Briefs Adrift. L ■ Mr. J. E. Sisk, of Saudy Ridge was here Monday. Vade Mecum Springs hotels [ opened Saturday with eight guests. ' Mrs. M. C. Smith is visiting Mrs. M. C. Grogan at Winston. * The infant of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Moir, of Francisco, is reported , dead. Mr. Jno. A. Simmons, of Frati-j ciaco, visited the Reporter office yesterday. Mr. W. R. Stephens, keeper of , the County Home, was a Dan- j bury visitor Monday. Locusts have recently made their appearance in many sections of the State. A few have been noticed here. Miss Agnes Pulliam, who has been attending school here, re turned to her homo at King Sun day. - Mr. J. Adkins, of Red Shaols, ■*JKBHJWfianitKl by his sister, Miss Susie, visTieir Mrs. M. T. Chilton Tuesday. Mrs. S. E. Allen and family, of Concord, went up to Piedmont Springs yesterday and will occupy their cottage there indefinitely. Messrs. R. F. Shelton, J. P. Smith and W.M. Mabe.the Stokes commissioners, were all here this week attending a session of the board. Our townsman, Mr. J. W. Hall, while taking a stroll just west of town last week had the pleasure of killing the first rattlesnake to be heard of this season. It was a .good big one with a number of rattles. r Mr. Dudley D. Carroll, a Stokes boy who graduated this year at Guilford College, won the scholar ship at Haverford College, which was offered the young man making the highest average in the senior class. The value of tho scholarship is about $300.00. SUMMERFIELD. Summerfield, June 3. —Miss Nellie lloskins has returned home from the Greensboro Normal Col lege, where she has been attend ing school. Also Miss Annie Doggeft and Mr. B. H. Hoskins have returned home from Gnil ford College. We eiijoyad the letter from Washington in the Reporter, writ ten by W. B. Harris. He was born near this place, aud also has two brothers with us, Messrs. R. V. and L. P. Harris. More progress in our town, Mr. J. A. Hoskins is having his feed barn remodeled. Also there is talk of a farmers phone line, which we hope will iu the near future not bo talk but work. Wheat is lookiug fine in this part of Guilford. God sent his death angel and carried to Him, we trust, Mrs. Polly Lloyd on the 29 iust. She lingered for quite a while, suffer ing with consumption, but yet always cheerful. The writer vis ited her quite often, and was met with a smile from the poor suffer er. I (lon't tnink any one ever visited her without coming away feeling better. Let. us be sub missive ns aunt Polly was and say not my will but thine be done oh Lord. SELDOM COMER. FOR SALE—One log wagon, one two-horse wagon, one one-horse wagon, two buggies, and two good horses. Will sell at a bargain either for cash or on time. Apply to JAS. T. REYNOLDS, Madison, N. C., Route 3. *o* Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. *o* A Certain relief and usually complete recovery 9 V will result from the following treatment: V A Hope, rest, fresh air, and— Scoll\n Y Emulston. ' ,: o | ALL DRUGGISTS! BOc. AND SI.OO. !>(1 1 | THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. In Session Three Days -1907 Taxes Levied Jury List Revised F. G. Thomas Appointed Con stable In Yadkin—Other Business Transacted. The County Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting; Monday and the session was con tinued Tuesday and Wednesday for the purpose of revising the jury list. This is quite an under taking as the names of all the tax payers of the county have to be gone over. The law says that all persons who paid their taxes the previous year before June Ist and who are of good moral character and sufficient intelligence shall be placed in the jury box. It is sur prising to note that probably not more than half the tax payers had settled their taxes on June Ist, and a great many of these among the best citizens of the county. The most important business; before the commissioners Monday was the levying of the taxes for 1907. The same levy as last year was made for the county, which i was as follows : State tax, 21 Pension " 41 School " 18 County " 23j{ Poll " 2.00 Special, on property, 25 " on poll, 75 The special tax of 25 cents on the SIOO valuation of property and 75 cents on the poll is the same as last year and is made to pay the second installment on the court house and jail bonds. Under Schedule B and C the county makes the same levy as the State. The above valuation makes the regular and special taxes together amount to 91 3 cents on the SIOO valuation of property and $2.75 on the poll, which is just what it was last year. For Walnut Cove Special School District the levy was 30 cents on the SIOO valuation of property and ! 