: SPRING THINGS. I • « You read about Spring, hear about Spring, see Spring and feel Spring. Spring is apparent everywhere and Spring wear ables blossom forth on every side. • • • SWELL SPRING SUITS • 0 $7.50 to $25.00 # 2 CHOICE SPRING TROUSERS 8 5 From $3.00 Up Q • CORRECT SPRING HATS • • SI.OO to $3.00 © f , £ Handsome Spring Haberdashery of all sorts, right from the best and most reputable makers. • There are many new kinks in the cut of Spring Garments and and it would be a wise thing to drop in and see what's new, be • fore you fully decide just what you'll wear this Spring. Always at your service, you know, 0 _ • N. L. CRANFORD & CO., • m One Price Clothiers, 0 • Winston, IN. C. J •••••••••••••»•••••• Notice Of Sale. By virtue of two writs of vend I- J tioni exponas issued from the Su-! perior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, returnable to the Spring Term, 1907 of the Superior Court of Stokes County, in which in one ease \V. V. McCanless and \V. L. McCan iess are plaintiffs and Burly Mabe is defendant and in the other case N. A. Martin is plaintiff and Hurley Main- Is defendant, in the tirst named ease the venditioni exponas is issued on a : Judgment in attachment proceedings in favor of the plaintiffs, \V. V. Me-j Canless and \V. L. McCanless, and j against the defendant. Hurley Mahe,; for the sum of Thirty-Six Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents, #36.75. with in terest on $36 75 from April 3rd, 1907, till paid and costs #3.10 and in the second ease above named the vendi tioni exponas Is usstied upon a JUIIR- j ment In attachment proceedings in which N- A. Martin is plaintiff and j Hurley Mabe is defendant, the judg-1 ment being In favor of said plaintiff j and against said defendant, and be ing in the sum of Twenty-One Dol lars and Fifty-One Cents #21.."11 and j Interest on #21.51 from the 3rd day of April, l'.M)7, till paid together with the sum of #3.10 costs, I will expose j to public sale for ready money to the highest bidder at the Court j House Door In tin 1 town of Danbury. i N. ( '., on Monday the 6th day of May, I 1907, atl o'clock P. M., to satisfy tliej writs of exponas as aforesaid the following described personal prop erty and real estate now belonging to the defendant, to-wit : One black horse mule 4 or 5 years old and J known as the Murphy mule; one red j cow or heifer, mule and heifer sub-1 Ject to mortgage to T. \V. Tilley. j Also the following real estate be longing to the said defendant, Bur-1 ley Mabe, and levied upon in said at-j tachment proceedings and described as follows, to-wit : First tract of j land : Beginning at a birch, W. A. i Estes' former corner on the bank of j Dan ltlver, and runs east on his line 6 chains to a Spanish oak his corner, thence X. with his line and U. J. j Matte's line V,t% chns. to a dogwood in the outside line, thence W. 6 3-4 chains to a hickory hush, Tap Mabe's J corner, thence S. with his line 4.x% | chns. to a rock on the river, thence j down the river us it meanders to the | beginning, containing 32 3-4 acres, more or less. It being the tract of j land that Hurley Mabe purchased j from his father, Edmond Mabe, ad- , Joining the lands of It. J. Mabe and others. Second tract containing 3 3-4 1 acres more or less and It being the : ' tract of land that Burley Mabe pur-; | chased from Capt. Leander Nelson, j adjoining the above described tract | and tlie lands of Ix-e Nelson. This the 3rd day of April, 1907. R. J. PETHEE, Sheriff of Stokes County, i l.and Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Stokes county rendered ; in the Special Proceedings entitled ! "J. K. Martin et al vs. Geo. F. Mar tin et al" appointing the undersigned ; a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lambs, f will on Monday, May 6,1907, at the Court House door in the town of Danbury.i |X. C., sell at public auction, to the j highest bidder, for cash the follow- ; | ing described lands, to-wit: I A certain tract or parcel of land | situate, lying and !>eing in the conn- 1 ty of Stokes and State of North ('ar olina on the waters of Peter's Creek. ] adjoining tlie lauds of Is. F. l'riddy, | Alexander Rogers, Jno. It. Rhodes. Henderson l'riddy, and i M. Joyce, and containing 50 acres more or less, I and it being the tract of land upon | which Elizabeth Martin resided at; the time of her death, and where-J ! upon at her death descended to her l heirs at law and children who are j the parties to thin proceeding. The! land is sold for division and the sale j !is subject to the confirmation of the ! ! court. Bidding will start at $506.00. i j This is a splendid tract of land ; it is well watered, timbered with the j very best timber, contains good bot- I torn land and meadow and is strong ! land. This March 25,1!M)7. J. 1). 