Briefs Adrift. * Mr. R. T. Joyce, of Mount Airy, it visiting relatives here. Mr. Jno. M. Taylor, of Winston, spent Tuesday night liere. Mrs. W. W. King returned from H visit to relatives at Stuart, Va. Mrs. Wm. Neal, of Pine Hall, is the guest of Mrs, J. A. Fagg on Danbury Route 1. Messrs R. R. Rogers and Abe Jones, of Walnut Cove, spent a few hours here Tuesday night. Elder J. A. Fagg, of Danbury Route 1, will preach at Five Forks, Va., on the second Sunday in Au gust. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. McGeheo and children returned to their home at Madison Tuesday, after spend ing two weeks here. Mr. Jesse H. Prather and family, of Mount Airy, are expected at Piedmont Springs today. They will occnpy a cottage. Mr. J. F. Wright, of Prosperity, W. V., is visiting his people in Stokes, over near Pinnacle. Mr. Wright's father is right sick. Mr. J. B. George, a prominent citizen of Quakor (Jap township, wtft in town on business Monday. Mr. George expressed himself as much pleaßed with the prospects for a fine crop this year. Mrs. T. R. Pepper and children, of Winston, who had been spend ing several -days here with the family of Mr. N. A. Martin, left Monday in response to a telegram announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Pepper's mother, Mrs. M. E. Liipfert, of Clarksville, Va., early Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Stockton, of Winston, who are spending several weeks at Piedmont Springs, visited their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Taylor, here Sunday, also attending church at four o'clock in the after noon. Mr. Stockton is a member of the well known firm of Hunt - ley-Hill-Stockton Co., the big furniture dealers of Winston and Greenst»oro. Mrs. Stocktou was formerly of our county, being a daughter of the late Mr. Bony Vaughn. There are no better p ople than this excellent family. j 134 Potatoes In One Hill. A gentleman who was here Thursday told the Reporter that Mr. Henry Rodgers, a good fanner up on Campbell Uoute 1, last week dug 134 Irish potatoes out from under one vine in hi% patch, none of them being smaller than a hen egg. Who can boat that growing Irish potatoes? CIHiES BLOOD, SKIN DIS EASES, CANCER. GREAT EST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impuro, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if . yon have blood poison, cancer, car buncles, oating sores, scrofula, ec zema, itching, risings and bumps, shabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumntisin, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (H. B. B). Soon all B res heal, aches and pains stop MIKI the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express $1 per large bottle, 3 bottles for 12 50 or i bottles for fn 00. Sample fne by writing Blooi Halm Co, At lanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chrouic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. WANTED Large whulesa'e house has opening for several neat appearing men and women to advertise and take orders in Stokes county for well known line of goods. Experience unnecessary. Fair salary for all or part of time. I will be at the hotel in Danbury oil Tuesday, July *3O, to employ any who wish a position K D. GRUHBS, Special Reprosentilive The following articles hereafter • will only be sold for cash or thirty days to regular customers who make monthly settlements : Meat, lard, corn meal, oats and corn. JACOB FULTON. Walnut Cove, N. C. A MASQUERADE PARTY. Given By the Visiting Young Ladies At Piedmont Springs On Last Thursday Night. One of the most enjoyable oc casions that has taken place in this section for quite a while was the masquerade party given by the visiting young ladies at Pied mont Springs last Thursday night, between the hours of eight and eleven o'clock, in the ball room at that place. Those in attendance were at tired in costumes of every con ceivable kind, emh ono wearing a mask so that you were entirely ignorant as to who was who. The scene in the ball room was indeed ghost-like, almost making one's hair stand on end. But soon masks, etc., were put aside and the remainder of the evening spent in various- amusements, chief of which was dancing. Col. Jno. M. Galloway, who always do lights in such tasks, led in the square dance and the Virginia reel, enabling those who partic ipated to execute some very pretty figures. What was by no means an un important feature of the occasion was the serving of the most de licious refreshments. Excellent music was furnished throughout the evening by the Nelson-Bennett band. Everyone felt very much in debted to the ladies for an evening of such genuine pleasure and amusement. Among those who took prominent parts in giving the party were Misses Ada and Miunie Allen, Minnje Ross, Ellen Nrfrfieet, Laura Noell and others. They were by no means unfamiliar with the art of-entertaining. Program For Beaver Island Township Sunday School. Bolow will be found the pro gram for the Beaver Island towu ship Sunday School Convention, which will be held at Bethesda church on Saturday before the second Sunday in August. Con vention will conveno at 10:00 o'clock. Song service led by Prof A. J. Essex. Sciipture reading by W. J. Ad kins. Prayer by Rev. D. P. Tate. Song service. Address of welcome by T. M. Glenn. Reading of the minutes of last meeting by C. A. Mitchell. Reports of the secretary of each school. What. Progress Are Wo Making In Our Schools? By superinten dent led by Prof. Essex, followed by Miss Sallie Dalton, W. J. Ad kins, Mrs. C. R. Wall and T. M. Glenn. Song service. What Progress Are We Making In the County Sunday School Work by N. O. Petree, President Song service. The Value of Sunday School Work by Rev. D. P. Tate. Song service. We can't complete the program because we haven't tbo progress from the different schools in the township. Will thank tbo secre taries to send in their programs to me as early as possible. J. C. FLINN, Chm. I will be at Walnut Cove Hotel, Walnut Cove, N. C., from July 22 to July 29, prepared to do Dental Work. No charge for examining teeth. R.O.APPLE, D. D. S. Lumber and Labor are High Buy the WORLD-RENOWNED, latest improved, 1907' Model Deloach Saw Mill, Planer Edger, Shingle Mill, etc., from W. H. Clark and thus save money on first and last cost. Terms most reasonable. He has also lowest prices on Steam and Gasoline Engines. The Case Ail-Steel Separator, full line of Farm Ma chinery and Buggies. Highest market prices paid for lumber. Address W. H. CLARK, Stuart, Va Private Phone, "Glenwood." ! THE N. C. PRESS CONVENTION. The Meeting At Morehead Last Week One Of the Pleasantest In the History Of the Association. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Press Association was liekl last Wednesday and Thursday at Morehead City. These gatherings of the quill-drivers are always occasions of pleasure and benefit. This one was especially so. Morehead is an ideal resort. The sailing, fishing and surf-bath ing are fine, not to bo excelled anywhere on the Atlantic coa6t. The Atlantic hotel is under ex cellent management, and throngs of people in the search of comfort as well as health and rest, from all sections of the State, frequent its delightful precincts. At the meeting of the Associa tion valuable information and use ful knowledge were coupled with charming social features. We had the pleasure of listening to able addresses by Mr. J. P. Caldwell, editor of the Charlotte Observer; Mr. Josephus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer; by Messrs. R. M. Phillips, Arch ibald Johnson, and other distin guished ann accomplished mem bers of the press fraternity. Congressman Small, who is a very learned and graceful speaker, delivered an address on his inland waterway scheme, aud showed what a great thing this project will be not only for eastern North Car olina, but for the Piedmont and western sections of the State in the great reduction of freight rates that it will guarantee. Congress man Chas. R. Thomas also ad dressed the convention, while Prof. Carlylo, of Wake Forest Col lege, treated the audience to one of his usual inspiring talks. It has been a long timesinoe we enjoyed an occasion more than the Morehead reunion. There we found many old friends, and made lots of new ones. The social fea tures of the meeting were varied and delightful. Fishing parties and visits to points of interest such as Beaufort, Fort Macon, etc., generally occupied the days, after the business meetings had ad journed. At night the sound, a beautiful sheet of water several miles in width, was alive with the sailing boats nnd gasoline launch es, loaded down almost to the water's edge with men and women. Many a midnight found us far out ou the bay, some times having passed through Beaufort iulet aud into the bosom of the ocean sev eral miles, drifting in the embrace of a fine breeze. Some splendid voices were always in the crowd, and music added to the delights of the occasion. Now officers elected by the As sociation were as follows : Presi dent, Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children; First