Page Farmers' and Gorrcll's Warehouses WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA. We have the pleasure of announcing to our friends that we have leased the Leader Warehouse for a long: term of years, and will operate it under the name of (lorreli's Warehouse. We will run this warehouse g in connection with Farmers' Warehouse, giving you first sale every day, and Bob and Pete Gorrell on each sale to ; ;: t'i at you get the ighest Price for every pile of your tobacco. We also have two of the finest Auctioneers in th e world, Lee opper and 0. C. Currin, and this with our knowledge of tobacco and the 1 warehouse business, assures you of getting the most money for your tobacco. Sell your tobacco at Farmers' and Qorrell's. Everybody is doing it. Your friends, GORRELL BROS. First sale days for October at Farmers' Warehouse-'Tuesdays. I hursdays arid Saturdays. First sale days for October at Qorrell's Warehouse--Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. i cx-ac.x:AJsr.onHHam*sstahUfr.&Hrxx&K£££%»■£*■> MONEY 111 THE HOUSE M.ikuij l , \ our \i I iome Is Foolish Hid Dangerous IOOK Oil. FHII NFS I hoy May Deprive ' >u in a liny or Niicht of Your Life's Sii\ inffs. There is no feeling which will bring greater comfort to the family than to know that there is a good snug sum in the hank, drawing interest day and night, and available for use instantly in case the need should arise. In a good many instances, whole families keep their savings with us father, mother, and all the children each regularly placing a sum to their individual accounts, and systematically adding to it. Nothing will give the children more valuable ideas of business anil economy than to educate I $9.90 NINE NINETY $9.90 ——i——Mf'll ill—ll IMI1III" I > itKMtlTi BMHMHMMnHMHBHBHa Mr. Clothing Buyer: J We want to tell you about our big fall (stock of suits, overcoats, shoes, hats and ( furnishings for men and boys. 1 Hundreds of people have already taken ( advantage of our special values in our 1 I strictly all=wool worsted suits, strictly 1 } JHIH tailor made and are now on sale at Wins- I JHB ton-Salem and Reidsville, N. C., for I i W 1 The very next chance you have to visit either of our 1 I stores call in and ask us to show you what values we ff I are offering in all lines. I I Winston=Salem. Boyles Brothers Co. Reidsvme. I 1 - v them to put their money in the r ank. The most foolish tiling in the world is to spend all you make, and the next most foolish practice, is to try to keep your money in the house, which one both dangerous. Fire, thieves, or other accident may deprive you in a day or night of your life's work. Sometimes the thieves try to cover their tracks with murder and fire. The papers are full of just such hap penings. The place to keep money is in the bank, and be sides being safe there, it is bring ing in interest all the time. We receive any amount on deposit, and pay interest at the rate of four percent., compound ed everv three months. I'.AN'k OF STOKKS COUNTY. Danbury or Walnut Cove. Verily, it is not deep words that make a man holy and up right: it is a good life which makes a man dear to God. • Imita tion of Christ. THE DANBURY REPORTER OUR ROLL OF HONOR Rsnen! Paid-ln-Advancs Sub scriptions in the Reporter. Tile following .vom lemen have pai l their Mibscri recently in advance, and til" Reporter has placed !hem itr- li• •II of Honor : C. M. .lones, ■ March 17. .1. K. i\irby, t» 1 u. 1. P.lP>. John . Thore to 1.-t, Jii. mi:'.. Mrs. A. I'. F ird.s. to .lulv 21. D. I'. I'M ward to April ISM:'.. Wade 11. llovle- in ii>c. Is, l;»112. .1. W. Mab«\ to |» r. K l;ili_». F. M. Smith, to JuneS. Win. V. \\'«k)«l, to iMav W . A. .lessup, to Feb. I, I!) 1J», Wallace Webster, to .lulv 1, P'l:! .1. T. Kallam, to Nov. !. lPl.'l. •las. T. Vaden. i » Fee. P.tpJ. Qiiarlerly Conference At Caubiiry Nov. 15. The lil'th i tuai lerly Conference for I'anbury • 'ircuit of the M. F. church will 'ee IK Id at Danbury Methodist church on Friday, Nov. l.i. Presiding !■-Ll«• t" 11. M. Taylor, Mt. Airy, will be in at tendance. The annual conference of the M. F. church convenes at High Point on Nov. liOtli. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mnbe visited Danbury Moudav. ! BAPTISING SUNDAY. - 1 Services At Pincy Grove Baptist Church Largely Attended. Sunday was the regular month ly appointment for services at Piney Grove Baptist church but probably the largest audience for . quite a while was in attendance ;on the services. This was caused by the baptising which was held at Clemmons Old Forge on Dan river, near the church, when Flder J. A. Ashburn baptised •Mrs. William Vaden, Mrs. Rufus Law son, and Mr. Robert F. Mielton, each becomi ig a mem ber of the Baptist church. Flders Ashburn and Tucker each preached after the services at the river. Mr. Fd Smith of Campbell was i here Monday. He is one of the I most skillful horse-traders of the j northern part of the county. Mrs.CJ. Hill's Mother Stricken With Paralysis. Mrs. Keaton, of Vade Mecum, who is the mother of Mrs. G. A. Hill, of Danbury, was recently stricken with paralysis, and is in a serious condition, though she is much improved now. The Karalysis affected one side and er voice. She has been attend ed by Mrn. Hill for several days. I "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My children were all sick with whooping cough. One of them was in lied, had a high fever and was cough ing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and the first dose eased them, and three bottles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Donald son, of I.rexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers.