Briefs Adrift. Mr. J. R. Blackwell. of Pine Hall, spent Tuesday night here. Miss Malissa Lesley, of Gideon,; is spending several days here friends. A ground hog weighing about twenty pounds was caught near town Sunday by Mr. L. J. j Young's dog. Mr. Riley F. Fulk, a prominent citizen of the Pinnacle section, was a visitor at the Reporter office yesterday. Mr. Robert Critz returned to his home at Winston yesterday, after spending several weeks here at the Taylor Hotel. Mrs. Samuel H. Taylor returned to her home in Winston yesterday, after visiting relatives here for several days. Mr. J. AeUrins and sister, Miss Lizzie, of Red Shoals, B]>ent a day or two here the past week with their sister, Mrs. M. T. Chilton. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wood returned to their home at Madi son yesterday, after spending several days at the Taylor Hotel. There will be preaohiug by the pastor at the M. E. church next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. Everybody invited to come out. Mr. Samuel Stewart left yester day for Winston, where he has accepted a position as clerk in the clothing store of McDowell & Rogers. The Quarterly Conference for this circuit of the M. E. church was held in the Methodist church here Monday. Presiding Elder Cordell was present. Presiding Elder Cordell, of this circuit of the M. E. church, assisted by the pastor, Rev. D. A. Binkley, conducted a series of meetings here in the Methodist church the past few days. The meetings closed Tuesday night. The Danbury bar has just com pleted the calendar for the next term of Stokes Superior court, which convenes on the 23rd of this month. The calendar is be ing printed in pamphlet form and will also appear in the next issue of the Reporter. •T. - New Students At School. The school here is growing: nicely. Since last week the fol lowing students from a distance have entered: Misses Agnes Johnson, Daisy Deannin, Cora Young, Lemma Duncan, Lottie Sisk and Mr. Eric Shelton. Others are expected in this week. FIRE AT SANDY RIDGE. The Furniture and Box Factory Of J. E. Shelton Damaged Consid erably—Boiler House De stroyed. was received here yester day that * fire Ht Sandy R>dge originating in the boiler room of the furniture and box factory of Mr. J. E v Shelton, completely de stroyed the boiler house and did considerable damage to the fac tory, burning a part of one side of it. Nothing like the exact am ouut of the damage could be learned. Lumber and Labor are High Buy the WORLD-RENOWNED, latest improved, 1907 Model Deloach Saw Mill, Planer Edger, Shingla Mill, etc., from W. H. Clark and thus save money on first and last cost. Terms most reasonable, he has also lowest prices on Steam and Gasoline Engines. The Case All-Steel Separator, full line of Farm Ma chinery and Buggies. Highest market prices paid for lumber. Address W. H. CLARK, Stuart, Va Private Phone, "Qlenwood." THE MISSES HAIRSTON ENTER TAIN. Reception and Dance Saturday Nijht at Walnut Cove—Other J News Items. Walnut Cove, Sept. 10.—Misses Willie and Lula Hairston gave n delightful informal reception and dance at their beautiful home Saturday night, complimentary ti their visiting friends Misses Cyn tha and Sallie Jones, of Winston and Miss Lytton, of Carolcen The guests present were as fol lows : Misses Frances and Annie Kate Jones, Miss Margaret Ad ams, Miss Nina Bailey, of Walnut Cove; Miss Sadie May Dalton, Misses Cynthia and Sallie Jones, of Winston; Miss Lillian Miller, of Rural Hall; M essrs. Alex Whaling and Mcßae Dalton, of Winston; Robt. Dalton, of Char lotte; Dr. Clias. Moore, of Moore's Springs; R. R. Rogers and Abe I) Jones, of Walnut Cove, and N. E, Pepper, of Danbury. Excellent music was furnished by the Stokesburg string baud. Season ble refreshments were served The occasion was one of much pleasure. Mr. Abe D. Jones left Sunday to enter Trinity College. Mr Pinnix Bailey has gone to Guil ford College. Mr. Fnlp to Oak Ridge. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Lash, of Greensboro, are visiting Capt. and Mrs. R. L. Murphy. Dr. Lash's health has greatly improved re cently, we are pleased to note. Mr. Oscar N. Petree, of Ger inanton, has accepted the position of Assistant Cashier of the Walnut Cove bank. Mr. Petree is quite well fitted for the position, having taught for several years in the public schools of the county, re eeiving a first grade certificate also having received a course at i Tennesse*e Business College. Mr Petree will remove his family here soon. Fire Burns Three People. Raleigh, Sept. A specia from Shelby says fire this ( Mon elay) morning at Clevelane Springs Hotel compjetely destroy eel the hotel building and buriiee three women to death, one, i guest, Miss Smith, of Ellenboro N. C., nnel two negro chamber maids. FOR SALE—A good oombinatiot horse 5 years old. Call on o: address T. F. BAKER. Germanton, N. 0., Route 1. Aug B—lm Ihe Cough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick ling, quiets the cough. Wt publish ©ur formulas wm We banish alcohol J from our medicine* £ 1 w ® ur£ ® you to A. JLIfCI O °°^^ t t / r our One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause an increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. Formula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He will understand at a glance. Dose, one pill at bedtime. p— Made by the J. C. Ay or Co., Lowell, Mm —— STOKES COUNTY TAXABLES Some Figures Taken From the 1907 List Of Real and Personal Property. The following data, taken from the 1907 tax list, showing the value, etc., of the real and personal property in the county, may prove of interest to some of our readers Number of white polls, 2,392: number of colored polls, 254; total number polls, 2,64(>. Number of acres of land, 28,0070. NUMBER. VALUE. Value of land, $ 1540587 Horses, 1283 83277 Mules, 2339 191K5C Jacks and jennets, 10 28C Goats, 36 5C Cattle, (>4lO 8323 C Hugs, (JOB 4 207(K Sheep, 459 51C Dogs, 16 45S Bicycles, 15 91 Farming utensils, 3532 c Tools of mechanics, 278£ Household and kitchen furniture, wearing ap parel, etc., 41001 Provisions, 28801 Fire arms, 6211 Scientific instruments, 29( Money on hand, etc., 105331 Solvent credits, 299502: Money investments, 370? Cotton, { Tobacco on hand, 417' Musical instruments, 10421 Plated and silverware, 42' Watches and jewelry, 574 Goods, wares and mer chandise, 8745? Credits, stocks, bonds, etc., 237? All other personal prop erty, 14048t Railroad, Telegraph and Express companies, 40519£ Bank stock, 45fi( Total value of real and personal property, $3,224,521 THE TOBACCO SITUATION. As Seen At this Time By Col. G. E Webb In the Southern To bacco Journal. In the last is6ueof the Southerl Tobacco Journal, Col. Webb says "Reviewing the situation at this 'stage of the game,' and with al the lights before us obtainable, wi i would say that the tobacco bus . iness in its various branches is ii ■ a healthy condition and the futurt looks encouraging. Of course n one can tell at this time what ef . feet the suit of the govern men now pending against the Ainericai Tobacco Co. and its branches wil have upon prices If there shoult be such a thing as the compair being placed in the hands of a re ceiver (which we do not believi will be the case ) we may look fo: disastrous results, for a while a least. From the present indica tions the American Tobacco Co. ii proceeding with their buying as i nothing of a serious nature wai contemplated. The compair seems to be disposed to stand uj to the advance in prices, and to d its part in maintaining the same Independent buyers are on tin market and they are doing thei 1 art to the 'queen's taste.'" Hill Top Defeats Walnut Cove In i Ball Game. Hill Top, Sept. 9.—Hill Toj and Walnut Cove crossed bats or Hill Top's ground Saturday. Tin score being 15 to 18 in favor o Hill Top. Although it was a life less game from start to fiuish both sides played excellent ball considering that each team wai minus their pitch and best player The features of the game was tin fine batting by Kiserand Wheeler It is understood that Hill Toj will meet them as soon ai convenient, as it will be the thirc and deciding game of the series I hope that the game we giv tbem Saturday will have a ten dency to soothe that awful itohinf they had to play Sandy Ridge a Danbury. Will close with three cheers foi Hill Top. JJ. C. H. FIFTY MEN WANTED—W« want fifty men at $1.25 per daj to work on brick yard. Apply tc CONSOLIDATED BRICK & TILE Co. Pine Hall, N. 0, I I. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER OFFICE HAS A FIRE. 7 A Boy Smothered to Death—Dam age Amounts to About $15,000 j —Origin Of Fire Unknown. a Charlotte,. Sept . 