| The Great Mid=Summer g • Clearance Sa 1e » -AT- 0 H CRANFORD'Si > 4 & ' ' GItEATEII THIS SEASON THAN JT ; EVER BEFORE THE SAVING * EVENT OF THE SEASON. V{ # ' Tin' great sale is now in progress, anil thousands of dollars'worth of the finest and the most fashionable Clothing and Furnishing Goods are now being dis- £% " tributed into the homes of the people. Not only the * $ extremely low prices, but also the high quality of this merchandise make this the most valuable sales event Jff ever attempted in Winston-Salem. To keep the bar- V# gains fresh in your memory, we quote you below a v few prices, but remember, these are only a few of the many offerings extended in this grand Clearance Sale. id —~~—— m 92 MEN'S TWO-PIECE SUITS 75 MEN'S SUITS AT HALF PRICE. To close out at just half price. About 33 1-3 per cent discount. $ 500 Suits now $ 2.50 f-Hy $ 7.00 Coats and Pants now $ 5.00 tf.so Suits now 3.25 8.50 Coats and Pants now 500 8.50 Suits now 4.25 ffaftfr 10.00 Coats and Pauts now 7.00 10.00 Suits now 500 12.50 Coats and Pants now 8.50 12.00 Suits now 6.50 15.00 Coats and Pants now 11.00 15.00 Suits now 7.50 fffk 18.50 Coats and Pants now 12.50 18.50 Suits now 9.40 # # 112 BOY'S THREE-PIECE SUITS THE REMAINING OF OUR CHOICE Sl/.KS i;, To 2o To CLOSE AT SUITS AT 2D PER CENT. DIS HALF PRICE AT 50 PER CENT. COUNT. • DISCOUNT. * tv•, «,■ m $ 7.00 Suits now $ (>.OO Young man, this is your greatest oppor- 10.00 Suits now 8.00 tunity. 12.50 Suits now 10.00 $ 5.00 Suits now $ 250 15.00 Suits now 12.00 • ti.oo Suits now 3.00 18.00 Suits now 14.80 850 Suits now 4.25 18.50 Suits now 14.80 10.00 Suits now 5.00 - Shirts, Underwear, Sox, Ties, Col= ® 9 lars, in Fact Everything: ® - (it Going at 20 per cent, discount, except Carhartt Overalls, which are e|§ net. You have been reading and hearing of numerous and of all kinds of sales imaginable for the last 30 or 60 days, but we have the gen uine sale—the kind that saves you money. Come early, as your money spent here will bring you almost double value. m SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, 2 f. AUGUST 10^ I N. L. CRANFORD & CO., | J One Price Clothiers, || f Winston, IN. C. g © • | KBLLtheCOUGH i AND cURE THE LUNCB "™ Dr. King's I New Discovery /TOMSUMPTION Pries FOR I OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO \JOIOS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TBOUB- I US, or MONEY BACK. HELP IS OFFERED TC WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly roqiipr.tallyounar persons, no matter how tht'ir means or education. who wish to ob'.tin a thorough business training and good pod* j tion. t:> write bv first mail for our great half-rat* oIT. r. .-'uecasrf, Itulependcnceand probal>l«» fortum | ar ?. i::. .u tc* J. Don't delay. U rite today, /tic Ga.-AU. LurinMJ College, Macon, Ga. NORTH CAROLINA | College of Agricul= ture and Mechan= ic Arts Practical education in Agricul j ture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry. Tuition 1 $45 a year; Board $lO u month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N, C> UNIV ERSIT Y OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907 Head of th' State'H Kilticatlonal Syntem. DEPARTMENTS, j College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contain* ■».",vo|i);i|i*x. New water workH, eluctric light*, central heating H.vutem. New dormitories, K.viiinaMiuin, V. M. C. A. I mil linyr, library. 732 Students. 74 In Faculty, The Kali term in-Kin* Sept. !», IW>7. A.lilfi-hh Francih P. V enable, Presiiibkt, CHAPEL HILL. N. V. Briefs Adrift. Miss Claudia Smith, of Fran cisco, visited here Monday. Messrs J. J. and W. H. Spen cer were Dan bury visitor Mon day. Mr. Jas. W. Lasley, of Walnut Cove Route 3, was among the visitors in town Monday. Mr. J. T. Reynolds, of Mad ison Route 3, was here Tuesday enronte home from Moore's Springs. Solicitor A. L. Brooks returned to his home in Greensboro Saturday after spending a day or two here. Messrs. J. W. Fowler and Y. S. Smith, two of the good citizens of Walnut Cove Route 1, were visitors here Monday. Mr. M. O. Sullivan, a prominent citi/.eu and prosperous farmer, of Smith, was a visitor at the Repor ter olfice last Friday. Mr. A. W. Davis, of Danbury, has entered into a co-partnership with Mr. Joseph Whitten, of Wal nut Cove, in the livery business. The family of Mr. A. W. Mc- Alister, of Greensboro, are occu pying their cottage at Piedmont | Springs. They went up last Thursday. The tale of the "b'ar" in the mountain, that was circulated : some days ago, is believed to be a ruse of certain selfish huckleberry hunters. We think it had the de sired effect. Mrs. W. W. King left the past week for Wrightsville Beach in I company with her sister, Mrs. W. |B. Rucker, of Stuart, Va. They expect to spend some time there | before returning. The Reidsville Review says that |it is an open secret that Mr. Ira Humphreys, of Wentworth, will ! be married on August 14th to Miss Dora Price, daughter of Hon. R,| P. Price, of Prices, N. C. Whatever the croakers may say, there is no use denying the fact that Stokes county is blessed with one of the best crops in her his tory, Wheat turns out splendidly, oats the same, corn is looking fin", and the tobacco crop is a beauty. Such a crop bids defiance to all the pauics in the world. Mr. W. L. Hall, of Yade Me jcum, was here last week. Mr. Hall brings the cheering news of big and fine crops in his neighbor hood. Mr. Hall's individual wheat j crop was 145 bushels yield. He has 57 bags of guano uiulor his tobac co, and is expecting some of the "long green" next fall. Mr. T. W. Gentry, a Stokes boy, of