• Are You On the Lookout • • For Summer Comfort ? J • It's Here Galore. • • • [!!„, j,iir«p| We've two and three piece Suits of all Jwiitlt) suitable and stylish Summer fabrics, Thin /sw3r >*tL —~— Coats, Thin Trousers, Negligee Shirts, Thin Underwear, Hosiery and all sorts of Thin Toggery for Summer Wear. And the best ' : '||.. ft of the story is the fact that our prices are . ESljP^■'.'•■ thin enough for your satisfaction and com • &0m • &HjiORM Summer Suits 0 Wmjfa $lO to 15. $ * wmk Summer Coats at €1 - It 4P^P|P' / Summer Trousers at 5 H i 3.00 to 5.00. Hardly think you can mention an ar- jigfk Ij ticle of Clothing or Toggery that would add-^y • yfflF ; to your Summer comfort that we cannot ill show in a style to please vou. Come, see. , . im fey lutA Mmm 2 | N. L. CRANFORD & CO., $ |j| One Price Clothiers, @ |> Winston, N. C. ® THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. iteitular Courses leading 1«'H' i"«of Bachelor of Pedasfojiy. Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor >f Science, and a new course leading to the decree of Bach el if of M lisle. Hoard, laundry, tuition, ami fees for use of text books, etc., #l7O a year. For free-tnltlon students. The Normal Department nives thorough instruction In the subjects taught in tlie schools anl colleges. ami special itedaKojyical traiiiinK'for the profession of teaehinn. Teachers ami iraduntcs of other colleges are offer ed ;i one-year special course in Fedu.u'oiiv and allied subjects. The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting. Book-keeping and other business subjects. The Department of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruct ion in .Manual Training and iu such subject* as relate directly to tlie home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the decree course, offers a certifi cate course iu vocal and instrumental music. Tn secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. The fall term epens September I*. I!M>7. For catalogue and other information, address. J. I. FOIST, President, Greensboro, N. C. Tit yidrii u «~~. Y Head of the State's ICducationai System. !27 South Main Street, DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, (iraduate, Law, Winstonoalem Medicine, Pharmacy. We have recently added several new appliances to this already splendidly equipped Institution and are offering still better advantages to those who suffer with rheumatism, gout, kidney and blood diseases. lumbuK", sciatica, neuralgia, ca tarrh, certain forms of paralysis, In digestion, varicocele, hydrocele, strictures, hemorrhoids (piles), dis eases of the nervous system, skin diseases, such as eczema, penritis, hipus, cancer, and old sores ; remove moles, warts, superfluous hair, birth marks, etc. i We cordially invite you to visit the Sanitarium or write for descrip tive booklet. DR. T. M. COPPLE N I (Successor to Rierßon & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Library contains -Ki.tMHi volumes. I New water works,electric lights, central heating systefn. New dormitories, gymnasium, V. M. ('. A. buildlug, library. 732 Students. 74 In Faculty, The Fall term begins i Sept. 11, 1!K»7. Address FK.VNCIS P. VESABLE, PRESIDENT. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Notice. Having 1 illy ipialllied as adiiilnl-e tratrlx of Mrs. 11. 11. Martin, decd.- till persons owing her are hereby re, quested to come forward .and niaks . ininiedlate settlement of the same, and all persons* holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to me, duly I authenticated, for payment on or j liefore the 10th day of June, liKls, or tills notice will lie pleaded in bar of I their recovery. This May !!lst, 1!MI7. Jilts. 11. L. HLLINHTON, I Admx. of .Mrs. il. H. Martin, deed, j I'. >. address — : Sandy JUdge, C. i.l. D. Humphreys Att.v. for admx. NttttW NorfolkiWesternß.il SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN, t>, 1907 Dally I»ail.v Kx. Sun. Dailv Kx. Sun. P.M. A.M. I*. M. I'M. » 7:: M» I, v. Winnl'i) Ar 2.(K) 10.on :s:*> *:l:s " Wal.lN.ve •• 1:21 !):."»» " Marti h. " 11:45 7:411 7:' Si 1 Ar ltoau"ke La* I P.M. l'.M. A.M. P.M. WKSTBOUNI)—t.KA VK ItOANOKK liAII.V. ."i (*) h m-Kor Kant Ridfonl, lilueticld, Taze well ami Noi too, Pullman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafo par. 0 DO a in ( Washington ami Chattanooga Limited) tor Pulaski. principal stations, Jirlstol ami the South. Pullman Sleeper* to New or le-ms mid Memphis. Cafe car 4MI p m—The St. I.otti* Kxpre*«s, tor lilueticld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Cinci liiialtl, JmlhiiiOTiollf. St. Louie. Kansas itv, Columbus ami Chicago. Pullman Buffet Sleeper* /toanoke to Columbus ami llluetield to Cim-tnanti. Cafe ear 4.4* p in— For ISlueiieldaml intermcdmte sta tions. 