ROYAL i BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Roy at Grape Cream of Tartar HO ALUM; HO LIME PHOSPHATE SCHOOL CLOSES. Many Attractive N iHins; Girls and Bows Have Been In Attendance. The school hero taught by Prof. .J T. Smith for the benefit of the public school teachers of the county closed Saturday. A large number of bright anil good looking young ladies and young men of the county have been in attendance and Dan bury has been on a boom for the last month. Those who attended are as follows: Miss Pearl Wall, of Rural Hall. Miss Myrtice Simmons, of Pilot Mtn Miss Sadie Pringle, of Lawson ville. Miss Mary Pringle, of Lawson ville. Miss Hattie Ferguson, of Wins- j ton. Miss Letha Hall, of Mizpah. Miss Bernice Alley, of (rer-i manton. Miss Minnie Roberts, of Dill- i ard Miss Trade Simmons, of Pilot Mtn. Miss Gladys Lackey, of Camp bell Miss Bessie Moore, of Camp bell. Inlbw*store*| 0 Announcement to the Trade: X the J S FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE • H Walnut Cove, N. C., ® has bought the entire stock of General Merchandise J © formerly owned and conducted by J. E. James and will w continue the business at the same stand, where you are invited to call and examine their stock of # General Merchandise. # J FARMERS SUPPLIES A • S SPECIALTY. W We are now buying large quantities of Supplies and all kinds of General Merchandise, at prices that enable us to please you and 2 SAVE YOU MONEY. X # oi General # Mr. Fletcher Hawkins remains with the new firm, where he will be glad to see and please his many old customers, as well as make new ones. Remember the place--J. E. James stand, Walnut Cove, N. C. JC. M. JONES, Manager. • •••••••••••••••••••• Miss Berchie Dunlap, of (iideon. s Miss Delia Stewart, of Dan i bury. Miss Chattie Lasley. of Walnut Cove. M iss Sarah Smith, of Meadows. ' Miss Murphy Lovell, of Wal -1 nut Cove Route 1. 1 Miss Annie Martin, of Madison ' Miss Maude Smith, of Fran • ciseo Miss Ktta Smith, of Francisco. ' j Miss Ida Lee Wall, of Madison. Miss Lelah Boyles, of Walnut | Cove. ; Miss Delia Boyles. of Walnut ! Cove. Miss Obeira Moore, of Camp-! bell. Miss Irene Allen, of Walnut Cove. | Miss Hester Wall, of Madison, j Miss Wilmeta Smith, of King, j Miss Effie Gentry, of King. Miss Harriett Ross, of Walnut 1 ' Cove Route 1. ! Mr. Jesse Beasley, of Francis- i CO | Mr. A. S Francis, of Francisco, j Mr. -loe Blackwell, of Pine! Hall. Mr. C. B. Boyles, of Westfield-1 Mr. (i. R. Leak, of Campbell. | Dynamite Boyles Mercantile ' Company. THE DANBURY REPORTER lews Items and Per -- SOMIS From Pine Hall 'J " f'r "" j | j'. Pine Hf.ll, June 2.— People are fight bnsyi; planting tobacco through this section now. Mrs. E. P. Cahilland children, of Madison, are visiting her • parents here. i - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creak man, of North Fork, W. Va., i were the guests of Mrs. G. M. Creakman last week. Miss -lulian Hairston was car ried to the hospital last week for an operation. We wish for her 1 , a speedy recovery. Mr. G. M. Creakman made a business trip to Thomasville last week. Mrs. C. H. Powell, of Stokes- 1 dale, is visiting her parents here Miss Marie Smith and Mr. ; Arthur Nichols, of Madison, ; spent last Friday with Miss Effie ' Black well Miss Hallie Creakman, of Thomasville. is the guest of Mrs. I G. M. Creakman this week. Miss Lula Paris went to Madi-1 son shopping last week. Mr. Hedge (Jibson got his linger broken last week, but he is getting on very nicely. Miss Annie Martin, of Madi : son, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. ; Hanes. Miss Alice McCrocrie, of J Stokesdale, visited her sister, I Mrs. J. S. Gant, here last week. Mr. Jim Dalton has been right ! sick, but he is getting on very ! nicely now Miss Sallie Dalton, of Madi json, is visiting Mrs. Jim Dalton. LOVERS. 1 BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AiED. Old men and women feel the ! need of a laxative more than ! young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will ; not cause pain. Dr. King's I New Life Pills are especially j good for the aged, for the act ; promptly and easily. Price 25c. ! Recommended by all druggists. ij Right Here Is Your Chance To Buy That Typewriter! This is a StraighMrortHhe-Shoulder Typewriter Talk by Typewriter Man to the Readers of the Reporter. No other type writ.