Briefs Adrift. Mr. Robt. W. Hill, of Meadows, was here yesterday. > • Mr. David Hicks, of Meadows, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. Haul Mitchell, of Dil. lard, was here yesterday. Mr. S. M. Sloau, of Vade Me cum Springs, was here yesterday. Mr. James Shelton, of Dellar, was a Danbury visitor yesterday. New tobacco primings are beginning to be put on the mar ket. Mr. Hardin Covington was a visitor at the Reporter office Tues day. Attorney John Y. Phillips, of Dalton, spent a short while here on business Monday. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, visited the Reporter office Monday. Maj. W. S. Ray has returned from a lengthy visit to relatives and friends in the Francisco sec tion. Mr. C. H. Sheppard, a prom inent citizen of Sandy Ridge Route 1, was a Danbury visitor Monday. Rev. S. M. Rankin, of Greens boro, will preach in the Presby terian church here next Sunday morning and at night. Mr. C. O. McMiobael, editor of the Madison Herald, has been elected chief marshal of the Cen tral Carolina Fair at Greensboro. County Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith returned yesterday from Snow Creek township, where he has been looking after the public schools. Mr. J. C. Buxton and family re turned to their homo at Winston this week after spending some time at their oottage at Piedmont Springs. Mrs. C. M. Jones returned Tuesday from a visit to her par ents at Pinnacle. She was ac companied home by her father, Mr. Samuel Wall. Sheriff and Mrs. R. J. Petree, of Germanton, and Mr. Bloom, of Winston, brother of Mrs. Petree, spent Tuesday night here at the home of Mr. N. O. Petree. Mr. John R. Jones, of visited his brother, Mr. C. M. Jones, this week. Mr. Jones is taking the law course at Wake Forest College. He expects to re sume his studies in a few days. The Reporter will lie one day late in reaching its readers this week for which we ask their in dulgence. The reason for this is on account of having to install our new press. As is announced elsewhere in this paper Prof. J. T. Smith ex pects to open school here next Monday. It ia learned that a large attendance on this school is ex pected. Special attention will l>e given to a course for those expect ing to teach. Mr. A. J. Fagg, the carrier of the Danbury R. F. D. mail route, has received instructions not to take in the extra territory laid out for hia route until he receives further orders. The extension was to have taken effect on and after Aug. 16. Mr. C. Z. Whitaker, of Oak Ridge, succeeds Mr. Cary Carroll as book-keeper and office man at the Rosenbaoher department store. Mr. Carroll resigned some time ago to accept the position of chief acoouutant with the Crawford Plumbing & Mill Supply Co.— Winston Sentinel. The following artioles hereafter wilt only be sold for cash or thirty days to regular customers who make monthly settlements : Meat, 1 ml, corn meal, oata and corn. JACdB FULTON. Walnut Cove, N. C. J R. Black well represents two of the leading Georgia oompanies and will not be under sold. ROAD COMMISSION ORGANIZED. Preparing To Spend Some of the Railroad Taxes On the Public Roads of Sauratown Township. Walnut Cove, Aug. 21.—A meeting was held here Monday and the Sauratown Road Com uiisaion elected cs follows : Com missioners—Dr. E. Fulp, A. J. i Fair and Eugpne IS. Withers. Secretary and Treasurer, John A. Burton. The Treasurer is required by law to give a $5,000 bond, which is evidently an error in the law, as the fund which ' Sauratown gets is only $500.00. Yet we understand that Mr. i Burton will arrange the bond all right, and that the work of improving the roads will go for- 1 ward at once, which will be good news to everybody. This fund, it will be remembered, is the tax money which the courts recently decided must be paid over by the Sheriff to reimburse the citizens of three townships, Sauratown, Meadows and Dan bury, for the money they paid as railroad taxes. The other two! townships get an equal amount i to this. We think that the people, who have suffered over the condition of the .roads between Walnut Cove and Danbury from time whereof the memory of niao run neth not to the contrary should tender Dr. Jones a vote of thanks. He has been tbe cause of this. Mr. Will Dunlap, of Gideou, was in town Monday. He tells us that he will leave in a day or two far the Fair at Jamestown. Judge W. P. Bynum, of Char lotte, spent a short while in town Monday. It is learned that the Judge in very favorably impress ed with Walnut Cove's future, and that be offered voluntarily to take stock to the amount of SIO,OOO in the cotton mill, which Mr. Hairston assures ua is speed- j ily coming. Mr. Oscar Petree, of German- j ton, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Jaß". Hill, the popular i carrier of Germanton It. F. D. j No. 1, was a visitor here Tues day. Mr. A. S. Mitchell one of our leading merchants, returned today from an outing of several days at Moore's Springs. Mr. Nick Mitchell, of Dillard, who has recently returned from Roanoake, Va., where he tjok a business course, has beeu staying in the storo of his brother, Mr. j A.S.Mitchell, while the latterJ was away. He informs us that | he will leave tomorrow for Wins- j ton, where he has accepted a i position in the People's National Bank. Mr. Davis Caudle, a prosperous farmer of this section, was in town yesterday. PINNACLE Pinnacle, Aug. 20.—Mr. Shelton Leak, of Taylorsburg, Va., who is visiting his father, Mr. J. L. Leak, is right sick with typhoid fever, we are sorry to note. Mrs. Lizzie Stone, of Stoneville and Miss Pattie Crews, of Ger manton, are visiting friends at this place. Mr. Ollie Boles, who has been right sick with fever, is out again, we are pleased to note. Several from this plac* attend ed the foot-washing at Volunteer Sunday. All report a nice time. Mr. C. D. Slate and family are visiting Mrs. Slate's father, Mr. V. G. Watson. Mxa. Abe Edwards, Miss Pattie Crews, Miss Lucinda an 1 Mr. Wiley Edwards left this morning to visit friends and relatives at Siloain and Mt. Airy. Mrs. Preston Barber, of Wins tan-Salem, is visiting her mother, Mrs. King. Mr. John R. Jones came up Saturday to spend a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones, before returning t J Wake Forest College. PA PA'S BOY FOR SALE —A good combination horse 6 years old. Call on or address T. F BAKER, Germanton, N. C., Route 1. Aug B—lm SAD OCCURRENCE NEAR SANDY RIDGE. Mr. Will Ziglar, a Prominent Citizen Of Sandy Ridge, Kills Himself With a Shot Gun. Mr. Will Ziglar. a prominent citizen of the Sandy Ridge sec tion, shot and instantly killed him self with a shot gun at his home early Tuesday morning of this week. Whether the occurrence was a pure accident or whether it was done intentionally is not and probably never will be known. The particulars as given the Re porter are that Mr. Ziglar arose at about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning while all the members of his fam ily except one or two of his small children were asleep and went out into the'yard with his gun. Soon the report of the gun was heard in the yard and upon investigation it was found that he had shot him self. the contents of the gun strik ing just under the chin and pass ing out through the top of the head. It is learned that 110 cause can be assigned for Mr. Ziglar taking his own life intentionally and the community is at a loss to understand why and how the sad occurrence came about. The deceased was a son of Mr. Leonard Ziglar. and was a good, hardworking citizen. He was high ly respected and liked by every one and will bo missed in his community. He leaves a wife and five children besides other rel atives and friends to mourn his death. THE ABOVE IS AN EXACT REPRODUCTION OF THE REPORTERS NEW BABCOCK PRESS, WHICH HAS JUST BEEN INSTALLED. That Automobile Incident. Editor Reporter : I notice in your last week's is sue what the writer thought was a good joke on Dr. Hanes with his automobile in a mud hole. Now, I am sure if Mr. Zel> had thought the second time and lmd remem bered that he is, as I believe, one of the J. P.'s of his township, a supervisor of roads, and very much responsible for the bad roads and mud holes where auto mobiles want to go, he surely would have kept it a secret that his roads were in such a condi tion. I'm sure he did the nice thing to pull them out even a dozen times if necessary and put them beyond his township line free of cost, and then to have kept it a profound secret, not because Dr. Hanes wanted him to do so, but for the remorse of his own conscience. BAD ROADS. Mr, J. H. Robertson, of Francis co, was here Tuesday. Where Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head a much better place for it? Better keep what is left where it belongs! Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There Is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi tively about this, for we know. Does not change the color of the hair. Formula with each bottle p Show it to your ix uers # then do « ha »ay» Indeed, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to be this —it stops falling hair. Then it goes one step further —it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." ——Mado by tho J. C. Ayer Co Lowell, Mass.