Briefs Adrift. Mr. J. C. Wall, of Meadows, was here yesterday. Mr. J. A. Lawson, of Smith Route 1, was here a short Tuesday. The Slate phonß line is being repaired this week. Mr. J. D. Humphreys visited Winston this week. Mr. W. T. Neal, of Pine Hall, was here Tuesday. But very little tobacco has been planted in this section yet. Miss Sadie Petree spent Mon day and Tuesday at Winston. Dr. Wesley C. Slate, of Capella, was here on business Tuesday. Mr. Thos. S. Petree went to Raleigh Thursday, leturning Fri day night. Mr. Joseph Petree, of Walnut Cove, was in tow n a short while Monday. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Burge died Sunday. Mrs. Burge is right sick. Mrs. N. A. Martin and Misses Josie Pepper, Jessie Pepper and Mary Martin went to Winston yesterday. Rev. D. P. Tate, of Madison, and Mr. Robt. Blackwell, of Pine Hall, were in town a short while Mouday. Mr. C. R. Wall, of Campbell, was here Monday enroute home from a visit to his father near Donnaba. Messrs. Thos. H. and Julius J. Priddy, of Snow Creek township, were here on business a short while Tuesday. Considerable frost was seen in low places here yesterday morn ing. No damage was done so far as has been learned. Mr. J, F. Poindexter, represent ing Brown, Rogers & Co., of Winston, was at the Taylor Hotel yesterday. Mr. W L Spencer, the clever representative of the Southern Priuters Supply Co., of Washing-: ton, L>. C., visited the Reporter office Monday. Mr. Luther McKinney, a hard working and deserving young farmer, of the Vade Mecuin Springs section, spent Sunday and Monday here. Mr. and Mrs. Carey L. Carroll drove through the country to their home at Mountain View, Stokes county, to spend Sunday, returning Monday.—Winston Sen tinel. Without Alcohol A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol A Grot Attentive Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol. M Wt publiah our formula* W• ban iah alcohol MmmM 7 from our madioinaa / 1 fl/TC Wourfoyouto 1 Acyc/o "a 1 "" Ayer's Pills ire liver pills. They act directly on the liver, mike more bile secreted. This is why they are so valu able in constipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better laxative pill. —Mad* by th» J. C. Ajtt CO., Lowell, KM.— To Cure a Cold in One Day In Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. js n/J, J**™? Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. ThlS Signature, P ° X " dyC ' Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Minion bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Care, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle b ■ Ta> Cent, package of Grove's Block Root. Uver Pills. NEW POSTAL WRINKLE. No Special Delivery Stamps Will Be Required After July Ist. No special delivery postage stamps will be needed after the first of next July to insure imme diate delivery of a letter. Pur suant to au act of the last session of Congress Postmaster General Meyer has issued an order that ou and after July Ist next if there is attaohed to any letter or package cf mail matter 10 cents worth of stamps of any denomination, with the words "Special Delivery" writ ten or printed on the envelope or covering, in addition to the post age required for ordinary delivery, the article will be handled as if it bore a regulation special delivery stamp. Mail Route Extended. Mr. Plummer, of the postoffice department, spent a few days here the past week and on Monday, in company with Mr. Fagg, the car rier, went over Datibury's R. F. D. Route. It is learned that he will recommend an extension of the route, making it about 23 miles instead of 18, and the pay of the carrier will be increased from ssl to $72 per month. The route now is byway of Hartman, Mabe's store, Jewel, Lawsonville, Nelson's and Bennett's store and Piedmont Springs. When the change takes effect, which will be soon, it will go tip byway of the old Hardbank postoffice and down by F. E. Nel son's store to the river, then up to Bennett's and Nelson's store and retrace back to the river. This change will necessitate the dis continuance of Campbell Route 2. New Law Firm l-or Danbury. %r. J. W. Hall, formerly of Yadkin county but recently of Winston, has formed a partner ship with his brother, Mr. S. E. Hall, of Winston, and opened an office here for the practice of law. The latter, who is a prominent and well known member of the Winston bar and who was until his rocent resignation editor of the Union Republican, will spoud only a part of his time here, the former having charge of the tffice at this place. Mr. Hall, who has just recently finished the law course at Wake Forest College, comes to Daubury highly recommended, and the Re porter wishes the new firm success. Marriage Wednesday. Esquire G. G. Shelton, of Dan bury Route 1, was in town Friday. Esquire Shelton told the Reporter that on the night before he officiated at the marriage of Mr. Joe Newman, of Bassett, Ya , to Miss Ada Hawkins, of this county. Navassa Guano for 6ale