Teachers' Institute To Be Held Teachers To Name Time and Place Other Business Transacted By the Board of Education. The County Board of Education met at the court house Monday at 10 o'clock, A. M,, N. A. Martin, E. Fulp and R. E. Smith being pres ent, The Board qualified and organized by electing R. E. Smitli Chairman and E. Fulp Chairman pro tem. J. T. Smith was re-elected County Superintendent for the next two years. The Board appointed the following committee to serve for the next two years : Dan bury Township—T. J. Davis, W. P. Ray and W. H. Flinchum. Meadows—l. G. Ross, J. Walter Neal and J. B. Green. Yadkin—J. S. D. Pulliam, P. P. Johnson and D. V. Carroll. (Quaker Gap—W. W. Leak, J. P. George and J. S. Pell. Peter's Creek —J. S. Whitten, Jesse A. Lawson and R, M. Smith. Snow Creek—J. H. Ellington, Geo. L. Ziglar and J. E. Sisk. Beaver Island—W. J. Adkins, Wm. Chisman and Alex Flinchum. Sanratown—Jno. W. Davis, J. N. Lasley and A. D. Murray. Walnut Cove Special—Wm. Rierson, Jos. Allen and R. P, Joyce. The Board decided to have an institute held and to let the teachers decide by vote the time and place it should be held, sending their votes to the County Superintendent. All places in the county tlint want the instituto and can take care of the teaohers are asked to send their applications to the County Superintendent, giving the rates at which board will be furnished the teachers. An order was made by the Board forbidding all persons from play ing baseball on any public school house ground in Stokes county. The Superintendent was ordered to make arrangements to havo school houses erected in Dist. No. 4, Sauratown Township, and Dist. No. 9, Quaker Gap Township. An order was made that the new school committee in each town ship meet within twenty days and qualify, and organize by electing a chairman and secretary, and report the same to the County Superin tendent. The salaries of the different schools in the county were fixed by the Board. The Treasurer's books and vouchers were examined by the Board and found to be correct. Briefs Adrift. Mr. W. T. Matte, of Campbell Route 2, was a visitor at the Re porter office Saturday. Mrs. Clitford Edwards and chil dren, of Enterprise, Ala., who spent the past week here with rel atives, left Monday for Walnut Cove. Register of Deeds C. M. Jones, accompanied by his two little daughters, Dewey and Nellie, spent a part of Tuesday and yes terday with the family of Mr. P. J. Savage, near Germanton. Mr. J. Irving Bolt, of Holyoke, Mass , who is at present spending some time at Kernersville, expects to spend a part of this month and all of next in Danbnry. Mrs G. S. Webb anil children, of Winston, and Mrs. Rolls, of Durham, nre spending two weeks at the Taylor Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rich, of Wins ton, spent the past week at Pied mont Springs. Mr. Rich roturn-| ed to Winston Monday night. | Col. and Mrs. Jno. M. G alio way,' of Madison, went to Piedmont Springs Saturday and are occupy ing their cottage. Mrs. Sank Galloway and Miss Laura Noell, of Elkin, and Mrs Means, of Concord, went to Pied mont Saturday. They are oc cupying Mrs. (ialloway's cottage.! Mrs. J. C. Dodson and children,' who have been spending some weeks here with relatives, return ed to their home in Greensboro Moinhiy. They were accompanied home by Mr. Dodson, who came up Saturday night. 4$ A New Orleans woman was thin. Q O Because she did not extract sufficient jjj V nourishment from her food. %A& She took Scott's Emulsion. Result: O f jpf She gained a pound a day in weight. J j'l ALL DRUGGISTSi 50c. AND JI.OO £ County Commissioners. ' The County Commissioners were in session Monday. No business of importance outside of allowing claims was transacted. R. I'. Joyce wns given the contract to repair the Walnut Cove bridge. The Bnard will meet again next Monday with the Board of Equalization to hear tax coin plaints. Mr. Will East, of the firm of Watkins it East, of Walnut Cove, spent Monday night here. FOR SALE—One good milch cow, 3 years old. Apply to R. W. HILL, Meadows, N. C, Route 1. SHEET MUSIC—New York's latest hits "In the Valley In Dear Old Dixie,". 'ln the Golden Summer," both for 25 cants post paid, (just to introduce them). FOLLETT Musu) PUBLISHING CO, Dept. O , 105 Hudson St., Now Yoik City. ■ Z A 'A" I'.-, 1 '.-, - | I prepared to do all kinds of wood and iron work on wagons, buggies, carriages, hacks, and log wagons on short notice. Give us a trial. WOOD & WARREN, Meadows, N. C. DONATIONS FOR THE BRASS BAND Everybody Invited to Contribute. All Donations Received Will Be Acknowledged Through the Reporter. The following persons have con tributed the amounts opposite their names for the purpose of securing a brass band and paying other expenses of the reunion of the old Confederate Veterans here on Saturday, August 3rd : Jaß. A. Leak, $ 1.00 A. F. Christian, 1.00 N, A. Martin, ] .00 J. H. Stewart, 1.00 J. S. Taylor, 1.00 Danbnry Reporter, 2.00 J. D. Humphreys, 1.00 W. W. King, 1.00 N. O. Petree, 1,00 T. S. Petree, 1.00 Dr. E. Fulp, 1.00 Dr. W. V. McCanless, 1.00 Dr. W. L. McCajdess, 1.00 Raleigh Stewart, .50 W. S. Ray, .50 J. D. Cardwell, .25 J. C. Dodsou, .50 R. J. Petree, .50 R. F. Shelton, .50 J. Ellis Hill, .50 J. W. Beasley, .50 J. I. Blackburn, .50 J. W. Neal, .50 R. E. Smith, .50 J. P. Smith, .50 Rev. D. A. Biukley, .25 W. T. Hawkins, .25 Luther McKinney, .25 D. P. Reid, .25 J. A. Burton, .25 J.W.Tuttle, .25 J. W. Davis, .25 OAK GROVE. Oak Grove, July 2.