Briefs Adrift. Misses Daisy Dearmin and Sal-J lie Stewart visited Walnut Cove Saturday. Misses Lizzie and Susie Adkins visited their sister, Mrs. M. T. Chilton, at this place Monday. r Messrs. A. P. and J. W. Baker, of Meadows Route 1, were visitors at the Repprter -office yesterday. A slight frost occurred here Sunday morning. No damage was done so far as we have learned. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Binkley and children are visiting at their old home at L&wisville, Forsyth | county. Messrs. J. -V Lawson and E. C. Sbeppnrd, bgth merchants on j Smith Route J, were visitors here! Saturday. Clerk of tFI Court Smith and Register of 1 l|eds Scales, of Rock ingham county were here as wit nesses the past week in the case of Martin vs. F|i n . Mr. k. "il/Reid on Tuesday re ceived a telephone message anoun cing the sudden and serious ill ness of his wife at Wentworth, and [ left at once to atteud. her. Messrs. J. M. Campbell, of Campbell Route 2, and B. A. Overby, of Smith, were here on business a short while Monday. The Primitive Baptists will hold an association at Big Creek church, near Francisco, next Sat- Sunday and Monday. A great many peeple from this sec- attend. "Mr. M. F. Martin, of Greensboro, a former Stokes citizen and an ex cellent gentleman, was here at tending court. Mr. Martin has been a citizen of Guilford for about 4 years. Mr. H. A. Hall, of Smith, was here Tuesday. Mr. Hall had the misfortune to lose a fine mule a few days- since. He reports to bacco plants very scarce in bis "section. Messrs. J. G. H. Mitchell, W. M. Flynt, C. A. Mitchell, R. P. McAnally, Sam Harris and Audy Martin, all of Beaver Island town ship, flpent several days in town this and Sast week attending court as witnesses. Last Sunday a party composed of Judge Ferguson, of Waynes ville, aud Miss Lillie Leak, of Winston ; Attorney R. D. Reid, Clerk of Court Smith and Register of Deeds Scales, of Wentworth ; W. M. Hendren, of Winston ; C. O. McMichael, of Madison ; and J. S. Taylor and N. E. Pepper, of Danbury, visited Piedmont Springs and Cascade. Among those who have attend ed court here the past week were noticed Messrs. A. H. Martin, O. C. Ta>lor, S. P. Christian, Y. S. Smith, J. W. Gann, C. H. Shep pard, I) F. Tillotson, Wiley Ra ker, R. F. A. Baker, T. J. Gann, H. N. Reynolds, Squire Venable, A. .\l. King, S. J. Harris, J. C. Wall, Will Alley, Floyd Venable, John R. Smith, W. L. Hall, W. W. Mcßride, A. J. Essex, C. F Mills, Will Morefield, J. P RhodeH, VV. A. Steele, Dr. J. W. Neid. D W. Gordon A. C. Yates, A J. Corn, Walter Smith, Walter George, Will Carroll, Wado Car roll, Harry H. Davis, W. M. Bow les, O. J. Cafes, C. A. Mitchell, T. J. Bjles, Dr. J. 11. Ellington, Rnfttn Carter, R. P. Joyce, Rev. R. W. George, R. P. McAnally. [To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. J Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.£ wj, | MMon bote* sold fa part 12 month*. ' f Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. wig, every tottte i« • Tm Cent, ptctoff of Qrov»'» Black Root. Liver Ifc COURT NEARING END. Only One Case Of Importance Tried On Civil Docket—Five Days Spent ' On Martin v. Knigh. Admr. 1 At this writing Wednesday ' noon the Spring Term of Superior 1 Court which has beeu in session 1 for nine days, is nearly ready to adjourn. Buxton is before the jury in the noted case of E. L. Martin v. T. B. Knight, adminis trator of W, L. Fallin, deceased. ' Humphreys, Patterson, and Bux ton represent the plaintiff, while Reid, Petree, McMichael, King, ( and Hendren appear for the de- ( fendant. Humphreys, Patterson, , Hendren, McMichael, and Petree ] have spoken, and Buxton is the | last to address the jury. This case !, which is nn action by the former j ; against the administrator of jj W. L. Fallin, deceased, for alleged |, debt, has been in trial for five j | days, and its termination will end ] the court. Everything else on the docket has been continued with the exception of a few actions for divorce., etc., disposed of, the most important of which follow : Jacob Bullen v. Cornelia Bul len, action for