90 cents on the poll. For Pinnacle Graded School District it was 25 cents on the SIOO valuation of property and 76 cents on the poll. Mr. Jno. T. Moore, of Moore's Springs, was again before the commissioners in the interest of the road in Yadkin township about which the particulars have boen printed before. The Sheriff was ordered to summon a jury and lay out the road as soon as pos sible. Mr. W. D. Thomas was appoint ed constable in Yadkin township to succeed Mr. F. G. Thomas, who recently resigned the position. The spring term Superior court claims and insolvent witness claims were paid as well as the I promiscuous claims and pauper allowances. Mr. Jas. R. Morefield Has Narrow Escape From Drowning. While crossing Buck Island creek last Saturday, Mr, Jas. R. Morefield, the carrier of Campbell R. F. D. No. 2, had a narrow es cape from drowning. The creek was largely swollen from the heavy rains, and Mr. Morefield'a horse was swept down stream a consid erable distance. Both, man and animal had to swim for their lives, and it WHS only after the greatest difficulty that both reached the J bank in safety. | SEE the Edison Canning outfit before buying a canner. Sold by J. Walter Tuttle, King Route 1. Size 37 in. long, 15 in. wide, 18 in. high, holds 35 gallons ; water. Will steam 21 3-11). cans and cook 48. All complete for SIOOO. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Germanton Route 1, June 4. As we had a good rain once more, we thought we would moisture up and come again. There was but little tobacco plauted Saturday as the ground was too wet. Mr. Jas. Hill didn't carry the the mail Saturday. Guess he was water bound. Miss Bowers, of Winston, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carroll. Mr. Farest Smith was a visitor at Mr. Carroll's Sunday. He must be struck ou Miss Bowers. Mr. Willie Carroll has gone in to the climbing of the telephone business, as he is seen with his climbers on every hill. Several was seen going to the foot washing Sunday. Mr. Wade Carroll had a sick horse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tillotson are in bad health and in a feeble con dition. Rosa Carroll has been sick for some time, but is better now. Mr. Walter Terry was seen go | ing to see his "darling" as he calls her Saturday. Lookout, Miss Sallie. Mr. G. M. Allen makes frequent j visits up at Mr. Wade's. What is the attraction, Mr. Allen V That pretty little widow, we guess. HUSTLER. FOR SALE at a bargain—Good Threshing Machine that does fine work. Will sell cheap. Address CHAS. E. HOLDER, j6—lmo. Tobaccoville, N. C. FOR SALE—One good cow, Hve- J eighths Jersey. Gives 3 gallons a j day, 3 years old. Will swap. T. J. DAVIS, Danbury, N. C. Navassa Guano for sale by W. J. Martin, Walnut Cove. See W. J. Martin for Navassa Guano. Land for Sale In Southeast Mis souri. 8000 acres timbered land at from $2.00 to SIO.OO per acre ; 2,O'X) j acres of farm land at from $5.00 to $20.00 per acre. Good climate, good railroad facilities ; from 8 to 10 months public school each year. If you wjiit to buy, address H. F. HUTCH ENS, Ellsiuore, Mo. | Moh 7 —3 mo ! BUY your sugar from Rothrock & Voßs at 5 ceuts per pound. YOU can get the latest thing in the post card line from Roth rock & VoBB. Navassa Guano is the best. W. j J. Martin sells it. When you pay your bills by check you have these advantages : 1. It is more business-like and ! gives others a more honorable irn ] pressioti of your business abilities and methods. I 2. It often saves you money, as for instance when you pay a bil jor debt by giving your check, the person who receives the check must put his name on the back of • the check before he can get the i money on it. This operates as a ! receipt in law. Every fanner or anybody who pays out money should always do so by check. There are other banks larger than the Bank of Stokes County. But the statement of tho Bank of Stokes will compare favorably with any bank in the state. Some banks with capital stocks of hun dreds of thousands, and big sur plus funds, also have liabilities reaching up into the hundreds of