by W. J. Martin, Waiuut Cove. MY BEST FRIEND. Alexander Benton, who lives on Rural Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y„ says : "Dr. King's New Dis covery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a won derful cure of incipient consump tion for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds is simply mar velous." No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. BIG CREEK ASSOCIATION Five Thousand People Attend the Primitive Baptist Meeting No Drinking and Perfect Order. Last Saturday, Sunday and Mouday were great days for our Primitive Baptist friends. The occasion was one of their regular Associations at Big Creek church, near Francisco. The attendance wan probably the largest in the history of the Association. On Sunday the crowd was estimated con servatively at 5,000. Many people believe it was much larger, and some estimates were high as 10,- 000. People were present from several counties of this State and Virginia. Among the Datibury people who attended were the following : J. S. Taylor, 0. M. Jones, N. E. I'epper, J. D. Cardwell, A. W. Davis, E. P. Pepper, T, S. Pe tree, N. R Martin, H. A. Blair, Sam Heath, W. G. Petree, We were all royally fed and enter tained by Messrs. J. C. Frans, Jas A. Leak, T. P. Payne, Jas. Flippin. Dr. J. J. Leak, G. L. Simmons, S. P. Christian, and others of the good people of that hospitable neighborhood. A singular and very commend able feature of the Association was that in all that immense crowd there was almost a perfect freedom from any drinking or disorderly conduct. The crowd was in good order, good natured and friendly. We wish we had the space to mention the names of many of those who were in attendance — the men, women, girls and boys. We all will long have pleasant memories of the Big Creek neighborhood. For its people are wholesouled, generous and hos pitable, The next Association will be held at Wilson Church, nine miles east of Danbury, on the third Saturday, Sunday and Mon day in October. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of trie most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes Irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. Tha cure is TCanlui The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex tract, which exerts such a marvelous, H strengthening influence, on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain and regulates the menses. It is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. At all druggists and dealers In II .00 bottles. "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries,'' writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., "also In my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irreg ular. Since takfng Cardui I feel like a new woman ai.d do not suffer as I did. It is the best medicine I ever took." i WANTED—TIMBER LANDS. We want to correspond with Original Owners. Any acreage from 300 to 10,000 acres. Address MANHATTEN TIMBER Co., Morganton, N. C. CAMPBELL ROUTE 2 Campbell Route 2, May 20. We have cool and dry weather in this community. The people are wanting rain and hot weather so they can set out the tobacco weed. Mr. W. P. Nelson took a Hying trip to the Association at Big Creek, near Francisco, last Sun day. Reports a large crowd and a nice time. WHIPPOORWILL. Marriage Last Sunday. The marriage of Miss Martha Stephens to Mr. John Williams J occurred Tuuday morning atJhOO: at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. W. R. Stephens, who is keep er of the county home. The cere [ mony was performed by Esquire' j R. W. Hill, of Meadows. Messrs. G. 11, Idol and Levi P. Matthews, two of Kernersville's prominent citizens, spent Mondav I night at the home of Mr. C. M. Jones. They were enroute home | from the Big Creek Association, Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Dyer, of! Leaksville, are visiting Mrs. Dyer's ■ brother, Mr. J. Spot Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer attended the Asso ciation at Big Creek last Saturday j and Sunday. S. E. HALL. J. W. HALL. HALL & HALL, Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, DANBURY, N. C. Office at McCanless Hotel. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of tin- power contained in ■ a deed in trust executed t > the under- 1 signed on the 14th day of April. 1000. i by S. L. Venalile ami wife Kliza .1. j Venal tie, to secure the payment of j if 1.10.00, and interest on same, due March 1. 1)107, and default having been made in the payment of the: same. I will Mellon Tuesday, .lime In. 1007, on the premises, at ll 1 o'clock' M., the following described tract of j land lyinn'find being in Stokes coun ty, and hounded as follows : Adjoin ing the lands of .1. M. (ialloway. .1. ' M. Vernon, It. \V. Simpson, and ! others, and lieinji' the lands sold by | I'. 