Briefs Adrift. Mr. J.SpotTa>lor visited Wfns ton-Salem Monday. Dr. W. V. McCanlees spent sev eral days the past week at Wins ton. Mr. A. W. Davis spent Sat urday t and Sunday at Pinnacle with rela tives. _ Mr. W. S. Hart, of Smith, paid the Reporter a pleasant visit Mon day. The Danbury Union Sunday School will hold its annual pic nic at Piedmont Springs on next Thursday, the 27th. Mr. W. R. Stephens, keeper of the County Home, was here Thurs day. Mr. Stephens recently spent several days at Spray. Mr. L. E. Morefield, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield, has accepted a position with a business house in Philadelphia. Mr. Sam Stewart, who has held a position with Rosen bacher Bros, at Winston, for some time, came up Monday. Sam has been ill re cently. Harvesting will be in order in a few days. It is rather late for it. Owing to the very cool spring, wheat has not ripened as fast as it usually does The threshing machine men will du a good business this sum mer, as the grain crop is the best fur years. Harvest has already begun. Danbury defeated Red Shoals in a ball game here Saturday, the score being 33 to 25. It is very likely that Danbury will play Dillard here Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, was here Tuesday. Mr. Morefield reports crops looking fine in his section, especially wheat. Messrs. Thos. and Walter Petree, accompanied by Misses Maud Hedrick and Sadie Petree, spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of Sheriff R. J. Petree, near Germanton, Mr. E. C. Sbeppard, of Dellar, was a welcome visitor at the Re porter office Tuesday. Mr. Shep pnrd, assisted by Messrs. J. H. and Chas Fagg, will operate a threshing machine again this season. Mr. Sheppard says wheat and rye are unusually fine this year throughout his Bection. o The effect of Scoff s Emulsion on thin, 9 pale children is magical. Q It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. , , It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites , , and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, ( , and so put together that it is easily digested , , by little folk. | , , ALL DRUGGISTS 1 50c. AND SI.OO. Mill tnotv—n # I have just received a nice line of Ladies and # 2 Misses Dressed Hats at the lowest prices, # 2 a nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made A 2 Clothing at the right prices, a new line of 2 2 Shoes for men, women and children as low as 2 2 the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine Q £ Hats, a nice line of Dress Goods, White Goods, # 2 Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all # # kinds and men's dress shirts. 2 2 1 also keep on hand J. E. Sholton'n make of up-Wdate 2 Furniture at factory prices, Hewing Machines and Needles Z tn fit all makes of machines. lal wnys keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro- J ® oerioa, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- 9 A tiling that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good 2 A coffee Ht I()«■ per pound, sugar at (>o per pound, good roller 2 Z mill II u»r at $2.25 per hundred. g* H igl'cst market price paid for country produce of all ™ kinds: Kn« B 12£ c. doz. Hens 10c. pound, Buttei 12A01b., J V Ourii 100 bushel Rye 90c. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. V 2 I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage A 2 for the past ten years, and by fair and square dealings 1 2 Z hope to have a continuance of the same. a Yours to serve, |. E. C. Sheppard, $ # SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. I. • DALTON HAPPENINGS Miss Lula Shultz Gives a Croquet Party and Ice Cream Reception—Oth er Interesting Items. Dalton, June 17.—Mrs. C. R, Tnttle, of Lynchburg, Va., daugh ter of Mrs. S. F. Coe, and Miss Hattie Dodson, of Ontario, Va., and little Lucile Cardwell, of Greensboro, are spending a few weeks at Mrs. Cue's. Mr. T. A. Dalton is, spending some time at the old Dalton home stead. Miss Bertha Dalton is visiting Miss Malissa Phillips at present. Mr C. F. Dalton spent several days here last week. , "Little Ruth," the baby of Dr. M. D. Phillips, has been severely sick but is better now. Mr. Albert Phillips spent a few days in Mt. Airy last week. Miss Maud Coe and her sister, Mrs. Tuttle and her cousin, Miss Hattie Dodson spent last Wednes day at Mr. Jno. Y. Phillips'. Miss Lula Schultz gave a cro quet and icecream party last Sat urday afternoon in honor of a few of her friends. All enjoyed it fine. Miss Lilla and Mr. Will Shultz spent Sunday evening at Mrs. Matt Edwards.' Mrs. C. R. Tnttle spent Satur day and Sunday at her father-in laws's, Mr. Matt Tuttle. Mr. Lonnie COB and Miss Hat tie Dodson went to Mt. Olive Sun day and to Mt, View Sunday night, returning Monday. They report a pleasant trip. Rev. Connet is expected to fill his regular appointment at Dalton Chapel next Sunday at 3:30. Success to the Reporter and its readers. ME. I am offering for sale at a bar gain a complete 25 hsrse power saw mill outfit consisting of en gine, boiler, carriage, saw, etc. Will sell complete outfit or any part separately. While the outfit is second-hand it is a good one and in good condition. Terms reasonable. Apply to J. E. BOLES, Pinnacle, N. C. Our columns are open to you. I DEATH OF MRS. HENRY SMITH She Was Sick Only a Few Days am * Her Death Came a* a Surprise To All—Other News. Big Creek, June 17.