Page 2 "WHATS THE MATTER WITH FATHER r "Scribbler and Company" Offer a Tribute of Praise To Much- Neglected Dad —"He'a All Ri|ht." Much has been said about 4 'Mother's Day.'' "Wear a rcse for mother." Injunctions have been scattered the nation over, poets have speeled otf tributt s miles in length, historians have enshrined her memory on records that dim not with age, orators have painted her merits in glow ing terms, and none have over drawn, none have exaggerated. She deserves it all. and more, God bless her. But by unfortunate oversight dad has been lost in the shuffle. From the obscurity of the discard, however, a bard whose name we do not know, says dad is the hero who pays the bills and about his much-abused head wreathes this garland of tender prose: We hap pened in a home not long Bince and over the parlor door saw the inscription in red letters: "What is a home without a mother?" Across the room was another: "God bless our home." Now what is the matter with dad? God bless our dad. He gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg and wipes off the dew of the dawn with his boots, while many a mother is sleeping. He makes the weekly handout for the butcher, the grocer, the milk man and baker, and his pile is badly worn before he has been home am hour. If there is a noise during the night dad is kicked in the back and made to go dowa stairs to find the burg lar and kill him. Mother darns the socks, but dad bought the socks in the first place and the needles and the yarn afterwards. Mother does up the fruit—well dad bought it all, and jars and sugar cost like the mischief. Dad buys the chickens for the Sunday dinner, carves them him self, and draws the neck from the ruins after every one else is served. What is home without a mother? Yes, that is all right, but what is home without a father? Dad, here's to you. You've got your faults, you may have lots of them, but you are all right, and we will miss you when you are gone. Now, dad, we want you to live long. So use plenty of wine for thy stomach sake to keep off pneu m :»nia and catarrh, use whiskey ar;d brandy for aches, pains and stiff joints that our prohibition luw provides and you will live loiij;. Manufactured bja SCRIBIiLGR & CO. is described as a splendid h ! : i unitarian step in county af n? irs was taken last week in F>rsyth co inty when the county commissioners decided to build a house of correction for youthful law-breakers. A building for this work witl be erected in the spring at a c >st of about 88,000. Thr-3e $3 g >ld pieces will be given away at the big land sale at King, Saturday, Feb. 24th. Wood's Seeds For lOta. Oar New Dttariptiv* Catalog is fuOy up-to-date, and tell* all about the beat Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener ahould here a copy of thiseate* log, which baa long been mcof niaad aa a rtmdard far the foil and coiiipletw infor mation which it gmt Wa are headquarters for CnMl'liilC Cltrof Setfe, SeMI Kilim, Iwl Caw Hm, uiiAnifi Sulk Ml SMBtgywaQ^[m«^ $150,000 Tobacco Factory to B« Built In Reidsville. Work of tearing away the old Star warehouse building, which j has been used for the past several years as the Penn Tobacco Co's.' stemmery, says the Reidsville Review, is progressing rapidly, and the ground is almost clear for the beginning of the mammoth new factory building of the American Tobacco Com pany which will have a capacity l for the! manufacture of fifteen million pounds of plug tobacco. Review adds: This new factory will not be the largest one in the world, but it is a fact that there are only a few larger than the one which will soon adorn West Market street. It is a fact also that it will be the most modern in architecture of any in the world, and will have the most up-to-date equipment for the manufacture of flat plug tobac cos. The building will cost between SIOO,OOO and $150,000. It will be Ave stories high and occupy approximately five acres of floor space. It will provide all of the modern and sanitary conviences known to manufacturing build ings. Revival Mm tin| at Delta. On the 10th of March we ex pect to begin a revival meeting at Delta church. Everybody is invited to attend and take a part in the services. We desire all the Christian people of the circuit to pray for the success of the meeting. Let all the people lay aside their work and come. We want to have an old fashioned revival. THOS. J. FOLGER, P. C. Mary Mab*. Dan bury, Route 1, Feb. 13. I have been going to school and I have had a fine school this win ter. I have not missed but 6 days this winter. \ I am 14 years old and I study seven books. My teachers' names are Mr. Homie Moore and Miss Bessie Moore, and I like them fine. Today is the last day and lam sorry it is out. They are going to get the subscription school next week, which will last for a month. I have six sisters and brothers go ing to school. I have read 17 of the library books this winter. Yours truly, MARY MABE. ■ —' i' j IflßTjJiEl *'' i In fcURED^ADSPAVIN^ ■ Mr. B. H. In;, Maria*, N.C.. wiHaa t M "Mv horae had a very bad ca«e nfarmTiu Q j n i.'l nothing did any good until I tried > ottr ■ fl VutKai Liniment. I rubbed the a|urin H M f.vqiientiy with the flnlmeat and won N.W |L ■ nit improvement. 1 did thia three or fror H ■ t.mcs a day and my hone wu completely ■ ■ cured. It !