SOME FRANCISCO NEWS. A New Saw Mill For Brown Mt.— Farmers to Plant Big Tobacco Crops—Other News. Francisco, Apfril B.—Rev. R. W. George will put in a new saw mill in Brown Mountain soon. A mill is much needed in that country. Mr. Elijah Beasley will finish his new store house and put in a Btock of goods this spring. Mumps and whooping-cough are raging in this vicinity. Much to the disappointment of the people of this section on the last two Sundays it was raining and there was no preaching at Big Creek. There was to have been preaching there both Sundays. Mrs. Dr. S. A. Moir, who has been sick some time, does not im prove much. Mrs T. C. Hill is very sick with consumption. Mrs. Ab. George is also ill with the same disease. Dr. S. A. Moir has purchased a fine saddle horse. The farmers are preparing for a large crop of tobacco in this sec tion, but the flies are destroying lots of tobacco plants. Wheat is looking well. People in this section have sown more grass seed this spring than usual. W. Sunday School Organized At Union Hill. Germanton Route 1, April 1. — We organized a Sunday School at Union Hill M. E. church the first Sunday in April. If nothing pre venters we expect to have another g lod school and we trust we will have a good attendance. Now people come to Sunday School. I'm sure you will never regret going out to the school ev ery Sunday, you will never lose anything by it, but go hoping to receive something that will do you good here and in the world to come. Now parents if you can, come out to the school and bring your children .with you, train up your children in the way you would have them to go, and wheu they get old they will not depart from it. We have always had a glorious Sunday School at Union Hill, and we hope to have better this time than ever before, and we will be glad if everybody will come out, old and young. People never get too old to go to Sunday School. Now dear people come out and 1 its join together and all take a pirt and have a good school which may be long remembered. Sunday School is something we should not neglect. It is one of the great est places on earth to spend the sabbath "for we should remember the sabbath to keep it holy." S. S. GIRL. W Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. V Certain relief and usually complete recovery Q •9 1 will result from the following treatment: 5j Q Hope, rest, fresh air, and— SCOll'J> O Emulsion. 1 ALL DRUGGISTS! 60c. AND SI.OO. Jiil I Notice Of Trustee's Sale In Bankruptcy. As Trustee in Bankruptcy of T. W. llyl ton, Bankrupt, by authority of the Bank rupt Court, I will sell for cash at pu.die sale at the following time 3 and places the property of the said" Bankrupt, as follows : At. Walnut Cove, N. C., on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1007. at 2 o'clock P. M., the following property towit : Two good lajge-sized mules, two he ivy gray horses about 6 years of a«e and one bay horse about 10 or II years old. Upon the premises of .Miss Nannie .7 Hylton, in Pa'ride comtv, Va , near Ve rana P. 0., on Thursday, April IS, 1007, at 11 o'clock M., the following property, t »wit: One steam sawmill, including en gine, boiler and all necessary fixtures for immediate use, anil located in a tine tim ber country for all kinds of timber, inclu ding oak, pine, poplar, etc. Also all tim her rights to go with the sawmill, also all lumber wagons, carts, etc., and a lot of lumber on the mill yard. At the residence of che said Bi iikr. pt near Campbell. Stokes County, X. C.. on Saturday April 20, UKI7, at 10 o'clock, a. in. All farm ng tools of the said Bankrupt, household and kitchen furniture, some good two horse wagons, one heavy two horse wagon all good as new, new harness, two or tuiee seis, one carriage, one cow and yearling, two hogs, a lot of corn, wh a', oats, etc. Also all oilier property of J The Reidsville Review Wants the Farmers to Build a Warehouse in Rockingham. There is one policy to which the Farmers' Protective Association of this county is committed that promises more than anything else its abundant success in the matter of securing a fair price for tobacco —that of building steam prizeries, this plant is yet in its infancy, but it has already reached the point of demonstrating its ralue in making effective the holding movement. One of these warehouses has been in operation in Danville for about a year and it will make an inter esting report at an early date. Iron-clad agreements wereontered into between the farmers in that community to place their tobacco on storage and not offer it on the the market until a price is reached that meets with the approval of the State branch of the Farmers' Association. Their warehouse is owned wholly by the members of the association, is bonded, and thus the receipts for tobacco be come negotiable paper upon which the holder may secure about one half the market value of the weed atthe time it is stored, and the bal ance when sold. It is said that the farmers who have tobacco in the Danville ware house will average sls" per hun dred for their last crop, while those who sold in the old way re ceived $lO per hundred pounds. It is claimed by members of the association that the plan is sure, ultimately, to give them a power which will place in the hands of the producer the absolute control of his product, and more than that, it will mean before long the in troduction of a sj stem of direct trade between the producer and the manufacturer, the profits that have heretofore gone to the middle man will go where they belong—to the makers of the crop. They say that if intelligently carried out this plan will afford al most immediate results, and as to the future it is pregnant with the farmer's emancipation from every jsort of financial bondage with which he is now oppressed.