DANBURY REPORTER " VOLUME XL. JOHN t DAVIS Passed Awav At His Home In Winston-Salem Sat urday. WALNUT COVE NEWS Many People Returning home To Spend the Holidays —Various Other News Items. Walnut Cove, Dec. 23. —Mr. j John W. Davis passed away at i his home on East Fifth street, Winston-Salem, last Saturday at 11:30 a. m., aged 72 years. Mr. Davis had been in declining I health several months prior to his death. The remains were brought here on the 2:35 train Sunday p. m., interment being* made in the Salem Chapel bury ing ground. Mr. Davis moved to Winston about a year ago from Walnut Cove. He was a highly respected citizen, and was a Con federate veteran, having served through the Civil war with dis tinction. He is survived by three sons, Messrs. R. W„ G. W. and C. L. Davis, of Winston, and three daughters, Mrs. C. T. Willis, of Winston, Mrs. Bertha Fulp, of Stokesdale, and Miss Bessie Davis, of Winston. Mr. Davis had many friends in Stokes, who will be sorry to learn of his death. Mr. Wesley Dodson has been 1 sick for the past few days with j grip, we are sorry to note. Misses Claude and Stella Rier son went to Winston-Salem Fri- ] day shopping. Miss Dora Abernathy went to I, Winston Saturday and from there she will go to Raleigh to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Bowles ' and Miss Dolly Fair went to j Winston-Salem last Thursday, j, Mr. Charlie Tise, of Winston, ' j was in town a few hours Sun- • day. Miss Nellie Sheppard went to 1 Kendall, N. C., to spend the | holidays with her home folks. ; Miss Bessie Morefield, who has been attending school here, has ( gone to her home on Sandy Ridge Route 1 to spend Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield. ' Misses Maybelle and Jessie, Vaughn went to Winston-Salem Saturday, returning Sunday. Miss Eva Vaughn, who has been teaching near Germanton. is at her home north of town to j spend the next two weeks with * her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. f Vaughn. j ( Mr. Bob Martin, of Winston-! Salem , is spending the week in s town. j h Mr. Beverly Jones, who has been to Richmond, Va., attending a ( fc business college, came in Satur- > v Deposits Hfire's Von INCREASE OF BUSINESS V LLTICS VY IDLLLUG IUU OVER THIS DATE ONE $189,896.56 YEAR AGO: A Merry Christmas and a Happy 100 PER CENT and Prosperous New Year. YOUR FRIENDS, The Bank of .Stokes County President. DANBURY-WALNUT COVE. Vlce-Pres. I N, E. PEPPER, • o. N. PETREE, Cashier at Danbury. Cashier at Walnut Cove. ———————_________________ day night to spend th? Christ , mas holidays. ' Mr. Pinnix Bailey, of Winston, j spent the day in town Sunday. Lots of nice,porkers have been butchered here in the last few weeks, Mr. E. James having had three killed Saturday that tipped 1 the scales at 47>, 453 and42s lbs, , and there has been lots of other ' hogs killed here equally as good as the ones mentioned. ■ Miss Sallie Wheeler, who has ' been in school at G. F. College at Greensboro, came in Thursday night to spend the Christmas ; holidays with home folks at Stokesburg. Miss Jessie Vaughn, who is ; teaching at. Fulp, is expected home this p. m, to spend Christ inns with home folks. Mr. Tom Petree went to Wins- I ton-Salem Saturday, i Mrs. Charlie Wail, of Pine Hall, spent the night Friday with Miss Rhoda Adams, leaving on the early train Saturday morn ing for Winston-Salem. Miss Bettie Woodruff, a stud ent at the State Normal College at Greensboro, came in Friday night to be in town with home folks during the holidays. Miss Nellie Petree, who has been teaching, is at home for a while during Christmas. Mr. J. Spot Taylor, of Dan bury, was in town Saturday. Messrs. John C. Bailey, Jr., Carl Joyce and Jacob Fulton I spent the night Friday in Wins-, I ton. Mr. Flippin, of Mt. Airy, spent; a few days last week in town ; with Mr. Jacob Fulton. Mr. Numa Vaughn, of Wins- t | ton-Salem, is expected home Tuesday to spend a few days. | Mrs. W, S. Vaughn and son, i Wyat.t, went to Mt. Airy Sunday night to spend a few days with ■ friends and relatives. Mr. Marvin Scales, of Madison, has been at the bedside of his ; brother, Charlie, who has been seriously ill for the last few days. | Rev. J. H. Brendall filled his regular appointments at Stokes- j burg Sunday morning and night.! Miss Maude McGeehee, a stud-1 ent at Salem College, was in j, town a few hours Friday enroute ! ' to her home at Germanton. i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis went to Winston-Salem Friday j to do their holiday shopping. ling Route 2. j King Route 2, Dec. 23. Our j ] people are killing porkers and i otherwise preparing for the Christmas holidays. Mr. Wade H. Boyles has been , ] slightly ill for a few days. Hope he will soon be well again. j 1 Mrs. R. G. Gentry, who has !