—« DR. TILLOTSON IMPROVING. Farmers Have Good Crops—Other Items From Oak Grove. Oak Grove, Aug. 19. —The peo ple of Oak Grove section are pre paring to take care of a fine crop of tobacco. The protracted meeting is pro gressing nicely, and the young chickens are ripe, and their har vest will soon be over. Some of the people are fattening beeves for the fall term. Revs. P. Oliver and Johnson closed their meetings at Olive Grove Aug. It) with a goodly num ber being baptized and added to the church. We are glad to note that Dr. S. F. Tillotson is back from the hos pital at Winston, where be has been treated for a horse kick on bis knee. He is now able to take up his practice again Dr. Tillot son ia one of tne leading physi cians of Stokes county. SCRIBBLER. John Mabe Escapes. A message to Sheriff Petree yesterday from Mr. Estes, super intendent of the Rockingham county road force, stated that JllO. Mabe had made his escape from the road force, and that $25.00 re ward would be given for his arrest. It will be remembered that Mabe was sent to the Rockingham coun ty roads from Stokes at the last term of our court. FOR RENT—A good one horse farm. Apply to T. J. DAVIS, Danbury, N. C. News Notes From Summerfield. Summerfield, Aug. 16. —Messrs. G. W. and J, N. Highfill and C. L. Richardson visited Mrs. James Highfill recently. Come again, we \ are always glad to see you come. Mr. T. J. Harris is the proud father of twin bojs. He says he is raising a baseball team. Messrs. 0. B. Highfill and J. F Milts went to Greensboro last Wednesday and carried tobacco j primings. Some say they carried chickens to help pay warehouse j charges. Is that so, Jack ? The protracted meeting closed ■ at the Baptist church last Sunday. | 1 The pastor, Rev. W. H. Sheets, was assisted by Rev. Mr. Swain, i • of Lexington. Both are good j preachers and we trust good seed ' was sown that will spring up and . j bring fruit for the master. 1 Mr. C. B. Highfill and sister I Miss Martha, have been suffering right much with colds, but are better now. Messrs. J. Winfree and W. S. Highfill weut to Winston last Monday on business. Mrs. Sallie Willis, wli® has been right sick, is up again. Master Clarence Winfree, of Satiford, is visiting his uncle, Mr. J. Winfree, at Summerfield. SELDOM COMER. i ENDORSED BY THE COUNTY "The most popular remedy in Otsego County, and the best i friends ef my family," writes | Win. M. Dietz, editor and publish |er of the Otsego Journal, gilborts ville, N. Y., "is Dr. King's New Discovery. It has proved to be an infallible cure for coughs and colds, making short work of the worst of them. We always keep S a bottle in the house. I believe f it to be the most valuable pre- J iscriplion known for Lung and , Thioat diseases" Garanteed to f never disappoint the taker, by j all Drug store. Price 50c and " . SI.OO. Trial bottle free. ONE MACHINE THRESHES 6672 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. Mrs. Dr. S. A. Moir No Better—Crops Common, Especially Tobacco— j Protracted Meeting Closes. Francisco, Aug. 19.—We had a j. race rain last Saturday, and it was j very badly needed. It was the first 1 rain we had to do much in \ some time. There have been nice { showers around us before this. [ \ Crops are common in this commu-j 1 nity especially tobacco. J Just a few days past Moir ] & Lawrence finished threshing * wheat. They say the crop is a 1 little better than the averrge. They ' threshed 6,672 bushels of the gol-j j den grain. They threshed through 1 the Snow Creek settlement and j ] several of the best crops around 1 Francisco and Peter's Creek settle- 1 ment in Patrick county. Mrs. Dr. S. A. Moir is very low at this writing, we rre sorry to , note. 11 Dr. J. T. Smith, of Westfield, preacheil a very able sermon at ' Dr. S. A. Moir's last Wednesday j the 14th inst. for the benefit of 1 Mrs. Moir. There was a large J crowd present. Rev. R. W. George held a pro- j tracted meeting at Dan River j ] church last week, assisted by Rev. 1 J Mr. Murray. DALTON. Dalton, Aug. 19. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mart Culler, of j High Point, are visiting, at MrsJ Culler's mother's, Mrs. John Fow- j ler. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keiger, of High Point, have been spending a few days at Mr. J. W. Keiger's, | leturning home today. Miss Malissa and Mr Robt Phil ! lips have been visiting in For syth. Messrs. Jim and Cyrus Keiger j went to Jamestown last Tuesday, returning Saturday. Several from | this section are expecting to visit i Jamestown early this fall, i / Mr. Bob Covington and son Joe while plowing Friday plowed' ia a nest of 3(i snaki s. Who has beat that this saason ? Several from here went to the foot-washing at Volunteer Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Boyles and Miss Pearl Caudle spent Friday at Mr. Walter Boyles' and Friday night and Saturday at Mr. Joe West moreland's. Miss Ruby Hnmm returned last Monday from a visit to one of her schoolmates near Mocksville. Mrs. J. H. Hamm is seriously sick with rheumatism. Hope she will soon be well again. "ME" "EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW" says G. G. Hays, a prominent bus j iness man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck i len's Arnica Salve is the quickest; and surest healing salve ever ap | plied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a ense of piles. I've used it and know what I'm talking about."; Guaranteed by all druggists, 25c. ! Mica Axle Grease test lubricant for axles in the ' world—long wearing and very ad ' kesivc. I lakes a heavy load draw like a . I 11; Ut one. Saves half the wear on £ I and team, and increases the earainr; capacity of yosr outfit. 