1). Price, to M. F. Martin, deed dated March 2, l.sSN,recorded in Hook j .11, page :57H, deeded liy XI. F. Martin to It. A. McOeiiee and 15. I". Mc j (iehee, and dated April 2, 1002, re corded in llook 4H, page 550, office j Register of Deeds of Stokes county j which said lands were deeded by T>. j I'\ McGehee and It. A. Mciehee tn ! said S. L. Venalile of even date here with. All nf the said deeds are hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully as if set forth in full. Also one horse bought of .1. I'. ( Carieo A- Co. by said S. L. Venalile. Terms of sale—cash. This May 11, 1007. Is. V. MeGEIIKK, Trustee. THERE IS A SEASON FOE CHEWING I REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Chewers becoming tired of heavily sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS' SUN CURED to quick ly win from the old brands of much rillMWmiif 1 llFlffll 1«»S« standing the place as favorite »ith SUn ° Urecl cliewcrs ' because it contains Mmmlßp^;«»' ust en °ugh proper sweetening and fla voring to preserve the quality of the leaf and enhance its goodness, causing a large increase in the demand for sun cured MM! RFYNftI nv RLI NOLDb MM SUN CURED is not only pure sun cured, but it is made from choice selections of the genuine sun cured leaf grown where the best sun curcd tobacco grows. It is like that you ormer b r S ot ' cost ' n ff fr° m GOc. to SI.OO P cr pound, and is sold at 50c. per pound '» «*.«*«* 10C Plugs, and is the va ' uc * n sun curcd to^acc ° i^at can R - J- REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N C. I Use A NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Because it's clean. Because it'seconora- Because it saves Because it gives best ~ T~ — cooking results. M ]/ T J f Because its flame )) U \J ll can be regulated 11 » instantly. y (Because it will not overheat your kitchen. I Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. fl The T si cannot be equaled ' /Voyfj U. TTIJJ for its bright and f steady light, simple construction | / \ and absolute safety. Equipped |C_ . -yU with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout I 3 \*Jf' '' / and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, j 1 £ N whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Every j 3 lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at J )\ your dealer's. 3 / - STANDARD OIL COMPANY | ■ ITS* lI.MUUI'OUiTKIIi I lie kiitni Winston=Salem To tlit> well informed It is now a fact that t lit 're art 1 no remedies s«> effivt ive Ms tin' X-ra.v. Finsou and Minnen's violet light in thetreat mentof cancer, eczema, lupus, ac e, indolent ulcers and all other forms of skin diseases. For rheumatism, gout, sprains. Kidney ami blood diseases in {jeneral no treatment is so effective as that where elimination is produced through the skin (sweating ). This is accomplished by means of the hot air and electric light baths. As a blood builder, a tlesh producer, a cure for bronchitis, chronic coughs, catarrh if the nose and throat, ami general tonic, the inhalation of ozone from a modern apparatus has effected nioue cures than any other method, l'or the cure of neuras thenia, nervous exhaustion, retlex disorders, paralysis, neuralgia, etc., tlie vibratory massage and static curpent of electricity are the best. Hy means of other modern electric al appliances, we cure all form of gastric and intestinal indigestion, I constipation, dilation and atony of the stomach and bowels, functional disturbances of the liver, varicocele, cydsoceie, stricture, hemorrhoids (piles), etc., remove superfluous hairs, moles, warts, birthmarks, etc. Wo cordially invite yon to visit the Sanitarium or write for discriptive booklet. DR. T. iM.COPPI.E (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Notice! Having duly qualified as executrix jof tin-last will and testament ot A. .1. Flippin. dee'd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding clainiH against said estate to present them to me for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the loth day of May, l!M)s. or this notice will lie i pleaded in liar of their recovery. All i persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay . ment. This the IJOtli day of April, 1907. f MELISSA 15. FLII'PIN, Executrix of A. J. Flippin, dee'd. I; ___ i Notice. Having duly qualified as executors L of the last will and testament of C. L 11. Ferguson, deed., all persons in , j debted to said estate are hereby re quested to come forward and make 1 immediate settlement of the same, ' and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti ■ tied to present them to the under • signed after having been duly • authenticated, for payment, on or ' | before the 10th day of May, 100s, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of - t heir recovery, This L'Otli day of f April. 1!H)7. C. \V, FEUUISON and THOS. H. 1 FERGUSON, executors of C. H. Fer ' guson. J. I>. Humphreys, Atty. for ex'rs. • P. O. address—Sandy Kidge, N. ; JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, ; Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business I entrusted. Will practice in all State courts.