•••••••••••••••••••» • Are You On the Lookout • | For Summer Comfort ? j • It's Here Galore. • • • We've two and three piece Suits of all ffp suitable and stylish Summer fabrics, Thin . \lr-/ — : — Coats, Thin Trousers, Negligee Shirts, Thin Underwear, Hosiery and all sorts of Thin &g£ Toggery for Summer Wear. And the best H of the story is the fact that our prices are . thin enough for your satisfaction and com- PEI • Mmom ® © Summer Suits at @ • s, ° to ,5 - • ® Summer Coats at © ® sl, $2.50 to $5.00. • f Summer Trousers at 2 | 4ilS|F / sl - So - 3 -°° lo 5 - 00 - ; | • h hardly thmk you can mention an ar sxMr// t ' c ' e ot Clothing or Toggery that would add Vsgjy • /0? *»' / to your Summer comfort that we cannot /s■s& l/l show in a style to please you. Come, see. o «vrr\«hlr r\«hl IM4 W T H*rt A KM» | N. L. CRANFORD & CO., g @ One Price Clothiers, © g Winston, IN. C. ® THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Regular Courses leading to degrees of Hachelor of Pedagogy, iiaciielor of Arts. Ruehelor of Science. ami a new course leading It) tin- degree of Raeh ehii* of M lisle. Hoard, laundry, tuition, auil fees for use of text books, etc.. $l7O a year, l or free-tuition students. "»• 'l'iie Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in tlie schools and colleges, an.i special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers aml ( iraduates of other colleges are offer ed a one-.vear speci.'tl course in Pedagogy ami allied subjects. The 'oiunicreial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Hook-keeping and other business sulijeets. The Department of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruct ion in .Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, offers a certifi cate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 1". The fall term epens September I*. 1!H»7. For catalogue and other information, address, J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. He Sdiiitarium 127 South Main Street, r Winston=Salem We have recently added several new appliances to this already! splendidly equipped institution and J are offering still better advantages! to those who suffer with rheumatism, j gout, kidney and 1 diseases. \ lumbago" sciatica, neuralgia, ca tarrh, certain forms of paralysis, in- J digestion,. varicocele, hydrocele, strictures, hemorrhoids (piles), dis eases of the nervous system, skin diseases, such as eczema, penritis, liipus, cancer, and old sores : remove j moles, warts, superfluous hair, birth j marl s, etc. We cordially Invite you to visit j the Sanitarium or write for descrip-1 tlve booklet. DR. T. M. COPPLE (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C U/MIVERSIT Y OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. ! Library contains 4T>,otNl volumes, j New water works, electric lights, j central heating system. New dormitories, gymnasium. V. M. ('. A. building, library. 732 Students. 74 In Faculty, The Fall term begins Sept. !>, 1!M»7. Address FKANVIS P. VENAULE, PRESIDENT. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Notice. Having duly qualified as adniini-e tratrix of Mrs. 11. 11. Martin, deed.- i all persons owing her are hereby re, i quested to come forward and maks , Immediate settlement of the same, and all persons holding claims against Ihe said estate are hereby notified to present them to me, duly i authenticated, for payment on or before the loth day of June, PHI*. or : tltis notice will lie pleaded In bar of their recovery. This May Slat, 1!N)7. MRS. 11. I„. KhLINdTON, Adinx. of Mrs. 11. 11. Mttrtlu, deed. ;P. O. address — : Sandy Rivjge. N. C. ! J. I>. Humphreys Atty. for admx. NtttW NcrfolkiWdernß.il SCHEDULE IN EFFECT .IAN. f), l!H)7 Dniiv Daily Kx. Sun. Dallv Kx. Sun. I\ \J. A. M. I\ M. J\«H. 7:-io Lv. \Vinst«»n Ar 2.)0 HU)O :J:IN s:l:t •• " Marti'*. 44 11:45 7:4«> Ar ltouii"kt» Lv l):l>0 ;»:ir» P. M. I' M. A. M. P. M. WKBTBOUNI>~MCAVK ROANOKK DAILY. r>.M> a in—For Kant Radford, BHietield. Taxc well and Norton, Pullman Sleeper to (olutnbtt«, Ohio, cafe ear. U.M a ro ( WaNhtiigtoii and Chattanooga Limited) for Piila*.