9. A big tire 11 early this morning destroyed the b second and third stories of the Observer's mechanical building ; and injured the printing macliin -11 ery to some extent, smothered a f boy to death and put the Observer out of business temporarily in its own quarters. The paper today 7 was printed in the News office. 7 j The fire is believed to have been 3 caused by Geo. Wilson, a deaf 3 mute, and an employee, who slept 3 in the matrix room. He is sup !s posed to have lighted a match and 3 then tossed it aside. His body 31 was found between two cases of 2 type. 1; The loss is estimated to be about 3 SIS,(XX). Mr. A. L. Fletcher, who recent ly secured license to practice law, 1 was here Tuesday. Mr. Fletcher, ? it is learned, will locate at New -1 i ton. r, 1 CATARRH CANNOT BE jj CURED 51 , ( ( with local applications, as they I cannot reach the seat of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order j, to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is - taken internally, and acts directly - on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a S) quack medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of the best physicians W in this country for years and is a 0 regular prescription. It is coin ~ posed of the best tonics known, q combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi , ents is what produces such wond erful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., |( Toledo, O. Take Hall's Family Pills for coustipation. s The Pilot Mountain Graded and II High School. e j Prepares boys and girls for col lege, for teaching, and for the 11 duties of life. It lias instructors e of broad college training and many ° years of rich experience. The cli ■" mate is healthful. We are deeplj l * interested in the moral as well at 11 j the intellectual development ol 1 our pupils. l ' During the first ten weeks w« y will offer a special course foi teachers. Expenses are reason e able. The fall term begins Sept ' r 2, 1907. For further information address >- H. F. PARDUE, (L. 1., A. B.) Principal, Pilot Mountain, N. C. ,8 y DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat " Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. ir Hours : 9to 12:30, 2to 4 anc by appointment. a Notice of Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Supe p rlor Court of Stokes county renderec n on the 20th day of July, 1007, in tin e ; special proceeding entitled "Jus. s ! Love, administrator »f Lewis Love deed, against Wni. L. Love an >- others," I will sell to the highesi l, bidder, on the premises in Stokes | j county, N. C., on ' a SATURDAY, OCT. 19th, 1!X)7, at 1 o'clock, p. in., a tract of land li ' | Stokes county, Yadkin township e belonging to Lewis Love, deed., con r. tabling about 30 acres, adjoining tin p j lands of Jane Turner on the Soutl 8 and West, Joe Turner on the North , Boston Garner on the North-West and the lands of John Henry Spain '• i hower and Sallie Vaughn on tlx e East. Terms of sale : One-half casl i_ on day of sale, and the other hal g payable on the first day of January t 1908, with bond and approved se curlty for the deferred payment r 1 tearing six per cent. Interest fron day of sale, and title retained uuti j all the purchase money is paid, wit I j privilege to the purchaser to pay al 6 ; easli if he prefers to do so. Tills the sth day of Sept , ISHI7. 0 JAS. s. LOVE, •' Admr. of Lewis Love, deed. ; N. O. l'etree, Atty. for admr. Sale of Valuable Lands. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Stokes County, render ed by M. T. Chilton, C. S. ('.. in t lie Special Proceedings entitled "('. W. Ferguson et al vs. Fannie Siieiton et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make salt' of the hereinafter described lands, 1 will on Saturday the 12 day of Oct., 11107, on the premises at the late residence ol C. 11. Ferguson, in Snow Creek township, Stokes Co., N. sell al public auction to the highest bUldci for cash the following described real estate, to-wlt: list tract) Begin ning at a large poplar old corner, south on Martin's line .'l2 chains crossing the creek to a stake the di vision corner, thence north Mi (leg. east on the division line 12 chains to a small pine thence south 85 degrees east on that line 15 chains to a stake in A. F. Brown's line, thence north 12 degrees west on his line 15 chains to a stake thence south It! (leg. west 24 chains to the beginning, contain ing 97 acres, more or less. (2nd tract) Beginning at a white oak at the road Brown's corner, runs north 75 degrees west on