ENJOYABLE VALENTINE PARTY. The most enjoyable occasion the young people of this community have been honored with in quite a while, was a Valentine party given by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shop pa rd at their home Thursday, Feb. 14. They invited all the young people in the community, besides a number of friends from a dis tance, among whom were Miss flattie Shelt.m aid brother, of Stuart, Va ; Miss Rachel Moore and brother, of Smith, Miss Lula Stone, of Pinnacle ; Misses Nina and Sibbie Sbeppard and Lettie Brown, of Sandy Ridge ; Miss Alice Martin, of Smith, and others. The guests arrived about 6 P. M , there being about 75, and were warmly invited into tho par lor and sitting room, both of which were beautifully decorated with evergreens and pink and blue hearts. About 7P. M. from tho sitting room came the sweet notes of the violin, guitar and banjo, which was so tempting and the room was soou crowded to over flowing ; but morry hearts and buay feet soon made room for all who indulged in keeping time tu while those who were seek ing their valentine, and a number whose hearts were already beating in unison, occupied the parlor and hall. There they were left to en joy themselves until 10 o'clock, when the unuies of all the gentle men and ladies were drawn and placed in separate hoxes and pass ed around, then the fun began, as most all the boys drew the wrong girl, for we could plainly see how relunctantly they left their own to seek the one whose name he drew. Toey were then invited into the dining room, thj gentlemen carryiug in the lady whose name he drew where they found the table tastily decorated in pink and blue and handsome bouquets of evergreens and flowe s and laden with fancy cakes and sentimental hearts of candy. Pink and white icecream was served with whito pink aodoake, other refresh ments were aerveil, t he sentimental hearts were passed, those to the boys bure questions and those to the la lies answers, they were read at the table and enjoyed by all. They then returned to the parlor and each gentleman was presented with a heart by the lady who drew his name. We were highly entertained by music, fortune-telling and all grades of fun until 12:30, when the guests then seemed loath to leave th i place where mirth had shown a s uiling face. A GUEST. "A penny saved is a penny made" is an old saying that proves true every time you trade at Woodruff's. Don't fail to call and get his price before you buy any where else. Mr. W. W. King has gone to Raleigh this week. L. M. McKenzie's birn at Ger manton burned Monday evening. Geo. W. Chatii'i in trying to save a store across the Mrect fell and sustained several broken bones. HUNTING FOR TROUBLE. "I've lived in California 20 years and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, si res, wounds, boils, cute, sprains, or a case of piles that Buekleu's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Chas. Waiters, of Alleghany, Sierra, Co No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every ciue. Guaranteed at all druggists, 25c. Sale Of L inds And Town Lot. By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court »>f Stokes county, made In Special Proceeding* in case entitled W. B. Carter and Jesse Carter, sur viving Executors of \V. B. Carter, deed., against Mary (i. Carter and others, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the late res idence of \V. B. Carter, Sr., deed., In Stokes county, on Monday the 18th day of March, 1907, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following lands, belonging to the estate of W. B. Carter, Sr., deed., to-wlt: known as the Mill Tract, lITfTg on Claybank Branch, l>egin lilng at » pine, formerly Uaehel Hogarth's line, thence north G4 clins. to a pine thence east H9 elms, and 10 links to a black oak, thence south (Melius. to a line formerly Rachel Hogarth's, thence west with her line to the beginning, containing 250 acres more or lews. Also a part of what is known as the Stone Chim ney tract, lying on the waters of Co'untv Line Branch, on the north side of Dan Kiver on the road lead ing from \Y. I'.. Carter's to Madison, N. C., adjoining Z I„. Wall and others, the part of this tract to IK* sold supposed to lie about -tiL acres, more or less. Also a house and lot In Madison, N. known as the Warren place. Lot containing about one acre, more or less, adjoining Mrs. Maria Tidball and others. Terms of sale : One-half cash and the other half on a credit of six months, with interest on deferred payments from confirmation of sale. This 15th day of Feb., 1907. W. B. CARTER & JESSE CARTER, Executors of W. B. Carter, deed- J. 0. W. GRAVELY TO SPEAK. State Lecturer J. O. W. Grave ly will speak as follows : Dobson, Monday, March 4, at 1 o'clock. * Bo la or Adkins School House, Tuesday, March 5, at 11 A. M. Pine Ridge, same day at 4 P. M Mt. Airy, Wednesday, 11 A. M. Pi lot Mt. same dav at 3 A. M. Cap. lla, Thursday, 11 A. M. King at night of same flay. The Farmers' Protective Sub. Association will meet at Capella the first Saturday