Page 2 TOBACCO FACTORY TO Bl RUIM AT MADISON Busuiiv> 'ten of Madison To Build Bis New Tobacco Factory Other Intcnst'n Items ol Rockingham iii'. - • -■ i «I it • ' nli—• :i I 1 iI • Spanish prison* r traud iins ?■!; .i*k Madison. a •. o•! Uv*. c\ll, n, Mr. John has been • red a third intere*t in a forti ik of «?o>> '.i'". Tin In>!- d'.'c I' i' SeClYt !■ Siijij' -i t ' li in i son in Spain, ami of i! t!, • . in th. I'?.it• •• 1 St..:o> i.. i only t'invt . i' /.i . ?•:•>>. and u- ar..\i • ■ to > im p> ar. 1 } i i . ■ tiipi ■ • im. oiVri ~c ram . t!i;; • :•. rest !'• r iii-; >ei »!c IV.:.- iV.. '.T nnv i >.\ »»tla i : .n in tni> co . I'.! Ih« - > rad ■ ' - \\ hei he I icke . «:hi /ipa.' ! I ;i > a ii. \\ i' learn that *! - 1 siiPir tricK ». ;i> ivivnt l\ i. ■ i •!! .i citi no»" our noi. . • inv" tov. n • M.ty • !.r W. learn that a strong m« vc me:.' - >r. t.•• .t to >:a.'t :i » .buc co •! v im Matiis .n : ' an oat • •.:»*. . Ti; i .atter ha been :. tiy talked I«y our I•.• i If. WiSI Pay Voi) to Visit j | My Store. j i : • ■' '». . ' i '. ■ - \ ' : . !>i\v -I :i v - ; > I\i i ■ - ' 11 • is; t* jit ( 1 -• v • '••• a* t i ' ' i • • : iHi • I i,: : j ••• " :• ' :it ;; - I I i ! JOHN A. BURTON Walnut Cove, N C I m:m m : e q z -cmaec at?®e mm& # ,*-vp * ya xs y® f * « rip % © • i here Vvni be no i obacco | •Sales on the Winston Market® | During- the Months of June arid July • •te©s£^s©s©®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©#© j® On account of the fact that so few buyers are on the sales during 1 ® w the summer months and believing it to be for the best interests of w the farmer as well as the market, it has been unanimously decided @ to suspend sales on our market during the montns of June and July. at& We urge all the farmers to sell what tobacco they have on hand © 09 during the month of May. ©© © © © © 9 Ihe warehouses will be open all the summer as 9 9 usual to take care of their friends and patrons. 9 •••©©©©©•©©•••©©••©••©•©•••••©••••••••©J | " | | Z. T. BY NUM. Secretary. • ©•©••©©©••©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©#s>©©@^©©@© (loss men for some tinio anil there is now every prospoet that some definite action will be taken in the matter within a ; short time. Ami why shouldn't I Madron have a tobaec • factory? We are informed that il: tobac . co jrrown in this section m.ikes the best chew of any in the world, am! that beinjr the i.ise, there i-- no reason wh> a lirst i class U>inos- should not, lie! Up li'oni the vol 1 >1;;:*t oiu that world .cow i■ i loaps! bounds. and which could meet i mpctition froi.. • every . I darter. There are plenty of building it. town ih it .• aid be asii! at !s:st and oid> a nioderaio amount o," capital lor machinery \\ 'ii!d !■ i.eodi d. I'd re is ai *o j.ienty of tirst class tobacco on hand in the town, so that won. cHI Id be;: in at once an i I • t hav' t> wait foi a eroi to be jti'iiivn and cured, in short i here is even inducement rijrht a f hand for our business people t > take the mMter up and i? i> hiaiily probable that the., w iil do -■ . 'f!)i re i> a p»oil profit in tobacco nana fact iirin.v. and it eoitld I'i worked to greater ad van ta; re perhaps in oar town than in any other in the State. I: is with sincere regret that we are called upon to chronicle the s;i death of lit 11. Krhken THE DANHL'RY REPORTER •loyco, tlk' six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Joyco, who died at the homo of her parents in Mayodan last nijrht at 7 o'clock after an illness of only a few days with measles ami pneumonia, Little Kathleen w;.s the onlv daughter of her patents and was the id'.>l of tlieir hearts. She was an unusually bright and vivacious child and he:* death is a sad bereavement to many out side of the immediate family circle. The remains won- car ried to Stotiovilie for interment. Mrs. I'rector. said to he the oldest woman in the county, died at the homo of her son-in law. Mr. 1 hi: ry llobiis. near I'leasantN ille last Wednesday nij.rl't. She was said to he over a hundred vears of aiv- 1 , and was only .*ick a few days before iu r dea 1 h. bavin;.:' in en scratched t>\" a nail winch caused blood poison todewlop. She was a line old eh.ristian woman. X. 11. l'ace. a white man. who has In en sojourning in our midst f« r several months, was tried before Mayor Toa«ue last Friday afternoon on a warrant charjriny; him with retailing whiskey and soliciting orders. He was foun I guilty and bound over to court under a bond of in. Later while policeman W ebsti i was jrivinv; hint a chance In haw his bond -ioned h> sii''!ik«.d oil" ami so far has ivt l leeii heard of. III;!.! 'S A in Mil. IN HAD I-1 \. •lasii.e i herry, of Ci'.is Mi ! .. wa> | !ai; wo i. • i A I. sor. on nis !>•.: in; i !a; > d M'wral iioct ei ■> ;u.