W. C. Carter was born in Stokes county, near Sandy Ridge, X. C.. September 11th, ISSO, and departed this life from the place of his birth March l'.'ll. In the year 1!H>1, he was hap pily married to Xealie C. (iritlin. To this union were born two bright girls, bot'i of whom are living. His wife preceded him i to the Heavenly home on the litth of September, liUU. Brother Carter was converted and united with the M. E. church, south, at Delta, in the year 1!>10.1 He was a faithful member of the church. After a prolonged spell of sickness, he at last succumbed to that much dreaded disease, consumption, leaving the church militant to join the church triumphant. lie lias gone to dwell for ever and ever, in that city on high, wiie e there shall be no more death, "Neither sorrow, nor cry ing. neither i-Vu.ll there be any m> re pain. f :• the former things are; asssd a v.Y.y. !•'■ rth • Lamb •v.'.:c.l i* ti.e '.st i ! the :.e «!•.:. ;\vii i!i -m, a . 1 .-'.lal! • them unto living fountains : . \.:,t-.s ••. :.>m i • 1 .■! vi; . i ■ i . I. ... .. i J '» I • f *• ' ' ' ' 1.1 •: : LET YOUR MONEY HELP YOU WORK. The \\ indham City Savings Bank in Connecticut recently had a bank book brought in that they had not seen for nine teen years and on which no money had been drawn or de posited since 1871. In that year, SBOO was deposited. Com pound interest had increased the *BOO to $2,000 $1,5C0 clear train to the depositor, money he didn t have to turn his finger over for. This illustrates the wonderful power of compound interest. Aft;.'r you work for your money, your money works for ycu, if you put it in a good bank. XX NEWS or GIDEON .Much Visiting Among; The People A\rs. S. A. (iatewood 111 With Pneumonia. j Cliileon, April 11. Easter i was very lively around here. Mrs. S. A. (latewood, who has been very low with pneumonia, is net improving much, we are sorry to note. A Sunday School was organiz ed at Davis' Chapel last Sunday. Messrs. Carey Flynt and .John Flinchum called at Mr. ,1 )hn i Johnson's Sundav afternoon. Mr. Wyatt Ihiggins called on Miss !Jessie Martin last Sunday. Misses Berchi-e and Avis Dun j !a:> visited at Mr. Alex Fiinch- I urn's Sunday. j Mr. Walter Flynt spent Sun jday night with Mr. Carey Flynt. Among those who went to ! Davis' Clilf Monday were Misses i Ethel and Ella I'lynt, Berchiej and Avis Dun lap, Sadie and j Bessie Flinchum, Bessie and Stella Martin, Beulah Sheppard,! Hortense Yarborough, Lillian | and Ludia Mitchell, Bettie Ii )bertsand liath Alcorn: Messrs. 1 Carey, Walter and liobah Flynt, .John and Elmer Flinchum, Willi ar.d .Ins. Kb.ides, Will and liobt. Ward. Lenin ie and Wyatt Dug-, gnis, McKin.k'v and .Jodie King-; ton, ilardy Johnson, (lid Mabe, K.iny Roberts, Co mi Martin. \ Sheppard and many others. M ssiv. Joyce ami I'ussol io id :-.::d .J i.n r iinehum c;»lkd at Mr. W. \V. Fiynt's Sunday. • • • an I Mr.'. A 1 ! '!; vehum '■ -if'- * .1.". ;.;ai Mis. \V. N. ■ - . I.a-I -y. 1 res i ? I) rtin: Messrs. Whir :. ! u b:.'i 1' vr.t. .: . •,,! ; Llnier i iinehum. Dloomar Wii- •' a...; i; iy 'uhi'i's were '•••it • ••' -"ii Mr. W. M. r.ynt's S.iiduv i\ M. .. Mr. Claud Rhodes called on Miss Berchie Dunlap Sunday night. e Miss Bettie Johnson spent last j week with her sister. Mrs. Walter Mitchell. r Mrs. Walter Mitchell and , children spent Saturday right , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. * 'John Johnson. I , Mr. Watt Martin spent Sun day night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin. - | Mrs. Roscoe (iann, who has i been foil fined to her room with j pneumonia for several days, is improving, we are glad to say. i Dr. J. H. Ellington passed thiough here Monday. Mr. Carey Flynt and Miss • Berchie Dunlap went to Madison j Saturdav. Mrs. C. A. Wagoner and child ren spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. J. S. Dun.'an. Bur Forgolten Slats 1 There are less than 10.000 I white people settled in Alaska to j day. Yet it is said that there are j 50.000.009 acres of tillable land in j Alaska capable of yielding rich abundance of hardy cereals, fruits and V2getabl.es, and of ! sustaining great herds of cattle. The coal and oil and copper and iron and gold resources are said to exceed those (if any other se ■- ; turn of our country. Alaska is approximately one-fifth the of the rest of the I nited StaSvs. What has the I'nited Stag's ; 1 uvrnraont donn to ndvancv tlv ! nt of this wnnd.i !.