I SPRING THINGS. I > m i You read about Spring, hear about Spring, see Spring and I feel Spring. Spring is apparent everywhere and Spring wear- Aft ables blossom forth on every side. ) 0 y @ > SWELL SPRING SUITS $ $7.50 to $25.00 CHOICE SPRING TROUSERS 2 From $3.00 Up Jp CORRECT SPRING HATS # SI.OO to $3.00 ® $ ) Handsome Spring Haberdashery of all sorts, right from the best and most reputable makers. \ M There are many new kinks in the cut of Spring Garments and f and it would be a wise thing to drop in and see what's new, be= fjj§| k fore you fully decide just what you'll wear this Spring. f Always at your service, vou know, rW! »- • N. L. CRANFORD & CO., S . One Price Clothiers, Winston, N. C. 9 vj I For Fine Millinery and Dress Goods SEE Rothrock Voss, Walnut Cove, N. C. BtorW KarfolkiWestern BA SCHEDULE IX EFFECT JAN. >, 1 KJ7 Daiiv ally I.x. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. ' : M- _A. M. I', m. p. m. i I,v. Winst uAr2. HO 10 oil lirjs s : i:i •• Will. Cove l:i'i «i-m •V|M| •• Mjirlls. "11:4.-. 7:|!t i :2.> 12::io Ar icixin>-k> Lv !):2o r>• lr> 1> M P - M - A. M. I*. M. WKSTBOUND—LKAVE ROANOKK I>A!I.Y. r, ihi Hni—For Hast It ad lor. 1, Bluetield, Taxe weu ana Norton, Pullman Sleeper to oliimbuH, >lii«>. rule .-Hr «• no am ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) lor Pul:i*ki. principal stations, Bristol an,l tl.r *"ll®■ I nllitrin Sleepers to New n lensand Memphis. ('ale car *:{.» p in—The s , Loui* Kxi.res* tor Isluetield. Pocahontas. Kenova. Viih L imam. Indianonolis. St Loiilh. Kansas it\ r.olun»l»nM and Chicago. Pullman P.utl.t sieeoe»i 4 Koanoke to Coluinbu# ami Blueti.-M to incimmti. (\«t»« cur «I• p m— For Bluelieidaml intermediate Ma lion*. pin-Daily. For Bristol ami intermediate at ions, Knoxville. Chattanooga ami points South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxviile. ,?, !l Mj—Jw Ilriatol ami intermediate hi it ion.-. MtselieM, Norton. Pocahontas ami Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch NORTH AM) KASTHorNII. 1 ; ;°,V m 7T F l V r Kit luuoml ami Nor. oik. I iillmaii P.iift'et Parlor I'arto N«»r»«.lk. 1.40 ii m—h or \V -si llagcrstown, Phila delphia and NVw York via llaj-ei-town m l . Pullman Sleeper to New Yorl:. 'V? , r Hagermown. Pullman Me«per to Philadelphia, j I2JSO a m—Kor Kiohin nid ;ind Norfolk. Pullman | Meeper Um-hl.urg to Norfolk and I V "Vr l Ullattaiiooga l.iin- Ilecl). For Washington, I'liibulclpltla and Neiv . , ''ynclilnirj;. Pullman Sleepers lo Wellington, Hall.more. Philadelphia and New York. . i>:4.. a in—For Lynchburg, Petei*-! I lMir«r, Itiehinond and Norfolk. 7:4.-1 |> in—Dally. For Lynchburg. Cullman Sleeper for Hielinioiul. Dl'ltl IA M DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg I I'nlon Station) ! daily except Suiiilay :I:IM1 a. in., and | daily 4:1.-. p. m. forSouth Boston and I >iirliain anil intermediate stations. I' or all additional information. I apply to ticket officer, or to W. H. BEVILL, M. F. IlKAhd, j »en I Cass. Ajj't. Trav. Cass. Agt. HOAXOKE. VA. 1 KlLLthe couch I -'and CURE the LUNCbI wth Dr. King's j flsw Discovers j ron /CONSUMPTION Price j rllH I OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO i ; OtDS Fre » Tfi »'- j ( -j Surest and Uuickeat Cure for all ' 1 (• THROAT and LUNG TBOtJE. > HELP IS OFFERED ! TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE. , request *ll person., no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training: and good posi ftfTni t c Writ ° : fi , rst '"'J' 1 for our «rroat half-rate oner. Success, independenceand probable fortune arc guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today, 'he Ga.-AU. Basinets Macon. Ga. ( | MOUNT AIRY NOTES. Mr. J. R. Lewellyn Critically 111 -Mr. j H. C. Ashcraft To Build Nice Residence—Other Items. ' ! The latest news from Dobson is >that Mr. J. R. Lewellyn, whose illness was reported last week, is t critically ill. The trouble is all ' with his foot. Years ago he had L what was called a white swelling, ' and some weeks ago the same I place began to trouble him and gradually grew worse until he was I forced t» take his bed. The trouble has refused to yield to treatment and now it it the opinion of his physicians that it will be weeks before he recovers. A party of about thirty young people and children chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Miles Keese, from Friends Mission, Va., drove to Flat Rock Tuosday, where they spread their dinner in true picnic style. After dinner the party spent a short while in this city, ere they turned their faces homeward. Mr. James Haynes, of White Plains, is in feeble health. Old age and a general declineiu health is his only trouble. He will be 87 years old in a few days. Surry has no better citizen, and his many friends will regret to hear of his feeble health. Mr. H. C. Ashcraft has let the contract to Mr. Thos. Roberts for I a now residence on Rockford j Street. The building will have I about eight rooms, with all mod ern improvements, and will not I cost less than $15,000. One of the most fashionable ev il ents of Winston society was an elegant reception given last week I by Mrs. R. J. Reynolds to an nounce the marriage of her sister, l Miss Maxie Smith, of this city, to Mr. Jas. Dunn, of Winston. Miss Maxie is a daughter of Mr. '/. T. j Smith, a prominent capitalist of ! this city, and Mr. Dunn is a rising young business man of Winston. Mr. E. C. Cornell, a well known citizen of this place, is in a crit-1 ical condition. His health is badly broken and his mind gone. Re cently he has been at Kibler, Ya., where he was em ployed ns a lum ber inspector.