Page 2 THAT $5,000 APPROPRIATION. What the North Carolina Geological Board Has Done lor Road Biiihiit.u The general assembly ot' l;K>;t passe 1 an aet appropriatm;.. annually to enable the North Carolina Geological Board t • : ' :•••• wit.. tie township : I e ' i'.iifities in the b.; 1 . >l -: . . vi>t tlv pub do : - ■ • Sll ve\ .» • i v...:i*;eers who :i.• i,l builders t t; • \ ar: >e■ >.:• ties . ■■-' • ' ' •ht ■>:. the pr ih V looa uls. t bos: .»:■ i- to build anil the most v. : > material available t\ r ... ir. !v_:,:\l to • improvement • • is ess.ntia ' ' COV.SIS IV .• t . . "eS av 1 >VSS S: . 1 >\VeW r. th> . . - * * I'll : r n v ' . Ijr 1 i , • • s As i .' . * 1* air- ' . -i..n •!..•: e> tier", v -'ate .i t: •• le t til' v r':C t t'r.e'ies and . -.ties ne .an 1 d - e rit.y • n • •• 1. '!i>-n >»i t: ti,' r .it : ■■ u> the ln r. ral A-^r: ... t>. .s •!'* ]i i. UI V »il' ;1 t > ti.:- splen I work sh i i u'- • a i' he cumties be ;ri .e . . -;sta- c • whieii th.-y want . ill which wi 1 mean the saving ■ i" 'ii . :■'*>: t ; i 11 - r ii , .-s ; •« ;rr\> • .. 1 .—S r.: tl . rn • i ; •! i I-.-W .S sM> KI!CH!:\ v I I. V.u.s . .> !-• ■•! t . . i • lit i '!' **' ■ l* •. 1 ! • ■ artist;.' lv isv keej d n>t tail to examine , ii;id prices. If you are ea . s'fdii shed you will tind v. any things you reed. . h • \» -dington range we tell ;i. >.!■" : ) is something every li ssek eper will appreciate. W. 0 CROT !S, » • th and Liberty Sts., Winston. N. ('. I 1 They interlock and overlap each 8 hardest driving rain or snow cannot sift Won't pulsate or rattle in wind-stor I last as long as the building, and never r FOR S/ R. H. R. DAN BUi NT AIRY NEWS $lO 000 Tn Be Spent On Heads Near The City Political Matters A New Firm. Mount Airy, May 5. The highway commission for Mount Airy township is getting down ;.i work and contracts have been }.i von t grade three of the lead ing public roads r.nning out of t 'Vit. the cost of same to be SP'.ooo. C. M. Miller, a civil engineer of Salisbury, is r ere to l k\ue and survey the roads to be graded. Mr. and M •*. E. J. Matthews i ' Chariot :o are 1:. v citi.:_*ns. Mr. Matthews has bought an into.' ir. t• i.■ goner; 1 morclutn d - s: iv . . Matthews-lackson C . anil w ill be the i.ian •ig ■■ ' the I ;;sincs.-. The ivw t cern was recently organized : ..\i o\vr tr.e store oi the l' Union Supply Com- I any. Indications are that there will : ■ a w'ilia:: p. iitict;'. cam] aig:. in Surry this year. Practically v ry v. ■>.•!• in t.:e county !::is a 1I :> ] . tax and will vote in t. e tall elections. For several years Surry has been overwbel lv ■. but • •S ; I work til i i , . . ; : ,j , .*«., i 'oi !ai> in i iociink the slurill". (11. Haynes. Mr. •• : - a».d :.!•••with: him C'.'.stS a?• > ' Oied K. ( . 1 1 ■ yn treasurer ino uepa!>- ■ was cut down t • less than an ••.. v « •*>" v -. '1: > year K■: ul hcan.- art- it.-' to .. .-a v i . : i: - wi'.l not he a candidate for iv « n :■ t.,-: ~i >v. v. i » ; !.• .d'hcai: side T. \V. ii ■ n- :vinuti"n. The -. ri •-o is t ! pa\ ing •".Co in t! •c •• ».i and besi i. > br. wn Mlu I;r n >t . Apr;. «:». The wry much behind with. t;. ir work on account of so TVi'.i'M I'lt? .. Ih :"e who visited at Mr. Jim V: \*» .Sunday w>. re Misses i. Ht-ssic and Ressie S a t. At,.,;..