-r Whet have ha.l it at our expense, if y. HI whether you use them or will (MTllllt US. „ n f THIS IS THE NEW VISIBLE FOX " BETTER THAN THE BEST OF ALL OTHERS " Sent on Free Trial, Express Pd. Look at the illustration of our New Fox Visible Typewriter, shown above, and compare it with anv other typewriter you have ever seen or used. Here is a really VISIBLE typewriter —note that the printing point is on top in plain sight, and that the type bars rise from where they are lying and strike the platen in full view of the operator, and in a direct line of vision and that all of what you have written remains in full sight until the paper is removed from the typewriter. Compare this with those old style typewriters, that some firms are still advertising as visibles, but on which the printing point is beneath the typebars, and you have to look down into them-or between them —to see what you have written. Touch a key in the keyboard and you change the color of your writing instantly from black, blue, or purple to red. Press the Tabulator Key at the left (in front) for paragraphing, writing the compli mentary closing, etc.: also for all kinds of billing. At the right (in front* is our Back Space Key. This moves the carriage backward for making corrections, or putting in punctuation. This key also enables the operator to erase a word of three letters and write one of four in its place. Press the Stencil Key shown at the left (front) for making stencils from which thousands of duplicate letters can Le made. Four rows of keys reduce the shifting one-third. The right Shift Key locks automatically for writing in all caps. A positive automatic Line Lock presents you from writing beyond a predetermined line. The ribbon travels in a "zig-zag" line-not straight across from spool to spool as on others—thus using all of the ribbon and making it last three or four times as long as on other typewriters. The ribbon automatically re-winds itself from one spool to the other without any attention from the operator. Carriages are interchangeable, and run on ball bearing tracks. Platens are re movable, so that both a hard and soft platen can be used on the same typewtiter. Extremely light touch, "No falling leaf is lighter than the touch of the Fox Typewriter." Choice of Elite, Pica, Condensed Roman, Medium Roman, or Italic Type—we carry more than three thousand special type in stock, of our own mannfacture, and can furnish keyboards for any language. The Fox has an easy, almost noiseless action, is very durable, and is sent com plete with cleaning outfit and metal cover with hard wood base. Thin is the Fox. the typewriter we manufacture— this is the typewriter Mutt we will semi to nnv one anywhere in the Fnited States on Free Trial, all express charges fully paid—no "reil tape"—no delay lio obligation to buy. If purchased after trial yon ran pay a little down—whatever you ran spare and the balance in small monthly payments. Header. in all sincerity we can honestly say this proposition has never been equaled bv any other typewriter company, and all we ask is that you write us T >I>A Y— X >\V— jjivinjr us your na'tne and aiblress so we ran send you our ciitalot; and write you pns>tuilly about our typewriter and Free Trial offer. ' x Fox Typewriter Co. .MAM FACTI IJKItS FRONT AVENUE, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. ! Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was afflicted with epileptic titx for three years, the attacks coming every few weeks. We employed several doctors but they did her no pood. About a ' uil - it c '^ rt>tniy fJ J' I / over a year since V\\V • '' she has had a * » tit. We cannot | speak too highly j of Dr Miles' Nervine." M ItS. FRANK ANDRRSON, Comfrey, Minn | Thousands of children in the i United States who are suffering ( from attacks of epilepsy are a ; burden and sorrow to their parents, J who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles' Nervine is one of the best remedies known ' for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it. It is not a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. You, need not hesitate to give it a trial,. Boltl by all Drugglete. first bottle fall* to benefit your money la rjturned. Ml LIS MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Ind. • I lie (HAM Mill team —r-wnri-Tr SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily - $6.00 Per Year Daily anil Sunday - - 8.00 Per Year Sunday only - - - 2.00 Per Year The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday - - SI.OO Per Year The Charlotte Dail> Observer, issued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washing ton, D. C., and Atlanta, Ga. It v;ives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete Asso ciated Press Service. i The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for SI.OO per vear gives the reader a full re port of the week's news. The leading Semi-Weekly of the' State. Address all orders to The Observer Co. . CHARLOTTE, N. C.