Old Soldiers Day "W At Danbury, Sat & 7 urday, August 3 Popular Annuai Reunion of l:x-Con federates W if! Be Attended By Thousands of People==Announce ment Of Commander W . YV. khi£. S.-.: .;:-i I .v. Augu ' 1-'1 -. lias been >.'t a> th«* dale fur thi* annual r union of the ex-Con federate soldiers oi St• >U • l oun ty at Danbury. Old Soldiers' ilay. a> this occasion is popular ly known, has in lute years I*'-j come the most largely attended event in the county. A groat crowd i-sure to be in Danbury on this day. The descendants, and the friends and relatives of the ex-('-on federates will as usual pr tvide an atn|i!e least Up sides numerous amusements for the old soldiers. I hero will probably U* several baseball /antes and other attractions. Thousands of jieople from Stokes. Surry. Patrick. Rocking ham anil other counties will -jet together and enjoy the day. One feature of the occasion will U* alMmt •">• young ladies on horseback leading the march of the ex-Confederates. Ihe Re porter expects to print a more definite program soon. Helow we give the announce ment of Commander W. W. Kin/ of Danbury. Stokes County Camp. No. 174-1 of Confederate Vetrans will hold their annual reunion in Danbury nil Saturday the drd day ot Au gust, l'.'lli. Th" State reunion will be held in the city ot Win- Is The Church l.osirg Its Grip On The Young Men. "1 am afraid the church is losing its grip on • :r young men because we do not emphasize enough the vigorous manliness of the Master Himsell and the heroic jualities of tin* t hristian religion. Our -goody goody Sunday-school books have pic tured reli/ion as the accompani ment of priggish Weakness and the forerunner of early death (which the more to be feared, I cannot say) Ihe artists have pictured I lit ist with a weak or feminine face. Sentimental preachers have disgusted young men by picturing an edeminate 'sweet Jesus.' 11»« monkish idea of I eli/ion that is. as a delicate, dyspepti'*. long-faced thing, standing apart t'r-M i the hurly-burly ot every-da.v life still i"il'm s us My idea of reiiui,.;. i- ■••i'J; "'"i, in/about majesticn'. y and yet naturally among veryday seem s. a g>od I Uiinl. of Him as man wh • exemplified the -ay it'.-: ' . ".'i'l.e bravest art th. londeiesi. 'Hie |. ir./ are the daritv.' ' With all Hi* tender:ie-> f r the Weak t 1 *' el l !li;: I i spok-- as oil. I." authority. a d m t ;W the M . r il..'> II • li-.isi -red the Plui.l 11 :tl ,U! '' -howed on ail ' " tsioiis lln Collr:i y. ' • ■ 1 -' ...unu Vt/a -vMh diould. I !■ Hid!' • 1 ;: - 1 • •'•'' j'.ashin; •• ' *'• • ;r ''' mi>ney -i h.tng' rs 1 • t •"■ • ! ■ •le sliij-le-hand'. d lie v>.i-> i.o ■,. oakling but a 'A"itl'>' n>od"l for all ot !ier yo ii i n"i. ; >i let 1,. 11. -t •• »• et t! ' • ;|i-. . '• \ ■ .iilit". !••'•'!•.•. only • | ,j . i' •, v. 1 • ' • cru.. x ,,)!i can • . and n IV' "> u i.-.n an -iandpomt. the most ;orce!ul and etlective yvimg man who ev. r v alki d the earth - i worthy model for all young men wh n'.niire strength and daring..» v. rty model, too. for all who would carry His message j to other young men."—Clarence ston ' n't he 'Ub and 7th day s. of August l'dlli A full lueetm-rof th.- Veterans of S'e ke> cunty is desired and th.ose v, h > havo not joined our camp will d«> so .>•: the .'