- Martin, Nannie I ;rd Annie Hutchens, Kate. I. ;.a and Ressie Smith, Messrs. i.n and Jim Martin, George ( 1 ins, L : ah Hutchens, tirover fu.d Edgar Smith. Charlie Mar- T in anii Arthur lit urge. A i I a«ant time was reported by cii i M's> Annie Martin has gone to i';l it shopping today. Misses Ida and Maygie Tilley u 1 Annie Hutchens visited M •>- '/. .ha Martin Friday night. TWO CHUMS I'or.r appi tite is a sure sign of imp; in d digestion. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets will strength en your digestion and improve your appetite. Thousands have Ween benefited by taking these Tablets. Sold by all dealers. i other in such a way that the I >rms. They're also fire-proof, will I ALE BY B L A I R, RY. N. C. Laffargue PIANO Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cat a ojruc Tree. Write Department S. Itgj^ ii Z~M* R. J. BOWEN & BRO. W in.-tun Salem. V C. We carry a complete line • !' Ldisoti I'honographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue t new rooords. MASTERS \ V, RAPID \tl!% PLANT SETTER rx ■-> « —i•• • i■' - l "7?Tv~^ s ~" —• 1 lie Hoc or ' *%£&& l the Spade f .\i-r\ \- i i; 111. _• ! s • , i i ■ . I ■ i —• •i ' I ..I;I all klli.l- • \> • -a.-Ii . - / Tomatoes. Cat - Sweet Potatoes. * . E «- . I % ! I J, i -t . : v. i - 3- • «'" « • • t' i »' : ,c J yV ,tt vEVERY tm. ~ •. - ■ ■ . R. T. BECK & CO. 1 u lK 1 iii !.t S. (jermanton. N. C. ©TOBACCO IS GOING GOOD AT | • FARMERS WAREHOUSE • $ Winston, N. C. ® ® # r-wmiwrwpw ww ■•«sy» Traawswaawi' i ggjjg ®j The Gorrells want very j® ® much to handle the rest of ® your crop. Get some ready J* and take it to them while the going is good. They are in better shape than ever to get you the biggest prices. ® The Gorrells will over ® please you and then some. ® We are your friends, ® ® A. B. GORRELL & SON. €> @ #' v^-tußtMuomukMirsi W % # # @ •••••••••••••••••••» $ THE DAN BURY REPORTER NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership relations hereto fore existing between .1. M. Mit chell and W. 1L Mitchell under the linn name of.l. M. Mitchell vV Son have been dissolved. The said W. R. Mitchell will continue the business and collect all bills and accounts receiv able ami assume all liabilities. Parties that have not made settlements of their accounts will i lease come forward and make satisfactory arrangements inside of next thirty days. This Apr. anli. 1!»I2. J. M. MITCHELL W. L. MITCHELL. House and r.> »:ii:.r paints Keiger s store. - THE [ j VEHICLE I j HOSPITAL I ? j? 5 id!' r.arch St.. Winston. •, { N. C.. reai/.in,:endorf Hotel Jv_ } 'j s Are pr* oared to do V tli !st VEHICLE '« t* 2 i: i: p a i k i n c. c, * paintinm. ii:im- ; MIX*!. ai d PURREi; 1 il!i 1' \\ i >U!\ in t his "j part of the State and v j .vi wa.r.t v. ;:r btisi i? ;>• y * Cranford "i i & ; * Snyder j, t SHIP YOUR PRODUCE ANI)| sill farm products to .las. T. I Ayers. wholesale commission I merchant. Danville, Va., fori top market prices. A square deal and prompt returns. j Write for price list and ship- j pinjr ta.u's. P. W. Gunter, PROrnSSIONAI BARBLR Kin;r. X. C. All kinds tirst class barber work done, Harbor sli«»j> open at all lmurs. D. 11. MARTIN. Jeweler. Stuart, Va. All \v rk jrua/anteed satisfactory DR. CM AS. L. MARTIN Dentist. Ollicv over Madison 1 >ruj_' Co., Madis«m, X. 1 w • - * I .'IX n: • RUBBLITSI' STAMPS®? A .. i V : .