11 I'M PH KEYS, Commissioner. Notice! Having duly |unllfled as executor of the last will and testament of It. i B. Smith, deed., notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 28th day of I March, 190 X, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All | persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay | ment. This the 16 day of March, 1907. JAMES W. MOSKIt, Executor of It. B. Smith. King it. F. I). No. 1 I X. )• Petree, Att.v. for executor. | Land For Sale In Southeast Mis souri. 8000 acres timbered land at from $2.00 to SIO.OO per acre ; 2,O'X) acres of farm land at from $5.00 to $20.00 per acre. Good climate, good railroad facilities ; from 8 to 10 months public school each year. If you want to buy, address e. F. HUTCH ENS, Ellsinore, Mo. Mch 7 —3 mo NorfolklWeslernßd ■ SCHEDULE T\ EFFECT JAN. fi, 1907 Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Dailv Ex. Sun. P. M. A. M. P! M. I*. M. ~::>0 Lv. \ViiiHt"ii Ar 2.00 10.00 :!:L'n N:l:{ » Wnl. Cove " 1:21 0:20 I 5.00 !(:50 " Marti s. " 11:45 7:40 7:2."i 12:-'!0 Ar Roaivke Lv 9:20 5:1." I' M. I'.M. A.M. P.M. WKSTBOUNH— I.EAVE ROANOKE 1.A11.V, , r i (Ni a m—Fur Fast Radtord, Hluetield, Tare well and Norton, * Pullman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. hi a m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski, principal stations, Bristol ami the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or le ins ami Memphis. Care ear 1:3.1 p m—The St. Louis KxprM, for Hluetield. Pocahontas, Kenova. Clncl nnatti. Indianonolis. St Louis, Kansas City, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Reflet Sleepers Aoanoke to Columbus and Hlueiiehl to Cincinanti. Cafe cur 4:4spm For Rluetieldand intermediate sta tions. 4:M p m—Daily. For Bristol and intermediate stations, Knoxville. Chattanooga and point' South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville. !»:30 a m—For Bristol and intermediate stations Hluetield, Norton. Pocahontas and Welch Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH AND KAMTHOUND. I 30 p m—For Petersburg, Richmond and Nor folk. Pullman Buffet arlor Car to Norfolk. 1:40 pm—For Wellington, llager*town, Plida delphia and New York via Tlagerstnwn and | llarrisburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York 7:4.1 pin—For Hagerstowu. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 12 V) a m—For Richm>nd ami Norfolk Pullma* Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk ami Rlclimond l:oi a m—(Washington ami Chattanooga Lint ite«l). For Washington, Phlladelphiaaml Nov* York via Lynchburg Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Haltiiuore. Philadelphia an- 1 New York. (5:45 a in—For Lynchburg, Peters | burg, Richmond anil Norfolk. 7:45 p in—Daily. For Lynchburg. Pullman Sleeper for Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchtiurg (I'liion Station) i daily except Sunday :f:00 a. in., and I daily 4:15 p. in. forSonth Boston anil Durham and Intermediate stations. For all additional information, apply to ticket officer, or to \V. li. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGO, Uen'L PaMB. Agt. Trav. PUSH. Agt■ ROANOKE, VA. KILLth. COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS "Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /Consumption M«# FORI OUGHSand 50c lit 1.00 Fr»» Trill. i • Surest and Quickest Cure for all i THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or HONEY BACK. JiLLP IS OFFERED VC WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE r o earnestly request all younc persons, no matter w onaU .1 tl.eir means or education, who wish to •in r thorough business training and good posi ». to wr.'e fust mail for our great halt-rate or. fu cess, independence ani probable f rtur.c • iruaraiitceJ. Don't delay. Write today. Cuslnoj College* Macon. Ca. Praise For Supt. Smith and th® Board of Education. Pinnacle Route 2, April 11. — I have been a sileut reader of your paper for some time but want to | say a few words in favor of our I present county Board of Educa tion. I think the legislature did the right thing when it elected the old board for another term. Now, when the time comes that the County Superintendent has to be appointed, we think the Board should re-appoint the present in cumbent, ProfT J. T. Smith, as he is one among the best that has filled the place to our knowledge, as be puts in all his time working for the upbuilding of our free schools in the county. Very respectfully, WM. M. STONE. DANBURY ROUTE 1. Danbury Route 1, April 7. The farmers are preparing for another crop. We hope they will succeed in their work. Miss Jettie Young is looking very sad as Mr. Tilley hasn't been down in some time. We are sorry to know that some of the boys got smuggled from over the river Easter Monday. Miss Lilla Young is wearing broad smiles this wnek as Mr. J. H. Robertson called Easter. I guess Miss Lillian Morefield has the blues as she didu't have any Ham for dinner today. Miss Mary Morefield is looking very pleasing this week. Her best fellow came Easter Monday. Miss Vera Young is wearing smiles this week as Mr. C. E. Da vis called on her Easter Monday. Wonder what has become of Miss Hattie Coleman, as we | haven't seen her in some time ? TWO JOLLY SCHOOL GIRLS. REDWOOD. Redwood, N. C., April 6.