!rd, and | attend Iho Stat' 1 ? union with us and lie in a line and enjoy the hospbiditv of the patriotic peo ple of Winston. The annual dues of l."> cents each will U- paid that dav also those in arrears P) cents each of that amount has to be paid into head quarters of the united Con federate veterans association at New Orleans to pay expenses of sante. I hope Stokes County Camp will have a full attendance, and it is desired by the |K.'ople of Winston at the state reunion. You will meet in the Court House at Danbury on the 'ird at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of business and electing new officers. This July Hth, 1912. WALTER W. KINO, Commander. A. J. TILLEY. Adjutant. Bread I'ans. Hoyles Mercan tile Co. Fancy dress ginghams at 1 ;{-4 cents. NN . K. Hutnor. UKAND SEASHORE EXCURSION To Nuifolk and Virginia Seashore ! Resorts. Thursday. August 1. 1912. Via Southern Railway The Southern Railway will operat" their Annual Seashore Excursion from tireensboro to N'orf. Ik, \'a. on Thursday. Au nust Ist, takinur on passengers at all points from (ireenshoro to Jetfries. \a. Special train will leave tireensboro at 7:0" P. M., Thursday. August Ist. and ar rive ft Norfolk about ~>:'{n A. M.. : Au>.' >t -'id. and returning, will leave Norfolk at 7:.'»u i'. M., August .trd. Two whole days and one nicrht at the seashore allowing ampli time to visit . I Virginia Heach, Ocean View, Newport News, Old Point Com fort. Hampton lipids, and the many other points if interest in , and around N .rfolk The fol lowim/ low round trip rates will tpply from -ta'ions na::ied : tiree; sfioro . . , t, Madison . I Sim.mi riiel,l ... Sil v i "sty ■ I ",n Staiey . ! ."ii l.ib'rl. l.;'io Ham 'ur I.Vi Ueids vi!i" II ,n .11- :: '.ii Tic'.et from all other points cover I I this excursion on 1 same basis K I' illi.am r. >- i \ation • » any othi'r mfonralioii see . i»- iii'aresl agent, or write l{. 11. HelSlT'S 1 >i. isien Pa- -■ tiger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. O. !•'. YORK. Passenger and Ticket Aeent. tireensboro, N'. Pom The Progressive Farmer. IMb UAMU RV KMii*' V |'t;k !'v : !• at K. W. I >al>h-. of tK> S*"'t!i Car >!ina Farmer-' '*• i >n, ha- v, i,i• •• • t'i a ' lii l ' I»r« si !■ >:•- .■ i I;)-> Ma; a> l"it .1 r-;itt >• • thi• • ■ •>' ...it t » . 1 i •l '1 ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 • ■ • 1 "• 1 iresi and d anthers ol com in. c tlii' tliil".rent r i ai'i - a: •) i'!. i« ;v i' - i i r.'H'M •i■ i a..'' 1 ' • - ment as to li •• marketing of the )i t« n i'f ij •. These (•' :i!. iitic - will als i !'* : " i t t • a St'.V I:.:11• v . '1 he Sunitei ''tin t\ c.inmitlee ha ■ air.'.: I • !: i>l iT int ftm..; an>t i*«•;• >» t- that th*' hanks will I ro\ i«if amp!.' fat; Is at 'I per cent i-> carry i'r ht'i 1 i.i Ma> 1 .-th (Mtt t: to insure .T.-.lial niarketia;*: the wan h IUS •• capacity .viil he (Imihif.l. and farmers ar • irir»*«i to take the Pi.>st can- po-sihle in pickiM/. haling aii'l -teritijf so as to voire Cotton of the hest jjrade possible, ar.'l to have it as presentable is pos.