Laffargue PIANO Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Catalogue Free. Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salem, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and' Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. THE VEHICLE HOSPITAL 219 Church St., Winston, N. C., rearZinzendorf Hotel Are prepared to do the best VEHICLE REPAIRING, PAINTING, TRIM MING, and RUBBER TIRE WORK in this part of the State and rft want your busi ness Cranford & Snyder We want our (fiends in Stokes County to come to see us in our • New and Modern DRUG STORE This store has been your Drug store for 40 years. We are always glad to see you whether you buy or not On? Store Winston, "hi. C." ' ' L. i i . I *»■' ■ WKmmbA'd .j5, ■ '%* . v Aw*#* * 1 iu.\ .■ A * LETTER FROM KANSAS. Former Stokes Citizen Writes About Fir West. Edgerton, Kans., Nov. 9. Dear Editor: I was very much pleased to read Mr. Moran's letter. I did not know just where he was located until I read his letter. I have been in Missouri, and I like Kansas much better. I am about 45 miles south west of Kansas City. The land sells from S6O to $l5O per acre, and we get as high as 80 bushels of oats, 70 bushels of corn, 45 to 50 bushels of wheat, 100 to 250 bushels of potatoes, li to 2 tons of Alfalfa per acre. The alfalfa is mowed as high as five times in one year. We also have lots of bluegrass and prairie hay. Since the death of my father I have been successful in getting the rest of the family out here and lam glad to say that they all are liking fine. Although lam like Mr. Moran says, "I don't want to make my home there any more," but I do like to get the news each week, and the best way I find is to read the Repor ter, and I am sending a draft to continue the subscription of my paper and wish that more of the Stokes people would give lots of good news from different sec tions of the county. 4 Wishing the Reporter and its readers much success. WILLIAM ORE. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most deli cate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strength ening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all dealers. Mr. Jas. Matthews, of Walnut Cove Route 2, tells the Reporter that he has captured fifty-two 'possums this fall. FR6M FRANCISCO. Rev. Bowers Given A Pounding- Mrs. Pete Slate lll—Other News. Francisco, Nov. 12.—Th farmers in this section are not making much progress sowing grain on account of so much rain. They are enjoying possum hunting. I can hear the horns and dogs nearly every night The many friends Rev. Bowers, the pastor of Asbury church, gave him a pound party. Young and old went and carried some thing as a token of friendship as he is a stranger and is going to move into the new parsonage at Asbury. Music was furnished by a string band. He seemed very grateful for their gifts. Elder F. P. Stone attended the association near Mt Airy Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Pete Slate is sick at this writing. Prof. J. T. Smith attended our school Thursday and seemed well pleased with the progress. We learned there was a mur der at Ararat Station, Surry county, last Tuesday. Why is it that so many of our good citizens advocate the whis key traffic when it is the cause of m> many accidents. "I am pleased to recoumend Chamberlain'# Cough Remedy as ivfiPl Mrs* L. B. Arnold of Denver, Cpl. "We have used it repeated i'X TH£ DANBURY REPORTER FELT BAD ALL IE TIME Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Great! Deal, But Is All Right Now. Shellhorn, Ala.—ln a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May Bays: "A short time ago, I commenced to have weak spells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my husband got me a bottle of Cardul, and it helped me; so he got ■om* more. After I had taken the second bottle, I was entirely well. I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardul is a woman's tonic —a | strengthening medicine for women, j made from ingredients that act spe- j ciflcally on the womanly organs, and ! thus help to build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills, it has a successful record of over 50 years. Tour druggie sells it Please try It N. B WriU to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chatta •pen Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special