Vice- President, M. L. Shipman, editor of the Hendersonville Hustler ; Second Vice-President, J. E. Car son, editor of the Alleghany Star ; Third Vice-President, ; Peet, J. A. Robinson, of the Dur ham Sun; Orator, James H. Cuine, of the Ashevillo Citizen. Of course the Secretary and Treasur er, Mr. J. B. Sherrill, of the Con cord Times, was re-elected. Mr. Slierrill is universally popular with the members of the Associa tion, and it couldn't got along without him. PINNACLE ROUTE 2. Pinnacle Routo 2, July 2:5. People are about through laying by their crops in this section, and they are looking well. Mr. T. J. Thore is doing some tine work with liis threshing ma chine this season. Wishing the Reporter much success. Respectfully, J. L. THORE This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this Some day they'll get a taste of the real paper so that every chewer has had an Schnapps —they'll realize what enjoyment opportunity to get acquainted with the they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS facts and know that drues are not used , it _ .. , . ... to produce the cheering quality found in lor * ago-then they 11 feel like kicking the famous Piedmont country flue-cured themselves. tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he • c ought to chew. Still there are chewers SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere m 5 who accept other and cheaper tobaccos cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs, tie that do not give the same pleasure. sure you get the genuine. Helps the Wagon up J the HilK K The load seems lighter—Wagou I and team wear longer—You uiuke I more tuoney, and have more time I to wake money, when wheels are ' greased with Mica Axle Grease; —The longest wearing and most satisfactory lubricant in the world. STANDARD OD. CO. loMrpuriUJ _ j IMMBB———SBCMP—— —3PT" 6KMFK' Mrs. G. E. Webb and children j returned to Winston Saturday,! after spending some time here at the Taylor Hotel. • _____ THE CHARMING WOMAN is not necessarily one of perfect; form and features. Many a plain , woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those | rare qualities that all the world j admires: neatness, clear eyes, clean ; smooth skin and that sprightli-; ness of step and action that accom- j pany good health. A physically j weak woman, is never attaotive,' not even to herself, Electric j Bitters restore weak women, give! strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth ; velvety skin, beautiful complexion, j Guaranteed by all Druggists . : >0 SEli'the Edison Canning outfit j before buying a catiner. Hold by .J. Walter Tuttle, King Koute, 1. .Size in.Jong, 15 in. wide,! 18 in, high, holds 35 gallons water. Will steam 24 3-lb. cans and cook 48. Ail complete for; «10.00. We are now prepared to do all kinds of wood and iron work on wagons, buggies, carriages, hacks, and log wagons on short notice. Give us a trial. 'WOOD A- WARREN, Meadows, N. C. Notice. Iliivinn duly 11miIllitMi us udniiiii-c tratrix ofMin. 11. U. Martin, deed.- all persons owing her are herein re, liiCMt«Ml to come forward and iiutks immediate settlement >t' the name, mid till IHTMOIW holding eln I ins ajfulnst tile Hiiid estate ni*«> hereby untitled tn present them to me, dnl,\ nnthenticated, for payment on or In'fore the lath day of June. l'.ms, or this notice will IK- pleaded in l»ar of their recovery. Thin May .{lst, I'.KIT. MHS. 11. 1,. KI.IJNUTO.N, A.dnix. of Mrs. 11. ||. Martin, deed I'. >. nddress— : .Sandy Uidge, X. c. .1 I) Humphreys Atty. for adinx. Land Sale. By virtue of a decree of tile Nupe ii»r Court of Stokes county rendered at spring term l!Hi7, l>y his honor (i. S. Ferguson, .Judge, in the case of J. ('. Wall, administrator of Win. Wall, vs. Jniie Cliapinuu and others, appointing the undersigned commis sioners to sell tlie lands hereinafter described we. will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Dunbury. N. on Monday Aug. •">, l'.Hi", at 1 o'clock p. m., a one-fourth undivided interest of Win. Chapman, deceased. In the following described tract of land, to | wit : "Lying and being ill the county of | Stokes and State of North Carolina, on the waters of Town | fork Creek, adjoining the lands of i formerly i J.' li. Vaughn, Joel K. Hill. .1. Tatuin and others, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a stake in David Biby's line, running south 41 deg. west with his | line, twenty-two and a half chains to j a post, .1. I''. Hill's corner, weston j liis line, sixteen and a quarter chains tto pointers in .!. B. Vaughn's line, i Sou Hi deg. east oil his line, lectins. I to a post oak. south i>."