divorce. Judgment for plaintiff. W. J. Johnson v. Mary John son, action for divorce. Judgment for plaintiff. G. C. Smith v. Dr. J. J. Leak, claim and delivery. Judgment for plaintiff. Taylor Price v. John T. Martin et al, Judgment of non-suit. John A. Burton v. J. T. Thorn brough et al. Compromised. J. A. Stone v. Frank Hancock and J. M. Culler. Compromised. Dr. A. G. Jones et al v. County Commissioners, mandamus. Judg ment in accordance with certificate of Supreme Court. Margaret Eliza Blackburn v. A. J A. Miller. Compromised. G. C. Smith v. D. S. Rogers, j claim and delivery, judgment of! non-suit. B. C. Shore & Co. v. Southern Railway. Judgment of non-suit, j Wm. Duncan v. Geo. Q. Ven able. Compromised. Robt. Richardson v. Martha H. Richardson, action for divorce, i Judgment for plaintiff. J. C. Wall, admr. v. Jane Chap man, action for debt. Judgment for plaintiff. John F. Estes v. Southern Rail : way, action for damages. Com pron ised. R. F. A. Baker and Thos. F. | Bak r, executors, v. Alice Fowler, i Mrs. A. F. Baker et al. Judgment ! in favor of Mrs. A. F. Baker. STATE DOCKET. Cases disposed of on the state docket after the Reporter went to press last week, are as follows : State v. Bob Francis, assault, defendant pleaded guilty. Judg ment $lO and cost. v. Jno. R. Smith, forcible trespass, guilty. Judgment sus pended upon payment of cost State v. Ernest Caudle and Bax ter Grabs, injury to building. Grabs pleaded guilty. Caudle fouud guilty. Judgment suspend , ed upon payment of cost. State v. Robt. L. Stewart, Alex. Stewart, Flay Stewart, forcible ) trespass. Judgment suspended I upon payment of cost. State v. John Tilley and Charlie I Brown, affray. Guilty. Judgment as to Tilley, $lO and one-half cost. MY BEST FRIEND. Alexander Benton, who lives on | Rural Route 1, Fort Edward, N. I Y., says : "Dr. King's New Dis j covery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years j ago. It has also performed a won jderful cure of incipient consump ! tion for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other i symptoms left one by one until 1 she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds is simply mar ; velous." No other remedy has j ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. | Trial bottle free. As to Brown, judgment suspend ed upon payment of one-half cost. St t*v. K. A. Johnson, carryii.g concealed weapon, defendant pleaded guilty, $lO and cost. State v. Raloigh Stewart and Chas. Smith, affray. Defendants j pleaded guilty. Jndginent $lO and one-half cost each. DIED IN HOSPITAL. Mr. J. M. Bodenheimer, Well Known Lawyer, Of Dobson. News is received hore of the j death of Mr. J. M. Bodenheimer, of Dobson, which occurred Friday at Johns-Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, where Mr Bodenheimer i had gone for an operation, which j was performed several days ago. 1 Mr. Bodenheimer wasa resident 'ofj ] Kernersville until a few years ago,' ( when he moved to Dobson for the j I practice of his profession—the | ' jaw, where his family now live. ( Ha was postmaster at Kerners-1. ville during the second adminis- [ tration of Cleveland. He was tins Democratic nominee lasi fall for j ( State Senator for the district com- , posed of Stokes aud Surry coun ties. Mr. Bodenhamer was about 48 years of age. The remains were carried to Dobson for interment. Mr. Jas. T Reynolds, of Madi son Route 3, spent Tuesday night here. Navassa Guano for sale by W. J. Martin, Walnut Cove. . Have you bought your fertili zer ? Try Navassa Guano. W. J. Martin sells it. Land for Sale In Southeast Mis souri. 