DANBURY REPORTER" VOLUME XL. DECIDED ON DODOS Enthusiastic Good Roads Meeting At Court House Saturday. MR. VARNER'S ADDRESS Much Enjoyed By tDie Audience Bill to Be Drawn Nsxt Satur day and Submitted to the Voters County Good Roads Association Formed. The good roads meeting at the court house Saturday was a great success. Every township in the ( county was largely represented, . and the meeting voted unani- i mously looking to immediate', action toward issuing bonds in, the sum of sooo,ooo for building modern sand-clay roads. Hon. H. B. Varner. of Lex ington, President of the North Carolina Good Roads As- 1 sociation, was present and de-! livered an interesting address which was closely listened to by the audience. Mr. Varner, who is editor cf Southern Good Roads Magazine, and Vice-President of the Appalachian Good Roads Association, is a red-hot good roads man. He congratulated the people of Stokes on their de termination to build roads, and complimented our county highly for its fine natural advantages and excellent citizenry. But he declared that the Dan bury-Wal nut Cove road was the worst road he had ever seen, although he had visited every county in the State, every State in the Union and part of Canada. Mr. Varner explained that the sand-clay or top soil was the best road, and could be built at a cost of not over 81,000 per mile on the average, this including the grading. Before Mr. Varner left he pinned a good roads but ton on everybody's coat, and organized a good roads associa tion for the county. Below will be found a detailed write-up of the meeting, by Secretary Kurfees : Pursuant to a call issued by Dr. J. W. Neal and Ex-Sheriff C. M. Jones, a mass meeting of the citizens of Stokes county was held in the court house in Dan bury on Saturday, Jan. 11, 1913. The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock a. m. bv Mr. R. L. Nunn, of Quaker Gap township. A permanent organization was effected by electing R. L. Nunn as chairman and J no. W. Kur fees as secretary. Enthusiastic speeches were made in the inter est of good roads by Messrs. I. G. Ross, George Lewis, D. F. Tillotson, J. Spot Taylor, H. M. Joyce, Henry Reid, J. Walter Fowler, Jno. W. Kurfees, N. 0. Petree, R. L. Nunn, J. J. Priddy, and others. Upon investigation it was found that every township in the county was represented. The meeting was indeed an enthus iastic one, and practically har monious throughout. About the only question precipitating a dis cussion was whether the county as a whole should undertake the building ol" roads, or whether it should be done separately by townships. Mr. George Lewis made a motion that we under take the matter by townships. The motion carried by an over whelming majority. At this juncture Mr. Nunn, after calling Mr. I. G. Ross to the chair, took the floor and made a motion that the chair appoint a committee consisting of one representative citizen lrom each township to meet in the office of N. 0. Petree during the noon hour to decide upon the amount of bonds which should be voted upon by each township. Personnel of committee wafas Ifollows: Yadkin township, D. F. Tillot son; Meadows township, I. G. Ross; Danbury township, N. E. Pepper; Quaker Gap township, R. L. Nunn, Snow Creek town ship, R. H. Priddy; Peters' Creek township, H. 11. Reid;' Sauratown township, H. G. Tut tle; Beaver Island township, Zeb V. Martin. At two o'clock in the after noon the meeting was treated to a very able, enthusiastic and practical address by Hon. H. B. Varner, of Lexington, N, C. His speech was enjoyed to the full by every one present, and many valuable lessons were learned, j A resolution was passed extend- j iiig the thanks of our meeting to j 1 Mr. Varner for his kindness in ] \ coming to address us. and we | ! hope to have him again. At the i 'close of the address our meeting: i was again called to order, and the report of committee read and ! approved. Report was as fol lows : Amount of bonds to be voted upon by each township: Sauratown township, £50,000 j j Quaker Gap " 50,000] Beaver Island " 25,000 1 Yadkin " su' 00 Meadows " -H ; Peters' Creek " 35,000 Snow Creek " 35,0i1) Danbury " 25,000 i Through the kindness of N. O. I Petree, Esq.. the present statute bearing upon road elections in ! Stokes county was read and ex i plained, and some suggestions | offered by him relative to draft ing a new bill or amending the old so as to apply to present i needs. It was agreed that Mr. Petree be appointed to draft such bill as would be suitable and at his suggestion the chair appoint ed the following committee, one member from each township, to meet with Mr. Petree in his office in Danbury on Saturday, Jan. 18, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of drafting such bill as may be necessary. It was agreed upon unanimously