} i. |*rinci]»Hl stations, Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleeper* to New Or leaiu* and Memphis. Cafe car 4:3 d p in—The St. I*oub> Kxpres#, for Bluetleld. Pocahontas Kenova, Oinni nititti, ludiaiioiiolis. St Ixmis, Kansa* City, Co'umUus and Chicago. Pullman Bntt'ef Sleepers ffoanoke to Columbus ami Blueiiuld ♦o Clnrinaiitl. Cafe e ir 4:45 |> m— For BluetloJdand intermediate Sta tions. I:M |> m—Daily. For Bristol and Intermediate stations, J\ noxvllle, Chattanooga and |»oint.« South. Pullmaii Sleeper to Knoxviile. 9:30 a m—For Bristol and intermediate atation*. Bluetleld, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch NOKTH AND KASTBOUND. 1.30 nin—For Petersburg, Itichmond and* No rfolk. Pullman Itufl'et 1 arlor Car to Norfolk. 1:10 pm—For Washington, llager»t*Qyi, Phila delphia and> T ew York \ia Hagurstown and Harrisburg. Pullman Sleeper to New Vork. 7:4/j p in—For Hugerstown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 12:AO am— For Richmond and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and ttichuneid 1:01 t m--( Washington and Chattanooga Lint- Ited i For Washington, Philadelphia and New Yon via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleeper* to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New Vork (l:4T> a in—For Lynchburg, Petoin- Imrji. Richmond iiidl Norfolk. T:4."i |> in—Daily. For Lyuchbui'K. Pullman Sleeper for Kichnu>nl. DURHAM DIVISION. Ix-ave Lyiu'liburjj (Union Station I daily except Sunday a. 111., ar.il (lall.v 4:l. r > ji. m. for Mouth UoHton anil Durham and intermediate Htattonn. For all additional information, apply to ticket officer, or to W. It. BEVILL, M. F. BR AGO, Oen'l I'hhh. Aj;t. Trar. I'aHH. Ajit. ROANOKE, VA. KILL™. COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS * H Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /Consumption Pric# FDR I OUGHB and 50c151.00 ! Fres trial. Surest and Quickest Curs for nit THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. HELP IS OFFERED CC WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Vc earnestly request all youn* persona, no matter enr limited their means Qr education, winh to 'itain a thorough busiruMts training and goud posi ion, to write by first mail for our great half-rat© 74 r. fitccmm, independence and probable fortune r e iruara ntced. Don't delay. Wrtte today. ■ Ca.-AU. Business Collets, Mac*a, Gt, SURVEYORS AT WORK. Running Line for Proposed Rocking ham and Caswell Railroad. It is announced that a large force of surveyors are now between Wentworth and Stonevillo survey ing the Rockingham and Caswell railroad. The Rockfagham and Caswell will traverse an fmusually fine territory, beginning from Yanceyville, in Caswell county, via Locust Hill, Eastland, Ash land, Lenox Castle, Thompson ville, Reidsville, Wentworth, Leaksville, Spray, and on to Stone ville, where it will tap the Norfolk & Western, thereby giving this section competing freight and passenger rates. The proceedings thus far have reached a stage that insures the completion of the new road at no distant date. G. H. J. Writes About Smithtown. Westfield, July 3. —Thereveuae officers should surely be com mended for the successful raid they made on the famous block ading district of Smithtown Re cently. That section has long been a nuisance to this section, and a disgrace to the fair name of Stokes county. -It is a known fact that this place has for a long time, not only been a place of lawlessness, but a place of refuge of law breakers, aud where once stood good farm houses and well tilled fields, which was a true picture of honest toil, now stands delupidutcdand ruined as a monument to a trade that is so disgracing. When any people forsake good level farms that are suited to all kiuds of agricultural products that grow in this country and in open defiauce of the law manufacture the intoxicating bev | erage of whiskey that is ruining so | many of our young men, that is ! filling our jails, penitentiaries and asylums and causing widows and orphan children to suffer, should !be cut down without mercy, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The very name of Smith town should make every citizen of i Stokes county hang his head in | shame. May God speed the time when such debased places as Smithtown will be a thing of the past in the graiid old Stnte of North Carolina, and the_manufacture and sale of j the soul-ruining