THE DANBURY REPORTER. voLUiVii: X: CONVENED SCXDaV CAt'OfiT IN Ti;li ACT j NEW COUNT* SIOSBCiiOOL CLOSES BIRTHDAY PARTY CRi.HI.NAL COURT CIVIL If.:?'-' '?!■ SIOKK.i COURT Drcket ALcnt Half Finished -•.mall Crowds In Attendance Will Probably Adjourn Friday. The civil term of Stokes court venod Monday mornim.: with '!;/■' !>unici> tuesi ling. and up t«• iliis time t\\ idnesdaj noon i !!.■ docket h about I .all' linislud. ('wing to the fact that this is a • ry bus\ season with farmers o:dy v. small number of people aiv attendii g the sessions. Adjournment will probably he made Friday or sooner. Probably the most important ease to he heard at this term is that in which .1. A. Barker, admr. of G. W. I barker is suing the N. & W. Railway Co. for .$2.00(1. P will be recalled that Mr. Barker was killed by the train near Walnut Cove several years since. The piaintiii' is represented by Benbow, llali ik* Mall, while Watson oc Buxton ami L'etree represent ike de fendant. Quite a number of witnesses are here to lesiify in this case. Cases disposed oi up to this writing are as follows; John A. P.urton v. Founder Hen net i and wile and Jas. 1.. Benneti, judgment lor piaintiii'. Robert A. ( 0..k v. Sarah ( oiik, continued. Walnut Cove Me rcantile l ■>. v. ■J. C. Wall, judgment for plain till. 1!. F. l'ulkatn v. V. 11. Smith, judgment for piaintid'. A. T. Roth rock v. Norfolk iv Western Mailway, judgment of Slut>.oo and cost for plaintiff. Hoy Benton v. Joel A. 1 licks, judgment of for piaintiii'. Robert Lindsay v. iedoh h Sattertield. judgment of SHo.Ou for piaintiii". J. F. IVpptr v. Choato ik T:i ley, compromise. It. W. George v. J. 11. Co\ing ton. continued. W. T. Pulliam v. E. o.' "audle. judgment for defendant. J. Watt Hutehens v. L)r. J. H. Ellington, admr., of J. H. Hut ehens, compromise, judgment of 875.00 for piaintiii'. Mr. Will Shelton Buys An Automo bile—Wheat Crop Fad Other Sandy RidjJ; News. Sandy Ridge Route 1. May ll*. —Some of the fanners are com plaining about tit.' condition of the wheat crop. There was a heavy rain and wind storm passed o\er this section Saturday afternoon. There is a lot of horse trading in this community at present. Rev. J. A. Joyce preached an excellent sermon at Delta M. E. church Sunday evening, while Pastor Folger failed to come. Born unto Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ward, a son. Mr. Wiilir> T. Shelton has recently p*> rchased a tine passor - ger automobile. Rev. James King, of WalnuM Cove, will i reach at Mr. W. R. , East's the fourth Saturday night: in May. Mr. O. '. F iv. night with Mr. .T. \ "*.l Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter visited at Mr. J. N. Ward': Sun day afternoon. J F. W. W AN FFD. I desire to employ a good respectable middle aged white woman to d'igeneral housework. A good home and good oppor tunity for some woman. Write me at once if you would like to come. MRS. CLAIiE DODSON, Bo.\ 14:3. Winston-Salem, N. C. TWO SI?>•:I S MKN AivRKS! f D K Deputy Marshall Carrcli and Deputy Collector ftnynesCapture John and Hardin Kinunons At Distillery Near Sandy Ridge. John and Hardin Kimmons, br ithcrs, 'iSand2l years, re- ! sportively. wi re arrested Friday i.y Deputy Marshall Carroll and * Deputy Collector Haynes, of 1 Winston-Salem, on the charge of " operating an illicit distillery, and 11 alter being given a hearing be-; fore U. S. Commissioner Becker- , c , dite Monday were bound over to/ 1 Federal court in bonds of *I.OOO 1 each. _ j' The Kimmons brothers reside three miles east of Sandy Ridge."' 1 and the distillery at which the * fricers arrested them is located within 10u yards of the Kim- 1 mons l'.eme. The'.dicers were informed of ' tlie operation of a distillery in : that section some days since and v on I'riday they visited the spot, finding the still house and a bar rel of beer. Presently they hear J some one coming i!i i.; • ' creek. Hiding behind a Lu.-.h they &aw John Kit-neons coining tip the blanch with a Id-gallon still and worm on ids back. He entered the Ik use and put down ; | the still and worm, and it was ( •it th's time that the • dicers . made the arrest. i The work of destroying the , still ami bursting open the bar- ■ roll of be r was then begun, j About this time some one was heard coming and after waiting ( a few* moments young Hardin ! ( Kimmons walked up with a bar rel! on his shoulder. He was . arrested, and the work of de- , straying :! e still was finished. Tlie prisoners are men of con- , rdderable intelligence. The elder!, one is a bachelor and lives by!, himself. The younger lives with! his father mar the still house. I. TO ROCKINGHAM ROADS. i| Nine Offenders Sentenced To s'ock ir.