•••••••••••••••••••• • • 9 9 i 1 • SEE OUR SHOWING OF • • New $ S spring I S Hats. * 9 f • BOTH SOFT AND STIFF HATS, • J JUST THE KIND YOU WILL X • ADMIRE. • i • • Your Hatters, # § N. L. CRANFORD & CO., § m m One Price Clothiers, £ | Winston, N. C. J tt9§O#MMt#9#oMo9f Sale Of Land. North Car., Forsyth County, Nil-; perl or Court before the Clerk. Iti re Sarah A. Moore, Caroline Catherine Ryan, and her husband, James Kyan, Mary Etta Barton, and her husband. Pleasant ex llarton. Edmund Moore, parte. A ugusta Moore, Robert Church, Eugene Church, Alice Chltty, Wachovia Loan & Trust Company, guardian of Robt. Church and Eugene Church and Alice Chltty. By virtue of an order In the above- j entitled cause signed by It. E. Tran sou, Clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth county, on Dec. 8, 1906, I will sell at the court house door of Stokes county at Danbury, N. C., on j Monday, April Ist, KM)", at 12 o'clock M., at public auction to the highest j bidder for cash the following des cribed tract or lot of land, to-wlt: Lying and being in Stokes county. ! state aforesaid, on the waters of j Snow Creek and bounded as follows: Beginning at pointers, ttie southeast corner of tract No. !t (In the parti-1 tion of the Wilkins' tract) in Pear- j son's line, running south on Ids line i 17 c hains to pointers. Baker Martin's j corner, west on ids line chains to j a maple, corner of No. 4, thence j north on that line 17 chains to poln-! tors, thence east on the line of No. :S, j :tt chains to the beginning, contain- j lug (iti acres more or less. The said tract licing lot No. ."> In the partition of the Innds of the late Thomas Wil kins which was signed bp the com-1 missloners to Mary J. Moore, lying i on tiie southeast corner of the said i Wilkins tract. Such sale being made for partition | of the estate of the late Mary J. . :LL. I doner. f Fran y. Mr. ;bing in winter. I ust As Good" gard to my CHATTANOOGA PLOWS. I am selling three Dixie Points for 25 cents. lam headquarters lor Roofing, Nails, Doors and Sash, Cook Stoves, Harness, Paints and Oils. ALBERT S. MITCHELL WALNUT COVE, N. C. | State of North Car.,) In the Superior | Stokes County, j Court, Spring Term, 1907. Or der and Notice to non-resident defendant. W. J. Johnson, plaintiff, vs. Mary Johnson, defendant. In the above entitled action it ap pearing to the court upon affidavit filed that the defendant, Mary John son, is a non-resident of the state of | North Carolina and after due dll j igence cannot be found therein and | cannot be personally served with process and is a necessary party to this action, the same being an action : for divorce from the bonds of mat rimony. It is therefore ordered by : the court that publication of notice lie made for four successive weeks In i the Danbury Reporter, a newspaper published in the town of Danbury, j Stokes county, N. ('., notifying the defendant, Mary Johnson, that an ! fiction as above entitled has been in j stituted against her in the Superior I Court of Stokes County, N. C., for | the purpose of the plaintiff securing !an absolute divorce from the de i fendant and a couiple:e dissolution of the lionris of ma trillion; heretofore existing be tween him and the defendant, .Vary John son, and requiring her to answer before the .Judge of our Superior Court, a court jto be held for the county of .Stores at the | oorrt house in Danbury oil the ninth Monday after the first .Vonday in J/arch, : 100", ami answer the complaint which will lie deposited in the office of the Clerk of the superior Court of said county withis j the first three days of the lenn and let the ' said defendant take notice that if she fail 'to answer the said complaint within that j term the plaintiff will apply to the court | for the relief demanded in the complaint ; and the costs of this action to be taxed by the Clerk. Given under my hand and seal of said county on this the 27th day of Sep tember, 1000. if. T. CHILTON, Clerfc of the Superior Court. j J. I). Humphreys, Atly. for plff. rlirirW Kcrfiilkfesternß.il SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 6, ISK)7 Daily Dally Ex. Sun. Dally Ex. Sun. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 2:50 7::t0 J.v. Winston Ar 2.00 lO.(K) !i:2N 8:13 " Wal.Oove " 1:21 i): 20 5.00 9:50 " Martli H. " 11:45 7:49 7:2."> 12::!0 Ar Kouii"kt> Lv 9:20 5:1") P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WKSTBOUND-LKAVE HOANOKK I>AII,Y. s.oi a m—For East Uadl'ord, Bluetleld, Taze well Rntl Norton, Pullman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. 