-ihle. All this looks to as like real busi ness and we commend this county's example to all others in , the Cotton Belt. The Progres sive farmer. INSKCT HITK COSTS LEG. A Hostun man lost his lv from the bite of an insect two years avjo. To avert such calamities from stints and bites of insects use Bucklen's Arnica Salve promply to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swell ing and pain. Heals burns, Imils, ulcers. piles, eczema. cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at all dru>r jjrists. Ki>r lot s»ipi>ers. 1-2 price Boyles Mercantile C>. Mail boxes. lioyles Mercantile Co. Save money on the rubber roofinu you need. \V. K. But ner. State «.f North Carolina. Stokes County Superior Court. Spring Term, P.'lii ' W. W. Kinvr and l)r. N. K ! Kierson, Dr. K. L. Hierson, Jas. Rierson, Mrs. Emma Smith and her husband. Dr. J. B. Smith. Mrs. Ada Dods«>n and her lias hand, \Y. i. Hudson. Mr.- Luia Hutch rson and her hustiand. George A. Hutcherson. heirs at law of .lames Kierson. deceased, plaint ill's, against X. V. U t> rt son, I'. K. Robertson. K. i Robertson, J. T. Robertson, L. A. Robertson and H. P. Robert son, heirs at law of P. W. Roln-rt son, deceased. defendants. Notice to all parties in above cause both residp-.ts and non-nHrfents. plaintiffs Mid defendants To the heirs. at Law of James Rierson and P. VV. Rol>ertson, narneii in the caption in the above entitled action: Take notice that, on the Ith day of January, I!U2, a proceed iiij/ was l»Tjun before t.he Clork • the Suj>erior Court of Stokes county. N. in which 1.. P. Cr.'Kan is plaintiff and William Snuth and others an-' defend ants, !•> which the parties there to cam title to and ask for a sale for partition of lot acre- o! i the lan Is set forth in the pieatl in.us in the case .»f W. W. Kin h r arid others ajjainst 7.. V. Rolen s' iii an I others ttltove named, and t at a! Spnn,, term. P.Mil. • : ih»* Si.,K»nor ' 'ourt of Stokes court-, in order was duly made by the pre-sidititf iudjre for notice t i i.-- i" all Ih li' Mrs at av\ ■ ' J.itnes 'wierst.(i, decease.l, and l ow. V\ lit. 1 "Itson. i V M-e.l. to api- r b"l'o;V the Cleri, t.f the Supi ; i i '.-i.r f of St ik. .s c« .i.t v at h.. '1 n m ', >aribur>, on or -v the lii st day Sept. l'M:2, a i>t : thi in-. I ve* p,al'l i' • t" the pl'.u' etlinu .'it tOl'e the t iel'k in \ ah 1. i' i . Mean is ; till' and Wiiiia; . Smith a ni > th eis tit'ft tnlants, and file aasA ■ I • I sai'! causi* iiii'l coi. tribute their pr rata share . : the •> • . -sai". expenses i.) tie l : .'iio'. '-ait! sitti. and in d ft th* | '"I t • be !■ rever barrt ■! • ; an;, ri;rlit. title, claim or demand or i i -."id in| acres of land. It i f s;iiii on It r. ii an hereby notified to c. m , ly with the terms and provis ions of same, ami that in defaiat thereof you will be forever bar red of ail rijrlit. title, iniert-a. 'claim or demand that you have in or to said in I acres of land. This the 10th day of Julv I'.Mi M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court Stokes county, N. C. i V w i>.oi.;>si.iith at Geraiuuton H ■ • iraared a - ■ I ■: 1 \ .ft ' , i ... i .... ... hot kit • at r.'ii • nab |.|V - ' K' ' ' : ' fA! :'.iu N'dtp'i: 1! • • ii'-i ... el mil ■ • ■ ■ • »•..• e>?a*« .f S. !. hi— •'!. fiotj •. i> '«• -r - bv i {.i .'ii ; . r-..n- !: . !m;. r clsii ■ i tints' -tat. t . ;i-. - sei ' ' ml th . Ii for i\ !!i,'!i' •;•:!; i ttetj, on HI '■ t 10th i:. . >: ■l'.l'. l!»l:i. or this n »tice v.ill Implead ed it. Itar of tlieir re Mvery. All pel's ~ indebt" Ito -ai i estate are r.