1 Ask your dealer far Mica Axle | JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, 9 Attorney at Law, - Danbury, - • * N. C Prompt attention to all business v entrusted. Will practice in all ® State courts. 3 J. T. Benbow. S. E. Hall. J. W. Hall. Benbow, Hall & Hall, - Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, i DANBURY, N. C. y Money to loan for a reasonable j time on good security. Office at McCanless Hotel. j State of North Car., I In the Sui>erlor Stokes County. | Court. Before | the Clerk. Order. John W. Davis, executor of Yancey B. Davis, deed., vs- Pauline Welch and her hus band, E. P. Welch, Kev. A. A. Moran, Yancey W. Wi'Htmore land, Paulina Fulton, I-ucy Ann Samuels and her hus band, A. W. Samuels, Martha Isom, widow of Wm. Isom, Klftta Randolph and her hus band, Randolph, Sam'l. M. Davis, John D. Davis, Sarah Fulton and her lius brild, Watt Fulton, Bettte Watson, widow of John Watson, Ada Walker, widow of John Walker, Jus. F. Da vis, the lielrs at law of John Davis, whose uges and resi dences are unkuown, but who are all non-residents of the state of North Carolina, defendants. In the übove entitled cause it ap pearing t,o the court upon affidavit filed that Jas. F. Davis and the children and heirs at law of John Davis whose names and residences are unknown but who are non-resi dents of the State of North Carolina, and Eliza Randolph and her hus band, Randolph, and John 1). Davis are non-residents of the State of North Carolina and after due dil igence cannot be found therein and cannot be personally served with summons and are necessary parties to this proceeding, the same lieiug one for the purpose of subjecting the lands of Yancey B. Davis, deed., to sale for the purpose of raising mon ey with which the executor of said Yancey B. Davis, deed., may pay off the debts against said estate and the costs of administration thereon. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication of notice be made for four successive weeks in the Dan bury Reporter, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Danbury, Stokes County, N. C., notifying the said Jas. F. Davis, and the children : and heirs at law of J no. Davis, Eliza I Randolph, and her husband, I Randolph, and John D Davis and all other defendants to appear at the i office of the Clerk of the Superior j Court of Stokes County, N. on the 21st day of Sept., 1!H)7, and answer or demur to the petition which will lie tiled in said office in said cause, and let the said defendants take no tice that if they fail to appear and answer or demur to said petition at ! the time and place above named the relief prayed for in said petition will lie granted. This the 17th day of Aug., 1907. M. T. CIIILTON, C. S. ('. J. I>. Humphreys, Atty. for petltion er. Notice. Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Joseph I). Tu tuin, deed., notice is hereby given to all |H>rsons holding claims against said estate, to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or by the Ist day of Sept., l!M»s, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of ; their recovery: and all person* in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Tills the 20th day of Aug., l!M)7. WM. I). TATUM, Adinr. of Joseph I). Tatilm, deed. 12th St. Winston-Salem. N. ('. j N. O. Petree, Atty. for Admr. R. DAVIS* Winston, N. (J. You will now find the newest and nicest of all A*inds tilings for every body sueli as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. "THEDEVILof TODAY" Ilia work in the Home, Church. Society. Buxinma. Politics and every walk of life. A book portraying the grave dangers found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of escaping them. A warning note to gave young men and women from wreck and ruin. Tliu book is having an immennp sale. We want agent* to soil the above book with a ful' line of Standard Subscrintion Books. ' Rod Letter Family a d Teacher's Bibles. Cata logue will be sent free. This is your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agenta who have been with us 20 years. Write today. D. E. Luther Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Trlalty Av». AtlnU, 6>. I KILL the COUCH J and CURE THK LUNCS —Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CB^r 8 } AMD ALL THROAT *NDLUNB TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB XOHXT BXVUHDXD.