that said bill should be so drawn that it will require the county com missioners to call an election in each township in county on same day, and to do so without peti tion. It was further agreed that no new registration be required I and that a majority of the votes cast in any township would be decisive either for or against bond issue. Personnel of committee to assist Mr. Petree in drafting bill is as follows: Messrs. R. L. Nunn, Eugene Pepper, D. F. i Tillotson, Z. V. Martin, H- G. j Tuttle, R. H. Priddy, H. H. Reid, ' and J. Walter Fowler, | The above committee was in- I structed to take any other rep | resentative citizen or citizens I with them from their respective townships if they wished, adher- I ing to the doctrine that "in the I multitude of counsel there is safety." A resolution was adopted asking our representa tive in the General Assembly and our State Senator to use their best efforts to get State aid for , public roads and to urge the : General Assembly to use its in j fluence to get Congress to give us national aid for the same. • At the earnest request of Mr. H. B. Varner a good roads asso ciation was organized with the following officers elected: i President, Jno. vV. Kurfees, Germanton; Vice-President, I. G. Ross, Walnut Cove Route 1; ; Secretary, Eugene Pepper, Dan bury. ! GOOD ROADS COMMITTEE. J. M. Hill, Germanton; li. L. Nunn, West field: D. F. Tillotson, iKing; H. G. Tuttle, Walnut Cove; Z V. Martin, Madison Route 3; 11. H. Keid, Danbury Route 1; li. H. Priddy. Sandy Ridge Route 1; J. Spot Taylor, Danbury. i There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned sub i ject to call by the president uf i the Good Roads Association. R. L. NUNN, Chm. | JNO. W. KURFEES. Sec. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take. It contains no i opium or other narcotic. It al | ways cures. For sale by nil • dealers. DANBURY, N. C., JANUARY 15, 1913. WALNUT COVE DEWS Another Delightful Dance Participated In By the Young Folks. MRS. JIM NEAL DIES Third Member Of Family Dies With Typhoid Personals of Interest. Walnut Cove, Jan. 14.—The most enjoyable social function of the New Year was the delight j ful dance at the home of Mr. land Mrs. Nut liedgtcock last I Monday evening. Among those I that enjoyed the hospitality of I Mr. and Mrs. Hcdgecock were | Misses Claude liierson, Mary | Martin, Rhoda Adams, Maybelle | and Jessie Vaugr. i, Dora Aber nethy, S idie and Mary Pringle: Messrs. Nuinu, and llo.v ; Vaughn, (.) k!l Jones, .lacob j Fulton, Min:iish Whaler, .J. H. Roberson, of Winston-Salem: i Mr. and Mrs. Ii >'■ i Mr. and Mrs s R. Yoss, I Mr. and Mr. Bennett, I Messrs. To" Petree, John 'Bailey, Jr., a>j C. Bailey. li n. H. B. Varner, of Lex 'ington, N. C., addressed the j citizen-} of Walnut Cove on the | subject of Good 1 toads at the Junior Hall last Saturday even- I ing at 7 o'clock to a large crowd. Mrs. Jim Neal died at her home on Walnut Cove Route 55, Jan. S, with typhoid fever. jThe deceased leaves a husband i and a small child besides friends | and relatives to mourn their loss. Mrs. Neal is the third member of her family to die with typhoid fever since last November. Her mother, Mrs. Harrison and brother, John Harri son, preceded her to the better world some weeks ago. Mr. Lester Morefield was in town last week on his way to Winston-Salem. Mrs. John G. Fulton and Mrs. James R. Voss went to Wins ton-Salem last week shoeing, j Mr. Sam Heath, of Winston | Salem, was in town last week | on business. Air. Frank Dunklee, of Wins ton-Salem, was in town last ; Friday. Misses Myrtle Samuel and • Mable Petree went to Madison last week to have some dental ; work done. ! Mrs. John Neal was in town last week after spending several days at Madison visiting rel atives. She was en route to her home at Meadows. Mr. Sam Rierson, of Winston- Salem, returned home last week after spending several days with his aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Adams, north of town. Mr. Numa Vaughn returned to Winston-Salem last Thursday. Mr. W. D. Bennett, who has been ill for the last week, is very much improved, we are glad to note. Mr. Joel Hill, of Arcadia, is | spending several days in town las the guest of his sister, Mrs. 111. L. Murphy. j Mr. Lonnie Doggett, of Sum ' merfield, was in town last week ! for a few days. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis have , returned, after spending tho month of December in Florida. Mr. Ben CaHill, of WJnston ; Salem, was in town last Thurs day in his automobile. He was cm route to Madison Mrs Wyatt Fulton, of B dews • Creek, is spending the week in i town with relatives. The infant daughter of Mr. land Mrs. D. S. Boyles Iris been real sick with chicken p )x. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voss ■ went to Winston Saturday night to attend the "Rosary" ; that was played there. Mr. R. L. Murphy and son, ißobert, went to Winston-Salem Saturday. Miss Winfred Tatum, who has been teaching at Meadows, was in town Monday enroute to her home at Mayodan. Her school is closed for the next three weaks on account of , measles. i Miss Maggie Roberson return ed after spending a few days at Dalton. Miss Stella Rierson spent the MR. VARNER AT COVE | Makes Strong Speech For Good Roads At Informal Meeting. MUCH ENTHUSIASM Sauratown Towship Good Roads I and Agricultural Association Is Formed. Walnut Cove, Jan. 11.— H. B. I Varner of Lexington, oqe of the! leading good roads disciples ot ! ! North Carolina, made a master ful speech at an informal meet-: ' ing here tonight and so much enthusiasm did his speech create , j that within a few minutes after 1 jits close the Sauratown Town- j j ship Good Roads and Agricultur al Association had been formed, with (.apt. K. L. Murphy presi dent ami Mr. O. N. Petree secretary and treasurer, and nearly a hundred dollars had i been raised to oifer in prizes for those making the best showing ;: in corn growing, j The association will also act as a board of trade l'or Walnut ; Cove and the township, ij The engagement for Mr. j Varner to speak was made only this morning. He'passed through • here on his way to Danbury to till • an engagement of Dr. Joseph • Hyde Pratt, and was prevailed ■ upon to speak here tonight. De . i spite the lact that but little time r was allowed for advertising ,' the meeting, there was a large . attendance, and no more enthus- I iastic meeting has been held • here. [QUAKER GAP NEWS. > i II Death Ar Brim---Robbery At Wcs: field. M Brim, .Tan. 11. Giles, the ! son of Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. i Hundley, died Saturday and was ) buried at the Albion grave yard I Sunday afternoon. , ; Miss Minnie Tilley entertained -! a nur. ber of her young friends [Saturday night. Among those - present were Claudie Jessup, c | Bessie Shelton, Bertha Neal, j Roland Christian, Roy Pell, and -'Chester Shelton. Alt report a t j nice time. Messrs. Tom Tilley and Rol -11 and Christian left for West Va. i! last week. 1 Measles are raging in this ! part of the community i Miss Annie Smith, who has 1 been very ill for a few days, is . improving. r On last Tuesday night some one broke in the store of Mr. J. -j H. Lowe of Westfield taking c about SIO.OO of change, about lltwo dozen pocket knives, box , ! of cigars, and several other | things. MR. JOHN NEAL, SR. • | Passed Away At His Home At Meadows Today. ' 1 Mr. John Neal, Sr., one of the 3 ! oldest citizens of the county, ,: died this morning at his home at Meadows after an illness of ' several weeks, following a stroke . of paralysis. ; The deceased would have been ninety-three years of age had 2 'he lived until the 18th day of the present month, i He is survived by three child .l ren, his wife having preceded . I him to the grave by a number s of years. The children are County Treasurer Geo W. Neal, , of Campbell: John Neal, Jr. of Meadows, and Mrs ill 1 Ayers, of Patrick county, Va. Mr. Neal was among the coun t\'s best citizens and had amass -1 ed considerable property. , The interment will probably be J! made tomorrow at the family ; ; burying ground near the home of the deceased I _ • ! day in Winaton-Salem last 1 ; Saturday shopping. Mr. D. R. Head, of King, was >j in town last Wednesday on . j business. ) j Mr. S. H. Ste.vart. of Wins f.ton, was here last. Wednesday. tiMr. Stewart left last week for f j New York to buy goods for the Stewart-Jones Clothing Com - pany of this place. The new i firm will open for business about February Ist, in the new e Bank Building. |THE YOUNG FARMER. I : How He May Achieve Sue- ' cess In Life and Be In | dependent and Happy— 4 Like the Water Collected In a Dam, the Accumula tion of Power Will Do Things. When you see a young farmer j I start out by depositing his first I 1 money in the Bank, and adding ! to his pile constantly after every j crop, you may put it down that some day that young fellow will ] make his mark in the world. If you will ask any of the ] great men of the world who. 'have made a success of life,!] they will tell you that they be- I gan by saving their first dollars j 1 in a good bank, and that after i \a few years their fund saved I helped them get rich. It is like the water in a dam. | I Let the water run through the - gate as fast as it accumulates. •! and your mill will never turn. i But dam the Hood up for a r: while, and soon you will have 1 a head of water which will be a ' I power, and whicn you can use 'i to turn the wheels of com . | merce. ;! A person who keeps money !: j hid away in the house, is igr.or ?;ant of the first principles of jj safety of investment. His j savings of years may be swept i away in a single night with fire. • j rats, thieves and ofttimes the : robber murders to cover his ' | tracks of stealing. We pay four per cent, com- j 2 pound interest, and vou can get • yous money back any time you j • wish it. Start a bank account j today and be independent. 