THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUMK XL NEWSOF GERMANTON; I | HIGII SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY | Mrs. B. J. Savage Recovering From ; Recent Illness Marriage of Prom inent Young Couple—Personals. Germanton, April 1.1. The, Germanton High School, with Prof. J. C. Carson as principal,, ' closed last Friday. Miss Corinne Tucker will continue to teach the primary department until the last of May and also instruct a class in music. Mr. Ernest Tuttle. a prosper-, ous young farmer of this neigh borhood, was married last Thurs day afternoon to Miss Susie White, daughter of Mrs. Laura White, of Germanton Route 1, J. M. Redding, Esq., officiating. Mr. Tuttle has many friends here who extend hearty congratula tions. Mrs. R. J. I'etree left Satur day for Winston-Salem in re-! sponse to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Blum. Messrs. Paul IVtree and C. S. Kurfees. of I". X. C., spent the week-end with their parents here, returning to Chapel Hill today. Mrs. W. ('. Matthews, accom panied by her daughter, Miss Mary, and Miss Corinne Tucker, went to Winston last Thursday to attend the Victor Herbert concert given at Memorial Hall. Salem College, the twelfth. Mrs. S. C. Rierson and son. Mr. Sanders Rierson. sp« nt Sun day with Mrs. L. M. McKenzie, Prof. J. C. Carson left today to spend some time in Western North Carolina in the interest of his health. Messrs. James M. Hill and Lauriston Powers went to Wins ton Monday to witness the Vir ginia-Carolina baseball game. • Mrs. B. J. Savage has been quite ill for the last few days,; but is improving. Messrs. R. T. Beck, Jr., Jasper Pegram, Gloma Charles and Herbert Kurfees attended the Moravian early morning services at Winston-Salem. S. M. Pine Hall Personals. Pine Hall, April 14.—Mrs. C. Powell, of Stokesdale, is visiting her parents here. Messrs. Hall Paris and Hedger Gibson recently went to Williard on business. Mrs. W. L. Hairston and children went to Greensboro last week. Miss Elsie Payne went to Madison last week. Mr. Cullens, the night operator here, went to Greenville, Va,, to attend the funeral of his father. Mrs. J. C. Flynn went to Madison shopping last week. Mrs. S. C. Flynn and her sister, Miss Myrtle, left for their home at Summerfield last week. Mr. Turner Shock ley, travel ing salesmen for Martinsville Grocery Co., was here Friday. BLUE BIRD. Marriage On King Route 1. Mr. DeWitt Cook and Miss Maggie L. Boyles, prominent young people of King Route 1, were married at Pleasant Retreat on last Wednesday, the 10th inst-, Rev. P. Oliver officiating. For Sheriff and Register of Deeds. The Republicans of Quaker Gap township desire to endorse Dr. W. C. Slate for the office of Sheriff and Mr. R. F. Bondurant for the office of Register of Deeds for Stokes county. B. A. OVERBY. Smith, N. C., April 8, 1912. Guano distributors. Boyles Mercantile Co. mrmmx iw ■ ' at —■ iwnwr——i—www—— WALNUT COVE ROUTE L. i 1 Mr. Jackson Smith 111 —Mr. Meadows Improving - New Residence of Mr. J. J. Moser About Completed | Walnut Cove, Route I. Apr. 13. —The farmers are busy prepar ing their land for a corn and tobacco crop. Mr. Jackson Smith is quite ill at his home near Walnut Cove, we are sorry t> note. Rev. J. H. Brendall filled his regular appointment at Palmyra church Sunday a. m. at 11 ' o'clock. Mrs. E. W. Young, of Wins- i ton, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. I Smith, near Wilson's Store, j returned to her home last Fri day. ; Mrs. R. C. Carroll and child- 1 rtn are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moser, near Piney Mountain. Mrs. John R. Smith and daughter, Mrs. J. W. Young, are visiting Mrs. E. W. Young at Winston this week. Quite a large crowd visited at Mr. John R. Smith's Sunday. Among those present were Messrs. Frank Ross, Luther Fowler, Tom Southern. John Hull'. Frank Young, Foy Y i:ng and Cladis Smith. Several of the young people of this community took a trip to the mountain Easter. Among the.