8000 acres timbered land at from $2.00 to SIO.OO per acre ; 2,0';0 ! acres of farm land at from $5.00 to j $20.00 per acre. Good climate, good railroad facilities ; from 8 to 1 10 months public school each year. - If you Wdnt to buy, address" 11. F. HUTCHENS, Ellsinore, Mo. ; Mch 7 —3 mo j Stock I Profits I ■ can be greatly increased by giving B ' B special care to the health of every B ! B animal and fowl on the farm. B B Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs, B 1 M horses, etc., depend on their livers I I to keep them well. B /Black-Draught) 1 Slock and Poultry I : I Medicine I ■ keeps their livers working and B > i B therefore keeps them well. i B Black-Draught Stock and Poul- B B try Medicine is a pure, natural, B ' ' B vegetable, blood purifier, and acts B B by regulating the stomach, liver B ■ and bowels. B , B It prevents and cures Hog Choi- B | B era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis- B j B temper. Coughs, Colds, Constipa- B B tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, B i B Wasting Away, and all the com- B •I B mon stock diseases. B -J B It is a perfect medicine for gen- B i B eral farm use. Try it. s' B ~ B m Price 25c {or a large can, at m t ■ all druggists and dealers « r ™ ' WANTED—TIMBER LANDS. ! r j We want to correspond with "Original Owners. Any acreage j j from :«X) to 10,000 acres. Address i MANHATTEN TIMBER Co, Morgantou, N. C. Where is Your H In your comb? Why so? Is not the head a much better place for it? Better keep what is left where it belongs! Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, . quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi tively about this, for we know. Does not change the color of the hair. Jk Formula with each bottle y Show it to jour /I |!p rc doetor JLi C.# W* / v) Ask him about it, ~§ then do as ho eays Indeed, the one great leading feature of ' our new Hair Vigor may well be said to be this —it stops falling hair. Then it | goes one step further—it aids nature in i restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." j —Modo by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Maes.—• FOR SALE—One good cow, five eighths Jersey. Gives 3 gallons a day, 3 years old. Will swap. T. J. DAVIS, Danbury, N. C. The Reporter regrets to learn of; the illness of Mr. J. M. Burge, n j good citizen of Campbell Route 2. A NARROW ESCAPE. G. W. Cloyd, a merchant of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape | | four years ago, when he ran a jim- Isc n bur into his thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate it but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the danger ous wound," 25c at all druggists. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power contained in a deed in trust executed to the under signed on the 14th day of April, 11106, by S. L. Venable and wife Eliza J. Venable, to secure the payment of $150.00, and Interest on same, due March 1, 11107, and default having been made in the payment of the same, 1 will sell on Tuesday, June IS. 1907, on the premises, at 12 o'clock M., the following described tract of | land lying and being in Stokes coun j ty, and bounded as follows : Adjoln ! Ing the lands of .1. M. (ialloway, .1. 'j M. Veruon, It. \V. Simpson, and I others, and lteing the lands sold by I*. I>. I'rice, to M. F. Martin, deed j dated March 2, I.nxn, recorded in Hook j 29, page :t7:!, deeded by M. F. Martin ito It. A. McGeliee and I!. F. Mc- I (Jehee, and dated April 2, 1002, re corded In Book 4-J, page SSO, office Register of Deeds of Stokes county j which said lands were deeded by 11. IF. MeUehee and It. A. McGehee to i said S. L. Venable of even date here- J with. All of the said deeds are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully as if set forth In full. Also one horse bought of J. I'. Carieo & Co. by said S. 1,. Venable. Terms of sale —cash. This May 11,1907. 15. F. MeGEHEE, Trustee. V\ WATCH THIS SPACE IN \\ \\ NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. \\ V\ IT WILL TELL YOU THE \\ \\ REAL REASON WHY \\ Bp other sort of chewing tobacco. It /j k will also show you why there are /k | more chewers, and more pounds of ir 1 %% tobacco chewed, to the population in i gi -JM those States where "Schnapps" Tobac- j[ hw Jy co was *' rs * so ' t '» *han there are in the Jv States where "Schnapps" has not yet / f / been offered to the trade. / / R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. / | NOTICE! | I have just received a nice line of Ladies and £ 0 Misses Dressed Hats at the lowest prices, # :a nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made £ Clothing at