— | Reidsville Review. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 250. j When you want good goods at the right price, see Jacob Fulton at Walnut Cove. Never has and never will be undersold. Flour and chop are now lower. Ask Harry Davis or J. H. Fulton for prices before you buy, it luay pay you. Our spring line of dry goods and notions will be in this weefc the Bankrupt upon the prem ses other than the slock of good*. Also at the residence of the sait Bsnk rupt near Campbell, X. C., on .Monday, April '22 nd, 1007, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a up-to-date stock of gcods, wares and merchandise consisting of everything kept in a general stock, show cases, etc., and a one iixth undivided Interest in two tracts of land one of which tracts contain* 105 7-18 ores, known is the old "home p!a>'e of U Lac key" and as the late residence of the said /ianki up'. Also a small tiact containing a lit'le ove• 1 acie adjoining the above describsd tract. For full description of thus 1 lan Is to gether with metes and bounds of the same reference is hereunto made to li xifc .Vo 47 page 70 in the office of the Register of Deeds of .S okes county, N C., in adeeil from 11. C. Lackey to T. W. //ylton and others. At the lumber yard known as the G. M. Joyce lumber yard near Campbell, Stokes County, N. C., on Tuesday, April 215, 1007, at 10 o'clock a. m., a large lot of oak, pine and popular lumber consisting of several thousand feet and on same day, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the lumber yard known as the J. \V. Corn lumber yard, a large lot of oak, pine and poplar lumlwr, one engine will be sold at one. ol the last n un»d yards. This April 2nd, 1007, JESSE A. LAVVSOV. Trustee in Bankruptcy of T. W. fly I ton. I*. O. address—Daubury U. F. D. No. 1. ASSESSORS AND LIST-TAKERS. | The Duty of these Important Of ficials As Laid Down in the Code Of North Carolina. As tax-listing and assessing time will soon be here, in order that the duties of the respective boards in each township of Stokes county may be thoroughly understood by the officials themselves as well as by the public, the Reporter prints the law in full as laid down in the Code of North Carolina : The board of commissioners of each county shall at their session held in the month of April, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and every fourth year thereafter, appoint three discreet freeholders in each township, each of whom shall have been a resident and a freeholder in said township for not less than twelve months, who shall be known as the board of list-takers and assessors, and who shall list and assess the real and personal property in said town ship for taxation. The board of list-takers and assessors shall ascer tain the true value in money of all personal property and every tract or parcel of land or other real es tate, with the improvements there on, and assess the same in accord ance with said valuation. Said board of list-takers and assessors shall meet at some place in their respective townships or or before the first Monday in May and elect one of their members chairman and one of their members secre tary. The person elected secretary of the hoard shall be list-taker and and shall receive the lists of all persons subject to taxation. He shall perform all the clerical work required of the board of list-takers and assessors. The board is here by authorized and empowered to administer oaths in all cases neces sary to obtain full and correct in-; formation concerning any taxable j real and personal property in their respective townships so as to se cure a proper assessment of said property. The assesaine*t, when made, shall be in force for four years, or until altered as provided by this chapter by reason of structure improved, erected or de stroyed. Marriage Licenses. Regisier of Deeds Jones has issued licenses the past week for the marriage of tho following' conples : Sterling Jamea to Carrie Lee j Rothrock. Cladie C. Bowles to Pearlie M. Sizemore. Jno. W. Gibson to Mary Lee Coffer. _____ Mr. J. F. Palmer, one of the progressive farmers and good citi zens of Francisco, paid the Re porter a pleasant visit yesterday. Mr. Palmer reports bugs damaging tobacco plants in his section con siderably. He says the cool weath- j er is giving them good appetites to eat. Notice ! The Board of Supervisors of Quaker Gap township, Stokes Cjunty, is hereby called to meet at J. D. George's store on the 27th day of April, 1907, at 10 o'clock, A. M., aud all overseers of public roads in said towship