Page I THOMPSON'S NEW i DRUG STORE! 40 Years in Business The same po-ple in a New and m> re convenient Drug Store. The largest line of drugs and medicine it. the city. Come to see us when you come t Winston Thompson's Drug: Store, WINSTON-SALEM. N C. in 1 ' I*>t; | WHEN IN W INSTON lii: SIRE AND (iO TO | ii. rums DOVUIN PARLOR i (the » inesi in tmh sol th. hqupped | WITH AUTOMATIC SETTERS. SIMPLEX! (SPOT I l.iv'S VNI) I OOP I Ml-: I OOP SETTERS. J 'A , I I . I; FI LE'S I i. J § j BOW LING jpl If! PARLOR ;I | |—• j ■ ! '.ft > St. ttpji i ost. ncc j® | | J | Wi,-iston=Salem, l\. C. | IT | 0 -nanrr -rami i --rwr" IhOTEL NEIL! | Mr. ii d Mrs. A. C. HILL. Prop's. | V\ iien in Winston Stop at the I NLIL HOTEL, (iood Fare, 1 an J Nice. Clean Rooms | NEIL HOTEL t I LitlKlrrV STItEET. WIXSTi i.N-SAI.KM. N I HAR\ E S S | J. ,W SMS RLE vi i t HIN a S ILi (A l)] 2 j i.»oN' U ill.ii.t* tiiri-r L>r i \\»•: t\ Six War* J o. Ma IS ; nil I ten let in Lat> Kohes, Horse I !•- \\ ! >s. I tf-v !l;.rn> -s (>Ls, etf | I St ;■ . »e • .I. j]. ' ■-». mh :f the Gray Hcrse [rade St., WINSTON, ff c.! 1 ' 0K ! different Clothes 2 $ 2 - Vf>l "« "AN 'ii-rr sn» scits in ANY • • i 1 i-'»TI!IN«, STOIiK IN THK S'IATK j # A A l ' \Vl]t'j|*ji I n»tT '■ . V " ,J want Good. Pure Win I ! > /-/Mfc t ''.' ' ailored Suits tb«>> an- har.l j 5 • i *' j/ | j j'" r iij"iv than >ix nn.nths, taking ir.i- / \ (| s9.7sjH-F j A I lif if/ then-,. (lood boys' suits, at Si.4B, ■ TjSffiv 2 IE rn 51.1)5. 82 50, $2.95, and $3.50. All ■? a' f iff/ wool suits $4. $5. $6, $7.50 and up. W €> X Other men's suitssB.6o, $12.50, 815, M J* A i; mJL. frm a siithc[i " *•'■* n ' c ' i w 4th St., next to Thompson's Drug Store. A fBE DANECRA KEl'OkTkk \\ ALM T CO\ E NEW S. I >c'!.n i Gives I Ldlow c'cti Panv--\ uriou- Now s ! Items and Personal- Walnut Cove. Nov. 5. —The faculty and students of the High School pave a very enjoy able Hallowe'en party ar.d en tertainment last Thursday even ing at the Junior Hall. The hall was beautifully decorated iin National Bunting, Autumn leaves and Hallowe'en decora tions. A large crowd was present and all seemed to be well pleased with the entertain ment. Delightful refreshments were served after the entertain -1 men t. Hon. S. P. Graves addressed the people of Stokes county here last Wednesday night to a large attentive ani appreciative au dience of ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Jacob Fulton is improv ing some, we are glad to note. Mr. W. S. Vaughn has been real sick for the last week with i grin; e. Dr. and Mrs. 11. G. Tattle spent the da> last Thursday in Madison. Mrs. M. Freeman, of Greensboro, was in town last week. Miss Annie Kate Jones is spending seme time with her sister. Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Liberty. N. C. Miss Life Earner returned Friday night afnr - ending severa. ilay- wit!; horn telks at it'.at i\e. \ ... Mr. Billy Smith, of Mi/.pah. i : - am-; h«; a pesjt.a n a- elera with Mr. Jh: A. Burtoi We ait glad ; la e nice young nitn like Mr. Smith wit! is. Mr. J. J. A lams, of Winston- It*. \Y; - ? I- All i'lSt ' t t K. Capt. L 1 Win.— t"ieSa!em. "A:.- it; to'.'.: U.St wee., ..11 busii ••-- Mis-ts I.ii (iiiis..: and Mar;. Matt'aev >. ■ : Genr.anton. war. in tow a Thur-dav en re., te to Winston-Salon t«• at tei ! th pUn "Ti.- I'ini, Lady." which was plav. .1 th r" that night. Mr. /.eh Hitting, of Kara! Hall, was in town last Thursday •:i business. Rev. Dr. Sir.itb filled hi- reg ular ai point met r at the Bap tist vl .na Si.r.iia;. ntor: ing at 1 at nigh*. Mrs. C. M. Jones, of Ban bur; . was in town last week. Miss I.i lie Wheeler returned to Gr.en-b. R.i Female College Tuesday after spending a few days at home. Mr. Whitaker, traveling sales man for Vaughn A: Crutchfield Co.. of Winston-Salem, was in town Friday. Mr. Odell Jones, of Dan bury, spent Saturday night and Sun day in town. Mr. T. P. Fulton, of Winston, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Mrs. W. G. Dodsoii spent a few days last week in Pilot Mt. visiting relatives Miss Salome Fair went to Madison List Thursday shopping. MissTatum, of Mavodan, was in town Monday on lvr way to Miailows. Si e is ti • • assistant teacher in the M. ao ws public school Mr. Strayhorn returned to l.i liome at Ittu'lv in S .