> deg. east, on liis line, ill chains to a black oak, old j corner, east -4 chains to a stake in J. I Tat urn's line, north on his line live c hains to ;i stake in said line, thence I north 114 deg, west along a new line j fort \ seven and a half chains to the I beginning, containing 137 acres, i more or less". ; This the -ml day of ulv, 11*17. \V. W. kl.\(i, X. >. I'ICTKHL, Commissioners. Notice. I Having qualified as administrator jof the estate of Lewis Love, deed., j notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make pay ment, and all persons holding claims .'ignlnst said estate are hereby lioti , lied to present tliein to me duly au thenticated, for payment, on or be fore the 20th day of .1 line, 1!H»8, or this notice will be pleaded in bur of I their recovery. This the 7th day of June, 11H17. JAS. S. LOVE, Adniinistrn tor of Lewis Love. Tohaccoviilc, X. IJ. F. I>. No. 'J. N. (). Petrce, Att.\. for adiur. W ANTE D! 100 Girls For Loopers. Experienced Loopers make from $1.25 to $2.00 per day. Expenses paid while learning. Short hours and pleas ant clean work. Apply to SHAMROCK HOSIERY MILLS, Winston-Salem, N. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. J. T. Benhow. S. E. Hall. J. W. Hall. Benbow, hall & Hall, Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, DANBURY, N. C. Office at McCanless Hotel. State of North Car., I In the Kuix>rior Stokes County. | Court. Jtefnru | the Clerk. Order. John \V. Davis, executor of Yancey 15. Davis, deed., vs- Pauline Welch and her hus band, E. I'. Welch, Kev. A. A. Moran, Yanee.v \V. W'cstm. Ire land, Paulina Fulton, Lucy Ann Samuels and her hus band, A. W. Samuels, Martha lsom, widow of Win. Isoiu, Kli/.a Kandolph and her lius band, Kandoli>h, Sam'l M. Davis, John 1). Davis, Sarah l'ulton and her lius brnd, Watt Fulton, Bet tie Watson, widow of John Watson, Ada Walker, widow of John Walker, Jas. F. Da vis, the heirs at law of John Davis, whose ages and resi dences are unknown, but who are all non-residents of the state of North Carolina, defendants. In thu aiiove entitled cause it ap pearing to the court upon allidavit filed that Jas. F. Davis and I lie children and heirs at law of John Davis are non-residents of the state of North Carolina and after due dil igence cannot be found therein and cannot he personally served with summons and are necessary parties I to this proceeding, the same being : one for the purpose of subjecting the i lands of Yancey B. Davis, deed., to 1 sale for the purpose of raising mon ey with which the executor of said Yancey B. Davis, deed., may pay off ! the debts against said estate ami ; the costs of administration thereon, i It Is therefore ordered by the Court that publication of notice Ik- made for four successive weeks in the Dun j bury Keporter, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Danbury, I stokes County, N. C., notifying the ; said Jas. F. Davis, and the children and heirs at law of John Davis, to appear at the ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. on the 17th day of Aug., l!Mi*7, and answer or demur to the peti tion which will be tiled In said office in said cause and let the said defend ants take notice that if they fail to appear and answer or demur to said petition at the time and place above named, the relief prayed for in said petition will be granted. This July 0, 1007. M. T. CHILTON, C. S. C. J. D. Humphreys, Atty. for petition er. J. R. Blackwell represents two of the leading Georgia companies and will not be under sold. I "THEDEVILof TODAY 77 Hi* work in the Home. Church. Society. Du*inc3B. Politics nnd every walk of life. A book portraying the grave dangers found in a! I conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods trf escaping them. A warning note to save young men and women from wreck and ruin. Vhia book is having an iraait-nse sale. We waat agents to sell the above book with a full line of Standard Subscription Bool.s, Red Letter Family ard Teacher's Biblea. Cata logue will be sent free. Thia is your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agents who bare boen with us 20 yen. Write today. D. E. Lather Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Triaity Avt. Atlanta, 6a. KILLTHI COUGH >HO CURE THE LUNCB w ™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR COLSI 18 .RFSFC. AMD ALL THROAT AMD LUHC TROUBLES. QUAE ANTEED SATISFACTORY OH MONET REFUNDED.

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