9 • A Clothes that are worth more than A they cost—that's the kind of clothes you A like to buy. A That's the kind we sell; and they're A Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, be- A cause that's the kind they make. A We don't know just how you feel A about it; but we can tell you one thing A —you can't find any better clothes than A these ; there are none made. • N. L. CRANFORD & CO., ® One Price Clothiers, J • Winston, IN. C. • • f • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• Monuments and Tombstones Anything in Marble. Being located at the quarries and hav ing all the modern equipments for man ufacturing the raw material the South ern Marble and Stone Co., of Holly Springs, Ga., is in a position to give you better prices and better satisfaction than you can find in this section. If in need of anything in this line, write to me at Pine Hall, N. C., and I will call and see you. J. R. Blackwell. NORTH CAROLINA College of AgricuU ture and Mechan= ic Arts Practical education in Agricul- j ture; in Civil, Electrical, and j Mechanical Engineering; in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry. Tuition $45 a year; Board $lO a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. KEL? IS OFFERED T /ORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Tfc'- 'A\ !y i%qtiest all rownff persons, no matter itcft thoir rru*nrs or education, who wish to obtu .i t !»• I v ineas training and «-ood poui tii... U» a • b.* first mall for our srroat half-rate aflfv.. - ►•••..4. . luric t-r.-l ncoan- 1 probable f. rtune »«ro - *..» ••!. Don't delay. Write today. . 'Co«i&ca CoUeg*. Macon, Ga. R. DAVIS, v\ inston, X. t). You will now find the newest and nicest of all &inds things for every body such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stoek. Furniture At Cost. I will from this date on sell all furniture at exactly cost until my entire stock is closed out. Now is your time to buy, if you think of buying soon. We mean what we say, and if jou will call and get prices, you will find furniture and prices to suit. JACOB FULTON. Notice. Having duly qualified as adminis trator upon the estate of my mother, Mrs. V. A. Dalton, all persons hold ing claims against the estate of the Mrs. V. A. Dalton are hereby notified to present them to me duly authen ticated for payment on or before the 10th day of August, 1908, or this no tice will lie pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment of the same. This Aug. 3, 1007. JAMKN E. DALTON, Admr. of V. A. Dalton, deed. P. ). address—Pine Hall, N. C. J. I). Humphreys, Atty. for admr, W ANTE D! 100 Girls For Loopers. Experienced Loopers make from $1,25 to $2.00 per day. Expenses paid while learning. Short hours and pleas ant clean work. Apply to SHAMROCK HOSIERY MILLS, Winston-Salem, N. C. • U/NIV ERS ITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New _ dormitories, gymnasium. Y. M. C. A. building, library. 732 Students. 74 In Faculty, The Fall term lieglns Sept. 0, 1007. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, PRESIDENT, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. DrieTs /Yurirc. Mr. Robor Davis, of Pinnacle, spent Saturday here. Messrs. W. W. King and N. O. Petree visited Winston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutcherson, of Sandy Ridge, visited Danbury Monday. Attorney N. O. Petree went to Spray to look aft or some business Tuesday. Mr. Therman Taylor, of Wins ton, is visiting liis uncle, Mr. J. Spot Taylor. Mrs. J. C. Davis, of Pinnacle, |is visiting her son, Mr. A. W. I Davis. Mr. J. A. Lawson, of Dellnr, was here Saturday on his way | home from Winston. Mrs. A. W. Davis lias been j right sick the past week but is | much better nt this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Rubt. T. Joyce returned to Mount Airy Thurs day, after a visit to relatives here. Mr. Thos. King and sister, I Miss Annie, left Thursday for I Ronoake, Va., after spending j some time here and at Piedmont j Springs. John AbeNewsom, the "farmers j auctioneer," is always ready to cry your tobacco at Brown's. He has 110 superior hs an auctioneer. Let him sell your next load of tobacco. John T. Simpson follows the sales at Brown's. He is a hard worker anil a fine judge of tobacco. As evidence of these two essential qualities in a warehouseman, you have only to refer to the average of the Winston market and the average made by this "Old Reliable" house, the market average being SM 34, and Brown's average §8.75. THE TOUCH THAT HEALS Is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest com bination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams over com pounded, jNo matter how old the sore or j ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. i For burns, scalds, cuts wounds or | piles, it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed by all druggists 25c. Death At Hartman. Mrs. Martin, wife of Mr. Robert Martin, died of consumption at her home at Hartman, three miles east of Danbury, on Monday ! morning. Mr. Martin, husband | of the deceased, is also ill. A HUMANE APPEAL. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams. 107 West Main St., says : "I appeal Ito all persons with weak lungs to j take Dr. King's New Discovery, I the only remedy that has helped me and fully coines up to the 1 proprietor's recommendation." I It saves more lives than all other I throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and | cold cure the world over. Cures I asthma,bronchitis, croup, whoop j ing cough, quinsy, hoarseness, ' and phthisic, stops hemorrhages [of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at all drug stores 50c. and 81.00. Trial bottle free. Seed Wheat. 100 bushels of splended seed j wheat (bearded) for sale. Grown j from seed obtained in New York, jMy yield this year was about double that of any of my neigh bors. Price $1.25 per bushel for recleaned seed. R. P. McANALLY, Saxon, N. C. LOST AND FOUND. Lost between 9.30 p. m., yester day and noon to-day, a bilious attack, with neausea and 6ick headache. This loss was occasion ed by finding at a drug store a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure for biliousness, I malaria and jaundice. 25c. \ own owing M It will soon be the season when oar Stokes county friends will be market- M m J ing tbeir tobacco in Winston, and W their wives and daughters will aak "8 them to bring them many little arti- m W cles from town. When an article is % called for in the drug line we want M j 9 yon to remember that ;■§ O'Hanlon's Is the Place '*/' C to go. We have the largest stock and } the biggest trade in drugs in North M M Carolina. We believe we are better able to serve your wants than any M W one else. We want to see you and whether you buy or not come to aee J J us. Very respectful!y, V O'HANLON'S DRUQ STORE, X / WINSTON, N. C. \ V *hg»MAIL QRDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. f rVnsnTi 1 Very Lowest Prices, j J A I desire to say to the people of Stokes county that I am Z Z still doing business at iny old stand with a store chock full Z I of everything the people need, from a paper of pins or a pair : ' of suspenders to a two-horse plow or a suit of oiothes. My 9 • DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, • • CLOTHING, GROCERIES, DRUGS, ETC. • A Is complete in every respect. You will tind almost a com- A Z Your special attention is called to my up-to-date line of Z Z LADIES TRIMMED HATS. . They are of the very latest styles, all shapes and shades, | and lam offering them at prices that will astonish. You V w will get your spring hats here sure it you will come and see 9 V mine before you buy. Yours for business, A | F. E. NELSON, f No 2. f r'N o TVC'E""! • 1 have just received a nice line of Ladies and X 0 Misses Dressed Hats at the lowest prices, X A a nice line of Men's Pants and Ready Made 2 $ Clothing at the right prices, a new line of 2 S Shoes for men, women and children as low as # the lowest, men's boys' and youth's fine 2 iHats, a nice line of Dress Goods, White Goods, 2 Notions, men's working suits, hosiery of all 2 kinds and men's dress shirts. A I also keep on hand J. E. Shelton's make of up-to-date Z Furniture at factory prices, Sewing Machines and Needles Z to fit all makes of machines. I always keep a good supply of Fancy and Heavy Gro ceries, farming tools, drugs of all kinds, and most every- w thing that's kept in a country store, clover seed, a good A coffee at 10c per pound, sugar at 6c per pound, good roller A mill Hour at $2.25 per hundred. Z Highest market price paid for country produce of ail f kinds: Eggs 12|c. doz, Hens 10c. pound, Butter 121 c lb., 9 Corn 1 00 bushel Rye 90c. bushel, wheat SI.OO bushel. w I want to thank the people for their liberal patronage A for the past ten years, and, by fair and square dealings I Z hope to have a continuance of the same. Z Yours to serve, E. C. Sheppard, g SMITH and DANBURY, N. C., Routes No. 1. * tssr^* J $ r^ie man * /£* who swears Remington Typewi*iter is the man who l.cs tried to £et the same service out of some other machir.e. A man may know t!.e Remington or he may know some other typewriter, but the man who really knows typewriters is the man who knows the difference between the Remington and others. Remington Typewriter Company M New York and Everywhere

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