£ham Koads at Last Week's Term of Criminal Court. At last week's term of criminal court nine men were sentenced ' to terms on the roads of Rock ingham county. Their names and the length of their terms are as follows: J : m Smith, one year. Will Tilley, two years. Jim Welch, two years. Ben Brittain. two years. Virgil Simmons, two years. Lux Jan s. ten months. Joe Martin Davis, eight months. Green Brown, one year. LtUuC Music Club To Cdve Public ! Entertainment Tnmoriow Night. The members of the Etude Music Club will give a public entertainment Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spot Taylor. The program, which promises 'to be very interesting, will con ; sist of instrumental and vocal solos, duets, comical songs, etc., and will le participated in by a number of the talented young lady members of the club. An admission fee of ten cents will be charged to help defray the necessary expenses in con nection with the entertainment. A cordial invitation is extend ed to the public. I Mr. R. Frank Bondurant, of, Quaker Gap township, who is a candidate for the oflice of Regis- i ter of Deeds on the Republican ticket, attended court here j yesterday. DAN 151 RY, N. C., MAY if., SOL> RKCOM/.s*Ni>; D 11V GFANi)!UR'I The Fresco t Quarters Considered t Entirely J..aciv-t}atf (irar.i'jui v Inspected County Home Friday. i,i their report to the court ! • gran Ijury :«■. rvin; at la>t v.i i;k's t ■* m of Stokes 11 iminal court recommended th; t the L*oi:nty commissioners take stens at once toward the erection of a new and modern county home 1 . The grandjury visited tlie c unity home in a body on Fri day and made a thorough inves tigation of the cotiditi >ns, and while they found things well kept and neat yet it was very apparent that the present quar ters were entirely inadequate. This is the second time within the past few years that the grandjitrv Ims i\ commended | that a tiev. eo'jsty horn- lie built, and i • is hop d t ha* some r.c i n will bo taki.'n in t' matter. GF.RMANI .lAPPENINCS. •' •. hof Mr-. j v p ii'.a Sr-uthcrn A; .- \j'J V car • Vouiig Fei.ple Attend Commencement At Rursl flail. Germantoii, May iJ. The farmers in this section are un usually busy with their corn.' an lobar The weather Keeps the ground in tine order and gardens are- looking good. From pres-eni | ,i'Spee(s il.iswill be the' best farming yi ,:r ev. r. Mr. F. J. St\ jrs attended the old Soldiers reunion at Macon, (.a. Dr. L. 11. I'.di and family v.sited relatives in Kernersville the past Wee k. Mrs. Lena Suliivan. after spending some time with her sister, -■>iiss Carrie Poindexier, returned home Monday. Misses. Maude and Thelma l'etree. Alma Newsom, Mary Matthews and Linda Gibson attended the commencement exercises of the Rural Hall high school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Misses. Corinne Tucker and Mabel McKeiizie and Messrs. H. L. Kurl'ees, D. li. H. Fleming and John Styers attended the night iierformance (if the Rural Hali ldgh school commencement. Sunday afternoon a party of young people representing ti:e niobt prominent families here started out to gather wild (lowers and to visit the romatic spot. "Tit Lion's Den," in the heart of the bids, but in defending a steep rut in the road, the wagon capsized, catching the occupants underneath. The team was thrown on their backs when the wagon went over. All were bruised and badly shaken up, but no one was seriously injured. Tiie d amage to the wagon was repaired and the party continued on their way none the worse for their adventure. They had a miraculous escape. Mrs. Martini Southern, tlie oid. st woman in this community, died last Monday afternoon, death resulting from a fall leceiwd while fishing near her home. She was SS years of age. and leaves several sons and daughters to mourn her loss. She was buried a Red Bank the following day. Surprise Birthday Dinner. Mizpah, May 14. —The many friends of Mrs. Eddie Mabe , gave her a surprise birthday dinner last Monday. About ! forty persons were present. This was Mrs. Mabe's 87th i birthday. She is getting rather j feeble. G .! .Wi-.VifcNl FXhivLF-1 S ( B.'st Y'.-.u hi ih History ei the " Rural 11 'll Hi.jii School Comer To a Close. Ru;; . 