5.00 ti ni (Washington ami Chattanooga Limited) Tor Pulaski. principal stations, Bristol and tlie South. Pullman Sleeper* to New Or | lean* and Memphiii. Cate car j 4:3.5 p m—The St. Lou In Kxpre.H«, for HlueHeld, PocahontaM, Kenova, Cinci nnati, IndianopolU. St. Loula, Kaunas Cltv, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Buffet I SleeiicrM Aoanoke to Columbus and Bluetleld i to Cim-.inanti. Cafe cur 4:45 p m— For Bluefieldand intermediate sta -1 tlons. I 4:5% p m—Daily. For Bristol and Intermediate stations, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga and points* South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxvllle. | 9:30 a m—For Bristol and intermediate stationn. Bluetleld, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH ANI) KA ST BOUND. 1 :t0 p m —For Petersburg. Kh-hmond and Nor folic. Pullman UutFet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 1:40 i> m—For W-ihliington, Pliila • delphia and New York via Tlagerntown and Harrixburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York, j 7:45 p m—I 4 or Hagerntown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. , 12:50 a m—For Richmond and Norfolk Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond I 1:01 am—(Washington and Chattanooga Ltm I itedl. For Wellington, Philadelphiasml Xew ■ York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleeper* to ! Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 0:45 a iu—For Lynchburg, Petersburg, j Hichtnotid and Norfolk* 7:45 p nt—Daily. For Lynchburg. Pull man Sleeper for Richmond. DUIUIAM IHV iSION. j Leave Lynchburg (Union Station) daily j except Sunday 3:00 a. ui, ami daily 4:15 pm for South Boston and Durham and intermediate stations. ■ For all additional information apply t> ! ticket officer, or to W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG, Gen'l Pass. Auent, 7Yav. Pass. Agent HOANOKK, VA. KILL the COUCH *ND CURE VHI LUNGS "Dr. King's New Discovery /CONSUMPTION Prie# FOR I OUGHB and 60c *sl.oo j|' u " ISOLDS Fret Trial. ' Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TBOUB- j ! LBS, or MONEY BACK. i'i iii ■■■■■■——m W HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request all young persona, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and Rood posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate jffef. Success, independence and probable furtune nrc guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. IHo Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon. Ga. MR. KITCHEN ON COMBINE. "Much Ado About Nothing" Says Congressman and Gubernatorial Candidate—"A Fabrication Out Of the Whole Cloth." Durham, March 13. —Congress- man Kitohin was asked about the agitation of the "Fifth District 1 Combine" and he said that it was "much ado about nothing." It is a fabrication out of the whole cloth," he replied, and has m foundation for truth in so far as he is concerned or so far as he has any information regarding others. Reviewing the charge he said that it was first made last fall in the Industrial News but that he did not notice it until Democratic papers had given the story space. Then he denied the charge and, in a oard, said that he was not in any combine of any kind and knew nothing of a combine. This charge said that he was going to be a candidate for Governor, Solioitor Brooks for Congress, Briggs for judge, Parker for Solicitor and the same source of information said that Craig was to be put in the field to defeat Overman for the Senate, and Justice would get the speakership. Notice 1 Having duly «iuallft'l aa executor of the last will and testament of It. B. Smith, deed., notice In hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to mo for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the UKth day of March, 1908, or thin notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. This the 1(5 day of March, 1907. JAMES W. MOSER, Executor of It. IS. Smith. King R. F. I). No. 1. N. O. Petree, Atty. for executor. State of North Car., Jin the Superior Stokes County.