* been right sick, is improving, I e we are glad to know. ! ( DANBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 25, 1912. CHRISTMAS BELLES I Follow Nineteen [Blushing i Beaux To the Matrimo nial Altar. OLD-TIME CHRISTMAS Prosperity Produces Plenty of Weddings Fitting Close To a Year Of (iood Times On the Plantations. It is quite aprop >s th it a year I of prosperity unprecedented should end like this -a typical old time Christmas, nuchas our fath ers used to know. The crib is full of corn, and the wood-shed ipacked high with oak, hickory and pine. Pork in the smoke- j house, flour in the bin, and money ! in the bank while across the* j ; snow -banked landscape comes! the music of the merrv, happy; Christmas wedding hells. ! Since the last i>- 1 • of the Re-! porter Registi r Deeds Moie-, | field has issu in irriage licenses ' as follows: Walter Abbott, aged 21, to| I Lizzie Stephens, aged I>, J. H. Bullen, 25, to Josie Nel- j son, 23. John Crim, 20, to Ada Flinn, 24. John G. Dunlap, 35, to Mil dred E. Ward, 24. Nat Davis, 38, to Kate Cona ; way, 19. J. H. Keaton, 27, to Trudie M. ; Hall, IG. G. E. Harvey, 20, to Louisa E. i Conrad, 23. i Frank Johnson, 20, to Gracie ■ Williams, 21. Jesse Joyce, 20, to Maggie ' Gunter, 20. Will Peobles, 20, to Fannie 1 Young, 19. ' Thos. J. Rierson, 24, to Louise! E. Smith, 21. Earny Richardson, 32, to Cary . Freeman, 27. Dewitt 0 Slate, 20, to Mamie E. Gravitt, 20. j' Fred L. Smith, 22, to Annie E. ' Mounce. L. A. Wilkins, 23, to Sudie Sisk, 18. Charley Yates, 22, to Rosa Wilkins. 24. COLOUED. j Marshall Joyce, 21, to Savan nah Price, 15. '• Wm. L. Mitchell, 19, to Sallie Bell Hairston, 19. M. S. Davis, 32, to Birdie Moore, 17. I "I was suffering with liver 1 complaint," says Ivo Smith of, ( Point Blank, Texas, "and decid- £ ed to try a 25c box of Chamber- c lain's Tablets, and am happy to g say that I am completely cured j and can recommend them to every one." For sale by all dealers. e 111 FINE CONDITION Excellent Reports Submitted At Meeting of Stock holders of Quickstep Telephone Co. OFFICERS ELECTED ! \ | All Indebtedness Of Company Is 1 Paid and Nice Snip Placed In ] Treasury. King. Dec. 23.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Quickstep Telephone Co. was held iri the Tabernacle here Saturday, the 21st, about one j hundred stockholders in thecom ■ pany being present and repres- Jenting a majority of the stock. The reports submitted at the; I meeting show that the company ; is now in good condition, all the ! indebtedness having been paid off and a nice little sum placed | ' in the treasury. The old officers were re-elect-' |ed by acclamation, and were commended for the excellent management of the affairs of 1 the company. The officers of the company are : D, F. Tillotson, President:' J. E. Wilson, Secretary and i Treasurer: J. S. D. Pulliam, ! P. P. Johnson, Wade H. Boyles, 1 D. F. Tillotson and John Mickey, J directors 11 Siaarl, Va. !' Stuart, Va., Route 2, Dec. 16. 1 - Quite a large crowd attended t Sunday School at Gray's school' 1 house Sunday. jt Miss Dora Rorer spent Satur- ( 3 day night and Sunday with Mr.; I and Mrs. A. W. Williams, and 1 was accompanied home by Mr. jr H. W. Shockley. I i Mr. Hazel Tilley calls over in c Virginia right often. I f Mrs. Witt Rogers is spending v several days with her parents, ii Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rogers. Guess the wedding bells will h ring over at Mr. C. C. Watkins' a about Christmas, as Mr. Sandy 1 d Newman seems to be a frequent li caller. 