in March at 2 o'clock, P. M. Would be pleased if all members of said sub would be present, and all farmers who are interested in the good of them selves, their families, and the good of the country, would do well to be with us, and join in with us and help us to organize and come out from under bondage and be free. Mr. R. K. Simmons and Dr. Smith will be at Capella on Sat urday night before the third Sun day in March and will address the people on the great need of or ganizing. Death of Walter Flinchum. Mr. Walter Flinchum, a highly respected citizen and farmer, of Piedmont Springs, died at his home Tuesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Mr. Flinchum had been in declining health for several I years. Me leaves a wife and two small children besides other rela tives. The remains will be intered today nt the family grave yard. J. B Woodruff has just receiv ed a carload of Daisy Middlings, Corn and Oats. Will sell Daisy Middlings at $2.15 per 140 pounds bags. Where can yon buy a number one White Corn in 2 bushel sacks at 75 cents per bushel and 5 cents apiece for th'» return ed ? At •J. B WOODRUFF'S, Walnut Oove. J. B. Woodruff will sell Seed Oats at 58 conts per bushel. J. B. Woodrnff sells a good Pat ent Flour at $1.90 per hundred. Every sack guaranteed go»d. Where can yon buy the best grade of Kerosene Oil at 15 cents per gallon ? At J. B. WOODRUFF'S, Walnut Cove. Woodruff sells an extra grade uf green Coffee for 10 cents a pound. It's tine. RISING FROM THE HUWE A prominent manufacturer, W. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C.. re ntes a moft remarkable experience. He says : "After takiug less than three b -tiles of E'ectrie Bitters, I feel liku one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, f>r it has already stopped the liver and blad der complications which have troubled me for years." Guaran teed at all druggists. Price only 500. NOTICE ! FOURTH AND LAST CALL FOR TAXES FOR 1906 I will meet the people of Stokes County for the purpose of collect ing their taxes for the year 1905, at the following times and places, to wit : Wilson's Store, Friday March 1, 1907 (rerinanton, St " 2. " Dia.bury, Mori " 4, " Sandy Ruige, (.) E *">h -It n'& ' ) I net. ' 5,- " W. E. Willis' Store, Wed. ' (5, " Diliard, - Thurs. " 7, " Pine Hall, Friday " 8, " Walnut Cove, Sat. " 9, " Lawsonville, Mon. " 11, " Francisco, Tues. " 12, " Vade Mecum, Wed. " 13, " ,1. M. Mitchell's Store, Thurs. " 14, " Pinnacle, Friday " 15, " King, Sat. " 16, " Allen & Tuttle's Store, Mon, " 18, " Capella, Tues. " 19, " The law only requires me to mako two rounds for the collection of the taxes, one in O.itober and th#j other in March, and then to go to only one place in each Township. This will be my fourth round, and I have gone to several places in a township each time, in most of the township#. I have tried to give the people ample opportunity to pay their taxes, with as little inconvenience to them as I possibly could. They are earnestly requested to meet me at the above times and places, and pay their taxes promptly. This will be my last round, and the taxes are .iceded to moet the current expenses of the County, the Schools, and to pay the taxes due the State. The State Treasurer is urging the Sheriffs in the State to pay the Stat" taxes as early as pos sible. The school teachers will soon want their money, and the cur rent expenses of the County must be met. The first installment of the Court House and Jail building bonds will be due April the 4th, 1907, and will have to be met. The tax payers can see the necessity for payment, and it is certainly to their interest to pay them without cost. It is not, by any means, my desire to put the people to any cost, but as I am oharged with the duty of collecting and settling the taxes, I must discharge my duty, and if the people do not pay, and are put to cost, they must not blame me. This the 13th day of February, 1907. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff Stokes County. Items From Smith. Smith, Feb. 19. —Most every body in this vicinity has lagrippe. Farmers are burning plant land pnfeparing for another tobacco crop. Hattie Shelton, of Stuart, Va., is vfsiting her cousin Mrs. Ei 0. Sheppard this week. •/Miss Rachel Moore is expecting to go to Mount Airy this week on a visit. Mrs E. C Sheppard and Misses flattie Shelt..n and Alice Martin spent Suudaj with Miss Jennie Sheppard. I/Misses Bessie and Erie Moore visited Misses Sadie and Mary Pringle Sunday. BLUE EYES. I urn still at my old place of business and have a larger stock of goods than ever before. I wish to thank my many customers all over the county for their past liberal patronage. I shall buy goods in larger quantities than ever this yoar, and shall use every effort to iny friends the advantage of the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to come and see me when in Walnut Cove, and I will assure you that you will get your money's worth every time you trade with me. Yours for business, J. B WOODRUFF. "A word to the wise is suffi