: SPRING THINGS. I You read about Spring, hear about Spring, see Spring and feel .Spring. Spring is apparent everywhere and Spring wear- j ables blossom forth on every side. , • SWELL SPRING SUITS • • $7.50 to $25.00 # f CHOICE SPRING TROUSERS 2 Z From $3.00 Up £ • CORRECT SPRING HATS • I • SI.OO to $3.00 • Handsome Spring Haberdashery of all sorts, right from the best and most reputable makers. There are many new kinks in the cut of Spring Garments and and it would be a wise thing to drop in and see what's new, be fore you fully decide just what you'll wear this Spring. Always at your service, you know, • N. L. CRANFORD & CO., | 2 One Price Clothiers, £ J Winston, IN. C. • Sale Of Land. North Car., Forsyth County, Su perior Court before the Clttk. In re Sarah A. Moore, Caroline Catherine Ryan, and iter husband. .Jnines Kyan, Mary Etta Barton, and her husband, Pleasant ex- Barton. Edmund Moore, parte, j Augusta Moore, Robert Church, Eugene Church, Alice Chitty, Wachovia Loan & Trust Company, guardian of Hobt. Church and Eugene Church and Alice Chitty. By virtue of an order in the above entitled cause signed by It. E. Tran- HOU. Clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth county, on Dec. #, 1906, I will sell at the court house door of Stokes county at Danbury, N. C , on Monday, April Ist, I!*> 7, at 12 o'clock M.. at public auction-to the highest bidder for cash the following des cribed tract or lot of land, to-wit: Lying and being in Stokes county, state aforesaid. 011 the -waters of Snow Creek and bounded as follows: Beginning at pointers, the southeast corner of tract No. (in tlie parti tion of the Wiikins' tract) in Pear- HMHI'S NNE, runniiiH; south on his line 17 chains to pointers, Baker Martin's corner, west on his liuelKt chains to a maple, corner of No. 4, thence north on that line 17 chains to poin ■ " tors, thence cant on the line of No. 3,, chains to the beginning, contain ing iHi acres more or less. The said tract Ming lot No. 5 in the partition of the lands of the late Thomas W il kins which was signed bp the com missioners to Mary J. Moore, lying on the southeast corner of the said W ilk Ins tract. Such sale being made for partition of the estate of the late Mary J Moore among the heirs. Tills Jan. «t, IW7. GEOROE P. PELL, (Commissioner, j Land Sale. By virt fH' of 11 decree of tlu> Supe rior Court of Stokes county rendered | lu tlie Spirinl Proceeding entitled I "J. R. Martin et al VB. Geo. F. Ma r- 1 tin et al' appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale t»f the hereinafter described lands. I will on Monday, May (I, l'.H)7, at the Court House door in the town of Ihinbury, N. G'., sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash the follow ing described lands, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and l>ein>j in the coun ty of Stokes and State of North Car olina on the waters of Peter's Creek, adjoining the lands of B. F. Prlddy,: Alexander Rogers, Jno. It. Uhodes, Henderson Pridd.v. and G M. Joyce, and containing 50 acres more or less, and it t>ciug the tract of land upon j which Klinaltcth Martin resided at the time of her death, and where upon at her death descended to her heirs at law anl children who are the parties to this proceeding. The land is sold for division and the sale 1 is subject to the confirmation of the court. Bidding will start at i This is a splendid tract of land ; it is well watered, timbered with the very liest timber, contains good bot tom land and meadow and is strong land. This March 2."), 1!MI7. .1. 1). HCMPHREYS, Commissioner. Notice I Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of It. 15. Smith, deed., notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims said estate to present them to me for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 2Xth day of March. ISKW, or this notice will lie •leaded in bar of their recovery. All HUDOIIS indebted to said estate are •equested to make Immediate pay nent. This the I> day of March, l!K>7. JAMES \Y. MOSER, Executor of R. Is. Smith. King R. F. I). No. 1 V. () I'etree, Atty. for executor. NOTICE. Having duly qualified is admin-1 istratrix of the estate of P. 0.1 Bennett., deed., notice is hereby , tgiven to all persons holding claims against The said estate' to present them to me, duly authenticated, j for payment, on or before the Ist day of March, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- j oovery, and all persons indebted to Baid estate are hereby requested ta make immediate payment. This Feb. 26,1907. JENNIE BENNETT, Admx. of P. O. Bennett, deed, tf. O. Petree, Atty. for «>dm*. I M-inrW Norfolk-Western RR. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. C>, 1 ( .K)7 Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Dailv Kx. Sun. I'. M. A. M. I>! M. I'. M. 7::{(> 1., v. Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 :t:2S N:l:i •• Wal. Cove " 1:21 9:20 r.,00 0:50 "Mart is. " 11:45 7:10 7:25 12:H0 Ar Hoan"ke Lv 9:20 5:15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P. M. WESTBOUND—I.KAVK KOANOKE I.AILV. r iWa m-For Raat Itadford, Bluetield, Taee well anl Norton, Pullman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. i! 00 a in ( WftHhhigton and Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski, principal station*, Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleeperx to New Or le ins and Memphis. Cafe car ft.36 p m—The St. IjOulh Kxpre**,«»- for Hluetleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Cinci nnatti, Indianopolln, St. Kannan City, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Buffet ; Sleepers Aoanoke to Columbus and Bluetield ( to Cfncinantl. Cafe c*r 4:45 p m— For BluetleUland intermediate sta tlons. p m—Dally. For Bristol and %itermediate 1 stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and point* South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxviile. 0:30 a m—For Bristol aud intermediate stations. Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Slfeper to Welch SOUTH AND KASTBOUND. 1 30 p m—For Petersburg, Richmond and Nor folk. Pullman Buffet arlor Car to Norfolk. 1:40 it m—For Washington, Hagerstown, Phila delphia and New York via Tlagerstown and Harrisburt;. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:45 i» m—For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 12.50 a m—For Kichm->nd and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Kiehmoud 1:01 a m—(Washington ami Chattanooga Lim ited). For Washington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 0:45 a ru—For Lynchburg, Petersburg Kiehmoud and Norfolk* 7:4} pm—Daily. For Lynchburg Hull man Sleeper for /fichtnond. DURHAM /)IV SION. Leave Lynclibnrg (Union Station) d.ill\ except Sunday 3:00 a. in, and diily 4:15 pm for South Boston and Durham and intermediate stations. For all additional information apply t» ticket officer, or to W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BKAGU,- Gen'l Pats. Agent. 7Vav. Pass. Agent BOANOKE, VA. KILLTH. COUCH MP CURE TH» LUNCB "Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /Consumption jphm " FOR | OUGHS and 50c lift. oo \>OLDS Free Trial, j Surest and Quickest Cure for all | THROAT and LTTMO TB.OUB- • LES, or MONEY BACK. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOVNG PEOPLE We earnestly request all young persona, no matter bow limited their meana or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and gnnd posi tion. to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Bucr«i*. independence and probable fortune »ro guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today, /he C».-Ala. Btulneci Cmlltgt, Nam, fit. STOP BUYING DAISY MIDDLINGS. { A Correspondent Urges Farmers To | Make their Supplies at Home. Germanton Route 1, Maroh 25. Mr. Editor : * Please allow me a space in your valuable paper for a few words. I want to say something in re gard to the farmers in this section of the country. There are nine out of every ten of the farmers buying flour aud daisy middlings. Brothers, you have got to do better than that. If you don't, another short crop of tobacco will put you all in the public works. It used to be that just a few renters bought such stuff, but now land holders and all buy it. Brother farmers, I know you can do better by experience. I have been farming 31 years, and a renter about 12 years myself. I have raised a large family of child ren and am now up in the fifties. I have bought one sack of daisy middlings in my life. I have bought 200 pounds of flopr, may be, and 200 pounds of bacon. The year before I was married I bought two barrels of corn and paid one dollar a bushel for it. I made corn enough out of that the next year for me and my wife