-pectl'-.lly n i|ue>ted t' mak' i-atnediat payment. This th-Ist lay .f July l'.M2. U'M, 11. SLA'i'K. Admr. N. ' i' tree. Atf.. : r \dmr. M. I I I • »!" s \ I.( .i| ' U.I \ i'.!.l HI \. i \ I I |t\ . I't'i" > !••« re. : s tn- SU;h rl i iiiri .1 julv \ i lei-.- I a t V Si Ii !ij ■>i May. 1 '.i lint 'i" s;».|-i t. I 'r. „ !•... linif .•iitiile.l 1'11... \ i r l llln.* Cvn'Mt'.r • it' II • r .a*.. !.-■'•! . IJIVIII t S|,;,tii!,..\\ , r in.i t'l. r-.' ai'j" ' t a- tli>' iiif ler-iuai"*! i totn -1 luWct :.•■!' t-•' i »K• -.'lie >t t!»- . ireii liere'.ll if'.e? -iewl't' >••• I. I W'.ll - . at pilliiU iMet!• ill I • tin- Inulieft ! !.T Mpoll tile UTlllf *'t THE . TIE RE*! I'M I ' ! I i i-011-. .e.-.-ir....!, in st»ike- i. • • irll \. \ . . - iiur.la.\ .1 illy 1 a'i. f.'lu it t!ieli..'i!' ? i .ii.- • >Y|. xK [• 111. i very villaa'.i. ir.n t : 1 ili'l. Mn.: i l!»e A iter- .f "I t«'.\ 1 'f-i-K. i' Irt ly i:i st.,k- ■ oiiit.x aii'l ji irtly in Surry i.iillit' N ' i' i "t'ltlur l li* . 111 1- t l,e\ 1 \v .tl- a. 'I v\ II 'lilt. I S t•JI - ler til l itier- . nulna i u-re lll'.r.' •■!' ■ i r! '•• '.'l- tile..| |ll ltli,' J»I.'»• • - I la.* - i ***ll i r ;«i.• S;|i. 1 I i'l-l 'A '- - ■! ill til*'" r lieife ; 'l.*?'.*ri; 11 . , • ,:i.| >- . u li.ile ' !> • . .- ert t'.a -a ' t ' ■A.I> :.vM '. . •—t \ j.la I ..ft'.*-. '* • • : - *!| •) |t !- I ' ' t'l* • ■ te ll. .| ■ ■'. • - ■: I '• " : ,i ,-i ;i u t -1 lie | .n* i, 1 . I- r'• : II :. 11 *i. m 1111 i : i i i'l • iii it. r I|« ' - - ! ! : ;• . .1 .1 -i\ JcSS A BAD FOR HORN FT STINGS. I CURFS^'INNFY. *»r tt. S . c hfllu«». I'.'l N.C . writ**: I t» • I I. • j ! t*. I i* • *t For BURNS and BRUISES. I \!». W. V. Clifton. Uakwh. N.C.. v.r,( C s: I 25c 50r. $1 A bottle •• Drug SL G#n v 1 Stores D Cheap Lands 'I : - ct; ti . -. .•! ,! .1 • * r .i ' • i -O* - I* I * .. - .. . . n I. , . '• ops. liatne! . - I \ '*i*i i ■ I.'. 111. ' at ! fill' \\ * «-•; . v ■ : ■II| pr- I'IK • •. - • KIM- C"- - •! * ... tf ia i v •: ~ ! '« i." ')H'. . ' ' '. «'i ! .• 'I s - v )j«S I- - nt- i .1, . th.- ti. . • i -a:tie ..'.ir. W a. - .tt t t ! thr*. , .nd --.nietim s n.ak>* .''* oil ..ii t'l 11 r* . T! • • !•■*•• i l ** aut'. - that •• n :.!••{• ;.I" chenp i • i* •• i.'-'. i a 'it. C« IVt. Reaves, LORIS, SOUTH CAROLINA. BOYLES BROTHERS Largest Clolhiers in the Carolinas.... WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. AND REIDSVILLE. N. C. It Will Pay You to Visit My Store. New lot ut t Yiunterpanes at 75c. up. ; Nice I«ic (. urtains. -rfic. jiair up. Shoes, one. pair up for men. ladies and children. Hat.s, latest st\ I*.—, tor ladie.-. at very lowest prices, j SPKfIAI. i'e:-t i>omt*-;.cat 7 1 Jc. >ard. ! >ress /ICMIS and » •.;i- •j. .f a.I U-cripti.it.-, • ■ it .nd i'id •• t-.e .ourx h home in this JOHN A. BURTON Walnut Cove, N. C. i Harness. Lap Robes, Busies, Saddles, >\-'affoiis, l:tc. 1 ' j i Smoak & McCreary Winston-Salem, N. C. i \N hen in \N inslon on lousiness or ; rieiisurc. Call v'. I : O'HANION'S [)\>{\\ SiOICl:. i ll you aic m iv.ed» lan> ihing | in the t ? rug line, \hvaysthe largest slock ol diin ; Winston select from, j \!so the ui'Ciitc.'t . ssort mem of IM:kM I AU S. 1 Oil KTART IC LI;S. MAI kIHv IS H = l:S and biistle goods. O'HANLON'S Is the place to buy. Page 3