cient." Don't notice what you hear, but come and see for your self if J, B Woodruff doesn't sell you goods cheaper than any man in the county. How does Woodruff sell goods so cheap ? He buys in large quan tities for cash and sells for cash, and does his work himself. A VALUABLE LESSON. "Six years ago I learned a val uable lesßon," writes John Plens nnt. (it .Magnolia, Ind. "I then be gan taking l)r Kick's New Life 'ills, and lh* I -nger I lake them the better I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at all druggists, 25c. Does Not Color Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new Improved formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does stop falling hair. No question about that. withwioh bottl* jfM J Show it to jour /xuers Indeed, we believe it will stop every case of falling hair unless there is some very unusual complication, something greatly affecting the general health. Then you should consuTtyourphysician. Also ask him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor. Made by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mm. HERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Chcwers becoming tired of heavily Ppß REYNOLDJV SUN r longer standing the place as favorite .. ih sun cured chewers, because it covins iust enough proper sweetening and 11:- WSmm voring to preserve the quality of the leJif increase in the demand for sun cured rmmM REYNOLDS' MMI SUN CURED |p^N|MPMq| ' s noton, yp ure sun curt ,L ' s rom choice selections of the gen uine ' || cured tobacco grows. It is liko H P cr pound, and is sold at 50c. per pound H in c * cuts; strictl y l° c - plugs, and is the |j best value in sun cured tobacco that can R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN 6, 1907 \ Dally ! Dnilv Ex. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. ! P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 2:."»0 7::i0 Lv. Wlnst'n \r 2.00 10.00 3:28 8:18 " Wal. Cove " 1:21 0:20 5.00 9:50 " Marti»s. " 11:45 7:40 7:25 12:30 Ar Konn»ke Lv 0:20 5:15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WESTBOUND—I.EAVK KOAKOKE DAII.Y. 5.00 a m—For Ka.nt Radford, Bluetleld, Taze-! well and Norton, Pullman Sleeper to I Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. G Of) a m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski, principal station*, Brintol and the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or leans and Memphis. Cafe car 4:36 p m—The St. Lou in Kx press. for Hluetleld, Pocahontas, Kenovu. Clnci- ( nnattl, IndlanojH)liH, St. Lonifl. Kansas *ltv, i Columbus and Chicago, l'ullman Butl'et Sleepers JBoanoke to Columbus and Bluetield to Clucinanti. Cafe c*r 4:4 r » p m— For Bluetietdaud intermediate sta tiOtlH. 4:M p m-Daily F-»r Bristol and intermediate stations. Knoxville. Chattanooga and points South. Pull man Sleeper »o Knoxville. '♦•3o a m—For Bristol i»i«' lotermediafe xt ,ti.» m- Blliofleld. v ort.it v.. v-HTH «n* 1.30 pm —For Petersburg. iii- hmo •! and Nor folk. Pullman Buffet • arlor "»r to Norfolk. 1:40 p m—For H«j.'e»>tow n. Plula • dclphia and New York via llxguratown and ' HarrNbnrc. Pullni in Sleeper to New York. 7:15 p n»- For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to PhilHdelphia. 12 50 a m—For lli« rhiumdaud Norfolk. Pullman ; Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Kirhmond. j l:ol a m—(Washington ami (Chattanooga Mm- , ited). For Washington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg Pullman Sleepers to ' Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 6:45 a tu— For /aucltin: eg, IVt»M>b:irg. Richmond and \mi folk* 7:45 p ill--Dally. For Lynrhbnr./ f 1- man Bleeper for /fichmond. DURHAM DIV siON. Leave Lynchburg (Union Mat ion) daily except Sunday 3:00 a. in, and daily 4:15 pm for tfoutli Ibston a;.d Durham and intermediate stations. For all additional informati i.i apply to ticket officer, or to W. B. BKVILL. M. F. BRAGG, Gen'l Pass. Acent. Trav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKE, VA. The Sanitarium Winston=Sa!cm To the well Informed It la now a fact that there are no remedies so effective as the X-ray. Finson light and Minnen's violet inthetreat mentof cancer, eczema, lupus, acne, indolent ulcers and all other forms of skin diseases. F«>r rheumatism, gout, sprains, kidney anil blood diseases in general no treatment is so effective as that where elimination is produced through the skh (sweating) This is accomplished li.v means of the hot air and electric light baths. As ,a I blcod builder, a llesli producer, a cure for bronchitis, cliroidc coughs.! catarrh f the rose and throat, amll general tonic, the inhalation of ozone from a modern apparatus lias effected mofh cures I hull my other tne'liod Fop the cure of ncut asthenia, nervous ex liaus ii p, i fl«i ilisi.rdeis, paralysis, neu- i raliji.i, ec„ tlie vibratory massage uuil stHii.i curpei.t of elect ricity a • tin- bs> lly mPiius of other modern electric il ap pli.i ims, we cure all form of gastric and in testinal indigestion, constipation, dilation I anil atony of the