1 BANK OF STOKES COUNTY,, 3! Danbury or Walnut Cove. { ;iMr. R. Emmett Smith To Move To Pilot Mt. Mr. Walter Smith, of Fran cisco, was here today and »| told the Reporter that his l father, Mr. R. Emmett Smith, 5 had recently sold his farm at I Francisco, and would remove i with his family to Pilot Mtn. ■ 1 the next few days. It was not j? learned what business Mr. Smith ( ' will engage in at Pilot Mtn. r j The Reporter regrets to know j that Mr. Smith will leave Stokes.' He is a good citizen, and was for !a number of years a member of t j our county Board of Education. !| Off For Rockingham. f Mr. J. M. Shelton and family [> of Danbury Route 1, Peter's; Creek township, will leave in | i a few days for Rockingham] i county to make their home, j f Mr. Shelton who was in town i yesterday, stated that on ac-1 - count of the had roads and the i i great difficulty and heavy ex-| r pense of marketing his crops,; s he had decided to move near: , j Madison on a good road, near , the railroad. 1; All over tho county this thing j jis going on Very rare thing! -1 for new people to move into! jour county - alway they are ! going, e. • c Methodist Conference. , The first Quarterly Conference ;t: of the M. E. church for this year | was held in Danbury at the s | Methodist church Saturday. Rev. a | R. M. Taylor, of Mt, Airy, Pre i siding Elder of this circuit, was present and preached at 11 r o'clock a. m. and at night, e Messrs. J. M. Lovins and W. l " G. Hawkins, stewards of the i Sandy Ridge and Delta churches, v ' respectively attended the con ! ferenc?. No. 2,023 SANDY RIDGE NEWS Several Weddings Reported By Reporter Correspon dent. EPIDEMIC OF MEASLES Mumps and Smallpox Also Prev alent—ltems and Personals Of Interest. Sandy Ridge, Jan. 12.—Roy Murphy, the son of Mr. J. W. Murphy, happened to get his log badly sprained last Sunday when a mule fell down with him. Measles and mumps are all the go around here now. Miss Ruth Pringle, who lias been teaching school at Delta, has stoped her school on account of measles. Rev. T. J Folger filled his reg ular appointment at Delta Sunday. Mrs J D Steel visited Mr and Mrs. Walter Hawkins Sun day. ! Mr. J K Simmons, of Vade I Mecum, visited Mr. J. W. Mur iphy last week I Mr J. S Dillon and family removed to their new home at Campbell last week. We are sorry to see them leave. With best wishes to the Re porter and its many readers, I will close. IREN'. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Jan. 13. ■ —Farmers have begun burning plant land and preparing for J another crop of tobacco. Measles and mumps are stiil , raging. Also smallpox is re ported in some sections. Mr. Frank Carter and Miss : Nannie Dodson were married Sunday morning at Mr. W E. J Willis'. The ceremeny being j performed by Mr. Willis Botn bride and groom are popular young people. We extend con gratulations. There is a lot of sickness in the community at present. Mr. Cleveland Carter and Miss Viola Terrell were happily married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride on Madison Route 3 We wish them a long and happy life. Rev. Fred Smith filled his aD pointment at Delta Sunday afternoon. J. E. W. DM. ~ . Dillard, Jan. 7. —Misses Maud and Myrtle Neal spent the first Saturday night in this month with their Aunt, Mrs. R. S. Ward. They were on their way to their school near Hartman, after spending a two week's holidav with their parents. ' Rev. D. H. Brendall, pastor of : Bethesda M. E. church, soent ! first Saturday night with Mr. \ and Mrs. D. H. Carter. Mr. W. M. Peebles went to ; Greensboro last week in search [ of his son. Frank, who ran away ! during the Christmas holidays. ! Mr. Cable Richardson moved : into the Dillard section last week. | Mr. Robert Alcorn, who is in school at Walnut Cove, spent j Saturday night with his parents, j Messrs. J. F. Rothrock and G. W. Roberts left yesterday for ; Winston. Rev. J. M. King filled his regular appointment at Oak Grove Sunday, hut with very small attendance on account of bad weather. Chicken pox, measles and mumps are about here now. Allan, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dune in, is very sick at this writing. Miss Guessie Johnson spent last night with Miss Norah Ward. The Dillard schojl is to get up a good entertainment for the l&st day. Mr. Russell Mitchell, of Wins , ton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, last week. Miss Kate Reid, who has been ■ visiting at Walnut Cove, return ed home last week.

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