The Danbury Re port ei t■ i: i• i • i'!: i ■!: i ■ - \\ > : Subscription : mo.. 25c.: (> mo., s(k: on: >ear. $l.O \\ [■], \K ,\\ M., i i;»iu xk.Ni; row IHH \\ok>r. -■. I i »*- . Of I M J CY' '• " •' It) ! i ii: COM M(S>l !.\i:!•):• Risr.ii H i ! Item* i! . Y. _• M \\ ; -\. Smith . u'...- :• w. ' Fri lay at Summertield. Miss Ein ■■ •• - i er attending ivt .rned to Rural Ha'.l Friday •• spend the • acat: n with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilson, who live near here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. :ngton are visiting relative# and friends at P:!■ t Mountain. Mrs. Thus. i.iuir.n spent Friday at (ireensboro visiting. Mr. Jesse Led ford made a r usir.ess trip t- Winst* n*Sa!em Friday. Mrs. Willliam E. Stauber has returned from Winstun-Salem. Mr. William S Po'.vell. who has been on a business trip to X 'rf.'ik, Va.. ar.d other places r some time, returned hume Friday evening. Mrs. J. W. Ogburr, and children are visiting at Fast Bend for a *hert time. Mr Charles Miiler. »f High Point, spent Saturday night and Sundav with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. L. Miller. Ridinghour ar.d little daughter are visiting Mrs. A. L Miiler here. Mrs. James H"iderrield. of Flrcir., passed through town Sat* ..;a; en route to Winston-Salem, where she spent the day shop pi' s. Mr R. A. Bodenheimer. who w; s n the j-iry at Forsyth ci.jr: the past week, returned h> n.e evening. Tobacco Looking Good. The farmers of tlie dirfeivnt sec tions if the county have planted a xii id deal of t iiiacco. and > far as we can iearn it is doing ex ceedinir'y well, especially be tween I)ar.bury and Madison. Mr. .Julius ). Vi ung, who has been c nd'icting a st >re here for some time, will remove to Piedtv.nnr Springs Monday, win.-iv he and Mr. A. J. Fagg will open up a store. Mr. Young has recently been appointed postmaster at that place. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become ac quainted with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. i i.'arj of ! h.inU • c. : . nice and kind. I appreciate - man;, thar.i-;s. .MRS. J. W CAUDLE, r Kir. jr. N. C , Notice To Delinquent Tax Paver of Stokes County. I'.'ll tax books are nov being turne.i over tu the deput; L sheriffs of the various township c* Stokes county with instruc tions that the balance of th» li'll taxes which are much pas due be collected immediately am , in accordance with law. Now if you have to pay cos do not blame the deputy sheriff Your lull taxes are 9 month: past due and we cannot wai lon per. C. M. JONES. Sheriff. Best binder twine. !'c. lb., a Kurfees Hardware Co. I ADVT.» Republican Ticket. Westfield, May 24. Editor Dan bury Reporter : Please allow me space in your paper to surest a ticket subjecl to the action of the Republicar convention of Stokes county : For State Senate- H. McGee. For the House—D. V. Carroll. For Sheriff—W. C. Slate. For Register of Deeds—R. F. Bondurant. For Coroner—Dr. Morefield. For Commissioners— Joseph Martin. Chap Bodenheimer and ■I. I. Owens. The above ticket would doubt loss carry the Republican strength which means victorv. R. F. MARTIN. rP.C" THE TROt-' ' SIJJHS %•' Tc K r '... If. ' 1 AT. • r I«• II r.