ImtructioTU, and 64-page book. Horn* Treat mart for Women." sent in pUln wrapper, on request. ——^ l Messrs. J. H. Matthews and ; J. A. Hicks, of Walnut Cove 1 Route 1, were here Friday. Mr. I Matthews will remove his saw mill to the Meadows section soon. Miss Blanche P who is ' teaching at iu>vs, spent Sat urday and at her home | here. She was accompanied by Miss Minnie Ball, of Elkin, who j is teaching with her. ♦—————•www* X Yerkes Cod Liver Oil 2 2 1 Is the medicine people are talking about to-day. 2 Z If you will get a bottle of YERKES COD LIV- £ ER OIL ana try it you will be talking about it too. It tastes good, but contains all the active medicinal principles of cod liver oil combined W W with other valuable ingredients which makes W A an ideal tonic, strength giver and flesh builder. £ Z It builds up the system, prevents and cures' Z Z colds and coughs, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and all bronchial affections, w More Yerkes Cod Liver Oil sold in this country W A than a'l other cod liver oil preparations. £ $ For sale by all dealers. A # MANUFACTURED BY • S Vaughn-Crutchfield Company • W Wholesale and Manufacturing Druggists, W * WINSTON-SALEM, - - NORTH CAROLINA # V 4nept-'iiuo. S Buy Your Drugs, Toilet Articles, Flavoring Extracts, Etc., where they are kept fresh and pure, clean, and where you get the best for less money. Flavoring Extracts at one-half the regular price. PILOT MOUNTAIN DRUG CO., Pilot Mtn., N. C. / Biggest Stock \ > Shoes and Dry Goods X Ever brought to \ J King. Come V 1 and examine before C \ buying. / JBOYLES I TwERCANTILE CO., KING, IN.C. > T* V in i I'l'i.'ij i itf'iilfli' i 'M- iiS ' Corn Mills If you want a corn mill that will give you satis faction buy a ■ "WILLIAMS" We guarantee them to make the best table meal you ev6r used. It cleans, sifts and grinds. We also carry a full line Engines on hand. Write me for catalogue, prices and terms. D. E. NELSON, Ararat, N. C. P. W. Gunter, PROFESSIONAL BARBER Walnut Cove, N. C. All klnda first clans barber work done. Burlier whop open at all bourn. Also the latent cleaning and pressing outfit. )ld clothe* made to look like new. All work guaranteed by Samuel Heath. Farmers WAREHOUSE Pilot Mountain, N. C., Nov.lst, 1911. DEAR SIR:— We again return to you our sincere thanks for your past patronage, and we feel and know that we will make a it to your interest to continue same. We have the best corps of buyers this season we have ever had by far. We have all of the leading tobacco concerns represented here this season, The American To bacco Co., The British American Tobacco Co., The J. N. Boyd & Co., of Richmond, Va., Hancock Bros. &Co., of Lynchburg, Va., L. Ash, of Statesville, N. C., Robt. - Harris & Bro., of Reidsville, N. C., Penn & Watson, of Martinsville, Va., all are represented here either by man or order. Competition is very strong on all grades here this season, from the trashiest lug to the highest wrapper. We averaged today $11.12, which is $2.00 above the average on other markets. If you will patronize us this season we will have a permanent market established at home which is very im portant to you. Thanking you again for past favors, we beg to remain, Yours very truly, Key & Smith, Pilot Mtn., N. C. iFREEI FREE! very latest ing machines on the market and ■ you should take advantage of this my store and see the machines. T. J. THORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Machinery and Rough Lumber. I can furnish everything in first-class Threshers of several different styles. The most complete Sawmill outfit, also second hand machinery. WESTFIELD Route one - N. CAROLINA. WEBSTER'S Brick Warehouse MADISON, N. C. If you want the Top of. the Market, sell your Tobacco at Webster's Brick Ware house. We sold more tobacco last year than ever before in the history of the • market, and we have more orders and bigger orders than we have ever had any previous year. During my twenty years' experience In the business I have learned all that Is possible to know about tobacco and I am a large buyer myself and people who are In a position to know say I pay more far It than It will bring on any other market. So you will SAVE TINE, HORSE-FLESH, and MONEY by selling atmy house. YOUR FRIEND, R. P. Webster, P"*- Page 3

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