•MNMtNtMMMMe • WE ARE ALWAYS ON • «TME SQUARE.* f f • • • m iiTA We endeavor to conduct our business on the Golden Rule plan. We give a man Clothing that will satisfy him and prove to be as represented. Clothing that will cause him to think well of us and make this his clothing store. We give a man clothing . *4-' that will not make us ashamed to look him square in the face the next time we meet o*s*l him. We never advertise S3O Suits at $4.99 or "The Best Clothing in the World at the . Jel Cost of the Buttons." We do business on l ' le s^uare ' 0 /Suits, $8.50, slo.oo, • S / sl2 * s °' $ ,5 -°°' $18.50 ® §f » and 20.00. a | N. L. CRANFORD & CO, t m @ 0 One Price Clothiers, £ • Winston, IN. C. • WILL YOU JOIN US IN MAKING A FORTUNE ? Nothing so surely offers as large returns as a good manufacturing stock. Probably you do not realize how many people that nre eujoy ing n regular income as the result from investing in manufacturing stocks. There are thousands of them and they are largely those who bought their stock when the opportunity was first offered. To secure shares at a low price before the Company had been fully developed. Stocks of many manufacturing companies have advanced from a few dollars a share to prices ranging from SIOOOO to $5,000.00 a share in value and besides have paid back to the investors in dividends many times what they first invested. Many of the Companies are paying from 50 to 100 per cent, in dividends on the first price for stock. To grasp this opporf unity purchase stock in the Empire Machine Company at $25.00 a share. This Company is in the hands of men whose ability and integrity cannot be questioned, and these men pledge themselves to see that each aud every investor in the enter- I prise receives an equal division of the profits. CONCRETE. Concrete has long been recogni/.ed as the building material of the future ; its development as such is becoming a uecessity. That some new material is needed is proved by the diminishing supply of wood, which is estimated will all be cut in 20 years. Wooden buildings have practically a short life of usefulness and buildings of brick, although, they have a longer life, are subject to weather conditions and will eventually disentegrate. Concrete, on the contrary, when subject to the same conditions becomes stronger as time goes on. The Empire Machine Company has just been organized as man ufacturer's of Concrete Block Machines, Concrete Brick Machines, Concrete Mixers, Concrete Fence Post Machines, Concrete Sidewalk Machines, etc. This Company has been incorporated with a capital stock of $250,000.00, divided into shares of par value SIOO.OO a share, tempo rary price $25.00 a share. Our Machines are fully protected by United States and Foreign Patents. There is over JSOO per oent. profit in their manufacture. The demand for Concrete Machinery is rapidly increasing, consequently, this corporation should be able to pay the enormous dividends of 50 or even 100 per cent, a year in the nnar future. Dividends will be de clared semi-annually. LIBERAL PAYMENT PLAN. ,•$5.00 down and $5.00 per month for 9 months buys 2 shares. $15.00 down and SIO.OO per month for 11 months buys 5 shares. $25.00 down and $25.00 per month for it months buys 10 shares. *50.00 down and $50.00 per month for 9 months buys 20 shares. 5150.00 down and SIOO.OO per month for 11 months buys 50 shares. Not more than 50 shares to any one person. Cash plan, 5 per cent, j less for cash. Only a limited amount of stock will be sold on the above price aud terms. Bend in your application before the price is advanced, or write us for full prospectus, literature and descriptions of Machines, together with our references. Address all communications to The Empire Machine Company, NASHVILLE, TENN. RinrW Miif esternßl SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. fi, 1907 Daily I Daily Kx. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. ll'. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 7rflo Lv. nAri'.OO 10.00 :!:2.s «;i:j " W.il, Ci,vt»'• 1:21 9:20 5.00 9:50 " Marti k. '• 11:45 7:4!» j 7:25 12:30 Ar Koair kt* Lv 9:20 5:15 I P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WKS'J'BOUKi)—I.KAVE UOANOKK DAII,V. j 5;00 a m—For Ktdfonl, liluetield, Taze ell HIM! Norton, l'ulliuau Sleeper Jo j Ohio. cafe rar. | ti.OO i r i ( Washington mid Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski. principal station*, Bristol and the ! South. Piiiliuaii Sleepers to Now Or le;i«>• and Memphis Cafe car 4:3-1 p in —The St. laiuin Kxpre.