-.rrx y native* arc iral;.. Nof t!.: plant.Vdroij S 8 •• r.:od ir.c ha* i Uuahle euratiVi? i ...wvr*. jitit f\v drtitf store* carry ii.ii! #. cd, owing to the luyhcost of the arti*!«*. This a umry is a large consumer ol this costly seed t»'cau.-e it enters into tli' famous catarrh remedy, 1 \TUHA soId the world over. WANTED. f " . • :t n - lo :vcva \v!v • .t > general housework. \ . i . tti-.a • - . }V, >o j,,; • v •" ;a MRS. CLABE DODSOX Bi'\ V ' ::i. N. t \ 1 \ \\ I.! \ i. . . , > J \ - ■.}; ■' : ■ * of S .••i! v■ 1" i'ili'lV-. 'l'm . fi« I. ■ !' - \I.: •'! \ M.i v I.I; ::i: \i. ! >r\ i i:. ! '•> \' rt i lnt t!if - s Silperltir >!..,*.•» i..unt.V, rs V. . . rcli li-ivd ..It tin* -Mil .1 .> of May. 1 :i tli" I'r fiuitlo'l "Thus. V. 'rouse Kx>-. utor w : h . .-IL. .»i • v l.'-.ilia Sp.ilnin.wer i||.| ..t • ■ appointing T : uli« 1. r-1-rn.-.l a >lll - i> • s.wike »ale.if tli■ ads I;. r.-iiiaft.-r d.sirilied. 1 will - .11 "■ p ill!; -ail.-t i. ill tn the highest t'•! • I.T | ie i|-.a tlie r.-r: .» »•! fnrtli liehm. at .. 1 lie laic r.-MiU-iH-c of "if.iri. 11. " ( rouse. divease.l, In Stokes 1 .nty. d V 1 .. "I! Saturday .Inly l:'.tli. dJat tin* hour «.f .in.- .."I'llp. m.. >1 very I valuable tra>'t of lyitii: •>n tin st water-..f r.s'K. partly In r St..kes I'.unity mi.) partly in s'urry ' ' ..tiuty, • .. ail.ii.lnitio tin* lands of IS l-. Nl XX'utxi. 11. XV. Hunt. I! s. 1 'til ..-r aii-l • t liers 14.' acres. more ur less. ami Itin-old liuiin place «»f tin* said lien. 11. »r. .IMi. , saiil lainl will lit* *.>lij in three »r more dlff.-ri-nt tracts and also n» a whole In iir.lT tn ascertain In which way it will l.riny; tin- best price. A plat nf tin- same will !«• exhibited on t i.«- 'lav I.f sali' showing: tli>- metes ami bound* i.f the entire tr.i -t, anil lis.."? til)- Kami' as i'ut up liit>> smaller tracts. , The above laml is tine farming! lanil. with a l.«t line n .-aclnw laml )>n It. am] pt' disirlnjj t«» j purchase land shnul.l t'\ainini' ! ! tlii- saiiD". 1 iii 1 attend tin* salt-. !a r IVrins 1.;'.-all': ' »rn* luilf '.i-li nil J - , day I.f sal.', and tin- .»tli'-f half ilu.' ] ami payalili' uu tin- lirs; day ..f Feb. ] n 1!»18, with interest at six per I'i'tit. 1 I per annum mi the deferred payment j day i.f sale, with privilege t>> purchaser ..r purchaser- tn pay all cash if t lii-y s.. desire. This 11:.* L'.'.t li .lav Ml' Ma\. I ipj. v i'i:TI;I:K. • »m»r | I Bargain List of Secondhand Machinery Overhauled and in First=class Order. 1 .!" H. P. A.iax boiler anil engine. M 1 L'K H. P. Xagle engine anil boiler on skids, onlv run a B few months. 1 l.j H. P. Nagle engine ari l hoiler on skids. '2 VI H. P. engine and boiler. 4 wheels. R 1 •"> H. P. Prick engine and hoiler on wheels. a 1 v H. P. Prick engine and hoiler on wheels. t 'l'l 11. P. fprightei gines. 2 1 1•» H. P. eer.fcr crank engine. i 1 1"> li. P. Lively -nter crank engine. !§ 1 1") I J. P. I.- ti'el e«-nter crank engine. n 1 •'!•) 11. P. side crank engine. k 1 J l ' H. P. return tubular boilers. •; I :si H. P. return titular boiler. i? 1 i-i H. P. return tubular boiler. & 8 1 :>o il. P. return tubular boiler. '*> 2 b'" H. P. return tubular luiler. a I'l ir,u H. P. Huber tractor. 2 1 7"> H. P. Automatic Atlas engine. 