the firm of Gentry Bros., Winston, is spending a few days at his old home on King Route 2 These Gentry boys are sons of Mr. Raleigh Gentry, which is enough said for them, meaning that they aie whole souled, honorable and high-toned. The fight between the State of North Carolina and the Southern Railroad, which involved a serious clash between the State and the Federal authorities, has come to an end by the railway surrender ing to Governor Glenn and agree ing to put on the cent rate not i later than the Bth of Augugt. j State of Ohio, City of Toledo \ SS. Lucas County. i| Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & C"., doing business in the City >.f Toledo, ! County and State aforesaid, and | thftt said firm will pay the sum ef ONE HUNpRJOD DOLLARS | for each and every j/aip pf Cat ! arrh that cannot ce cured by ihe 1 use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENKY Sworn to before me and sub. scribed in my presence, this s;h day of Deo., A. D., 188(>. (Seal). A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and gots directly on the blood and mucous of the system. Send for testimonials free F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for ' constipation fWiirnn I Very lowest Prices. 1 • **% I desire to say to the people of Stokeß county that I tun :Btill doing business at my old stand with a storo chock full dfc of everything the people need, from a papor of pins orn pair A of suspenders to a two-horso plow or a suit of clothes. My JJ stock of # 9 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, 0 If CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. # 9 1® complete in every respect. You will Hud almost a com plete drug store here. £ g* Your special attention is called to my up-to-date line of g* S LADIES TRIMMED HATS. They are of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, S and lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You iP will get your spring hats here sure if you will come and see W 9 mine before you buy. Yours for business, d 3 F. E. NELSON, g jj Campbell, IN. C., R. F. D. No 2. g WWWWwWvvWw 1 . >LW^anlon] X WINSTON-SALEM'S V Leading Druggist. > ) Largest and best conducted C \ Druy business in the State. # j Be sure to visit O'Hanlon's when # you are at Winston. Glad to % \ serve you in any way. # > O'Hanlon's is THE Place. wWWwwwwwwwWw ww wWwwwwwwwVw I NOTICE!! % I have just received a nice line of Ladies and X 0 Misses Dressed Hats at the lowest prices, 2 ia nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made X Clothing at the right prices, a new line of 2 Shoes for men, women and children as low as # the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine 0 Hats, a nice lineof Dress Goods, White Goods, M Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all # # kinds and men's dress shirts. 0 II also keep on hand J E. Sholton's mako of up-to-date Furniture at factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles Z to fit all makes of machines. I always keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro- 2 ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- W thing that's kept iu a country store, clover seed, a good A cotfee at 100 per pound, sugar at >c per pound, good roller 2 mill tlour at $2.25 per hundred. Highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds: Eggs 12|c. dose, Hens 10c. pound, Buttei 121 c lb., J Corn 1.00 bushel Rye 90c. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. 9 I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage for the past ten years, and by fair and square dealings 1 hope to have a continuance of the same. Z Yours to serve, S E. C. Sheppard, * SMITH and DANBURY, N THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. lU'iftiluF Courses lowllng decrees of ISachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Arts, bachelor of Science, vnd n ne\y eot|r>i' iiijLT to the degree of Haeh elor of Music, Hoard, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of t»«xt book*, etc., fIM n yen*. For free-tuttlon students. $125. The Norma) Department klvcs thorough Instruction In the subjects taught In the schools and college*,and special |KMlagogiciil traiulngfor the profession of teaching. Teacher* ami Graduate* of other colleges are offer ed a one-year special eounie In Pedagogy and allied subject*. The Commercial Department offer* practical Instruction In Stenography, Typewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects. » The Department of .Manual Art* and Domestic .Science provide instruct ion 111 Mamiul Training and In Kiich subject* iih relate directlv to the home tmd IfUjilU. The Musfe I»epartii(#nt, |if tu|il|t|oi) t) tl|« degree couroo, offer* a i-ertlll cate course In vocal and Instrumental music,' To secure hoard In the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made Itefore July 15. The fall term epens September is, l'.Kl". l' or catalogue and other Information, address, J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. ■ * in i 11 i ■ iii 11 i _ D| MP LI A AH KOR 115 YK.AkS ln.ys have been prepared for UH.I.K(iK and lor LIFK: ftlk! DlllUrinlYl have bren trained to be MEN »i THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. Ideally located on C P U OH I Asbeville Platntu. Organisation MILITARY for discipline, control apd carriage. WUII UU L «®y« frnm otner schools not received. Vlclout boys expelled as soon as I7QQ IQAQ discovered. HftlllM excluded by of bono*. Limited n. 136. Hales reasoo -IWJO able Address Coi. R HINtiH AM. Supl. R. F. D. No. 4. ASHKVILLK. NC.

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