11a 1. M. • U. The i commencement exercises if th.- Rurai ' i,. i ;:!g ! i Sv'lvoi closed j, Frida. nieht wit !i :i pi * yrani by , the p;■ iis of the birli grades. ' • Tho cominenct'irient wiiichl. 1 begat. V\ ednes''.a> night liasj'j been largely attended. The ( , primai; and intermediate grade i( j pupils rendered de'.ie -it 'idly their j | declamations,drills, duels, instru- uic'iital solos and cantata, "Mid- a summer Eve," thirty-seven .. children taking part. A large, .. delight ! audience wa> presem j to witne-s the childrens' pro- | gram. , Tnu:d'.y nighi wthe young . mens'contest night. Messrs. F. ■ P. Sh J. A. P. Wolir and Dr. j !S. S. t-Tyn: were elected as the judges of tho contest Mr. j. Dallas Kirb;.' being decided the , winner ..f the medal. The young men expressed thenis 1\ s in an excellent manner. ; Tlie highly entertaining fairy play, "i'andora's Box," consist inst* o: s ii»*li! characters, \»as ( excellently rrnder'd i>y the , , pupils o ' tlv high school depart- . 'ment. j Friday evening at U o'ciocK , took plae the Vo ing ladies' ct>n- , test. Misses, Phillips, Jones i and I'erred were the judges , of tiie younjj ladies who took - part ia the contest. Boidta | Wolll was the recipient en the , young ladies' contest medal. duets and piano solus . were rendered. After the young j ladies' contest. Prof. S. Ci. , Sutton, the capable principal of the Rural Hall high school, made , an excellent and well received . address on education. Friday night an excellent play j entiled, "Bound in Honor." was ' presented to a large and delight | ed audience. Tlie "Star Spangled I Banner" was sung in pantomime. This commencement marks I the close of one of the most successful sessions the Rural i- Hall high school has ever . experienced. 1 Prof. S. G. Sutton. Miss Leanora Hell, , iss Mamie Flynt .' have been the ellicient instruc ■ tors in the various departments • of the high school and have made a complete success? with their , work, Especially do they deserve t much honor for the excellent v program which was gotten up 1 under their i llicient d.irectorship. .• Ti.e system t f school work which i they have given is ai pivciated i much. Among the out of town guests • during the commencement w ere • Misses Kate and Nannie Jones, j 1 both of Walnut Cow: Lillie Wall,. • Kate Davis, Mrs. W. B. Little, >' Mrs. R. I. Sliouse and Mr. Robah t Shouse, of Winston-Salem: Misses. A lilii; Kigei and Nannie! ' Spriinh'iur l> rh ei' King: Misses. • t '.,rrieand Ethel\ ogler, Baulah., • Long and Mrs. Li. A. Strup >. ' of Tobaccoville: Misses, l'etree, ?dr. Harry l'etree, Germanton:' ■ Miss Davis, of Dal ton; Rev. and • Mrs. F. W Grabs. Henrietta ■ Wilrton, George and W. T. W'il ' son, e>f Ik'thania: Miss Vick all and O. M. Kiser, of Summer field, Mrs. O. G. Wolll", of Hickory, Miss Matthews, of Germanton, and Miss Wallace, ' of Drakes Branch, Va., and E. N. Hailey, also of Drakes Branch, ' Va., Master Paul Pegram, ofi Walkertown. N. C. i i'l House and reefing paints, j Keiger's store. GIVFN ftp. AND MKS BOY ITS I One Hundred a::d Forty People At- ! tend A Pleasant Occasion ,ind a Good Dirtier Remarkable I a:r.i ly of Children. King Route 1. May 1 Ith. I!I niost enj'.y.ible »cca-do:i I liav • witn. ss d in (juite a while .- \\*as the birthday party and ■ family reunion at Mr. Rile\ . Iloyles' on Sunday, Mas the Pith. This gathering of people was in I [•ommemoration of the(iutli birth- t day of Mrs. Riley llovles. The \ Reverened Wilson preacheti at (.Quaker Gap church that morning, t and as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Boyies i went out to hear him. Immedi ately after prt:aching they started \ back home. Mrs. Boyies not i knowing that the preacher and the larger part of his congrega- : lion would follow on to her home ; later on. When Mr. and Mrs. Boyies reached home, iheir : children iroiii \\ nistetn-Salem. ; King and other points were th"i*e. Thi se were not unex- pecteel to Mrs. Bo\ les, for she j was looking for them. But imagine her surprise when she ; saw the preacher and the people coining in throng?