and had some to sell, and have been making plenty ever since and to sell. If it comes a wet day the road is full of wagons going after "chop," and if they fail that day, they will keep going till they get it. They will lose two or three days going after it, and they lose time enough to clean up creek bottoms that would make more corn than a half dozen sacks of daisy middlings would be worth. Farmers, stay at home next wet spell and clean up briar thickets, hedges, etc., and next year we will need no daisy middlings. Next fall when you cut a barn of tobac co let your wife cure it and you go and pull old Bill some fodder. The tobacco will bring 7 or 8 cents anyway, and if you don't pull him some fodder, he will be so poor he can't shake his tail. Just think about it, farmer friend, three or four years back two or three stores supplied the neighborhood, and now there are three to one—all making a living otf of the farmer, and we could make our own stutf if we would try. I want to say something about young inen in my neighborhood. It takes more money to run one of them than it used to take for me to ma|fe a crop on. I don't know what a young girl promise herself to take one of them for. All the boys think about is hiring horses and buggies, and taking train rides. J know it to be a fact, for I can see it right at home. PLOUGH BOY. DOING "BUSINESS AGAIN. "When my friends thought I was about to leave of this world, on account of indigestion, nerv ousness and general debility," writes A. A. Cbisliolin, Treadwell, N. Y , and when it looked as if there was no hope left, I was per suaded to try Electrid Bitters, and I rejoice to say that they are cur ing me. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gain ing daily." Bast tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by all drug gists. 50c. Land For Sale In Southeast Mis souri. x 8000 acres timbered land at from 12.00 to SIO.OO per acre; 2,0 "0 acres of farm land at from $5.00 to $20.00 per acre. Good climate, good railroad facilities ; from 8 to 10 months public school each year. > If you to bfty, nddiess H. F. HUTCHENS, Ellsinore, Mo. Mch 7—3 mo NOTICE. Having: this day duly qualified a* administratrix of tlie estate of Geo. I). Isoin, deed., notice is hereby given to all persons holding claimsagaloHt wild estate to present them to me duly authenticated (or payment on or before the first day of March, 1908, or this notice will !>e pleaded In bar of their recovery. All ]>ersons In 'ilebted to said entflte are requested to make Immediate settlement of the same. This Feb. 21,1907 H ESSIE E. ISOM, Admx. of Geo. I). Isoiu, deed. Meadows, Stokes county, N. C. J. 1). Humphreys, Atty. for Arim*. [""SAVE I # IT'S EASY ! Merely a matter of spend- X X ing less than you earn. Keeps growing eas- X # ler, too. Becomes surprising after you have # X practiced it a while. People fall into the habit X # of spending thoughtlessly, and imagine they # X can't save. We pay X 14 PER CENT | Interest on Savings. Why not open an ac- X count TODAY. * , Piedmont Savings Bank, S X Corner Liberty and Fifth Streets, 2 # WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. X {E!WT^ANION y WINSTON-SALEM'S V Leading Druggist. / / Largest and best conducted C y Druy business in the State. / j Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when # # you are at Winston. Qlad to \ j serve you in any way. # 5 O'Hanlon's is THE Place. \ WATKINS & EAST WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commis= sion Merchants and Brokers. Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy ing their goods from us. We represent several of the largest wholesale houses in the South, and are prepared to meet all competition. 9 I Ms id Boys' Odin'? We are now receiving onr full line of goods. If you want ;| the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, : Underwear, Neckwear, Trutikn and Valises, for l»otli Men *1 and Boys, don't forget to call on us. VVe make the lowest \ prices possible. When in town come in and see for your- I self. IL. J. Lackey &Co MADISON, N. C. -•r j ? Not " Just As Good ' l But none as good. It's my honest conviction in re gard to my CHATTANOOGA PLOWS. I am selling three Dixie Points for 25 cents. lam headquarters for Roofing, Nails, Doors and Sash, Cook Stoves, Harness, Paints and Oils. § ALBERT S. MITCHELL^ WALNUT COVE,. N. C,