—Just be fore dawn on Monday morning June lOth, tbe death angel enterec the home of Mr. Henry Smith an lx>re the spirit of his dear, lovinf and devoted wife to that mansion beyond the Bkies prepared for hei by Christ, where she will nc longer have to endure the trouble! of this world, but all will be joy and peace with her. The deceased had only been sick a few days, and the end was a surprise to her many friends and relatives. She was a faithful member of the Presby terian church and lived true tc her faith till the final end came Her life was a bright and shininp example for her children and friends. She leaves a husband several children and a host ol friends to mourn their sad loss The funeral services were con duoted by Revs. R. W. George and J. T. Smith, A large crowd of friends and relatives gathered around the family burying ground to pay their last earthly tribute tc one they so highly esteemed. We pray God's richest blessing upon the relatives in their sad hours and especially upon the husband and motherless children, on whom the burden falls heaviest; and may He who notes the sparrows fall watch over and protect the little ones. Children, weep not thy dear de parted For you shall see her again some day, In that land of joy and love where God shall wipe all tears away. There will be another public entertainment at Big Creek on Saturday night, July Gth. A nice program of speeches and dialogues carried out, and will also have some balloons and fireworks. A prize will be offered for the best speech, one for the funniest speech, one for the youngest speaker, one for the oldest speak er, one for the prettiest boy speak er and one for the ugliest boy speaker. Girls are to be judges ir the two latter speeches. Every body invited. Come boys and bring your girls. ROCK HOUSE. Rock House, June 18. —The farmers' long prayers for rain lias been answered at last, and the farmers of this community are principally done planting their orop of tobacco. The wheat crop throughout this section is the best For several years. Corn crops are looking fine with the exception of low bottom land, which is too cool and wet for any thing to grow. Mr. T. J. Thore, a well known citizen, is going into the fruit canning industry. We all wish him much success in his work. SCHOOL BOY. HOW'S THIS ? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the 9ystem. Testimonials sent free, Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. TOCURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. 3-ROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. DEATH OF DR. P. L GROOME. I Passed Away Last Week in Greeni boro. After a Long Illness. Greensboro, June 15.—Re\> ■ Dr. P. L. Groom e, I). D , died here yesterday morning a I 10:30, after a long illness witl I tuberculosis He combated thi ; disease manfully and no doub prolonged his existence man] years. Dr. Groome was perhaps >( years of age and was an activi minister of the M. E. church South, for many years—until, ir fact, his health gave way. Ht was a man of learning and sonn years ago wrote a book descriptivt of his travels in the holy land which attracted widespread atten tion. He leaves a family anc numerous relatives in this country Funeral services were conducted from West Market church thU morning at 11 o'clock, intermem following at Greene Hill. MADISON NEWS. C. O. McMichael went to Ral eigh Saturday to sea Governoi Glenn relative to a pardon for H. P. Head who was convicted ol murder in second degree at Nov ember term 15)04. Mr. C. O McMichael feels reasonably cer tain that the Governor will granl the pardon. Miss Exie Collins, who baa been the assistant milliner at B F. McGhee's, left today for liej home at Randleman, N. C. Wc are sorry indeed to see her leave Mayor C. (). McMichael re quests us to announce that com mencing Tuesday morning June 18th, that he will hold Mayor's Court at the Mayor's office, every morning at 9 o'clock, except Mon day morning when he will holt it at 7 o'clock. Any persons whe violates any State laws ®r towr ordinances within the corporatt limits of Madison may expeot tc give a good bond for their ap pearance at the Mayor's Court al the above hours or to pass the time in the town lock-up. The leading stores of Madison will close at 7:30 p. m. beginning today until further notice is given —Madison Herald. Mesdames N. A. Martin anc J. C. Dodson, accompanied bj their children, spent the day yes terday at Piedmont Springs. George W. Fulton lias come bad and is now with J. A. Payne ir the shop repairing and horse shoe ing business at Walnut Cove N. C. We are now prepared to do all kinds of wood and iron work on wagons, buggies, carriages, hacks, and log wagons on short notice Give us a trial. WOOD & WARREN, Meadows, N. C. When you want good goods at the right price, see Jacob Fulton at Walnut Cove. Never has and never will be undersold. Floui and chop are now lower. Ask Harry Davis or J. H. Fulton foi prices before you buy, it may paj you. Our spring line of dry goods aud notions will be in this weok JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, k Attorney at Law, Danbury, - . - N. C Prompt attention to all bushiest entrusted. Will practice in al State courts. |4 Per Cent j (You have spare money ly- 1 ing idle, or will have when you sell your tobacco. Why not let us keep it for you i safe in our vaults. We I pay 4 per cent interest, f and your money is ready i for you when you want it. (THE BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. j FRANCISCO NEWS. ; [- Considerable Pneumonu Prevalent. Francisco, Juno 16.