—Red wood is in a tlourishing condition now since the Pickett Lumber Co. has resumed work again. It has been shut down for quite a while on account of the tram Tail way trestle being washed out where it crosses the Neuse river Smallpox is raging in thiscoun ; try. It seems to be going easy ! with those who it comes in con tact with. No deaths have resulted ! yet so far. Messrs. Farrell and Charlie Holland, Bud Davis and others left on the excursion from Dur | ham to Lynchburg on Easter Mon day. Guess they had a right nice time. There will be an exhibition at j Roberson Grove school house on Saturday, April 20. Everybody cordially invited and a jolly good time is expected. A boat came down the Neuse river last Saturday night. It must have been loaded with white lightning as a man was up killing cats all night. PATRIOT. THE PRICE OF HEALTH "The price of health in a mal arious district is j«it»t 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr King's New Life Pills," writes EllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills ; cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the system. 25c. Sat | israction guaranteed at all drug i gists. Rev. W. T. Albrjght. of Walnut Cove, was in Danbnry Monday. Mr. John Wade Johnson, of Gerraanton Route 1, was here Monday. Mr. J. S. D. Pulliain, a prom inent citizen of King, was u Dan ; bury visitor Monday. DOING BUSINESS AGAIN. "When my friends thought I was about to leave of this wot Id, jon account of indigestion, nerv ousness and general debility," writes A. A. Chisholm, Treadwell, j N., Y., and when it looked as if ! there was no hope left, I was per suaded to try Electrid Bitters, «ud j I rejoice to say that they are cur | ing me. lam now doing business again as of old, and am still gain ing daily." Best tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by all drug j gists. 50c. IThe Best Goods At | 1 the Lowest Prices. | 2 I desire to any to the people of Stokes county that lam X Z still doing business at my old stand with a store chock full Z . of everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair . ' uf suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of olothes. My • DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, # • CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. • £ Is complete in every respect. You will tiud almost a com- A * A plete drug store here. A Z Your speoial attention is called to my up-to-date line of Z LADIES TRIMMED HATS. Z They are of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, . W an ,J I Bin offering them at prices that will astonish. You w will get your spring hats here sure if you will come and see w A mine before you buy. Yours for business, | F. E. NELSON, g N. C., {E!W^AINILOS] f WINSTON-SALEM'S \ Leading Druggist. > / Largest and best conducted C \ Druy business in the State. / j Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when # C you are at Winston. Glad to % \ serve you in any way. # 5 O'Hanlon's is THE Place, x WATKINS & EAST WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commis= 1 sion Merchants and Brokers Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy- 1 ing their goods from us. We represent several of { the largest wholesale houses in the South, and are prepared to meet all competition. fails anil Boys' (lothln; I We are now receiving our fall line of goods. If you want j the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, I Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, for both Men I and Boys, don't forget to call on us. We make the lowest I prices possible. When in town come in and see for your- I self. L. J. Lackey & Co I MADISON, N. C. ■fK ("JM Not " Just As Good" But none as good. It's my honest conviction In re gard to my CHATTANOOGA PLOWS. I am selling three Dixie Points for 25 cents. lam headquarters for Roofing, Nails, Doors and Sash, Cook Stoves. Harness, Paints and Oils. ALBERT S. MITCHELL _ WALNUT COVE, N. C.

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