-.i were Misses Bertha, Em ma and Fannie Meadows, Mar tha Green, Macie Young. I!a Kniglu, Harriet Ro-s. Pearl BLylock. Lora Young, Kath erene Meadows and Mrs. Hat tie Meadows: Messrs. Frank Ross, Luther Fowler, Tom Southern", Foy Young, Cicero White, Oscar Green, Settle Smith. John Huff, Charlie Voss, J®e Wood and j Frank Young. Ail seemed to enjoy themselves. ; Misses Fannie Meadows. Etta and Effie Rutledge, Bettie, ' Katherene and Stella Smith : visited Mrs. Hattie Meadows Sunday Mr. R. C. Allen visited Mr. Wade Carroll Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young visited at Mr. J. W. Boles' Satu rday night. Mr. M. L. Meadows, who has been quite ill, is some better, we are glad to say. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Covington, a ten pound girl. Mr. J. J. Moser has his new residence almost completed on Walnut Cove Route 1. Mr. Reuben Brown, of Greens boro, is visiting his children near Wilson's Store. Miss Cinda Smith is visiting relatives near Wilson's Store , this week. i Rev. Rothrock will preach at ! Palmyra church next Sunday a. ! m. at U o'clock. Hope the | people will come out to hear /him. GUESS WHO. Fifty tooth harrows. Boyles i Mercantile Co. ALMOST A MIRACLE. One of the most startling 1 changes ever seen in any man, according to W. B. Holscaw, Clarendon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into con sumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bot tles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs and Colds with excellent results.'' It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at all druggists. Big lot cultivators cheap. Boyles Mercantile Co. Best brown chop $1.75. Boy j les Mercantile Co. DANBURY, N. C., APx'lL !7. V)\l YOUNG MAN HURT COLLAR BONE IS BROKEN! Mr Fugene Ido! Caught By Tailing, Tree Mr. Joe Boyles Improving —Preaching At Capella Next Sunday. King. April 13. Mr. Joe Boy- j les has been on the sick list for some time, but we are glad to see him able to be out again. Mr. Eugene Idol "had the mis- ; fortune to get huit right badly , ! a few days since. While chop i ping at Mr. Jerry Bennett's some one aecidently cut a tree |on him and broke his collar i bone. Hope he wiW soon be j out again. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gravitt 1 'spent Sunday with their daugh ter, Mrs. Luther Slate, at Miz pah. Miss Mallie Benr.ett is visiting 1 -her brother, Mr. Coy Bennett, this week. There will be preaching at iCapella church next Sunday, at ':5 o'clock, also at night of the : same day. Misses rnd Anna •!Tedder wei ■> linker Gap S church to i . >•* last Sat ur ■l r!.:y and Sunday Sunday was a lire da> for the ' i young people. Everybody S( i ir»- i ed to !>.• en.'o.'ii.g themselvis except four yo it g girls that looked little lorn !v going d wn the road Sunday afterno. n. East' r pasred 1 ' quiioly Evt t'ybody nvd to : \ themselves. Many spoilt Mon i day on the mountain, j GUESS WHO. HARTMAN AND SAXON. Two Posteffices On Danbury-Madi ij son Star Mail Route To Be Dis continued. Hartman and Saxon postoffices on the star route from Danbury to Madison have been ordered discontinued by the postoffice department after May Ist. The business at these offices does not justify their continuance. Walnut Cove High School Com mencement Exercises. The commencement exercises of Walnut Cove High School be gin today and continue until Friday night. The literary address will be ! delivered tomorrow. It could not be learned who will be the speaker. Solicitor S. P. Graves, ( of Mt. Airy, who was invited to deliver the address, will not be r able to attend. ' A ball game between the high school and the t Winston-Salem "White Sox" team will be played on the , Walnut Cove ground Saturday. ! Several of the Danbury young people expect to attend the com- j mencement exercises. House and roofing paints, j Keiger's store. Brought Home From Morganton. j I Sheriff C. M. Jones returned 1 i from Morganton Friday, where Jhe went after Grace Johnson, the 14-year-old step daughter of Mr. Milton East of Vade Mecum | She has been undergoing treat : ment at the hospital there for the past eight months and has fully recovered. Wood mowers, rakes, repairs. Keiger's store. You will look a good while before you find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief—it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, 1 and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by all dealers. 