thousands. The safest bank is the bank having the largest clear as sets in proportion to its liabilities. J.T. Benbow. S.E.Hall. J.W.Hall. Benbow, Hall & Hall, Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, DANBURY, N. C. j Office at McCanless Hotel. MEADOWS. Death of Mr. Joe Bowles —Bethel Sunday School Progressing—Ball Games Coming. Meadows, June 3. —There has j been very heavy rains in this sec tion, doing much damage to newly plowed lands. The Pink Grove boys will cross j bats with Meadows on the latter's | ground Saturday the Sth. A large crowd and a geod game expected l Another interesting game has been arranged for Walnut Cove | and Meadows teams the 15th to be played on Meadows' ground. It is with profound sorrow we j chronicla the death of Mr. Joe j Boles, who died at his borne the i past week with that dreaded dis ease, consumption. Just 10 months and 21 days privious to his wife, ■ who died of the same disease. It i is a very sad case, as they leave j six little children without father or mother to guide them the way j they should go. The Sunday School, that was j organized at Bethel, is progressing; nicely under the good snperin-1 tending of Mr. Charlie Hutch ! erson. Several new scholars is being added each Sunday. Wej i hope all the people in the com I inunity will come out nnd take a ! part, as it will do no one am I harm. AFTER. ; 9 m j Mioa Axis Grease 9 Test lubricant for axles in the H world —long wearing and very ad hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a lifjht one. Saves half the wear on war-on and team, and increases the earning capacity of your outfit. Aalc your dealer for Mica Axle Qrcasc. STANDARD Tli e Sanitarium 127 South Main Street, Winston=Salem We have recently added several new appliances to this already splendidly equipped institution and are offering still better advantages to those who suffer with rheumatism, gout, kidney and blood diseases, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, ca tarrh, certain forms of paralysis, in digestion, varicocele, hydrocele, strictures, hemorrhoids (piles), dis eases of the nervous system, skin diseases, such as eczema, penritis, iiipus, cancer, and old sores : remove moles, warts, superfluous hair, birth marks, etc. We cordially invite you to visit the Sanitarium or write for descrip tive booklet. DR. T. M. COPPLE (Successor to Riersoti fc Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. KILL the COUGH AHD CURE THE LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery FORCBLDS S .AEFC. AND AIL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OK MONET REFUNDED. I "THEDEVILof TODAY 77 His work in the Homo, Church. Society, Business. Politics and every walk of lit'**. A book portraying the (crave dangers found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of escaping them. A warning note to save yountf men and women from wreck and ruin. This book is having an immense sale. We want agents to sell the above book with a full line of Standard Subscription Books, i Red Letter Family and Teacher's Bibles. Cata logue will be sent free. This is your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agents who have bean with us 20 years. Write today. D. E. Luther Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Trinity Ave. Atlaata, 6a. A Summer Vacation in Your Kitchen —t'" \ V H> ' j -TT^ Don't swelter this ||L2j yjjL' Iv; ■ * summer with the tern- | s j/J | |Tj) W a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil If \| ~Vj |) Stove and have a cool )) [) \ j \1 kitchen. The (/ \\ 1 NEW PERFECTION u 1 ! I Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove j I produces a working flame instantly. Blue flame means highly I I concentrated heat, no soot, no dirt. Oil is always at a maintained | I level, ensuring a uniform flame. Made in three sizes. Every I stove warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our | gy> nearest agency for descriptive circular. J-JL T m-rv%-r\ is the best lamp for 5 J> X. lV€XyO L ' am P all-round house- J / \ hold use. Made | L _ilof brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly E constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving I v-p Qwer . an ornamen t to any room. Every lamp warranted. K If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency. J\ STANDARD OIL COMPANY, Re-Sale Of a Valuable Farm. By a decree of the Superior Court I, of Stokes county, made the :Srl dayj of June, 1907, 011 account of lnsiifiic-f ieney of priee and a ten per cent, ad vanced l>hl offered, a re-sale is ordered of the tract of land described below. 