4:.V p m—Daily. For Bristol am! intermediate at at -His, lviioxville. Chattanooga ami point* South. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville. 9:30 a 111—For Bristol ami intermediate stations. Bluetiehl, Norton. Pocahontas ami Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH AND KASTBOUND. l::w> p m—For Petersburg, Richmond ami Nor. folk. Pulliuan UutVet I'arlor Car to Norfolk. 1:40 p in—For Washington, Hager.ttown, Ph.la ■lolphia ami New York via Tfagcistown ami llarrishurg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:4.1 p in—?or Hagerstowu. Pulliuan Sleeper to Philadelphia. 12 AO a in—Fur ltichm »nd and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond 1:01 a ni—(Washington ami Chattanooga Lim it*!). For Washington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. PullmHii Sleeper* to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. i 0:45 a in—For Lynchburg, lVters lairg, Richmond anil Norfolk, i 7:4T> p in—Dally. For I.ynclihurjy. Piiilman Sleeper for lUclimond. DI'HHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg ti'nlon Station I | daily except Sunday :i:00 a. in., and daily 4:15 p. in. forSoutli Boston anil Durham and intermediate stations. For all additional Information. ' apply to ticket officer, or to j \V. Is. HICVI.LL, M. F. ItKAUU. tJen'l PawH. Aj;t. Trav. Pans, Afft. ItOANOKK, VA. KILLTHB COUCH and CURE the LUNCS "Dr. King's New Discovery /Consumption pru» FDR I OUGHSand 50c *sl.oo Fro Trial. Surest and Quickest Our* for all THROAT and LUNO TKOUB- UtS, or MONEY BAOK. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request all young person*, no matter how limited their mcaita or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and trood posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate ;fT«_r. Success. independence and probable fortune ire tfuurantceJ. Don't delay. Write today. Mu Business Collect, Macon, Ga. A Letter From Rocky Ford. Col. Rooky Ford, Colo., June 20. Mr. Editor: I wish to say I have been a reader of the Reporter for some time, and have noticed letters from most all parts of that state and many qther states? I wish to say I have noticed some very tlowery statements from some of the North Carolina boys in differ ent states of the far west, Btating the great things of the western status, seemingly to discourage the boys of North Carolina. I wish to say I am in ono of the western states, and have in the laßt few j years traveled most across the States from east to west and hav® seen and talked with people from most every state in regard to thair native states and I find that all states have their bitter as well as their sweet; and I have about de cided it is all world and the world is all merely nothing but a stop ping station or a union depot, | where the offspring of Adam stops for a few days, and there's only jtwo railroads leading out from this station, one narrow gauge that i goes to Heaven and the other ' leading to hell. Passengers leav ing this depot every hour in the day either going over the narrow guage or to a home in glory, or to ■ a burning hell. And to get a tick jet while in this depot over the | narrow guage to ht'aven, is to (serve God and ol ey his command ments. And to get a ticket over i the broad guago is to lie, steal anc' j cheat your fellowman, disobey God's commandments and treasure |up for yourself gold and silver, and when your train leaves this station the devil will give you in : return for your gold and silver not a rouud trip ticket but a through ticket to hell and to stay. Don't put too much faith in j the fiowery statements, for we read that the devil took one of : God's little ones out and showed him the whole world and told him jif he would only serve hiin he | would give him the whole world. 