>••,d i of untouched wealthlt ! ;s ' imp m i l ivindoei - ::per:mi*nt.; Iv 1 the li iu ;t of , j. ; avid per jr.. it •.! private t-nt •- I • ti»ai:n . .v/mvaino-ii.' ' up. iii t In' in' i:»«al ar.! a " • •' t'irai ivs .uiVi'S. And niw I h! prevented the ca''.isti";)h.' m.'iiti' r.ed and taken tne no. d."';i step for national development of 1 til" territory bv pr>r iding for th .> 5 . onstruc-jon of government- i >«vnt*.l railroads on an adequate v scale. The Christian Herald. 1 finmiftui T ii■ iii mn mm ■■■■ ■ ■ & 5) iS Condensed Statement The Bank of Stokes County At the close of business March 4,1914. ASSETS RESOURCES Loans - . . . $195,057 35 ) Capital .... $20,000 00 verdrafts - - - 1 404 14 Surplus and Undivided Profits - 2,580 69 Banking Mouse and Furniture and .. Fixtures - - - 6 ,303 52 Rediscounts - - 3,000 00 CASH - 79,796 17 Deposits - 258,580 49 $284,161 18 $284,161 18 We solicit your business. Four Per. Cent. Interest Paid on Certificates. Check Books Free. ** * 1 HE DANY BURhcEPORTtR Warehouse Company lo Receive Bids. j The Walnut Cove Warehouse Co. will receive bids up to April l 2:2 and will let the contract on j that day for the construction of, a large warehouse. The building, committee is composed of Mr. j John C. Hutcherson, and Messrs. J. M. Taylor and C. M. Jones. [ i Suffered with Throat Trouble. claims that MR. B. W. D. BARNES, \ l"l i\,is en- McMiunville, Tenn. | restored to heal 111. Catarrh of th.* threet i.* not only on % annoyinsr disease «.f ii'-elf, l»ut it ox poses the victim to many other dis- , ? eases. Wo are constantly itrc.athlnff 1 ' into our throat® intnii ro-.is lunios- 6 phrrlc pen*m. H!s -:.; e n-r. :? »i a!l 5 sorts, This cannot he avui.i ,]. if * Iho throat is healthy the sy.-tem in k protected from these poi?oi:ov.. ]? f Tins. isut if th-> thr-.at is raw and Q pumiur. d with Mum : .>us litt!.> i:!- d ccrs, l.y «\i!:ir h. then the disease j Bcrms liav • . y .-ec: tto tiie :-vs:ei,i. v Keep t!|. i: |,.. U v, JJ „.,,j en! £ This i.-; the way to pr. loot your »lf fi against e-is dh-^a.• v the throat at! explained iw i ■ v\v -Ills of I .if.-." s, nt free by th I'. -una ' Co., C'olnmhii.;, i I'liio. Mr. Harm.i pays: "1 !'d throat trouble and had three doctor? treat ini? me. All failed lo ;> n-.o any ii Rood, and pronounced my health f;on«. 1 ' 1 concluded to try I'eruna, and aft. r usinp four bottles can day 1 w..s en- , tirely cured." ' J' i ' ——————————— M * We are now showing: 2 ® s | all the pretty de= f if signs in crepes, silks, I if • | ratines, etc., for g 1 spring- wear. | 1 • | A complete line of ladies ® and g;ents furnish= 1 to • | ing-s. Every thing: f !* new. f f • I MILLINERY .4 SPECIALTY 2 I | | We will be glad to $ % haveour Stokes coun= f 9 $ I ty friends call on us. I McGEHEE & CO. 1 1 Madison, N. C. | NO: ICN. !! ■ viii-j- !11 1 \ ■ 111;:IiI'i• *■ I ;i• Ir11i11;~- R;.!ii"l.i I L.c i-si. It• • of I'inU i i I'H Iry Ia . r*t • in. i >!.. in 11 ii i« tii'ivliy ni\ en •• .'ill liiililiiiu'clniiiis against •ai I »■.-11: t• in pn'Sfiii tin-Hi toincfor ' s.vnii'iit iliil.v iiullii'iiticMlcil. mi op i.v llii- •.'(•Hi lny of March, lid.'i, nn irr—nn iwiiwiMii III»»—IIM ll tii'-i n«>tti-i* w ill If plraili'il iii !»ar ''l* I IN -i R IV.MH >'PY. Ml |UTSHUS ITII 1«-I>TI'I 1 :■> -,ii! i'-liii.•;i• ri ijiii in iiijilie |>:i\ iin-iil IN in--. Tin.; I!I,' LMH IL.IY iI' MMIVII. It*{l. i;11:i> 11 A i iis'i't Ailniiiiist rot nr. I'. >. Walnut ('live. X. Kniite L'. X. »>. IVUvc, Atty. for ailinr.

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