the right prices, a new line of £ S Shoes for men, women and children as low as % the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine % Hats, a nice line of Dress Goods, White Goods, £ Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all # kinds and men's dress shirts. £ A I also keep on hand J. E. Shelton's make of up-to-date A a Furniture at factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles 2 to fit all makes of machines. Z I always keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro- W ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every © thing that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good A S coffee at 100 per pound, sugar at 0c per pound, good roller A mill Hour at s2.2r> per hundred. Z H Highest market price paid for country produce of all 2 kinds: Eggs 12c. dozen, liens *.tc. pound, Butter 15c. lb., i® Corn 90c. bushel Rye UOc. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. m 1 want to thank the people for their liberal patronage A A for the past ten years, and by fair and square dealings 1 A 2 hope to have a continuance of the same. 2 S Yours to servo, Z £ E. C. Shcppard, $ j SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. 1. J •MMMMM —— ————• The Sanitarium | i j Winston=Salem ! To the well informed it is now ii j fact that, there are no remedies sol effective as the X-ray. Finson !i^rlit j and Miniieii'sviolet light inthetrcat . lgi-nt of cancer, eczema, lupus, ac e, j indolent ulcers and ail other forma of j skin diseases. For rheumatism, gout, sprains, i kidney and blood diseases in general j i no treatment is so effective as that . where elimination is produced j through the skin (sweating)- This | is accomplished li.v means of the hot • air and electric light tiaihs. As a| [ lilood builder, a liesli producer, a , cure for bronchitis, chronic coughs, j . catarrh of the nose and throat, ami 1 general tonic, the inhalation of I ozone from a modern apparatus has ' effected more cures than any other j f method. For the cure of neuras-l thenia, nervous exhaustion, reliex I disorders, paralysis, neuralgia, etc., the vibratory massage and static j curpent of electricity are the best. l!y means of otlw r modern electric-, I al appliances, we cure all form of ji gastric and intestinal indigestion,! constipation, dilation and aton.v of j the stomach ami bowels, functional I j disturbances of the liver, varicocele. ' cydsoceie, stricture, hemorrhoids j (piles), etc., remove superfluous hairs, moles, warts, birthmarks, etc. j We cordially invite you to visit the Sanitarium or write for discriptive booklet. DR. T. M.COPI'LE ■ (Successor to Rierson fc Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, Notice! ll;iviim 1 iil\ qualified as' executrix of tin-last will ami testament of A. J. Flippin. dec'd, mil ice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me fur payment, iluly authenti cated, on or before the loth day of May, l'.wi.s, or this" notiee will be (■leaded in bar of their recovery. All I persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay | inent. This the 30th dav of April. I!M>7. MKLISKA 1!. FLll'l'lN, Executrix of A. J. Flippin, dee'd. Notice. Having duly qualified as executors |of the last will and testament of » I 11. Ferguson, deed., all persons in ! debteil to said estate are hereby re quested to cotne forward and make immediate settlement of the same, ami till persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notl i lied to present them to the under signed after having been duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the Kith day of May, 190N, or tills notice will be pleaded in liar of j their recovery. This 20th day of April. 1!M)7. ('. W, FKIUii'SOX and TIIOS. 11. FKItGI'NON, executors of l'. H. Fer guson. : .1. I>. Humphreys, Atty. for ex'rs. I'. ). address —Sandy Kidge, N. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N.C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. Pay your bills by check. It is safer, inoro convenient and more business-like. The Bank of Stokes County will give you a nice check i book free.