1 1 Miss Georgia Nowlin is expect- s ed home this week after spend- 8 ing several weeks with relatives at High Point. C Mrs. Abe Martin spent several days the past week with home folks. SQUIRRELL. j j Messrs. Geo. W. Smith and William N. Houchins, two good citizens of Yadkin township, spent Sunday night ami a part of Monday here attending to p some business matters. The parcels post law goes into effect January Ist. v J HEARING SATURDAY. Martin Negroes Arrigned Be fore N. A. Martin, J. P., Charged With the Killing Of Johns Tatum. The Martinjnegroes, Baz and Henry, together with their fa ther, Richard Martin, weregiven a preliminary hearing here Sat urday before Justice of the Peace N. A. Martin on the charpe of killing Johns Tatum. Henry Martin was admitted to bail in the sum of $ , which ! he failed to give, but it is thought' he will arrange it this week, be-1 ing meanwhile returned to jail, j Ba/. Martin was refused bond, and remanded to jail. Baz and Henry will be tried at the next term of Superior Court. Richard Martin, father of the two boys, was tried for complicity in the murder, but was acquitted. It was the general opinion of , those who heard the evidence that the case will not be as ! strong against the negroes as I : had been first thought. Stokes Man Writes From New fork State.' Oswego, N. Y., Dec. 20. Dear Reporter: J As I have read many letters in I your paper of which I am a con ' stant reader, I will ask you to accomodate me with a small space j in the Danbury Reporter for a small letter, letting my friends j know in Stokes county that al- 1 though I am many miles from j them, I have not forgotten j them. I was out West for three years and stricking it pretty j lucky came farther East to New j York, where I am now making my home at Oswego, N. Y. It j is a fine place here but oh! how i cold. We have had about four I feet of snow so far and by the J way the sky looks today there j is more coming. I am in the best of health and hope my friends are all the same 1 and I sincerely hope that some ] day I will return to North Caro- lina. I was born at Meadows, ' N. C., making it my home for I several years until I left in 1909, ' going west to Utah. '■ Wishing you all a most merry Christmas and a happy New Year. GUESS WHO. Christmas Tree At Sandy Ridge There will be a Christmas; tree and entertainment at Sandy j Ridge M. E. church tonight, I Dec. 24th. Deputy Sheriff J. J. Priddy ! visited Danbury Saturday. No. 2,020 ATTEMPTED ROBBERY Daring Affair Near Vade Mecum One Day Last Week Alarms Country. J. H. KEATON'S HOME Visited Late In Evening By A St>an:rer Who Made Effort to Find Mr. Keaton's Money Cries of (iirl Scar.'d Would be-Robber Away. The people of the Vade Mecum section are excited and alarmed over a daring attempt at robbery one evening last week. A strange man, described as tall and slim, with a dark mole or scar . on his cheek and wearing over alls, visited the home of John IH. Keaton about dusk, and | endeavored to secure a sum of money which Mr. Keaton was | known to be keeping in the | house. There was no one at I home at the time except a small J girl and Mrs. Keaton, who is j Mr. Keaton's aged mother and who is lying almost helpless from a recent stroke of paralysis. Advancing toward the child, who was eating supper, the stranger seized a hot cup of cof fee and dashed it in her face and at this same time bitterly cursing 'the child and demanding the [whereabouts of Mr. Keaton's 1 money, threatening if he did | not get it atonc9 he would choke : her to death. The child was greatly frightened, and told the j intruder that the money was kept in an adoining room. Hp went in and began the search, but was soon scared away by the approach of Mr. Keaton, who happened to return at that time. The incident has frightened all the good citizens of the Vade Mecum country, who have re cently received goodly sums of money for their tobacco. Many of them have been keeping their money hidden away at home, but on the day following several left for the bank where their savings were safely placed and where robbers and fire cannot reach them. Marriage at Vade Mecum. Mr. Henry Keaton and Miss Trudie Hall were married last Friday at the home of the bride'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hall. Esquire J. R. P. East per formed the ceremony. The Winston tobacco ware houses closed for the holidays on Friday, 20th. They will not re open until Monday, Jan. 6, 1913.