J. H. PRATHER, President. - N. E. PEPPER and R. R. ROGERS, Cashiers. W. J. BYERLY, Vice-President • "v. ■" ;T / The Bank of Stokes County --♦j » , , Authorized Capital, $50,000 Deposits 53,590 •• • "*si - ,' "V v *'.#*' ■ . ''• ' V 4. .. * -• f * % mm ' .■ «£ 9,1 • wy* . ■ tr A home Institution For home Upbuilding ' Solicits the Account of Every Person Who Handles Money Any Amount From $1 Up, Taken. . ,yh - Nice Check Books Free It's Convenient and Safe to Pay bg Check .V/- : \ ' " ' • v- . Get in the habit of transacting all your business through the Bank; It is business like, and will In the course of a year save you considerable money. Deposit your money in the Bank, and when you want to borrow, you can borrow cheaner than if you had not been a patron of the Bank. ters' vouchers taken on deposit. We furnish you a check book and you amount at your convenience and pleasure. ~ •' i• i ;• { • , . -v, . 1 - ' er cent. Interest on our certificates of deposit, and you will And that 4 >ound Interest counts nearly as fast as 6 per cent, simple interest, and !is with us when you consider that when you lend your money to pri ou can't get it when you want It, but when you leave it with us you can r day or hour you call for it, and thus often have the opportunity to make ad at[the same a tlmejreceive Interest on your money.