—Oak Grove will give a public debate July 6 at 3 o'clock p. m. The spakers are preparing their speeches to inter est the public. Everybody has n cordial invitation, especially the ladies. Refreshments will be serv ed by S. K. Anderson, Smith and Wall. Mr. Vosß will be with the Oak Grove choir on Sunday July 7. Everybody invited to come out and bring their dinner and have a jolly old time. The Primitive Baptists held a meeting at Capella on the 4th Sunday in June. A large crowd of good old brothers and sisters passed this way enroute to the moeting. Mr. John Boyles was baptized at Mr. C. H. Lunsford's mill by Revs. Stone and Mickey. Mr. Boyles is sixty-six years old, and has been a life-long Republican, and as the Primitive Baptists believe in Democracy, he has decided to take up his cross and »ast his lot with them. He says he believes that they are God's elects. He can tell more about his faith in I'.IOM. We are glad to note that Mrs. L( ng, who has been very ill for sometime with heart trouble and is improving. Drs Woltz, of Pilot Mt , antl Tillotson, of King Route 1, are l or physicians. The pe iple of that eectiou say that Dr. Tillotson is one of lhtfj leading physicians of the state. Mr. G. W. Smith anil family visited the sad home of Mr. A. S. Marsh Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bony Smith and family vis ited relatives at King Sunday. Misses Jennie, Mollie and Nel lie Bennett, of Germanton, are visiting selatives here this week. SCRIBLER. WONDERFUL HAPPENING. Port Byron, N. Y., has witnes sed one of the most remarkable cases of healing qver recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg with which I had suffered over 80 years. lam now eighty five." Guaranteed to oure all sores, by all Druggist at 25c Help Wanted—We can give several families, especially Girls, steady employment at our Mills. Good pay, cheap and nice homes, Graded schools, Five Churches, | best town in the State. American | Hosiery Mill, Kernersville, N. C. MADDOGS AT WESTFIELD. Mr. Jim Cook Attacked By One Of the Rabid Animals- A Mule. Two Cows and Eighteen Dogs J Bitten. Maddogs have been rampant in the Westfield neighborhood. County Treiisurer A. F. Christian tells the Reporter that Mr. Jus. Cook was bitten twice in the foot and leg by one of the rabid an imals. A mad stone has been ap plied to the wounds. The same dog that attacked Mr. Cook also bit a mule, 0110 or two cows and about 18 dogs. Many of the dogs which were bitten have been killed. Death Of Mr. J. D. Tatum. Mr. J. D. Tatum, probably the oldest citizen of the Wilson's Store section, passed away at his home Sunday afternoon. Some two months ago Mr. Tatum fell and broke his arm and before it hardly began healing he broko his hip bone, and from that time ho continued to grow worse until the end The deceased was a well known and highly respected citizen. He was in his eightieth year. Several sons and daughters besides other relatives survive him. Bitten By A Spider. Mrs. Ruth Nunn, widow of the late Thomas Nunn, who resides just east of Danbury, was bitten -by a bottle spider last Friday, from the effects of which she lias since been seriously ill. It is learned that she is some better now. Parties in need of monuments or tombstones will find it to their interest to write to J. R. BLACKWELL, Pino Hall, N. C. ( Bile ( Poison I m has a very bad effect on your sys- m ■ tem. It disorders your stomach B ■ and digestive apparatus, taints your B M Utiod and causes constipation, with I all Its fearful Ills. pMord's I I Black-Draught { m Is a bland tonic, liver regulator, and M B blood purifier. B ■ It gets rid of the poisons caused B ■ by over-supply of bile, and quickly B B cures bilious headaches, dizziness, B K loss of appetite, nausea, indlges- B B ton, constipation, malaria, chills B B and fever, Jaundice, nervousness, B B Irritability, melancholia, and all ■ B sickness due to disordered liver. B B It Is not a cathartic, but a gentle, B I herbal, liver medicine, which ease* B B without Irritating. B ® Price 25c at all Druggists. E Land Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Sui>c ior Court of Stokes county rendered at spring term l!H)T, li.v lilw honor (i. S. KerKMHon, Judge, in the ease of .I.e. Wall, administrator of Win. Wall, vs. Jane Chapman and others, appointing the undersigned cunimis sloners to sell tin- lands hereinafter described we will soil at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Danbury, X. on Monday Aug. 5.1007, at 1 o'clock p. in., a one-fourth undivided Interest of Win. Chapman, deceased, In the following described tract of land, to wit : "Lying and lieinj? In the county of Stokes and State of North Carolina, on the waters of Town fork Creek, adjoining-the lands of (formerly) J. B. Vaughn, Joel I-'. Hill, J.