«w, for . JtlueiieM. P-cakontaf>. Kenova. Cimi lin itti, iudianoiHilir*. St. i«ouis. Kansas t'ity, ColumSu* am! Chicago. Pullman Bufl'et SleopeiH Roanoke to Columbia and liluetield to Clneiiianti. Cafe c.*r 4:4.5 pm— For HluetieUland intermediate nt«- | tlOllf 4:53 p ui—Daily. F»r Bristol and intermediate j stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville. j 9:30 a m—For Bristol aud inter mediate station#, lilueth-hi, Norton. Pocahontas and Welch. Pullm n Sleeper to Welch NORTH AND EAST BOUND. : 1:30 n m—For Peten»'».irjj, ttlchuiond and Nor folic. Pullman litirtet ; arlor Car to Norfolk. ! 1:40 p m—Foi Washington, Phila I delphia and New York via Hagersfown and 1 Harrinburp. Pnllinan Sleeper to New Vork. i 7:4.1 p m- For liagerstown. Pullman Sle«per to 1 Philadelphia. 12 m a m—For ltichm'>nd and Norfolk. Pullman | Sleeper to Norfolk and Richmond I 1:01 a m—(Washington and Chattanooga I.im i ite l). For Wellington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg Puiiuian Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. [ 0:45 a in—For Lyuehliurg, Peters burg. Richmond ami Norfolk. | 7:45 ]i in—Daily. For Lynchburg. Pullman Sleeper for Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. I-enve Lynchburg (I'liion Station] daily except Sunday :i:00 a. iu., ami daily 4:15 p. in. forSouth Boston and | Durham and intermediate station*. For all additional information. I apply to ticket otticer, or to W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BKAQIi, Gen'l Paß«. Ant. Trav. Pumh. Agt. | KOANOKE, VA. IKILLTHHCOUCH"! AND CURE THE LUNCST ~ w ™ Or. King's 1 New Discovery 1 /Consumption Prie* 1 : -QR ( OUGHS and BOc J.JI.CO I j u " Free Trial. ! -j - - Surest and Quickest Cure for all i iI'HBOAT and LUNG TBOUIi- k LES, or MONEY BACK. } HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request all young persona, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and Kood posi tion. to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Surcesa, independence and probable fortuno urc guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. tho Ca.*Ala. Business College. Nacei, Ga. THE FARMER AND RECREATION. Needed Rest Does Not Cause a Loss Of Time Or Money—lt Enables the Farmer To Put More 01 Himself Into His Work and Get More Out Of It. Unending work without an oc casional reoreation may lie an effective way to make money but it ia not the process wbioh capac itates people for the enjoyment of life. Farmers who believe they cannot afford to separate them selves for a brief period, once a year or oftener, from their labors have failed to appreciate the wholesome philosophy in the old adage: "All work and no play maktfc Jack a dull boy." No man has greater need for rec reation than the farmer, yet ho is perhaps the most loyal slave to work that the list of industrial occupations affords. Justification of this fact can be imagined but it can scarcely be approved. Necessity ; may compel all men to work part of the time, Mortgages, crop fail ures and other forms of adversity are not sufficiently important to deprive any farmers of a peric d of re-building, reviving rest during that season each year when clima tic conditions and the status of his farming work renders it most convenient. Equal in every respect are his wife's right, if not duty to free herself from household toil and enjoy the recuperation and revivification as well as renewal of interest in her lot which come from pioper diversion Further more, the boys and girls and the hired farm help should have the same privilege. Let it always be borne in mind that a recreation or rest is not a loss of time or of money. It is on the other band an added if intangi ble asset, a form of capital which enables a man to put more of him self into his work with the logical result of ability to get more out of it, Dowuright selfishness even should recommend recreation to a farmer. Many places offer advantages and inducements to reat-hunters. A day's journey by rail will reach a number of them. Trips by water would be a delightful novelty to farm folk. Americsn lakes and rivers are nicely distributed for the accommodation of all intent upon this form of transportation and pleasure. Cool spots are aboundant in the mountains and both natural and artificial cond itions at these places make it possi ble for visitors to secure the full benefit of a recreation while at the same time enjoying beautiful surroundings. America is an ideal country for vacationists, but agri cultural Americans are the most work-tied people in modern so ciety. And this ought not to be.