1 L'O H. P. gasolene engine. 1 ■") H. P. Foos gasolene engine. W c are headquarters for new and second-hand machin inery of all kinds, gasolene and steam engines. If in the market drop us a line mentioning this paper. Crawford Mill Supply Company I Winston-Salem, N. C. 11 itri ! 2 , ) } r »a t I J i _, Jl 3 ! H fi* * - H The liii isc I V/'fe s~ | I l j Williard Ader I I Furiiiture Co. | . . I I 1 1 . V C FOR HORNET STINGS. I Mr. S. J. Hudson, Nfwbfrn, N.C. writes: • I I ivc Mi-wan M::*tur£ Liri- I men; r •iisTcrcnt a. u::ts« »»•.«! u-uml H i: /»n exccllfTjt linit.u-r.:. At ere v I iii iri- \v l4 s hiitllv st'sr.u J v r:.« • s !•?:t \ . «t:r I !?r:n«T.t criioKlv c.iri.l lur. 1 !. i\v- . r.i- I J U-iulctl IT t.» T»TIUTS hutMrvil# «>! I 2Sc. 50c. )1 • bottle at Drug &. Gen'l Stores I CURES SWINNEY. | Mr. R. S. Shelton. Hill. N.C., writes: "I Mexican Ijr.immt on j a vuJoaMe h.-r-n.* i r hxx:iim v nri! I: rol :t. I a.xvnvs it in r v >;. i? ;e ur.i! t. k;tt ho best hnimct'.t •"» •m:l»s«i»i!j:;»:,* ' 1: a r.inins no uUniml ami .«•■» cr*urmt > * :r.p in of ftjKti woundfi r t urns. 'utbes srnd cools ut oace. Just try it. For BURNS and BRUISES. I I Mr. W. V. Clifton, Raleigh* N. C., writes: ■ j ' I KIH-P n LITTLE «-f MEXICAN MR.ITHRIP I i • . It is the thini ;u the wMritl I I 25c 50r. $1 a bottle at Drug St Gen'l Storec E i BITTEN BY A SPIDE.V. Mr V, . j. Jaikso.i Is Qu : \ lit (Jthor lUir.s { r*)ri >antiv la.J | " ivi . Koute 1. •:v _7 J i' i" corn . i : iv> ai in- t i • I • • •'• ••';> Kiiixr. \v ,il. j l |T' u'?;II! an a!i!o siti; 1 n H XV '.l P >x. i'i. a i it'\ . I . \\ . I . , ,'l.l !lr ' ! a:i M-. ;:.•!!• ••.•! .:i ~ /i I• !.i Tl Si'luml liii'.M' S iii!; l .. at li o'('|oi';\. 111 |>| ; a!'.'l ITO'V.I .''it. •Mr. W. .1. .fai'ks.»-, • aI t' ; : s v. rit:i.;i . M .;,j. !>'' ■. Mr. Sentt Wils -i. .Mayodan, L. LiVi* VvAVf A" fMtn« • f | () f Shoes and Slippers and f a :: :: Dry Goods :: :: i I AM (K)IN(i TO OFFER A NICE a LINK OF SHOES AND SLIP ii PERS AND Al\ I)R\ (jOOl)S AT ] COST. These Women's and Men's Shoes and Slippers are new stock and everybody is invited to come and « see them for themselves. SEE ME AT ONCE FOR A BARGAIN. W. T. Morefield Campbell N. C., Route I. WW———i MI—III IH i ■!11| P. Thin Lisle Sox With strong, spliced interwoven toe and heel. Send us a mail order for what you need. In all colors, Thin Lisle 25c. We also carry a full line of pure thread silk sox 25c. to §l.OO. We pay postage on all mail orders. Boyles Bros. Co. Winston, N. C. J s'innr W. rlnosdav v."'til Mr. \Y. T. Ward. lu' . . I>. A. Oak lev preac:v I ■ an abk 1 sermon at Delta churel S h!:.Y nielli. M> I lin S|. Pat ■: ■ • ■ :i f Mr \v. r. ',\ ir.r -i. w \ !.l i mi'. . i>y usin.uf Kurlocs \ u i'ii isi stain. K;;n'ees I l.u\l\v:ir i'". ! 'se i) iit 1:..' )>:;• • ! :Mt MS l\ . i "l"i '> *■ I !n I' (V I .' . '■. it* wliit• I. aI :i si |» t eer.t /.ice. Vii n«t iii':ii|ii!ter • ' i«»:i in a t■ -.iiv j yrallnvs |»m* or . >nn> tn see :s !\ 1 h'.iviw:.•••' !'•>.. (Ji'iT ".ri i "i. N. C. v bijr !nt ot' shoes ami slippers i*: i«.* • iVoni S'J.iHi tn •(.(!(», v. il I)?urin a' ••J.hii. Tii,. j every pai • 'll will cent cheaper. mean close them out W. i' I'.'itn •!•

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