—Whea harvest will soon be here. Somf of our people are not near dorn planting tobacco in this sectioi , yet. j Miss Mary Beasley has been al the point of death for severa days with pneumonia fever. Wt ' truly hope she may continue tc improve. Mrs. Elizabeth Beasley is very sick with pneumonia fever, but is improving, we are glad to note. ' Mr. Jesse Beasley is very sick I with mumps. We are sorry thai Mr. Bessley's family are having sc much siokness. F. L. Death of Mr. Reg Smith. News reaches here of the death of Mr. "Reg" Smith, who lived in the neighborhood of Smith ■ town. He was the sou of Mr. DeKalb Smith, and was about 30 years of age. It is reported that the cause of the young man's death was chronic alcoholism. iMiCAiJffc ■ ft J\ u£mste*. / • |\ P»y» tue . tc fw destroy* y • 31 Vr acUca ,Lves Uatf lVie V. • il tneuou. save» e8 It W U^go"^ lOUg tUc°We J H : , i—- ■ KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS with Dr. King's > New Discovery ' FOR "Hum* I un Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUMG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. "THEDEVILof TODAY 77 His work in tho Homo. Church. Society. Business. Politics and every walk of life. A book portraying the grave dangers found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of escaping them. A warning note to save young men and women from wreck and ruin. This book is having an immense sale. We want agents to sell the above book with a full line of Standard Subscription Books, Red Letter Family and Teacher's Bibles. Cata logue will be sent free. This ia your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agenta who have been with us 20 years. Write today. D. E. Luther Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Trinity Ave. Atlanta, fit. Notice. llnvlng duly qualified as adininl-e tratrix of.Mrs. it. H. .Martin, deed.- all persons owinji; her are hereby re. quested to come forward* and uiaks Immediate settlement of the same, and all iiersous holding claims ORailist the said estate are hereby notiticd to present I hem to me, duly authenticated, for payment on or I lu'fore the 10th day of .1 line, I!Mis. or ' this notice will lie pleaded In liar of I their recovery. This .May .'list, 1;HI7. I -MRS. 11. L. ELLINGTON, Adinx. of.Mrs. 11. H. Martin, deed. P. (). address— : Sandy Itidjiv, N. c. • J. 1). Humphreys Att.v. foradnix. I j R. DAVIS, Winston, N. C. ! VOII will now find : the newest and ! nicest of all fcinds i things for every body such as lad ies | ready made Suits ! aud Hats. Call | and examine her li stock. He kitnm I 127 South Main Street, t I Winston=Salem We have recently added neverul new appliances to thin already I splendidly equipped institution and are offering'still better advantage* ( to those who suffer with rheumatism, jiout, kidney and blood discuses, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, ca tarrh, certain forms of paralysis, in digestion, varicocele, hydrocele, strictures, hemorrhoids (piles), dis . eases of the nervous system, skin diseases, such as eczema, penrltls, hipus, cancer, and old sores ; remove moles, warts, superfluous hair, liirth marks, etc. We cordially invite you to visit the Sanitarium or write for descrip tive booklet. DR. T. M. COPPLE (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lewis Love, deed., notice is hereby given to ail persons indebted to said estate to make pay ment. and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied lo present them to me duly au thenticated, fo;* payment. on or lie fore the iJOth day of June, ISM IS, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 7th day of •luue, 1!H»7. .IAS. S. LOVE, Administrator of Iye wis Love. Tobaccoville, X. It. F. 1). No. I'. X. (). Petree, Atty. for adiur. The BESTof every thing ■ and the greatest quantities of evory I mowing thing cau readily bo pro- I duced with thu liberal uaeof Virgin!a- H Caroilnu Fertilizers, together with ■ eareful cultivation. The materials of ■ which they are made, cauae them to en. I Cjeb tho land, and the plants to come lup rapidly and more prollflo. Use y Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers ■ on your fruits and fruit-trees ) ■ of all kinds, corn, wheat and ■ all trucks For, at harvest ■ time, you will havo the largest Mk ■ ■ (for these will "lneroaso your ■ yield per aero") and finest' ■ crops you ever raised in all ■ your farm life. Don'tbuythe ■ inferior substitute that any I ■ fertilizcragentinaytrytoper ■ s'.iado you to put oa your land. ■ VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., Ujj B Richmond, Va., Norfolk, Va., Durham, H. E Charleston, S. C., Baltimore, Md„ Atlanta, GMjr H Ga., Savannah, Ga., Montgomery, 11a., K It jiphli, Twin., Shrereporl, La. ** Merchants Business Men Farmers Teachers Everybody We want your business and are prepared to offer you every facility and ev ery accommodation that any bank in North Caro lina can give. The management of this institution is conducted on a safe, sound, conserv ative and successful basis. So carefully have our bus iness transactions been managed, that during the 18 months' existence of the Bank not a dollar has ever been lost in its loan ings. i Diliii or m QUIT