Ills line 12'_, chains to a red oak. north 12 (leg. west on ids line 8 chains to a stake, north 55 (leg. west on his line ti ( has. to a stake, north iis deg. west 5 elms, to a stake, north 40 degrees west on his line 3 chains to a stake, north 12 (leg. west on his line 11 chains to a stake the division corner thence north NT> (leg. west on that line 15 chains to a small pine thence south SO deg. west on that line I2J* clins. to a stake ia .lolm A. Martin's line, south on his line 15% chains to a white oak, thence south 40 degrees east (i% clins. to a stake, thence south 70 deg. east on Brown's to a stake at the road, thence north 14 deg. east 10JJ clins. to the begin ning, containing 122 acres, more or less. (:in 1 tract). This tract is sit uate, lying and being on the south side of North Crooked ('reek and joins the lands oft'. 11. Ferguson, Charley Hyiton and others and is more particularly delined and boun ded, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on tiiesouth bank of the said creek before mentioned, then oil S. 87 (leg. east 28 poles to a poplar stump in Ferguson's line then with his line north 57 (leg. east is poles to the creek, thence up the creek as it meanders north 7s deg. \V. 28 poles, south 88 deg. \Y. s poles to bends. (15 deg. \V. sjjj poles to the beginning, containing 2)J acres, more or less (4th tract) Beginning at a rock, Fer gusou's corner, running south on Ferguson's line 17 clins. and 2>> links 10 a rock on the south side of a branch Simmons'line, thence east: chains crossing a branch to a rock, formerly a white oak. theiici south with Simmons' line HI links ti a branch then South 71 deg, east clins. with the branch ton sourwood in .1. T. .Joyce's line thence N. II deg east 10 clins. to a rock in .1. A. Scales line, thence west 9% clins. to the lie ginning, containing 1(1 l-lil acres ad joining the lauds of .1. A. Scales. .1 T. Joyce, ('. 11. Ferguson and other> and lying on the waters of Crooke, Creek. (sth tract ) Beginning at i sourwood Brown's corner, north ol his line l.'l clins. to a stake, west oi his line crossing a branch chalm to a stake in .I no. A. Martin's line south on his line 33 clins. to a whiii oak old corner, east on Simmons line 30 clins. to a maple on the haul of the branch thence north on a ncv line 20 elms, to pointers thence ens one-half of one chain to the begin niug, containing 100 acres, more o less. (Otli tract) Beginning at : sourwood, J. \Y. llutcherson'snortl east corner, thence east 37 Chains t a maple on a branch, thence dmv the branch as it meanders'.)% elms, t a maple thence west :;7 clins. to ■ I white oak la a new line 1 hence miiu | on the old line if?, elms, to the liegii I ning, containing 3(i acres, more ■ > less. (7th tract I Beginning at a ro in the ground .1. V. Jordan's ci rnei in ('. 11. Ferguson's line thence rut ning west 15 clins. to a black mi bush, and rock set ia I lie ground, ii J. 11. Ferguson's line thence nort 011 his line 5 chains to a ro k set i: the ground near a small gum bush I former corner and pointers thenc | east on a new line l.Vgchns. toaro j set ia the ground on the west side ( I a road ia .I. V. .lonian's line then - south with his line 10 deg. west clins. to tile beginning, eoutniniii: 70-10 acres, more or less. The Ist. 2nd and 3rd tracts will b | offered all together, and then tlie -It , and sth tracts will be offered t ; gcther, and then in order to get tli I greatest price all of the lirst ."> name tracts will be offered together, am 1 the sale will be reported to ('our I j which brings the greatest amount I The 6th and 7th tracts will boi j lie offered together. Sales subject t j the confirmation of the Court. This Aug. the 27. 1!»«>7. J. I>. 11 I'M I'll KKYS, Commissioner. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. ( j Prompt attention to all busines entrusted. Will practice in al j State courts. J. T. Benbow. S. E. Hall. J. \V. Hal II Benbow, Hall & Hall, Attorneys and Counseiors-at Law DANBURY, N. C. | Money to loan for a reasonabl j time on good security. Office at McCanless Hotel. Executor's Notice. ' "Having duly (nullified as executu of the last will and testament of 11. Martin, deed., this is to notify al I persons holding claims against tli estate of the said A. 11. Martin ti ! present tlieni duly authenticated, ti | the undersigned for payment, on o before the lirst day of Sept, l!M)s, n this notice will be pleaded in bar tiieir recovery: and all persons ii debted to said estate are notified t come forward and make immediat settlement of the same. Francisco, N. ('., Aug. 23, 1007. It. 10. SMITH. Executor of A. 11. Martin, deed. j.I. I>. Humphreys, atty. for ex. State of Nortli Car., I In tin- 2SU]>eri>r Stokes County. | Court, l.iefore | the Clerk. Order. John \V. Iliivis, executor of Ynneey li. J'avis, deed., vs- I'tiullne W'cleli and In r luis liand, K. I'. WClcli, Jiev. A. A. .Moran, Yancey W. U'.