>i lresisted all remedies. "I ' V vv.r- :t Ik Vi'i t» \' ia:l I usi i! I I'd* . Nil's A. ' -a'. i. an I \V:..n c •* . j . cai. . i 'ur - b ••• In•.:«, out . or a• •- at i It : i ''tit - it .;!• 11 i ' W.J ! X al. •• .f:- s, was iei a short while "ti VALUE GOOD ROADS; HOW THEY SAVE MONEY' C;*t of Haulii:ji Can Be Reduced From Twenty-Three Cents Per Ton Down to Eight Cents. tlood roads speakers have spoken and >ieod roads writers have written many thousands of words about the relation between the hijrh cost of living nnd bad roads and they have established a close connection between the the two. While the story is old and t h.Te may be those who are weary of hearing it. jrood roads advocates cannot afford to stop talkinty about it. t'oinjn tent statisticians have estimated that it nuts c> ; ts to haul a ton of freight one mile over our country roads. In IS'.V the co t of hauling by railway was i i -i! cents per ton per mile. Today the cost is less than ot one cent per ton mi'e. (iivat progress there, but in decreasing the cost of ,uettinjr products from farm to shipping p. int. how much pr ~vss have we made? Tito truth of the matter is that there has been bat little reduction alonjr this line since ls;.\ T> illustrate: la Davids >ti emmtv, North Carolina, a .creat deal Vi heat is jii'own. The roads are »i'rod clay There is ie?> than live inilos of improved road- in tile county and the fo;:is are had throughout the count;, m the fall winl r anil • arl.v -■ print:. I'lte a vera:' • haul m the . an try ;s |i-so to SOY a mil s. Iho a ra.' • ».id for tw • her -s i> a bo; i: I -en 1. m lIV i tads. Tnat i. oan> thai the fanm-r :s ..blo ' i ' to market ; 1« .t J.". In -i'. of wheat. \ al ; . n■' the time ot the tanner a d i- t am at pet iml ! and from the shipping point, it costs a little more than 1" cents per bushel to haul to the ship jpinjj point bread which jroes to I sustain the hijih and the low, the rich and the poor. To this must be abided the cost of rail road transportation, the profits of middlemen and dealers. The railroads of the country will haul wheat from the Hako tas to Minneapolis, the ureal milling c> nier for 7 cents per bushel, a distance of C>o miles. Ocean liners carry it from New York to Liverpool, olPu miles, at less than cents per bushel. The difference in these freight rates is too prosit. I'here is no deal t but t! at the cost of trans porting fretvrlit over c* antry rnaid be reduced from cents per P a iniio to x cer l-, i a ton mi!e. the rate for several I'.uropean eoitnlt ios. if the sßnie basm-.-t-s methods w re : ied tothi roads il the nation a> have h"on i..■;•!: I m imi'fovinjr rail and u.r r ;ra is,i >rt itio t. j i'/iw ai;i: (>;•• oixtmi-:xts i"« »i: tWTAliiill THAT (' »N -TAIN MKUt'I'UY. as met vary w.-t virol v i:> ->; i' '. the sense oi stir .1 and cotll'ili'ie ly defanv t IK* v.ho'e >..'>t"m wilett "nieti'ij' il throti;-') 'lie mucous • a"',-.' ■■. Si. h a' i> .e> should t e'.er I'i iim'il i pt i. , p'vsi ripttons l'i 'a i. ;• t'able physicians, as 11:«• lUmiau'e liev ' will do i.> tea fold to \! •. jrood 1 you can possiblv deriv from them. Hali's ("nlatth Cure. , manufaepare 1 b I. "none;. v\- Co., To'.i •o, icontains n i mercury, ai d r taken internally, act'mr d-rectix npoti *1; b'o d and mucous •• ; •fa ,, es of t!i• • sy.-.- torn. Ia bu; it: • Hall's ' aat rli Cure IK- sure yoa eot the you uin it i- tak at intern illy and trade in To 1 --do. »hio, b 1". -I t'hani'.vA t'n I'- stimota I:- fri'i 1 . Sold by a I>r "jjyists, roc. Taki llad's Family I'dN for ci-ns! ipat or I 'r. !. \V« • > Slate visitrd at > . • . i . 'l*! 1 Dr Molizcr. I>r. Molt /.or, tlii- renowned eye specialist -if Germany, wli.> has treated some in' Wultujl Cove's best known citizens for their eyes, is having his praises by ail. He is undoubtedly one of tin- optoiintrists that has I'H'i boon in this section and tilt* p • I :• ail- ih i missin>r tlu'uppur t iii!*,. >f taking advantage of lr..> iid :uv. lie liaA 1)0011 pivss ! i•» siii.t in i i.r midst two \\oi'k> io.ij.;. r and Ikh kindly consented to do so. 1 hav > Inn ;.i.d Mippoi's at a bargain. U. K. Hutnor ■ \V!>o!e Family Benefited By W. nclu.ful Rentcdy . i ! I irty, I , . ' ... ' I, ' , ;] ! t 1 j : \•! ; r\ r.« t! i? it .!■:!■?> \ i .•« IP ;i • ' ' j 5■ i v ' \n it It ...\ : . W • I .ir* it • t 11:: \»it! • »ip 11\ t • an . ; . * \\ i '' 1 t I • ! '•!•:• i v ut»>l iiu »■» l t t kv t.' Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pii's I i *i.*. i i • i . .i :! • • rvi • ■i •. . • -i \ ; I i . • ! 1 t • . • ' . i 1 , ; t • U ..'I-'!- j: J I . • N !, ' }.••••» • • I • s I , • I \ M •* Di. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills r I . v ; lit'. ?: » •• :r Iv.ll t> *. * i - y\ At .-.11 Dry • t*,. * n». MILF'.i f/EDIC AL CO L-» 1 . •. Ind 11 r \\-i!l j» v N '"' i • • v • hiv

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