•••••••••••••••••••A 1 SPRING THINGS. I 9 dgSfr f|i| You read about Spring, hear about Spring, see Spring and feel Spring. Spring is apparent everywhere and Spring wear ables blossom forth on every side. W =9 A ® # SWELL SPRING SUITS # 0 $7.50 to $25.00 # 2 CHOICE SPRING TROUSERS 8 5 From $3.00 Up • CORRECT SPRING HATS • # SI.OO to $3.00 • • • Mb Handsome Spring Haberdashery of all sorts, right from the best and most reputable makers. • There are many new kinks in the cut of Spring Garments and and it would be a wise thing to drop in and see what's new, be • fore you fully decide just what you'll wear this Spring. Always at your service, you know, • * | N. L. CRANFORD & CO., • > * fgP One Price Clothiers, || g Winston, N. C. • Notice Of Sale. Isy virtue of two writ# of vendi tioni exponas issued from the Sll- j perlor Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, returnable to the Spring Term, 1907 of t.l»e Superior Court of Stokes County, in which in one case W. V. MeCanless and W. L. MeCan less are plaintiffs and Burly Mabe is defendant and in the other ease N. A. Martin is plaintiff and Burley Mabe is defendant, in the first named ease the venditioni exponas is issued on a judgment in attachment proceedings in favor of the plaintiffs, \V. V. Me-; Caniess and \V. L. MeCanless. and against the defendant, Burley Mabe, j for the mini of Thirty-Six Dollars and i Seventy-Five Cents, #30.75, with in- j tereston S:I6 75 from April 3rd, 1!M)7, till paid and eosts $3.10 and ill the second case above named the vendi- j 1 tioni exponas is tissued upon a judg- 1 ment in attachment proceeding's in which N A. Martin is plaintiff and 11 Burley Mabe is defendant, the judg-' i ment being in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant, and be ing in the sum of Twenty-One Dol lars and Fifty-One Cents $21.51 and interest on $21.51 from the 3rd day of April, 1907. till paid together with 1 the sum of s:'>.lo costs, I will expose I to public sale for ready money to the highest bidder at the Court j House Door in the town of Danbury,: N. C., on Monday the Otii day of May, j 1907, at 1 o'clock P. M., to satisfy the ] writs of exponas as aforesaid the j following described personal prop erty and real estate now belonging j to the defendant, to-wit: One black j horse mule 4 or 5 years old and j known as the Murphy mule; one red ! cow or heifer, mule and heifer sub- [ Ject to mortgage to T. W. Tilley. ( Also the following real estate be-1 longing to the said defendant, Bur-1 i ley Mabe, and levied upon in said at- { : taehnient proceedings and described , as follows, to-wit : First tract of j land: Beginning at a birch, \V. A. j Estes' former corner on tiie bank of > Dan River, and runs east on ids line (i chains to a Spanish oak his corner, thence N. with his line and K. J. i Mabe's line 49% chns. to a dogwood in tiie outside line, thence W. 0 3-4 chains toa hickory bush, Tap Mabe's j corner, thence S. with his line 4KJ4 | chns. to a rock on the river, thence j down tiie river as it meanders to the beginning, containing 32 3-4 acres, more or less, it being the tract of land that Burley Mabe purchased from his father, Edmond Mabe, ad- 1 ( Joining the lands of R. J. Mabe and ' others. Second tract containing 334 ' acres more or less and it being tilt? j S tract of land that Burley Mabe pur-j j chased from Capt. Leauder Nelson, ' ] adjoining the above described tract j and the lands of lee Nelson. This the 3rd day of April, 1907. j B. J.PETREE, I Sheriff of Stokes County. : Land Sale. ' By virtue of a deem; of tiie Supe rior Court of Stokes county rendered l in tiie Special Proceedings entitled ".I. R. Martin et al vs. Geo. F. Mar tin et ill" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will on Monday, May i, 1907, at the Court : House door in tiie town of Danbury, N. C., sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash the follow ing described lands, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and lieing in tiie eoun ; ty of Stokes and State of North Car ! olina on the waters of Peter's Creek, ; adjoining tiie lands of B. F. Priddy, j Alexander Rogers, Jno. R. Riiodes, ! Henderson Priddy, and O M. Joyce, i and containing 50 acres more or less, l and it beintf the tract of land upon which Elizabeth Martin resided at the time of her death, and where upon at her death descended to her heirs at law and children who are the parties to this proceeding. Tiie land is sold for division and tiie sale is subject to tiie continuation of the J court. Bidding will start at #500.00. | This is a splendid tract of land ; it is ! well watered, timbered with tiie i very best timber, contains good bot tom land and meadow and is strong land. This March 25,1907. .1. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. Notice! Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of R. i B. Smith, deed., novice is hereby j given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them Ito me for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the 28th day of i March, loos, or this notice will be j pleaded in bar of their recovery. All I persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. This tiie 10 day of March, 1907. JAMES \V. MOSBR, Executor of It. 15. Smith. King R. F. I). No. 1- X. O I'etree, Atty. for executor. Land for Sale In Southeast Mis souri. 8000 acres timbered land at from $2.00 to SIO.OO per acre ; 2,000 acres of farm land at from $5.00 to $20.00 per acre. Good climate, good railroad facilities ; from 8 to 10 months public school each year. If you w.int to buy, address H. F. HUTCHENS, Ellsinore, Mo. Mch 7—3 mo MAW NoriolkiWesternßl SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 6, 1907 Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Dally Ex. Sun. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 2:50 7::W Lv. Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 8:1:1 •• VVal.Uove " 1:21 !>:2O 5.00 9:50 " Marti s. " 11:45 7:4!) i 7:2.") 12:I!0 Ar Roan>ke Lv 0:20 5:15 I P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. : WESTBOUND—LKAVE KOANOKE DAILY. j 5 00 n ra—For Kiut Radford, Minefield, Taze well ami Norton, i'tillman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. u m ( Washington ami Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski. principal stations, Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or le.ins ami Memphis. Cafe car 4:35 p m—The St. Louis Kxpress, for Minefield, Pocahontas, Kenova, Cinci nnatti, Indinnonolis, St. lx>uis, Kansas Citv, Columbus ami Chicago. Pullman Buftct Sleeners Aoanoke to Columbus ami Bluetield to Cincinanti. Cafe c.«r 4:45 pm— For Bluelieldand intermediate sta tions. 4:. ! V5 p m—Daily. For Bristol and Intermediate stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga ami point*- South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville. 9:30 a m—For Bristol and intermediate station*. Bluetleld, Norton. Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Steeper to Welch. NORTH AND KASTBOUND. 130 pin—For Petersburg, Hichmoml and Nor folk. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 1:40 pm—For WP uliington, Hngerwtown, PHI la delphia and New York via Hagerstown ami Harrlsbnrg. Pullman Sloeper to New Vork. 7:45 p m—-For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 111.50 a m— For Kichnrmd ami Norfolk. Pu!lm:t» Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Hichmond 1:01 a in—("Washington and Chattanooga I.hu ited). For Washington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 0:45 a in—For Lynchburg, Peters burg, Richmond and Norfolk. 7:45 p m—Daily. For Lynchburg-. Pullman Sleeper for Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg (Union Station) daily except Sunday :!:>» a. in., and daily 4:15 p. m. forSouth Boston and Durham and intermediate stations. For ail additional information, apply to ticket officer, or to W. 11. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG, Uen'l Pass. A>tt. Trav. Pass. A«t. ROANOKE, VA. KILL™. COUCH L and CURE the LUNCB f - Dr. King's | New Discovery j Prl«i FOR I OUGHS and 60c 451.00 j VOLDS Fn« Trial. | Surest and Quickest Cure for all I THROAT and LUNG TROW- { LES, or MONEY BACK. I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request all young- persona, no matter how limlcd their meana or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to vrite by first mnil for our great half-rate >fl'cr. Success, independenceand probable fortune re guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. . 12 Cl.-/.11. Cu.aess Colltt'c, Maccn, Ga. DAVIDSON'S FINEST FARM. The Holt Heirs Sell Fer $21,000 Has Yielded Thirty-Six Bushels Ot Wheat Per Acre. The historic Holt farm in Da vidson county has ohnnged hands. A Winston-Salem gives the following particulars of the farm and its recent sale : The well known Holt farm in the Jersey settlement of Davidson county, has been sold by the Holt heirs to W. G. Penny and Frank Hargrave, of Lexington, the con sideration, it is said, being s2l ,- 000. The farm contains more than (500 acres, and is conceded to be the finest property in Davidson county. It was owned before the Civil War by the late Dr. Holt, of Lex ington. After the war it was sold and became the property of Gov. Thos. Holt, who improved it a great deal. It was his "pet" and he paid much attention to it, so that at the time of his death it was probably the finest farm in North Carolina. About 400 acres are now in cultivation and large yields are reaped from it. One field of about 150 acres has an