Page 8 I $12.00 PER HUN ORE ml I Brown's Warehouse is Averaging $12.00 Per | I Hundred Every Day. Sell at BROWN'S. | | BROWN, CARTER, SIMPSON & COMPANY, Proprietors. | WALNUT COVE NEWS SCHOOL TO CLOSE Y/EDNESD.4\ : Methodist Ladies Give Box Supper j New Store Nearly Completed Other Items From Saturday News j Two you owls we iv captur- i oil one day the first of the week c in the roller mill. They had. in t some way. gotten into the sepa- t rati i spoilt in the mill where tin--, were found. They are now ••i.'oyir.jr ti;e inside of a cage at .Mr \\ 11. Stephen's hardware st''iv. and have been pronounced -j a!i' anything between h,«>t ' wl- ■ i! bald fi'.^les. ( harles Marshal!. r.iral cat has ir.o\ i,! his family to t the f; rm and has rented his s h. > . t '\vr t Mr I'. ii. J V I. i v*. !' .. :o\ cij.;- iv.-.-i by Me t . ; tlu- Met hod'.st. i . . r ■: , I Monday evening was quite sue ci . ,h • net | i> I' about ' 2'). ii i (losing ex:icises ot tli-• High Seht "1 will take p!ai.v Weii nisday evening. Thursday even- [ ing and Friday morning and evening of next week. ( The brick work on the new i store building of Fagg & Nelson t is nearing completion and it will t be but a short time undl they i will be "at home" t> their j friends. I Mr. Cephas Lasley and Miss s * I m— —^wawnagmwrnrruß—w j TOE"° HEELI £>■ Thin Lisle Sox With strong, spliced interwoven toe and heel. Send us a mail order for what you need. In all colors, Thin Lisle 25c. We also carry a full line of pure thread silk sox 25c. to SI.OO. i We pay postage on all mail orders. Boyles Bros. Co. Winston, IN. C. - Nell I 'e tree went to Greensboro: yesterday to represent the Wal- J nut Cove High School in the State High Schools Declaimer's Contest. Mr. Stephen \Y. Smith j represented the school in the In ter-Scholastic contest at Elon. College last week, and Pres. Harper, of Elor, writes Prof. Bverly tint he reflected great credit upon the school, and asks for another such representative next war. Announcement \ I \ i V:i!ir.;t Cove. N. C.. April 1-. To the Republicans >f Stukes V.::;ty : 1 i rsir - to offer myself as a caivl: for tiij ollice ol Regis- UT t1 'ceil- of Stokes owunty. s.ib t«• tli • wishe;'. i»i* the R1i■ :ri e >'.mty convention. i' :: r should !>«.• tender c ! ■, 1 sii:.!i till the place to t'.v ii i)!' my ability. Any c • • :•!; ovn me l>> my it) t!:i county will be ■ 1 ••■iilv appreciated. CLARKNTK FAIR. I I T.- END 'IX) BAD HABIT. never look bright to one with "the blues "Ten to one ll.e trouble is a sluggish live, filling system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's Js'ew Life Pills \v >ultl expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feelings end "the bluas." Best for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25c. at all j BIG VESSEL SINKS! I ! 1.500 PEOPLE GO DOWN WITH IT! I The Mammoth White Star Line Steamer Titanic Strikes Iceberg and Goes To Bottom —Most Ap-" palling Marine Disaster In His tory of the World. More than 1,500 persons, it is feared, sank to death early Mon day morning when within four hours after she crashed into an iceberg, the mammoth White | Star Line steamer Titanic hound : from Liverpool to New York, on litr maiden voyage, went to the bottom oil'the New Fouiulland banks. Of the approximately! 2.20U persons on board tin giant j liner, some of them of world wide prominence, only (>Vare 1 known to have been save.'i. The White Star Line offices in Ww York, while keeping up li > ■ to • the last, were free to admit thai i there had been "horrible l > ofj life." Accepting the early estimates ' of the fatality list as accurate, the disaster is the greatest in the marine history of the world. Nearest approaching it in niagni- I tude were the disasters to the steamer Atlantic in I*7:J, when 574 lives were lost and to La Bourgone in 1593, with a fatality list of 571. Left on the surface were life boats from the Titanic, and jin them, as appears from the! j meager reports received up to a l , : late hour, were some 675 sur j vivors of the disaster. These, j according to the advices, the Carpathia picked up and is now on her way with them to New York. All that remained of the $lO,-, 000.000 floating palace on which ( nearly 1,400 passengers had been voyaging luxuriously to ( 1 this side of the Atlantic, were I some bits of wreckage. The biggest ship in the world had gone down, snuffing out in her downward plunge, it appeared hundreds of human lives. I A significant fact in the Cape Race despatch was the announce ment that of those saved by the I Carpathia nearly all were women I land children. Should it prove ! | that no other vessel picked up jany passengers of the sinking; : liner, this migh mean a great j jloss of life among the male I i passengers, as the proportion of j i women and children among the passengers was greater than the men. Notable persons, travelers on | the Titanic, whose fate was in j I doubt in the lack of definite ad- j | vices as to the identity of the sur-1 | vivors, were Mr. and Mrs Jno. | j Jacob Astor.Maj. Archibald Butt, ; aide to President Taft, Charles M.' ! Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific of Canada, his wife I and daughter; W. T. Stead. ' Benjamin Guggenheim, F. D. Millet, the artist, and J. G. 1 YViderier, of Philadelphia; Mr. : |and Mrs. Isidor Straus. J. B. i Thayer, vice president of the, Pennsylvania Pvailruad; J. Bruce Ismay, Henry B. Harris, the theatrical manager, and Mrs. Harris, and Col. Washington j Roebling, builder of the Brooklyn 1 bridge. THE DANBURY REPORTER Campbell. ! Campbell. April 13. -The! j farmers of this section have j been very busy plowing for the; past week. The revival which has been 1 conducted by Miss Viola Smith j at Campbell school house closed j Sunday. Mr. James Corn called at Mr. j Joel Sheppard's Sunday evening. > Services were held at Peter's; Creek Sunday as usual, quite a large crowd was present. Miss Gladys Lackey who is attending school at Walnut Cove is expected home Saturday. I Mr. Sam Ayers called to see 'Miss Bessie Moore Sunday. Mrs. M. T. Clark is very sick:, [hope she will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tilley and children spent last Sunday at Mr. J. \Y. Lackey's. Mr. Sam Taylor called at Dr. A. J. Fringle's Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. V. FoddriM I visited Mr. Foddrill's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foddrill Sun day. SARAH JANE. CAMPBELL ROUTE 1 J. D. SHELTON NOT IMPROVED News and Personals Of Interest From the Northern P.irt Of the County. i Campbell Route 1, April 15. , Wheat crops are looking fine in this section. Mr. J. D. Shelton is not im proving any, we are sorry to | say. Mrs. J. W. Shelton has been \ on the sick list for the last few i weeks, but is improving fast. Mrs. Pauline Hill has been on the sick list for several days. Hope she will soon recover, i Mrs. John Bohannon visited her! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Add I Handy, of Smart, Va., the past, week. Among those who visited Misses Lilla and Esther Shelton i Sunday were Messrs. Percy Sheppard, Charlie Oakley, Chas., i John and Matt Reid, George and Arthur Priddy, Jesse Nel j son, Bud Smith, Lemley Shaffer, : Joe Hazelwood, Edgar and Ollie i Wall, Frank Taylor, Robert, •Joel and Bib Priddy; Misses | Ella and Lilla Priddy and Trudie! ; Reid. I The Sunday School at Oak Ridge is progressing nicely. There will be preaching at Oak Ridge the third Sunday at 11 o'clock. I Mr. Joel Priddy and sister, Miss Lilla, spent Easter on | Walnut Cove Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Priddy, of Rura' Hall, visited Mrs. Prid dy's parents Easter; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reid. TWO SWEETHEARTS. ; IT LOOKS LIKE A CRIME to separate a boy from a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. His ! pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains bruises demand it, and it's quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it ' quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at all druggists. TUTTLE* WHITE MARRIAGE ON WALNUT COVE R. 1 ! Mr. Ernest C- Tuttle and Miss Susie I G. White Flight Their Troth Prominent Young People. i Walnut Cove Route 1, April 15. —A quiet but beautiful wed i ding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Laura J. White on Thursday, April 11th at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. when her attrac tive daughter, Miss Susie !. White, became the bride of Mr. Ernest C. Tuttle. the popular son of Mr. W. T. Tuttle. of Ger man tor., , The home was beautifully de corated for the occasion with white carnations, pinks and ferns. Mr. •!. M. Redding oiiiciated and only a few friends and rel atives where present. The bride was beautii'ullv ai tired in a gown of 'light blue niessaline with shoes to match, while the groom wore a suit of, brown. Miss Polly White, sister to the bride, was maid of honor and wore a dress of pink pongee with shoes to match.! Mr. Jackson Wall acted as best| man. After the ceremony was per-' formed the happy party proceed-) ed to the dining room, where a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle left Fri day morning for his father's home, where they will reside at present. We wish them much success and a long and happy [ married life. ONE PRESENT. Best cotton seed nv-al. Boy les Mercantile Co. House and roofing paints. Keiger's store. | RIGHT NOW If you will come to our store we can show you how you would look in one of our handsome ! SPRING SUITS the garments of your choice, and it would re quire but moment. MAY WE SHOW YOU Come in and you'll be pleased with the gar -1 ments we will show you, and all of them at the right price. SUITS $4.95 to $lO AND UP. N. L. Cranford & Co. ! One Price Clothiers. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. I Campbell. Campbell, April 15.—The peo ple in this section are very busy preparing for another crop. Mrs. M. F. Clark has been very ill, but is some better now. Hope she will soon recover. Mr. James Corn called to see Miss Isco Sheppard last Sunday as usual. We are listening for the wedding bells at any time. Miss Roxie Taylor will leave next week to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. /. Rhodes, of Roanoke, Va. Suppose Misses RuthandSarah l'ringle are looking very sad this week, as Mr. W. M. Fulp has re turned to his home at Belew's Creek. Cheer up, Sarah. Sam is stiil here. BLUE EVES. fc fifc, is fc.- E:;.T;S. || "283 starts fcr b i .-■ 1 3 1-2 »r"»«.; J ?rs ••' t. p t | L- '.. i-i t'.lotiaiatifim. 0; i„,..iuy 6J-1 Liver M fc ;,{ F.i rturs you eoeure £.{. tti lyem.iue 81199 Native I ■£i ■ H -rbs—in a yollow box fIH M'. r>'"\rl?ig the portrait of % AtuaiO O. Bliss. &! 2-.0 tablets 81 00. mf Money back If not J* euUJUbil. Jfsß^ 9 A-t the BUBB^A^ JAMES F. HALL KING, N. C.