* Tatum ami others, and bounded om follow s, to-wlt : Begin ning at u stake in David Biby's line, running south 41 dejr. west with his lint', twenty-two and a half chalnsto a post, J. K. Hill's corner, west on lilh line, sixteen and a ipiarter chains to pointers In ■). li. Vaughn's line, South' 22 deg. east on Ills line, lSchns. to a post oak, south 85 dcy:. east, on his line, 20 chains to a black oak, old corner, east 24 chains to a stake in J. Tatum's line, north on Ills line five chains to a stake In said line, thence northß4 deg. west along a new line forty-seven and half chains to the iK'glimlng, containing 1:17 acres, more or less". This the 2nd day of ifulv, 1007. - W. W. ivLNti, N. (>. PETKKE, • Commissioners. TAYLOR HOUSE I I Danbury, N. C. I Now open for guests. Clean, airy rooms. Renovated from top to bottom. Newly furnished throughout. Repaired and remodeled. I Rates Very Reasonable. I Write I TAYLOR HOUSE I DANBURY, N. C. Marriage Last Sunday. Mr. Jno. W. Fagg and Miss Mary Nelson, both of Danbury Route 1, were united in marrige last Sunday at the home of the bride's mother Mrs. J. T. Nelson. Justice of the Peace R. W. Smith performed the ceremony. J. R. Blackwell represents two of the leading Georgia companies and will not be under sold. 1 am offering for sale at a bar gain a complete 25 hwrse power saw mill outfit consisting of en gine, boiler, carriage, saw, etc. Will sell completo outfit or any part separately. While the outfit is second-hand it is a good one and in gooil condition. Terms reasonable. Apply to J. E. BOLES, Pinnacle, N. C, "THEDEVILof TODAY" His work in the Home, Church. Society, Business. Politics and every walk of life. A book portraying the grave 1 anger* found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods uf escaping them. A warning note to save young men and women from wreck and ruin. This book ia having an immense sale. We want agents to sell the above book with a full line of Standard Subscription Booka. Red Letter Family and Teacher's Biblca. Cata logue will be sent free. This is your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agents who hare been with us 20 years. Writs today. D. E. Lather Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Trinity Ave. Atlanta, Ba. R. DAVIS, Winston, N. C. will now find the newest and nicest of all fcinds tilings for every body such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. KlLLthe COUGH ano CURE THE LUNCB wi ™Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CSifgi 18 .JhStfa. MJOAL^HWMTJkNJ^LUIJGTHOOBLE^ GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONET REFUNDED. Visitors Coming To Danbury. Proprietor J. S. Taylor has re ceived engagements from parties at Winston, Wilmington, Kerners ville and other points for board at the Taylor House. It is learned that a party of twenty young ladies from Kernereville will probably spend several days at the hotel, Stokes Pension Board Meets. The Stokes Pension Board, composed of Messrs. J. A. Leak, W. G. Slato and W. S. Kay, met here Monday. There was consid erable business before the Board and it was decided to meet again on Monday, July 15. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. THE SECRET OF A Beautiful Complexion NOW REVEALED Free. What lieanty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and el egant Jeweln. An opportunity for every women to obtain botli, for ;i limited time only. The directions and recipe, for ob taining a faultless complexion Is the secretlong guarded i,y the master minds of the Orientals and (ireeks. This we obtained after years of work and at great ex|>ense. 'it is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use It have expressed their de light and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save yoit the ex|»eiiHe of creams, cosmel ies, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free'your skin from pimples, bad color, black heads, etc. It alone Is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. We sell you this ring at one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one-half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. it is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolute ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12Kt, gold shell, at your local jew eler It would cost considerable more than We mail you this lieautiful com plexion recipe free when your order is received for ring and f2.00 in mon ey order, stamps or bills, tlet your order in ln-fore our supply is exhaus ted. This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising and introducing our goods. Send to-day !>efore this opportu nity is forgotten. T. 0. MOSELEY, 32 East 23rd Street, New York City. FREE—To women for collecting names and selling our novelties, we give iiig premiums send your name today for our new plan of big prof its with little work. Write today. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium Dept., 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City.