• day night alter -pending a la'. -in town. Mr. Jo! p, ,'iev Jr , w -"i' to W iii.-!; i Su d i\. ivt .riling M >n da>. L>r. V. aiter Neal. i f Mead >\vs, was in town Monday. Little Mis? Llb.aheth Bailey has gone to High Point where ■ sin v ill enter the graded school for the remainder of the school term. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mo- Ray. of Winston, were in town last week. Misses Nell Petree. Jessie and and Eva Vaughn returned to their respective schools after spendiag Saturday and Sunday in town with home folks. Mr. W. H. Reid. of Pilot Mt.. sjient a few hours in town Sun day with his sister. Miss Jennie Reid. items From ling. King. Nov. 5. Mr. Abram Newsom. of Rural Hall Route 'l. died Sunday night witn paralysis. as buried at Antioch Tuesday, at 11 «> clock Robert Pulp, once a resident of King, died in the hospital at G inston of epelepsv. and was buried at King Baptist church, i uesday. 11 o'clock. Mrs. G. W. Thomas win return to the Junior hospital Wednes day. Nov. Sth. Mrs. Thomas was in the hospital there one year ago and went through an operation. a:i 1 it seem >d rh it she would be well ami strong, but since the la-t few montns she has graduaiiy grown worse !>e ing completely c >n!ined to her bed. She has again given up t" : another op ratio i. Her many > friends ami relatives extend their -ym amv toward her. . Mr. Il« i.r> Newsom. son of : t litis. New- ig.. i a juiisi' coii" I taining S.*>7 Friday. 11 • thin ts i lie lei! : . g ... the counter i:. : Stole..- Sue. y ('• -lure. Not mi--i g:• u : Fri !,. : i mt. h" 17. - *... " . Js ;.. m ■.&*k\-*t?'akizmv±%w,xvse-zr r- r srt : AXM..* \ Shoes That Satisfy j I rswi HSS-3 [wtSFCKi J r3e/l Co. nc Looking for a satisfactory shoe? Want a neat and stylish? We have it in the Craddock, Craddock Special and the Craddock Bench Made, from the celebrated LON'GWEAR line, ranging in price from $3.50 to $5.00 | --positively the best shoes in this country for the money. LONG WEAR shoes are quality throughout—quality in material and workmanship; quality in fit and comfort; quality in style and service. Compare these shoes with any other shoes on the market, and your good judgment will induce you to try them—try them once and you wili never wear any other make. LONGWEAR SHOES WEAR LONG ER—get them from Boyles Mercantile Company KING, N. C. FINE DRESS GOODS AND SHOES. NOTICE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE LOTS Walnut Cove, N. C. ■v. NOVEMBER % 191? Beginning at l:9Do'ckck p. m. 20 Valuable Town Lots 20 1 best* lots are located in the most desirable residential section of Walnut Cove and are fast increasing in value. Any one de siring good town lots for homes or investment will do well to attend this sale. These lots will be sold to tiie highest and last bidder. Now is the time to buy lots for homes and investment. Terms: 1-2 cash, balance in three equal installments payable 12 and IS months with ♦> per cent interest until paid. Oon't forget to the date. Southern Real Estate & Investment Company. „ being then in Winston-Salem, the sentiment is that it was lost in G inston or on the way. Boys, you had better deposit your sav ings in the bank. Rev. L W. Turner filled his regular appointment at King Baptist church Saturdav and Sunday, prea "King an »-\ee!lenc sermon. S 1 Keig r.v Si i 'n' - . ,ing a rushing imsine-- i.i t'e -ir new s; u"e Tii«* ien nuintv con gratulates them on their ueat n- - Tin-interior of the store s i iv.'- up nieoK with their glass front and e -m mt tloor. LEE. NOTICE. 1 will sell on Saturday, Novem ber 1912. to the highest bidder, two mules, one two horse wagon and harness, one buggy, one mowing machine, and all of my farming tools, sueh as plows, hoes and a lot of other things. Also several head of cattle, some corn, fodder, shucks, tops and hay and one good set of tobacco flues. Terms of sale—cash. MUS. CI 1.1.1 K COVINCTON. Miss -let'ie Moreiield has re turned 11• her h;»ni" '>n Sandy U. lge il i.i: • i after spending some tim • i i