beverage of whis key be prohibited by law. G. H. J.. Tobacco Growers to Meet July 16th. Messrs. Editors: Please publish I notice of meeting of tobacco growers of Virginia and North | Carolina to be held in Danville, ! Va., July 10th. All farmers of North Carolina are urged to attend, jas we wish to put on foot some | plan to push the work in North Carolina. S. C. ADAMS. Red Oak, Va. A GREAT OUTSIDE REM EDY. Most pains are of local origin— a ' crick" in the back, a twinge of j rheumatism, a soreness all over arising from a cold—aie all curtd by outside applications. The quickest, safest and most certain method is Allcock's Plaster, known the world over as a univer sal remedy for pain. They never fail, they act promptly, they are clean and cheap. You can go right ahead with your work while the healing process goes on. Sixty, years' use has given them a great reputation. New Office Deputy. Mr. N. S. Wilson, former clerk lof the Superior Court of Forsjth, ; assumed dufios yesterday as office | deputy under Marshal Millikan, vice W. C. Britt, of Asheville, resigned. A MEMORABLE DAY. One of the days we rennnther with pleasure, ns well as with i profit to our health, is the one on i which we became acquainted with I Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure head ache and biliousness, and kfeep ■ the bowels right. 25c at all Drug Stores. fmr KJS» » TO ] 1 Very tat Prices. \ 6 J* 4jfc still doing business nt my old stand with a store chock full a of everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair of suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of clothes. My ~S tf stock of © DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, ** g CLOTHINQ, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. ** © la complete in every respect. You will tiiid almost a com -Bplete drug store here. Your special attention is called to my up-to-date line *l 4 | 0 LADIES TRIMMED HATS. They aro of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, !3 ®r and lam olTering them at prices that will astonish. You 'P 2 will get your spring hati here sure if you will come and see w mine Iwfore you buy. Yours for business, 8 F. E. NELSON, % J Campbell, IN. C., R. F. D. No 2. J E.W. O'HANLON WINSTON-SALEM'S Leading Druggist. Largest and best conducted Druy business in the State. Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when you are .at Winston. Glad to serve you in any way. O'Hanlon's is TH E Place. HNHMMMM MeMNNN* • fi a f-ancy and White 2 A Perfect Fit Vests a Specialty. ™ Guaranteed. MNNMMM MM MIMMM» © HAVE YOUR SUMMER SUIT ? • I Tailor Made, i © m 5 FITS BETTER, FEELS BETTER, LOOKS BETTER, g IS BETTER • THAN A READY-MADE ONE IN MANY WAYS. # S All the latest styles in goods and make-up. 2 • N. A. MARTIN & SON, 2 Representing the Lending Tailoring Houses, £ DANBURY, N. C. Z 'WWWWWWWwt WW WwWwwW WWVv See Our Up-to-date Z Suits Delivered Without Z Line ol Samples. X Cost to Purchaser. MM MHH fMMMfM •• HH—MMM NOTICE! | I have just received a nice line of Ladies and Misses Dressed Hats at the lowest prices, 0 a nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made £ Clothing at the right prices, a new line of £ Shoes for men, women and children as low as # the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine £ hats, a nice lineof Dress Goods, White Goods, Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all m kinds and men's dress shirts. Q I also keep on band J. E. cihelton's make of up-to-date Aft Furniture at factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles to fit all makes of machines. I always keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- ® thing that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good Coffee at 10c per pound, sugar at lie per pound, good roller 2 mill Hour at $2.25 per hundred. X Highest market price paid for country produce of all 2 kinds: Gags 12$ c. doz, Hens 10c. pound, liuttei 124 c 1b.,"- 5 Corn 1 00 bushel Rye itOe. bushel, wheat $1 00 bushel. V I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage £ for the past ten years, and by fair and square dealings I 2 hope to have a continuance of the same. Yours to serve, E. C. Sheppard, g SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. I. • WWWWWWWWWWW