is heryby notified to put their roads in good oonditiou and report the same to said board on the above named date. CURES BLOOD, SKIN DIS EASES, CANCER, GREAT EST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, car buncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec zema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic: Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express |1 per large bottle, 3 bottles for $2.50 or 6 bottles for $5 00. Sample free by writing Blood Ralm Co., At lanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. DEATH OF JULIA BOYLES. Pinnacle, April 5. Mr. Editor : I want to relate to you the death and burial of Julia Boy lea, who died March 27, 1907. She suffered severely for a few days only pre vious to her death. She was born May 4, 1840, and lived to be t>6 years, 10 months and 23 days..She has been a consistent member of Volunteer Primitive Baptist Church for about 38 years. She was very consecrated to herohurch meetings, and would always attend when weather and health would permit. The funeral and burial services were held at her home — the home of her brother, D. F. Boyles, Thursday, March 28, by Elders Gabriel Denny, W. M. Stone and H D. Mickey. Aunt Jnlia leavea two brothers Messrs. C. C. and D F. Boyles and two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Lawson and Mrs. J. A. Gordon, and a host of kindred and friends to mourn their loss ; but our loss, we hope, will be her eternal gain. Aunt Julia has been almost as a mother to me, as she nursed me when I was a child, and alwa>s seemed to care for me and would do anything for me that was in her power. It was very sad news to me when I received a message (I being off in school) from home stating that she was dead. I can only speak for myself and say that I will miss her very much, but hope to meet her in the great be yond where farewell tears are never shed and friends never say goodbye. A very serious accident occurred near Pinnacle on Friday night, March 22, when little Ray Pratt, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pratt, was burned to death while pouring kerosene oil on the fire in order to make a light. The oil can exploded, and when the mother reached the scene her little boy was about wrapped in flames. The child'b This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this Some day they'll get a taste of the real paper so that every chewer has had an Schnapps —they'll realize what enjoyment opportunity to get acquainted with the they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS facts and know that drugs are not used ago-then they'll feel like kicking to produce the cheering quality found m ~ the famous Piedmont country flue-cured themselves. tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 ought to chew. Still there are chcwers n who accept other and cheaper tobaccos cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs, that do not give the same pleuure. sure you get the genuine. K To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ Seven Million boxes toM in put 13 mootb*. ThlS Signature, b°X. 25C. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yon? No Care, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle Is > To Cwt, package at Crow's Stock Hoot, Liver Wfc. clothing was about burned from him and the flesh was burned till a portion of it fell from the bones. The little boy lived untilSnturrlay evening and was conscious until within a few hours of his death. The funeral services were conduct ed at Volunteer on Sunday by Elders W. M. Stone and H D. Mickey. The burial was witness ed by a very large crowd ; and 1 have heard several people say that it was the saddest burial they ever witnessed. 1 think this should be warning to all of us not to use kerosene about the fire. 0. K. BOYLES. Rev. R. W. George Loses $400.00 It is learned that a man named Iniuan, who was in partnership with Rev. R. W. George in the sawmill business in Brown Mt., has left, and that Rev. Mr. George is out about S4OO 00 by his part ner's leaving. A man has to be vory careful with his money these days, it seems, if he doesn't want to lose. THE PRICE OF HEALTH. "The price of health in a mal arious district is just 25 cents; th cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes EllaSlHyton, ot Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new I• fe and vigor to the system. 25c. Kut israction laranteed at all drug gists. FOR SALE. One six-room house and lot 200x400 on Summit Avenue in the town of Walnut Cove, N. C., at a bar gain. Other desirable property for sale. Apply to Hairston & Rogers, Real Estate Agents, Walnut Cove, N. C. Merchants Business Men Farmers / Teachers Everybody We want your business and are prepared to offe4 you every facility and ev4y ery accommodation that any bank in North Caro lina can give. The management of this institution is conducted on a safe, sound, conserv ative and successful basis. So carefully have our bus iness transactions been managed, that during the 18 months' existence of the Bank not a dollar has ever been lost in its loan ings. 1 MM or STORES

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