} Court, Spring term 1907. Order and notice to non-resident de fendant. Jacob Bullin, plaintiff, vs. Cornelia A. Bullin, defendant. In the above entitled action It ap pearing to the court upon affidavit tiled herein that the defendant Corne | lia A. Bullin is a non-resident of the state of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot lie found therein and cannot be personally served with process a 1 is a necessary party to tills action the same being an action for divorce from the bonis of mat rimony. It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of notice be made for 4 successive weeks in the : Danbury Reporter, a newspajier published in the town of Danbury, Stokes county, N. C., notifying the defendant, Cornelia A. Bullin, that an action as above entitled has been instituted against her in the Supe rior Court of Stokes Cou' ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of the plain tiff securing an absolute divorce from the defendant and a complete disso lution of tiie bonds of matrimony heretofore existing liet ween the plain tiff ami the defendant, Cornelia A. IlullJ'i, and requiring her to appear before the Judge of our uperlor Court, at ft court to lie held for the county of Stokes at. the court house in Danbury, on the ninth Monday after the first Monday In March, 1907. and answer or demur to the com plaint which will lie deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that If she fail to answer or demur to said complaint within that term the plaintiff will apply t > the Court f-r relief demanded in the complaint and the costs of tills action to lie taxed by the Clerk. Given under my hand a-'d seal of said County on this the 15th day of Dec., 1900. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of the s uperlor Court. J. 1). Humphreys, Atty. for plff. NOTICE. Having duly qualified is admin istratrix of the estate of P. O. Bennett, deed., no!ice is hereby given to all persons holding claims Against the said estate to present them to me, duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the Ist j dny of March, l l .K)8, or this notice : will be pleaded in bar of their re covery, and all parsons indebted ! to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. This Feb. 2f>, 1907. JENNIE BENNETT, Admx. of P. O. Bennett, deed. N. O. Petree, Atty. for admx NOTICE. Having this day duly quallMed as administratrix of the estate of Geo. 1). Isom, deed., notice Is hereby given to all itersou* holding claims against said estate to present them to me duly authenticated tor payment on or before the first day of March, 190 K. or tills notice will lie pleaded lu liar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate settlement of the same. This Feb. 21, 1907 HESSIE E. ISOM, Admx. of (Jen. D. Isom, deed. Meadows, Stokes county, N. C. J. D- Humphreys, Atty. for Admx. | SAVE | X IT'S EASY ! Merely a matter of spend- 2 X ing less than you earn. Keeps growing eas- X • ier, too. Becomes surprising after you have # X practiced it a while. People fall into the habit 2 0 of spending thoughtlessly, and imagine they # 1 4 PER CENT | Z Interest on Savings. Why not open an ac- X • count TODAY. • Piedmont Savings Bank, • L Corner Liberty and Fifth Streets, J WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 5 —ac ooaececeecofci f? The GORRELLS of farmcrs Warehouse WINSTON, N.C. Want to sell your tobacco. They will give yon n square deal on every sale, and will always get you the biggest prices for your tobacco. January, 1907 : Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. February, 1907 : Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. March, 1907 : Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. \E. W. O'NANLON £ WINSTON-SALEM'S C Leading Druggist. > / Largest and best conducted ( \ Drug business in the State. / Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when # you are at Winston. Glad to £ \ serve you in any way. # x O'Hanlon's is THE Place, x WATKINS & EAST WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commis= sion Merchants and Brokers. The farmers of Stokes County will find the store of Watkins & East headquarters for feedstuffs of all kinds, chop, shipstuff, corn, bran, hay, meal, flour, etc. Prices guaranteed to be the lowest. Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy ing their goods from us. We represent several of the largest wholesale houses in the South, and are prepared to meet all competition. E Seals id Oofs' (lottiin? 1 We are now receiving our fall line of goods. If you want j H the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pantg, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, for both Men B at, d B°y 8 > don't forget to call on us. We make the lowest I ■ prices possible. When in town coiue in and see for your- H self. IL. J. Lackeg &Co I MADISON, N. C.