• uure to core If properly tued." ■ forhorJJetsttngs^ Mr. S. J. Hudaoo, Ntwbarn, N.C writui "I hare uaed Mexican Maitang Lin I-1 mcntfor different allraenta and hare found ■ It an excellent liniment. At one time my ■ nuxrewae badly rtunß by korntti but your ■ i.niment quickly cared her. I have recom- ■ mended it to otbera hundreda of tinwa." I «se.»o«.»laU«t>aatPr AC—UU»aa| Mr.K.3. Skahaa, KB. N.CL, writoat ••I need MedaMMiwtaag Lialmant on ■ • rrrr rateable WN for awinacy ard it ■ curedlt lalwMfctepft In myatablaand ■ tMnkkthebeet&oiroent for rube aadiraUa" ■ ft contain* no alcohol and to caanot ■ it law la of open wcumft or fcaraa. ■ SartkWafdeoaftatoac* Jmt UjkL Ear BURNS and BRUQES.I KKF. V. 0».I, m+m I n ami M I irfi Hin ill fl fliafUlnil B 3Rrtfil to> .(>;> \ oov vte lUw vf tiiolu ,' irl:.'*'chW^i4* THE DANBURY REPORTER Attention. FOR SALE—ONE LOT CON t&ining one acre of land on .TVSmS' ST® Koodpwrty. N c near a good I Respectfully, school. C. M. JONES, Dan- j W. E. HARTMAN. 1 bury, N. C. ========' THE DALTO/N FARM Pullets and Cockerels Single Comb Rhode Island Hods. Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. Silver Wyandotts. Barred Plymouth Rocks. For limited time we will sell a pen of 12 birds (11 pullets and 1 cockerel) of any breed at the special price of SIO.OO. ■■■■■■ Pullets and Cockerels $l5O etch. Pairs $2.50. Trios $3.00. Address J. E. MILLER, Mgr. DALTON, N. C. BEACH Hardware and Supply Co. STUART, VA. Hardware, Furniture, House Furnishings and Queensware., Buggies, wagons, harness, form machinery, windows, doors, and all kinds of building ma terials, paints and oils, roofing of all kinds, sew ing machines, sprays and spraying materials. We carry the stock—You can get of us what you want. •NNMNMHHHNt • TOBACCO IS GOING GOOD AT 2 f FARMERS WAREHOUSE f # Winston, N. C. 2 | 5 2 The Gorrells want very J much to handle the. rest of w your crop. Get some ready w and take it to them while the w going is good. They are in W better shape than ever to get 9 Iyou the biggest prices. V The Gorrells will over. W please you and then some. •>.. ■,w We are your friends, A. B. GORRELL & SON; " w '' ' A - ■ ."■' ■ ./J. "• .1 ' .• ' A.-'i 1 Ui? ■ .»•>• • . ■ •>♦ >ii' •■ " " >' ■ •>' I; ' ij / i ,'Ujc • '■ ••t' l a • K ! iixn "to > .cm! p,, . O t TV iS o• m' ii. Ftrst bale Dayt for ! , -.,{1 H K«."-.TT ' JANUARY—MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, V g, :nra^AR^E^AY ? , ; THURSDAYS AND X iidjn the 'w&JtitMSSM ft RUBBLR^fc OM Llae« Air Caeklea Mo*at. »•« ever 3 incKn in lenflk .... ..•••••*€• Eacfc additional line on IWM moaat ...... .lie. \ EacH .(id,lion*l Half incH in laafth...... y Jc. Sell Inking Stamp Pada. any color, 10 and »c. Lin* Band Dateia, food lor * y*". ••*...8e. Premier Automatic Numbering Machine. 8 wHeata. Best machine on market....S3 50 Ca»h muii accompany ordare, Wt pay pott aft. Make anvthmf in Stamp Una. AMI lor catalog. PERFECTION STAMP WORKS. MOUNT AIRY. N. C. Fire— Insurance Insure your homes, feed barns, grainery, store, etc., AUAINST LOSS BY UJU The cost is not much and you cannot afford to take a chance of losing, in a few minutes, the savings of a life time. Nothing too large or too small. Write, call or phone - - - SEESSESE Ray Johnson. Office New Bank Bldg., WINSTON, N. C. Phone 241 iKIkLnuCOUOHI *NQCUWaw«tUHCSI wmDR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY roCBjggP555S OND AILIHWWtr AMD LUHG TWOUBUS GUARANTCCO SATISFACTORY" \OR^ION£W>£fiVMDCD i , W. Q. Jerome Real Estate and Insurance Winston-Salem, N. C. 606 Wachovia Bank & Tru«* Building. Phone 983. , FOR SALE—Several farms near Winston-Salem. All kinds of dtvi property. Life, health, accident and fire insurance. Dr. L. S. Fox DENTIST. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Wachovia Bank Bldg. Rooms 504*905. WILLIAM T. WILSON, Attorney-A t-Law. Estates settled, collections, all legal papers prepared in a careful and painstaking man-' ner, practice in all the courts, all business given prompt and careful attention. Office 243J Main St WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. W. READE JOHNSON Attorney-aULaw. Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice In both Stat* and Federal Coarts. CM AS. O. McMJCHABL, J. B. SAINTSINO, Wmtworth. R«M«vaH. M'MICMABL ft SAINTSINQ, Attorney• and Counsellors at Law, Praotioe in State and Federal Courts. All baaineae given attention. Ohaa. O. Mo- Miobael will be in Madison on Saturdays, at hia old offioe over the poet offioe. DR. H. V. HORTON, 1 Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Maaonio Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : »to 12:30, 2to 4 and by appointment. REID P. JOYCE, Liveryman, WALNUT COVF N. C. Good Safe Teams ad Careful Drivers DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALRM, N. C. DR. R. A. ftftY, Dentist, Office Opposite Postofflce. PILOT MTN., N. C. i * R. R. ROGERS J. |. PULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. Offices Jones Bufldlnf, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C, R. R. Rogers will be InWalnut Cove on the first and third ftps days in each with. , A r. r \ J. W. HALL, > Attorney-at-Law, v danbury.^S- Will practice In aU courts, both State and v Federal. Office over Martin* sstore. '• ,"'V" , 1 1 1 ' 11, l JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law,! N. £ C. Prompt attepMoo to all bwfeesa eatroated. Will praotioe in aU States*. .3 ■ •. . * J # 'Ak *