average of wheat to its credit of about 30 bushels to the acre. Where Do the Flies Go ? He is here again—the first house fiy of the season. He came sailing and buzzing in today with as much assurance as if his winter vacation had not lasted more than forty eight hours. Now, where has the house tly been in all of the peace ful weeks and months since he blessed your nerves with a cessa tion of his pestiferous attentions ? He didn't perish or vanish from the earth, for you can easily tell that he is familiar with every spot that he touches. He is full grown and full-fledged. He was not pro duced yesterday. No stranger oould possibly make himself so much at home as your house fly visitor does today as he disports himself with ethereal alacrity throughont your vicinage. "The wind bloweth where it liateth and thou beareth the sound thereof, but thou canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth." So it is with the house fly. We know when he is gone, but nobody has ever uncovered the mystery of his retreat ; we know that he will re turn, and we know when he does return, but is it given even to the angels in Heaven to know where he bestows himself between the period of his subsidence and re , crudence ?—Kansas City Times. Check books are given away free by the Bank of Stokes County. Call and get one at either Dan bury or Walnut Cove banks. DOING BUSINESS AGAIN. "When my friends thought I was about to leave of this world, on account of indigestion, nerv i ousness and general debility," writes A. A. Chisholm, Treadwell, N. Y., and when it looked as if there was no hope left, I was per suaded to try Electric! Bitters, and T rejoice to say that they are cur ing me. lam uow doing business again as of old, and am still gain ! ing daily." Best tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by all drug | gists. 50c. Mr. Frank Dunlap, a saw mill man, of Gideon, was in Danbury Saturday. Mr. O. L. Pulliam, of German ton Route 1, was here Monday. Mr. Will Southern, of Meadows. * 1 ' was here Friday. Mr. Alvin Blair spont Thursday at Winston. f KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH. There are many thousands of people all over the wo.ld who can attribute their good health to tak ing one or two Brandri'th's Pills every night. These Pills cleanse the stomach and b"W*'|s, stimulate the kidneys and liver and purify the blood. They are the same Bne laxative tonic pill your grandpar ents used, and being purely vege table they are adapted to children and old people, as well as to those in vigor of manhood and womanhood. Brandreth's Pills have been in ; use for over a century and can be obtained in every drug and med cine store, either plain or sugar coated. IThe Best Goods At j J I the Lowest Prices, i I Z I desire to say to the people of Stokes county that I aro I Z still doing business at my old stand with a store chock fnlr y jj X c»f everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair ■ Jof suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of clothes. My * I • DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, • I i CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. • I Is complete in every respect. You will iind almost a oom- . | plete drug store here. 1 Your special attention is oalled to my up-to-date line of 2 LADIES TRIMMED HATS. J"; 41 They are of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, X* and lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You 7 will get your spring hats here sure if you will come and mine before vou buy. Yours for business, - - F.'E. NELSON, | I | Campbell, IN. C., R. P. D. No 2. 9 WWwwwWWWwwSFIPw W WWWwwwwwwWw fLW^ANLON / WINSTON-SALEM'S X Leading Druggist. > - ) Largest and best conducted C \ Druy business in the State. / \ Be §ure to visit O'Hanlon's when C you are at Winston. Glad to X \ serve you in any way. f > O'Hanlon's is THE Place. WATKINS & EAST ! WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, sion Merchants and Brokers Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy ing their goods from us. We represent several of the largest wholesale houses in the South, and arc prepared to all competition. I Ms and Soys' (loin; I We are now receiving our fall line of goods. If you want I H the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, I P| Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, for both Men I I and Boys, don't forget to call on us. We make the lowest I prices possible. When in town come in and see for your- I I L. J. Lackey & Co I ■B ~—- MADISON, N. C. .iMSk" - i t FOR SALE. One six-room house and lot 200x400 on Stjmmit Avenue in the town of Walnut Qove, N. C., «t a bar gain. Other desirable property for sale. Apply to Hairston & Rogers, Real Estate Agents, Walnut Cove, N. C„