- >., ■ 1 ..... A v .h .« M.mal, Oi l •>.. I ... >. . ii. Imjih • ; v !.;.!■ , .in. n -.i »M. .jui . I* 1.1. .. . U!( I. 1 I. a nilh • I nrH ti'll 1.n.;. S\rur,,r..s IV. i A '• o|M*l ..... K ' o*9 , , i V • ■ * -v Wr p.| M., - ■ A.i • - t mutt-: :Ti i MAMP WORKS, i •. r \;i-y n c fMßmaranjuat'.'xi.'' •*» '-3^ rr fa r •"•*? ••» ?ji ?«! uV. l! tin ...V '>>" 'ii# ■«- 3 » I ■ £§| wumsmato r rr ,jf OUGiiS f nCc 60»a51.C0J '>*" VGI.O& U TR'^lPOTfl£ rsujj PM-A ? jP l J i jt/a 4 . Ot? MOM£s Reru/voeo. J T v».r - , » j - „ -*r 7V 7T*m. I W. 0. Jerome Real Estate and Insurance Winston-Salem, X. C. ; svH> Wachovia Rank «5i Trust Building. Phone S»N». FOR SALE Several farms near Winston-Salem. All kinds of city property. Life, health, accident i and lire insurance. Dr. L. S. Fox DENTIST. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Wachovia Hank Uldjj. Rooms S(M 5(15 WILLIAM T. W ILSON. A ! t il'IK \ -A 1- La \\. Estates settled. collections, all leji'al papers prepared in a caretul and painstaking man ner. practice in all the courts, all business jriven prompt and careful attention. Otlicc 2V.V ; Main St. WIX ST OX-S A L EM. X. C. W. READE JOHNSON Attorney-fit-Law. .Masonic Temple. WI.NSTO.N-S\I.EM, N. C. Will practice in both State and t-'eii- ral Courts. CIIAS. O. .MiMli MAl:i„ .1 I . SAINISIMi, UcnUinrili k'iijsiilltf. .M'MICI I AC!. & SAIYISIVj. \tt. riii-\o mid t'l.inisellnrs lit Law. I': K-ti.'i- in it,- (.H i Federal i "'.rts. A.I business iriven .ftfiiti- r ClitH. » Mr. Micliai-I will he in Madis. n on >;it' rd..\ s. t t i, ■■!(] .itliee over * ? »»* f•' l ! * tii.l'f DR. 11. V. MORTON. Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner ."!rd and Main Streets. W achn\'a Hank & Trust Co. building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: »>ol, ,H)2. ,?()3. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, liar, N««e and Throat. t 'lliee MiiSi'tue Tel:.pie, Winston - Salem. N. C. i Hours • '.Mo 12:.'i0, 2 t.. 1 mid by Hppuintnient REID P. JOYCE, Liveryman, j WALNUT COV'F N. C. (iood Safe Teams nd Careful Drivers I DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia hank Building, Collections a Specialty. ! WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. —____ DR. R. A. FRY, Dentist, Office Opposite Postoffice. PILOT MTN., N. C. , R. R. ROGERS J. I. FULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. I Offices Jones Building, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DAN BURY, N. C. Will practice in all courts, both State and Federal. Office over Martin' sstore. JOHN I). HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DAN BURY, N. C. ! rt iiiipt Ht 1•• i• 11«. ii to«»|i 'nisinese •''HUf.'i) V A : !l iirm't ice ;| nil PETREE, EAST & CO., Real Estate and Rental Agents, WALNUT COVE, N. C.

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