1 House and roofing paints. Keiger's store. TURNPIKE SURVEY WILL SOON BE FINISHED Engineer Brown and Assistants At i Meadows Having Located a Per- j manent Route lor the Highway From the Buck Island Bridge Not Much Trouble Over Rights cMVay. Engineer Brown, of the North Carolina Geological and Knocomic Survey, who is locating the route for the sand-clay turnpike from I'.uek Island bridge to the Forsyth county line, is now working in the Meadows section. He will, probably reach Walnut Cove Friday and will doubtless finish the survey at the county line by Saturday, or sooner. The permanent route for the highway has been located as far south from the northern terminus as Meadows. But little trouble has been encountered in the right of way, large landowners like A. .J. Fair, John M. Calloway, .J. Spot Taylor. I >rs. J. Walter Neal, J. William Neal, J. M. Neal, and others offering freely the rftute over their property. It is now believed by every well informed person that the landowner who is damaged most by the turnpike is the one whom the r imsses. Property along a scieni i: c highway is worth from t'.vo to twenty times more than pro; rt\ isolated on a bad road. Kverybody likes t.i li\t on the frc-'it. Bark lots* or land that is (lillieult to reach is great ly less desirable than property which has a frontage on a tho roughfare. It is the policy of the turnpike company to pay no damages to any person, which would be a troublesome preced ent, as to pay one person would mean chat others would have to be paid, and the beginning of this policy would mean a costly un dertaking. The men who are putting their money up for the building of the turnpike are do ing so on the supposition and with the understanding that the people want the road, and not that they would impede its com ing with any stumbling blocks. Should the present route be im possible to be secured, a new route will at once be laid out in a different direction. The Re porter will print next week a list of those who have given the right of way, together with the distance over their lands which the road traverses. It is hoped that the survey may be completed, the charter secur ed, the balance of the money raised and work started by the first of June. Work will begin probably at the county line or at Walnut Cove, in order that the necessary machinery may be transported easily as it may te needed on the road. Wood mowers, rakes, repairs. Keiger's store. New Union Store Opens. The new Farmers' Union store on Mizpah Route 1, located at Mr. W. G. Slate's roller mill, has been completed and opened up with a full stock of goods. This store is branch of the Union store at King and will no doubt, do well. Dr. J. W. Slate is president of the company. Seven Inmates In County Jail —Joe Martin Davis Latest Arrival -loe Martin Davis, a young Walnut Cove negr\ was arrest ed and placed in jail here Satur day by Sheriff C. M. Jones on the charge of stealing a pair of pants. Sheriff Jones now has seven prisoners in the county jail, the largest number for quite awhile, j Three of the inmates are women. MUCH COMPLAINT BY FARMERS ! Busfs or Flies Destroying the Yourg Tobacco Plants In Many Section;-. There is much complaint 'among the farmers in many see- I tions of the county that flies or bugs are destroying the young tobacco plants. The little in sects suck the plants until they die and many plant beds have i been completely ruined. ;j ] The recent cool dry weather I has kept tobacco plants from growing and in their present tender state they are easily kill ed. I I News of Rural Hall. Rural Hall Route 2. April 13. ! There is lots of sickness in this j neighborhood. Mr. W. R. Moser ; has been real sick, but is better, i Also Mr. George Priddy has suffered severely with rheuma tism, not being able to move himself in bed for a month, but j is able to move his hands and i feet now. Miss Mary James has been visiting friends near East Bend the past week. She is expected to return home today. Prof. Sulton preached'an able sermon at Poplar Sorings yester day. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 Juggins, Mr. and Mr.. Taos. James visit ed Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moser SLS nda\. Messrs. Robt. Merritt and Jesse Bennett cnlleu to see their best girls. Misses Carrie and I lora .James. Sunday. There was the largest crowd at prayer meeting at Bi thel church Sunday night that has been for some time. Misses Mary and Hattie Slate visited Misses Julia and Mary Moser Sunday. 