-lmore laiul, Paulina l-'nluin, Lucy Ann Samuels and her Ims bund, A. \V.Samuelri, Martini Isoiu, widow of Win. lsum, Kliy.a Uaudolpli and In r Inn— lmild,, S;:ln'J. M. 1)IIV1h, .lolm I>. I a\i', Sarah Ktilloti ami her lins lirnd, Walt I'lilton, Kiltie W'ulsou, widow of .lolm Wat won, Ada W ail • r, widow of John Walker, .In.-.. t . I>a vis, the lioirs at law of John Davis, whose H and resi dences are unknown, lint ; who are all uon-residentH o( the state of North Cnrolina, defendants. 11l the above entitled cause it ap pearing to the court upon affidavit tiled that Jas. !•'. Davis and the children and tieir> at law of John Davis whose names and renldencet are unknown hitt who are uon-tvsi dents of the Stale of .North • ai olina, and ICii/.a Kaudoiph and her hits hand. Randolph, and John D. Da vis are noli-rvddents >i tin Slate of North Carolina itnd afler due dil igeuee cannot lie found tin rein and cannot lie personally served with summons and are neccHMury parties to this proceeding, the same belli;; one for t he purpose of subject inji t lie lands of Yancey 11. Davis, deed., lo sale for the purpose of raising mon ey with which the executor of said Yancey 1!. Davis, deed., may pay off the debts against said e.-tate and the costs of administ ration thereon. It in therefore ordered by the Court that publication of uotico be made for four successive weeks in the Dan bury Reporter, a tiewHpaper puU lisltcd in the towri of Danbury, stokes Count. .N. C., liotifv iii- the said Jas. 1\ Davis, and Ihe elilldivn and heirs at law of Jn>. l»avis, Kll/.a Uandolpii, and her husband. Kaudoiph. and John D Da\ K and all other defendants to appear at tlie olflce of the clerk of tlie Superior Court of Stokes Comity, N". ..onthe I'lst day tif Sept., I'M)", and answer or demur to the petit it >ti which will lie tiled in said ollice in said cause, mid let the said defendants take no tice that if they fail to appear and 1 answer or demur to said petition at , the time and phi -e above named t lie i relief prayed for in i I p.-titim will lie granted. This the I7ih day of Aug., 1 '• •• '7. M. t. ( iiilton. c. s. c. J. D. Humphreys, Atty. for petltlon er. ! Notice. Having; duly iptaii i 'd as a Itu'uis i tra tor of Hie est ate i • .1 • isepb I). la i tuill, decil., notice is hereby u \eii t> i all persons holding claims auaiiisl 1 said estate, to present them to me • for payment. dnl,\ as:! -:i tii . ted, in or by the Ist day of , v pi., law--, i.r tills notice will lie pleaded in bar if i their recovery; and all persons in ■' debted I• > said estate ate reipiested 1 to make immediate payment. Tills t he '.'hi h day of Aug.. Pii7. r WM. D. TA I'U.VI, Ad in r. of ' J i isepii D. Tatum, deed, i ll'thSt. Windoii-Saleui. N. C. > X. O. I'et ree, Vtty. for A dim*. HCTKVtji pHK^KxNai. ON HUNTING TRIP I Bt • ISTBV* . ENS tn I ;ou CANNOT »v» We: . e "RIFLES . . . from $? ~5 to $150.00 t PISTOLS . . . from 2 f>o to 60.U0 SIIOTQUMS. . from 750 to 35.00 I Atk your i!tn!er fttvt inti ■ 1 f r » * i i§« : ' ' ■ ' * J. STEVEN3 ARMS AND TOOL CO., p.o J v j ,5 Chicopeo Falls, Mass., U. S. A. 11 ■>— I m 111.111 l "THEDEVILof TODAY" 9 ___ I Ilia work in the 11«Tr.9, Church. Society. alk of ir-. A 1 book • v • n • |in all 1 CO ids at I. » .*\»UK thfiM. A W;i» mt» 1 ana w uncnfrom wrc« ar.d ruin, 'i i 1 an i nnw c t. «. W»• v.r. '.t tive t-i t- !l t • al* ••• bx-k w ; *h ;l f • R«-«l Letter Family a dTeacher'sßik lac. Cata )•vii* w II bo sent fro*'. i' i:s is your opport mlty to tnak# monsy and I worth your investigation. \\ I j L who have been with ui Jy years. t.- • > f D. E. Luther Publishing Cn j 12-14-16 Trin t/ Ave. Aila'ita. O.t. j . .w ,gBKMiHr V '• KlLLthe COUCH i i | AND CURE THE LUNGS | ■ I v " th Br. King's | | New Discovery FOR I WOLDS Trial e.llle Freefi If AND AIL THROAT ANDIUNGTROUBIES. GUARANTEED OB^ONE^^KKFUNDE^^J

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