—Mt. Airy News. TOBACCOVILLE ROUTE 2. Tobaccoville Route 2, May 13—i Farmers are very busy preparing j for another tobacco crop, but tu. I baeco plants are very scarce with some in this section, while some ! have a right smart of plants. \\ heat is looking fine and it is J heading out right along. Fruit ' is killed iu this section. Hoping ( for a good berry crop. i j Mr. Sid Pulliam, of King, has ( two right sick babies. ( COON. Teachers' Five-Year Certificates. ( '1 he State Superintendent of ' Public Instruction announces that arrangements will be made for holding examinations for five-year State certificates, in connection j with the next regular examinations ' for teachers' certificates, in all the counties of the Stato, on the sec- ond Thursday in July, 1907. The examinations for these certificates will be prepared by n board of ex- aruiners, of which the State Su- perintendent is chairman ex- ] officio; the papers will be graded ' and the certificates issued by board. \( SIOO REWARD, SIOO, The readers of this pxper will J be pleased to learn that there is at ) least one dreaded disease that ' science has been able to cure in all I its stages, and that is Catarrh. ( Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only f positive cure now known to the t medical fraternity. Catarrh being " a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional Treatment. Hall's - Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa- 1 tient strength by building up the v constitution and assisting nature u in doing its work. The propri- * etors have so mnch faith in its curative powers that they offer a One Hundred Dollars for any case { that it fails to cure. Send for list c of testimonials. , Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO. i Toledo, O, T Sold by Druggists, 75c. 1 Take Hall's Family Pills for v constipation. a iThe Best Goods At! ithe Lowest Prices. { I desire to say to the people of Stokes county that I am § still doing business at my old stand with a store chock full of everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair J Sof suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of clothes. Mv w stock of {DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, © CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. $ Is complete in every respect. You will find almost a coin- A £ plete drug store here. Z g) Your special attention is called to my up-to-date line of 2 0 LADIES TRIMMED HATS. 1 ' ,e y are tho very latest styles, all shapes and shades, and lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You 5 X will your spring hats here sure it you will come aud see • fB mine before you buy. Yours for business, £ | F. E. NELSON, I J Campbell, IN. C., R. F. D. No 2. g •MMHtMMd —HM—HO >E!W^^Alnlonl / WINSTON-SALEM'S V Leading Druggist. > £ Largest and best conducted C \ Drug business in the State.. / \ Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when # C you are at Winston. Glad to \ J serve you in any way. f / O'Hanlon's isTHE Place. \ WATKINS & EAST WALNUT COVE, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Commis= sion Merchants and Brokers Merchants of Stokes County will save money by buy ing their goods from us. We represent several of the largest wholesale houses in the South, and are prepared to meet all competition. eeeeeeeeeees •• oonmmmm & # ® Fancy and White A Perfect Fit Vests a Specialty. g Guaranteed. © HAVI£ YOUR SUMMER SUIT • | Tailor IVlade. j U FITS BETTER, * FEELS BETTER, LOOKS BETTER, IS BETTER 2 THAN A READY-MADE ONE IN MANY WAYS. • ® All the latest styles in goods and make-up. £ 1 N. A. MARTIN & SON, $ E Representing the Leading Tailoring Houses, DANBURY, N. C. I MMN See Our Up-to-dute S* Suits Delivered Without £ l.ine of Samples. Cost to Purchaser. Four per cent. compound in terest pays nearly as mucli aa 1 per cunt, simple interest. Then when you consider that you can gut your money any day or hour you may want it, so t hat you are, always in position to make a good trade if opportunity presents, you j can clearly see the advisability of putting your loose money in a! Bank, where it will be safe. The ; Bank of Stokes wants your money, whether it is much or little. Any amount from one dollar up taken. The Bank of Stokes County has at all times money to loau on good • security. It is able and willing to help its patrons. You should give M the Bank your account. Even if the amount of money which you handle is small, the Bankwantait. Then when you need help /n a financial way, you may be sure of getting it. Check books are given away free by the Bank of Stokes County. Call and get one at either Dan- I bury or Walnut Cove banks.

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