— Breeders' Gazette. A FORTUNATE TEXAN. Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Texas, says: "In the past year I have become ac quainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so effectually dis poses of malaria and biliousness." They don't griud nor gripe. 25c. at all druggists. Land Sale. lly virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county rendered in the special proceedings entitled ".I. (). Smith et nl vs. lJessie Smith etnl" appointing the undersigned u com missioner to make sale of the here ■ inatter described lands, I will on Monday, July Ist, 1907, at the court i house door in the town of Danliury, N. 0., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wit : Beginning i at a maple on the bank of the Jail | nary branch on the south side of the road, runs north west along the i road as it meanders 24 chains to the cross roads, thence south a south least course along the road leading to J. P. Smith's us it meanders 04 chains to the ford of said branch, thence up the branch as It meanders 50 chains to the beginning, contain ing l-'O acres more or (ess and It be ing lot No « in the division' of the ; lands of the late John P. Smith, I deceased, among his heirs at law. Sale subject to confirmation of the court. This May 23, l!H)7. J. I>. HI MPHKEYH, Commissioner. | The Best Goods At I the Lowest Prices.! II desire to say to the people of Stokes county that fam Z| still doing business at my old stand with a store ohock full of everything the people need, from a paper of pinsora pair 3 of suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of clothes. My Jj DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, 9 CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. Is complete in every respect. You will Hud almost a com- Oj plete drug store here. A] Your special attention is called to my up-to-date line of 1 £|j LADIES TRIMMED HATS. They are of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, and lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You will get your spring hats hero sure if you will come and see ®| (tit) mine before you buy. Yours for business, CJ £ F. E. NELSON, % § Campbell, IN. C., R. F. D. No 2. # HMMWOWM »8 MMMMHi [E!W!OTIANLONI y WINSTON-SALEM'S V Leading Druggist. > / Largest and best conducted C \ Druy business in the State. /. J Be sure to visit o'Hanlon's when # # you are at Winston. Glad to \ j serve you in any way. f > O'Hanlon's is THE Place. \ _______ V mm mmmmmm Fancy and White A Perfect Fit 2 Vests a Specialty. g Guaranteed. MM MMMMM S HAVE YOUR SUMMER SUIT | Tailor Made. J 2 FITS BETTER, # FEELS BETTER, LOOKS BETFER, J IS BETTER 2 {THAN A READY-MADE ONE IN MANY WAYS. # ' W All the latest styles in goods and make-up. # N. A. MARTIN & SON, | Representing the Leading Tailoring Houses, DANBURY, N. C. X iHMftMM eiittism MHH See Our Up-to-date 2 Suits Delivered Without Line of Samples. AC Cost to Purchaser. SMMMMMMM MM HHH VVVfVwVfWfV ww 1 NOTICE! § 2 I have just received a nice line of Ladies and A 2 Misses Dressed Hats at the loXvest prices, 2 B a nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made 2 § Clothing at the right prices, a new line of Shoes for men, women and children as low as 0 the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine £ # Hats, a nice line of Dress Goods, White Goods, 2« A Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all £ Q kinds and men's dress shirts. A I also keep on hand J. E. Shelton'a make of up-to-date 2 a Furniture At factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles 2 to fit all makes of ma'hines. I always keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro w ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- w thing that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good A A coffee at 10c per pound, sugar at (k* per pouud, good roller 2 Z mill Hour at $2.25 per lymdred. Z Highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds: Eggs 12c. dozen, Hens !)c. pound, Buttei 15c. lb., w W Corn ( .K)c. bushel Rye 900. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. W I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage A. A for the past ten years, and bj fair and square dealings I 2 hope to have a continuance of the same. Z Yours to serve, 1 E. C. Sheppard, I # SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. !. • wwwwwWWWwww WwwW WVVVUIWvWw