1 80 friends my advice to you is jto be content with what little i earthly goods you have and serve jthe Lord. If anyone should ask who I am you need not tell them I that it is 89111 Jones the second but just tell them that I am a sin ner that is beginning to realiw ; how foolish and sinful are the thoughts of the wicked, and if they ask you what part of the de pot I am in you can tell them that I am out in the west side where it appears to me that the most of the people are securing tickets to travel over the broad guage. But I hope bsfore I see many more ; broad guage tickets secured, I ; hope to cross over on the east side, where the bright stars shin ed over and pointed to Christ in the day of his birth. I noticed that not any of the boys that are in the west write any thing in regard to Christianity or humility. And they don't say how they get their money by fair and honest dealings, working six days to the week and resting seventh, or by the o| posite. 80, boys, when you put the foot foremost let a little of other one be in sight. Hoys may think this is a little too I for you and you may want t. ply, if so shoot your gun. I I the bb shot to shoot again. But member that I will hurt you w than bb shot in the day »f ju ment when God tells you that ■ have earned your money on me Sabbath day. j It may appear to some of the readers of the Reporter that some of the western boys are in the land that fiows with milk nnd honey, but it may be that they are in the garden of Eden whore the old man Adam ate the forbidden fruit. A LOOKER ON. A MEMORABLE DAY. One of the days we rein-jinber ! with pleasure, as well an with profit to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure head ache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 2.")o at all Drug , S >' !s - I The Best Goods At 1 the Lowest Prices. I b ' Mk I desire to say to the people of Stokes county that 1 am still doing business at my old a store chock full 2 of everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair 2C J®[ of suspenders to a two-hoise plow or a suit of clothes. My ' stock of G DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, |P Q CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. ® 9 IH complete in every respect. You will tiud almost a com tfj plete drug store here. ... . g* Your special attention-re called to my up-to-date line of LADIES TRIMMED HATS. JS They are of the very latost styles, all shapes qnd shades, anil lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You 19 will get your spring hats hero sure if you will come and see w mine before you buy. Yours for business, (p g F. E. NELSON, g. ® Campbell, N. C., R. V. D. No 2. J > E.W.O'HANLON / WINSTON-SALEM'S \ Leading Druggist. 5 / Largest and best conducted € \ Drug business in the State. / Be sure to visit O' Han lon's when f { you are at Winston. Glad to J) \ serve you in any way. # / O'Hanlon's is TH E Place. &•*•#*#*•*ss •© Fancy and White 2 A Perfect Fit A Vests a.Specialty. Guaranteed. #*** ©seeeessss S HAVE YOUR SUMMER SUIT 2 I Tailor Made.! ® ml FITS BETTER, FEELS BETTER, LOOKS BETTER, X* i® 9 """ IS BETTER 2 THAN A READY-MADE ONE IN MANY WAYS. 2 f All the latest styles in goods and make-up. W • IN. A. MARTIN & SON, S Representing the. Leading Tailoring Houses, 0 DANBURY, N. C. X •HHHNM MMMtH Mtfl See Our Up-to-date 5 Suits Delivered Without 2 Line of Samples. 2T Cost to Purchaser. «MOM«MeNO*M MM »»»«»» •© MMMMMM riCE! I ed a nice line of Ladies and • ts at the lowest prices, 0 Pants and Ready Made % it prices, a new line of (§ ten and children as low as # boys' and youth's fine $ M )ress Goods, White Goods, • Notions, men s working suits, hosiery of all # 0 kinds and men's dress shirts. 0 • * also keep on hand J. E. Sheltnn's make of up-to-date 4A S Furniture at factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles X to fit all makes of machines. !I always_keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- V thing that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good S cotfee at 10c per pound, sugar at (So per pound, good rolleri M mill flour at 12.25 per hundred. Highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds: Eggs 12Jc. doz, Hens 10c. pound, Buttei 12Jclb., ® Corn 100 bushel Rye 90c. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. A I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage ■ A for the pust ten years, and by fair and square dealings I r- X hope to have a continuance of.the same. - Yours to serve, « | E. C. Sheppard, j SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. 1. •

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