fully described as follows: Beginning at double I black oak runs south 18—50 to poin ! ters; thence west 49—.'(8 to a stake in Tuttle's line; thence north 18—50 t> I a white oak, Tuttle's corner; thence • east 49—.'18 to the beginning contain ing 91155-100 acres, more or less. Im ! provements on said lain! area tobac co barns, pack house and basement, 1 feed burn, 1 three room tenement house and other out houses. Also j a good orchard. See deed in Regis ters office of istokes county, j Date of sale:—Friday,' February 22, 1907, at 1 o'clock. I This Jan. 22, 190f>. J. L. MITCHELL, Trustee. LAMB SALE. Ry virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county rendered in Mi- Special Proceedings entitled "J. R. Martin et al vs. Geo. F. Martin et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will on Monday, March 4, 1907, at the Oouit Rouse door iu the town of Danbury, N. C., tell at puplic auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands, to-wit: A ceitain trict or pared of land situate, lying and being in the county of Stokes and state of North Carolina on the waters of Peter's Creek adjoining tin lands of B. F. Priddv, Alexander Rogers. John if. /Jinnies, Henderson Priddy and G. M. Joyce and containing 50 acres more or less and it being the tract of html upon which .Elizabeth Martin resided at the time of her death and where upon her death de scended to her heirs at law and children who are the parties to this proceeding. Tin land is sold for division and the sale is subject to the continuation of the Court. This is a splendid tract of had; it is well watered, timbered with the very best tim ber, contains good bottom land and meadow and is sttong land. This Jan. 28, 1907. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. AT THE STORE OF R. DAVIS* Winston, N. J. You will now find the newest and nicest of all fcinds things for every body such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her I stock.

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