808 TAIL. I An Evening With Beethoven, By the Music Club. I On Friday evening April 12th, a delightful meeting of the music club was held at the at tractive home of Miss Annie Blair. Punch was served in the reception hall. The business of the club was , first attended to, after which the j study of Beethoven was taken up. The president gave a short account of the life of Beethoven. After this papers were read on [, the following subjects : "Don't Refuse to Play," by Miss Luna Taylor; "Beethoven's Summer Thoughts," by Miss Agnes Mar tin; "Interpretation of Bee-j ,! thoven," by Miss Nellie Joyce ( | The musical part of the pro | i gram was well rendered and thor . j oughly enjoyed. The selections ' deserving special mention were [ these: A duett by Misses [ Agnes Martin and Luna Taylor; j a piano duett by Misses Janie Martin and Grace Taylor, and : vocal solos by each of the two leading soloists in the club: Miss Grace Taylor and Miss Annie Blair. i Misses Nellie Joyce and Luna ' Taylor will arrange the next pro-, : i gram. ' I After the meeting delicious I chocolate and cake were served. I " Campbell. Campbell, April 15.—Wheat is . looking fine in this section, and people are making a very good headway towards another crop. ,| Some sickness in this section ■ at present. Miss Agnes Smith, of Mayo : dan, who has been spending a ' | few days with Mrs, C. E. Smith "| on Campbell Route 1, has re- I I turned. Mr. J. R. Leake went to Stoneville the past week on busi ' ness. ? Mr. and Mrj. C. D. Smith vis ■ ited at Mr. J. A. Leak's Sunday. OLD CROW. v.. 84 I TEACHERS' NORMAL TO BEGIN AT DANBURY JULY 22 Will Probably Be Conducted By Prof. K W. Alltn, of Sanford All Teachers Compelled to At tend. A county teachers institute or normal will be held in the court house at Danbury this year beginning on -'uly 2linl and continuing for two weeks. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith states that I'rof. K. \V. Allen, superintendent of the graded school of Sanford. will probably be secured to conduct the in stitute. The indications are that the attendance on the instituta this I year will be larger than for a number of years as the law makes it absolutely necessary for all public school teachers as j well as high school and graded ! school teachers to attend an i institute continuously once every two years for a term of at least two weeks. ANOTHER VOTING CONTEST Madison Herald to Send Six To Twelve Young Rockingham Coun ty l.ndtes To Piedmont Springs I or a TV.T. Week's Ouling. '1 Madison Ho»ral«i an: oun ces in its last is>ue that ti • pa JUT will conduct ; i voting . >r,iest iii which MX to twelve ii! >CK ii L'hain county's must jx »] >:;!:ir y ung Indies will he sent to Piedmont Springs iiirin»jr tin* coining season for a two week's outing with all expenses paid I>y The Herald. This bunch of young ladies together with the twenty or thirty to be sent to Piedmont by the Reidsville Review will no doubt make things lively at the | springs during their stay this iseason. i News Items From Sandy Ridge Route 1. . Sandy Ridge Route 1, April 12. —Farmers are busy breaking land and preparing to plant corn.* Rev. T. J. Folger filled his regular appointment at Delta Sunday evening. Mr. George Hawkins and family, who returned from Florida recently, have located at Madison. Rev. D. A. Oakley preached an able sermon at Delta Sunday night. There was an apron party at Mr. Jarvis Martin's Monday night last. Some of the boys in order to play an April fool on i some of them got them an apron t and when the boys drew their i ties they were quite surprised when they found out they had to ! hem the boys' aprons. 11 There was a large crowd visit > ed at Mr. VV. S. Ward's Saturday : night. All report a nice time, i Misses Minnie and Rosa Lee l East visited at Mr. W. T. Ward's i Sunday. • \ The roads have improved con ; siderable since the rain ceased, i Mr. W. J. Jackson spent Satur day night at Mr. W. T. Ward's. J. E. W. THE DANGER AFTER GRIP lies often in the run-down sys tem. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulatorof stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands : have proved that they wonder fully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restore to health and good spirits after |an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold ! and perfect satisfaction guaran teed by all druggists. '