stomach ami bowels, functional disturbances of tlie liver, va ricocele, cydsoceie, strictuie, hemorrhoids! (piles), etc., remove superfluous hairs, ; moles, w irt*, birtbm ii fcs, etc. We coidially ii vlte you to vijit the Saii itat.um or wiite fcr discriptive booklet. DR. T. M.COPPfiE (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. -*- v . . '.. f*s ■- -*>:«■ -;.:WV *•-, ■' K- ■•>: "■•• : ¥'-"■•. ' j " ' ''* YES! GRAPE TOBACCO I is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs K3 0 made to imitate CRAPE, and they are all imitations- IB because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and H JS| we hve been buying and manufacturing it for over tifty years. Ps .E E BY A F! RH THAT VLSQ\7S HOW y T:.i'tSTX-i Tc';ar 3 Co., Riehir.fnfl, Ya • vsoL. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior court of Stokes county render ed hi the special proceedings entitled "Ruth MeAnally, 11. P. McAnalJy et nl vs. EatelleSledge et al," appoint ing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter de scribed lands, I will on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1907, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Danbury, N. C., the following described lands to-wit: Beginning at a poplar formerly Mar tin's corner runs south 85% degrees east mostly on l)r J W Neal's line 21.75 chains to pointers Estelle Sledge's corner; north :t deg. east on her line 40 chains to pointers her corner; north s.">% (leg. west 15 chs. to pointers in what was formerly Davis'line; south 3 (leg. west 24.72 elms, to pointers, Martin's former corner, north N~>% (leg. west 75 elms, to a maple, Martin's former corner, south:! deg. west 14.5 chns. to the beginning, containing 08 acres more or less. This laud adjoins the lands of Estelle Hedge, Dr. .1. W. Neal and others and is well watered and tim bered and is excellent land. Sale sub ject to confirmation of the court. This 23rd (lav of Jan., 1007. J. 1). HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. LAM) SALE. Isy virtue of n deed in trust execu ted to me on the sth day of August, 1905, by .1. It. Shelton, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county in book 45. page 398, to satisfy the payment of the notes therein recited, and default having been made In the payment of said notes and the holder thereof having applied to me to sell the land conveyed in said trust deed, to satis fy the same 1 will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the premises of said land in Saura town township, more fully described as follows: Beginning at double black oak runs south 18—50 to poin ters; thence west 40—38 to a stake In Tuttle's line; thence north IS—SO to a white oak, Tuttle's corner; thence east 49—38 to the beginning contain ing Hi 35-100 acres, more or less. Im provements on said laud are» tobac co barns, pack house and basement, 1 feed barn, 1 three room tenement house and other out houses. Also a good orchard. See deed in Regis ters office of Stokes county. Date of sale:—Friday, February 22, 1907, at 1 o'clock. This Jan. 22, 1906. J. L. MITCHELL, Trustee. "increase _/""S Per The BEST of everytliine 11; ■ and thi (TMtwt quantities of every j growing tiling can readily bo pro- || 1 dueed with the liberal useof Virgin ia- !3 ■ Carolina Fertilisers, together with i* careful oultivuu..ll. Theniitti"i:i «of J w lilclitl'cyaru ma le, cause tiiom to en- EJ i' J rich tlio lalfd, and the plants toe .J i up rapidly ami more proline. Use - Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers ;j cn your fruits and fruit-trees jjT ) ■" of all kinds, eorn, wheat and 23* d w nil truck;] For, at harvest H 8 time, you will have the largest A® Jj ■ (for these will "increase your JK J j -\ 9 yield per acre") and finest' 9 M crops you evor raised in all M rj ■ your farm life. Don't,buy the H ,1 J inferior substitute that any U ■ fertilizeragontmaytry to per- B SMade you to put on your land. lM| j 2 VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., ujl jd I Richmond, ?»., Norfolk, Vv, Durham, 5. C., II! B i ■ S. C. f JUltimor*, Md„ Atlanta, 1 I Gt., SartnniK Ga., Montgomery, Ate., Lj ■ Mfmnfc'f, Ttnn., Shrevepnrt, L*. *"7,!?!""" fl HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggeia A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, A specific for Constipation. Indigestion, T,!ver and Kidney troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels. Heudiu 10 and Backache. Its Kocky Mountain Tea in tab* let form. 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollxstbb Dkuo COMPANY, Mad'son, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE HELP IS OFFERE D TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOrLS We earnestly request ail young persons, no mat: r how limited their means or education, v. ho wish . -> obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion. to write by first mail for our great half-rt i« offer. Success, independence and proJwibl f rtur.o are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. | The Ga.~Ala. Business College, Macon, Gs