1 will, therefore, sell at public auction on the premises on Saturday the lllth day of July, 1007, at 2 o'clock, p. in., a tract of 2*Jl acres of valuable land, with improvements, lying inSatira town township, Stokes county, it being the home place of the late M. I>. O. Brown. and better known as the John Dal ton tract, adjoining tlie lands of J no. M. Lin vllle, B. S. Brown and others. Tills tract Is well Improved and tine for grain, grasses, tobacco, etc. Terms: One-third cash, one-third ] in twelve months and the otherthird I in two years, with interest on de ferred payments from day of sale. Title reserved until the purchase money and interest is paid. This the 3rd day of June, 1907. B. S. BROWN, Commissioner. Belew's Creek, N. R. F. I). No. 1. Land Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes county, ren dered on the first day of .1 line, 15(07, In the case of Henry J. Mickey and others, ex parte, appointing the undersigned a commissioner to sell the lands hereinafter described, for; the purpose of partition. I will ex-1 pose to public sale to the highest, bidder for cash, on the premises in 1 Stokes county, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., on Thursday the lNth | day of July, 1907, a tract of land la! ] Stokes county, containing *2 acres, more or less, on the waters of Grassy Creek, known as what was formerly lauds lielonging to John Burr, deed., adjoining the lands of Robert Stone and John Wesley Wall on the South, the Jackson land on the West, the Ziglar lands and Robert Stone on the North, and the lands of Matthew i Lane on the East. Eight-ninths of this tract of land will be sold subject to the dower right of Mrs. Camilla Mickey, widow j of Win. A. Mickey, deceased, which has never been assigned to her, anil the other one-ninth will be sold not subject to any dower right. This the 1 first duv of June, 1907. X. (). PETREE. ( Commissioner. Notice. Having duly qualified as admiui-e tratrix of Mrs. 11. 11. Martin, deed.-1 all persons owing her are hereby re. quested to come forward and luaks ) | immediate settlement of the same. I and all persons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to me, dul\ , authenticated, for payment on or before the loth day of .1 une, i'.Hls, or this notice will I>e pleaded iu bar of their recovery. This May :ilst, 1907. MRS. 11. L. ELLINGTON, Adnix. of Mrs. 11. H. Martin, deed. P. O. address— : Sandy Ridge, N\ C. J. I). Humphreys Atty. for admx. R. DAVIS, Winston, N. J. Yon will now find the newest and nicest of all A intis things for every body such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. Land Sale. *" I'y virtue of n decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county rendered in the special proceedings entitled "J. ). Smith et ni vs. l*.essie Smith etal" appointing tlic undersigned a com missioner to make sale of tile here inafter described lands, 1 will on Monday, .luly Ist, 1!M)7, at the court house door in the town of Danbury. N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wit: Beginning at a maple 011 the bank of the Jan uary branch on the south side of the road, runs north west along the road as it meanders 24 chains to the Cross roads, thence south a south- Cast course along the road leading to J. I'. Smith's as it meanders (U chains to the ford of said branch, thence up the branch as it meanders ."lit chains to the beginning, contain ing lUO acres more or less and it be ing lot No. (> in the division of the lands of the late John I'. Smith, deceased, among his heirs at law. Sale subject to continuation of the court. Tills May 2:!, l!M)7. .1. I>. HI'MPHUICYK, Commissioner. Merchants Business Men Farmers Teachers Everybody We want your business and are prepared to offer you every facility and ev= ery accommodation that any bank in North Caro lina can give. The management of this institution is conducted on a safe, sound, conserv ative and successful basis. So carefully have our bus iness transactions been managed, that during the 18 months' existence of the Bank not a dollar has ever been lost in its loan ings. 1 Dim it or » mm

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