Grazing Crops For Hoys This is the season to l lant cow peas, soy bo a vis, sorghum, peanuts, artichokes, sweet po tatoes and chufas as grazing crops for hogs. All ot these are planted in the drill except cow p;'as, which may be planted in the drill or broadcasted, it' cow peas are planted in the orchards, th.".' should be broadcasted. but so.vft in the drill, in order that they may be cultivated and con tivl'.ed easily, aecjrding to the ad ice of Clen son. iS. C. > College authorities on the sub ject. Tutting in some good graz ing crops for hogs at this time will save money and worry in tie fall. Peanuts, artichokes, sweet potatoes and chufas will furnish excellent grazing practi cally throughout th > fall sea son. Ha> Your Child Worms? Mest children ib». A Coa'ed. K.:ryed Tongue: Strong I;ivath. Stomach Pains: Circles under Eve*: Pale. Sallow Complexion: Fretful: Grinding of Teeih; Tossing in Sleep: Peculiar 1 )r, '..:"s any one of these indi cate Child has Worms, t let a box t Kickap »o Worm KiL t at once. It kills the Worms the cause of your child's conditio m Is Laxative and aids Nature t» ex; •>! the Worms. Supplied i: candy f rm. Kasy for ciiildren to take. _'") C., at your Druggist. To get rid of this rash fre luer.t baths sh->uid be .riven. In a basin of tepid water dissolve a teasponnfal of >f so la. After the bat!- oust the body with powder, consisting >f or.e part talcum powder, one part of cornstarch and ust a pinch of boric acid. The latter is r."t really necessarv, but quick ens the alleviation to S' ir.e c;- tent. LET VOIR MONEY - ** * HELP YOU WORK. _ , .. c , Condensed Statement The Windham City Savings The Bank of Stokes County that they had not seen for nine teen years and on which r.o money had been drawn or de- " At the close of business March 4, 1914. posited since IS7I. In that year, SSOo was deposited. Com pound interest had increased ASSETS RESOURCES the SBOO to $2,300-sl,ooo clear Loans - $196,657 35 Capital - $20,000 00 gain to the depos.tor, money he Overdrafts - 1,404 14 Surplus and Undivided Profits - 2,580 69 didn't have to turn his finger Banking House and Furniture and Rediscounts - - 3,000 00 over for. This illustrates the Fixtures - 6,303 52 CASH m m m m 70 70A 17 Deposits ■ " " " 250,580 49 wonderful power of compound 79,796 17 interest. After you work fdr your money, your money works for ycu, if you put it in a good i « We solicit ycur business. Four Per. Cent. Interest Paid on . n Certificates. Check Books Free. % % % ThL NORTH CAROLINA Ccllsje of Agriculture ■ wi Mechanic Arts 1 This State Industrial College oilers strong courses in Agri- 1 culture. Horticulture, Stock-rais ing, Dairying. Poultry, Yeterin-. ary. Medicine: in Civil, Electrical ; and Mechanical Engineering: in ( Chemistry and Dyeing: in Cotton Manufacturing, and in Agri cultural teaching. Four year courses. Two and one year Courses in Agriculture and in Machine Shop work. Faculty of i!l men: 7:>> students: 2~> build ings: excellent equipment and laboratories for each department. On July !'th County Superintend ents conduct entrance examina tions at each county seat. For catalogue write E. P.. OWEN. Registrar. West Raleigh. N. C. You're i'lilituis and Costive. Sick Headache. Dad Breath. Seur Stomach. Furred Tongue and Indigestion, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean up to night. (let a"J >c. obttle of Dr. KmgV New Life Pills to-day and empty the stomach and bowels of fermenting, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feel ing makes you feel tine. Ed'ec tive. yet mild. Don't gripe, at your Druggist. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve for Burns. P>ran baths are also excellent for prickly heat. A pint of bran in a cheesecloth bug should be soaked in the bath water until the water looks like thin gruel. If tlu U;Jy . i inflamed a linen ban 1 next the skin will stop the clothes from | chafing the skin. San Antonio Fxnress. THE DANBURY REPORTER A Rare Dojr. A well-known 1 actress, who is very fond of dogs, numbers among her pos sessions a magnificent specimen of the St. Bernard type. One day last summer a New Yorker, who visited the actress at her summer heme, met a i colored nnid in the r/ul ac companied by this tig dog. He asked to whom the canine belonged. "He b'loags t, my missus." "Aren't you afraid of him? He's awfully big." "Xo. indeed, suh. Pis dog I won't harm nobody: lie's jest chuck-full of fun all de time." "What kind (,f a dog is he?" "W'-dl, suh, 1 hears my missus icall him a full - blooded Sam Bernard." Brooklyn Life. Mr. and .Mrs. .lohn 0. More* tkld. who have recently been b mrding, I egan housekeeping this week in the resilience of the*, late A. H. Joyce. Don't Forget to Side Dress f'' After you have tho plants well started, insure a crop by feeding it. For cotton, Mr POTASH t> make IV.I rr V' lis, t*ood lihre, anil to fcuep the hulls frmn falling; a:.d lor cor:., help the plar.t ittalte *.!u* j'.ari'h that ti;ls the cars. Phosphate jtbnr..! produces a full crop of bolls that "r.. It malted sound, hesi'y corn anil tine fodder. Potash Pays. I/» ff'e sell I'otasli in any amount from our 2()i)-lb. bat up. IVrite for prices 'I GERMAN KAI.I WORKS. Inc. MEW ORLEANS LA ATLANTA. (.A .-AVANNAH. OA Whitney Central far* HuiMlnc Eni|»r« Bundles Sarann ..i B.uU & Iron Bnudln,- Miss Kate Fulton left Monday to visit Miss Sallie Fulton at Wal nut Cove, she will visit her sister Mrs. !vi Wrenn in Ilridsville be fore returning to this city Mt. Airy news. Admiral Dewey, on being com -1 limtntcd on his superb health, smiled and said : "I attribute my good condition to plenty of exercise and no ban quets. One third of what we eat. enables us to live." "In that case." said his friend, jestingly, "what becomes of the other two-thirds?" "Oh," said the Admiral, "that enables the doctor to live." Tit-Hits. Valuable Land for Sa'e Fifty-live acres 1 miles west of Walnut Cove. Fine orchard, all kin is of fruit. The finest tobac co land in Stokes county. TAJ'C new tobacco barns, good hewn pick house and basement, plenty of timber. .). WILL FAST, tt Walnut Cove, X. C. i KMKIHM : Lumbago-Sciatica I! fib .Sprains. j V |kL'" jS /fltffiffj " The directions wy«, its good for s{s*•}•; V-v /.' ■.&/ lumbago Sloan'* cured my /TT". A thfuinatisin; I've twcd it and 1 W' ' OT\ know." Do you u»o Sloan'*? E"-T ) iW 4 4 lV\ [ Proof ®v\ * jtiv'JVk »; j| ;. -/ "I h;i'l my baric liurt in Hip Horr War X - V ' nn,l two* »t" I ««* hit by u i-Hc.-t •/ .y-Y ear. 1 tn. 'l n.l kin.N ..f di-pe witli.nt 1 rtiltmlLV'"* 'Ks 1 y«Mir l-iiiiiiciit drus ii •plii iiti'Mi'i-iiii -ijil niMalit ri lH'f. anil innv lup'ant Re'.lcf from Sciatica -V «l' c *-- v vV. " I wi;» in !■••.! yciatira sine* x - TT.v t tho ilrst lif [•■••liruarj .but I liatl iiliuoDl in \\\ ~tant wli.-n I ti i. d voiirUuicieut. A . li. llau kuu, tranhjori, Kj. Sprained Aiilils "A* fi user of vonr UntTP?n> for the la*. 1" yew*. I en tiny it if unoof the heft on the market fifteen ye ns I sprained my ankle and had to iim erutehe.-., and Lie dST-tlSrw!.!l « "iii.i il he lam*. A mend adv.-d m-t ■ try ~.i.r l-nnraent and after using :t tiijrlit and in«»rninu f-r three month* Iton d\\ iIW v* ithout a jane and run an -.rood a* any of *!.'• «»• lier Jremen in njy department. f 1 huve iiovcr been without a buttle : iucc that tiiac." — J' r * tl **«"»*U> Uwru* X a. At all Dealer*. Price 25c., 50c. end SI.OO H Sloan's Instructive Nook on hor.e s, cattle, poultry and hogs, sent free. Address, DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., BOSTON, MASS. i i I a—cifc—aiaaa:- fcTr-mmim— | FARM-STORE 2 | VV. S. VVatkins' farm and store for sale. Ideal I location; Campbell P. ().: 75 acres land, good j dwelling, store house, 2 tobacco barns and •'% other buildings and orchard. Mr. VVi tkins retires because of iil health. H Someone is going to get this bargain. See Air. 'j Watkins or OilE STOKES REALTY EXCHANGE | DANIiL'RY, - - - N. CARO.