* from the ■ church. After tlk- people had ( gathered (about 1 Id in all > a long table which some of the neighbors ■ had improvised in th_- yard while Mrs. Boyies was away at ■ church, was spread with the richest viands and ge>od ti.ingsof 1 the land, for which the Rev. V. ilsor. was aske 1 to ..her tluiiiks. In ids !iet.euiction ihe preach., r . gavt'exjiression to many beaut i- ; fill and impressive thoughts; and all portook of the fe; to their heart's content. After dinner . was over it was suggested that Mr. and Mrs. Boyies stand up . together and all the people pass around and shake hands with i them as an expression of their good wiil and de.dre that God would continue his blessings upon ; them. Then "God be with yon 'till we meet again," was sung, after which the crowd broke up into small groups and conversed on various subjects until the time came to return to their respective homes. lie fore closing these remarks 1 wish to say that Mr. and Mrs. lioyles raised a remarkable fam iiv of children, of which it seems they should feel proud. There are !l children living. 5' boys and ~ girls, and 1 know of no stouter and healthier family of children anywhere. Mr. Boyies is a plain practical man. and thinks the people would be much more healthy and strong if they would return to plainer and | simpler methods of living. Doubtless the health and busi ness acumen of his children are due to his good, plain common seine ideas of diet and living. Mr. and Mrs. Boyies are the parents of the Boyies Bros.. Winston-Salem, and of Mr, C. O. Boyies. proprietor of the lioyles Mercantile Company, King, N. and also of Mr. Ernest Boyies. proprietor of Mountain View Stock Farm. W P. Dan river was swollen con siderably by the heavy rains Sunday night, being 11 or lo feet above normal. Bottom land along the river was serious- Ily injured in many places. About thirty cords of wood | recently cut and belonging to | Mr. J. Spot Taylor was carried away by th? liver. Save tnon ■>* on the lubber roifingyiu netd. W. E. But ner. No. J.( 8N A Jjf.L'K\;.D SATURDAY P. M, i argcst D'K A.-t I i Stvcial Years Is It: hind i.ic Ofi'.-.-ders Sen tifficvi r-» Kuc ; ii:in:iar.i County #' »n«.ls ; i-rinii! al I'. ; ;.; •!' St«-ices Sill ■ en! l i J i :i dose Saturday afternoon Ht i o'clock '!' li;.\• ivm in s ssi n the entire vec! . The docuet was probably the lengthiest that has been tried in this county l'or a number of years. Cases tried after ' issue of this paper last week were dis posed of as follows: State v. J ! ii I'ruett. making whiskey, guilty. Fined £25.00 and cost. State v. Ji.CL .\. IHCKS. simple assault guilty. Fined .-ln.oii and cost. Stat"'v. IJob li;iirst n. u. :n. p., guilty. Judgment sus pended upon paymeM of vost. State v. Sal lie 1 Juggins Slieiton. d. m. p., guilty. Judg/sent sus pended upon payment of debt. Stat- v. Lux James, a. l. w., .trinity. Ten months i n roa 1. Sf.te v. W M. ! ly nt. 'r. a. d. w . guilty. Fined • v so.(in and cost. State v. Fill Till y. f. an 1 a., guilty. Two years . n road. State v. .i hi \\\ lc". . ; :i . a., guilty. Tvv • years MI road. Stat v. Charlie Duggins Welch. f :nd a.. ; uilty. One year in ,'aii. State v. Wiley South rn. a. d. w.. j. uilt . lin d s J'.i"' and anil cost. State v. liersty Simmon*, c. c. w., guilty. Judgment suspend ed on payment of cost. State v. Ben P.rittiin, assault jruilty. Two years on road. State v. L. F. Mabe, f u cible trespass, guilty. Judgment sus -I'ended upon payment of cost. State v. W. I). Fulk, d. m. p.. guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State v. Wallace Vernon and Curtis Hutcherson. malicious in jury to property, guilty. Judg ment as to Yi rnon, $45.00 and half cost. Judgment as to Hutch erson, $25.0' 1 and half cost. State v. Wallace Vernon and Curtis llu'ciu rson, tearing down land poster, guilty. Judgment suspended upt n payment ofc.'St. NEWS OP DILLAHD Phone Line To Be Erected To Dan bury C A Mitchell Improving Farmers Behind With Work Ticket Suggested. Pillard May 12.—Mr. C. A. Mitchell, who has been ill with rheumatism for some time, seems to be improving. We are looking forward P> get ting a telephone line to lhmbury in the near future. Mr. C. A. Wagoner is putting in good work toward it and most of the stock has been subscribed. We ho; e to'get it soon. Our farmers are getting very much behind with their work on account of the continued wet weather. The recent heavy rains washed land here considerably. We notice a ticket for county oilieers in your last issue. Please allow us to suggest this one: For Representative Jas. M. Fagg. For Sheriff- Dr. Wesley Slate, i For Register—Clarence Fair. For Commissioners—John M. I Reynolds, B. A. Overby and j Chap Bodenheimer. House and roofing paints. Keiger's store.