MMMWaWMHBBIIWLaMiIIMIIW IWH No Substitutes | RETURN TO THE ;rocer all c-V | stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ing Powder. There 13 no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and a healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. Letter Written During Civil War Tn A Lady While looking thru some old papers at his home at Advance, yn Davie county recently, Mr. N, C. Forster found the following letter written by a soldier in the civil war to a lady friend, in which he details some of the campaign in Eastern North Caro lina. The letter is reprinted be low; March the 23, 1863. Dear Elizabeth: This evening ait'erds me the opportunity of addressing you with a few lines to let you know I am well and hoping when these few lines come to you you will be enjoying the same blessing. I will state to you a little about the last march we was on. We was out nine days and four of them we was in the Yankey land, and we was seven miles from the Atlantic ocean. We tore up the railroad between Morehead City and New Bern and then we left, and in all the route we tuck one prisoner. I saw large Van key canips where the Yankeys had stayed. One of them lai 15 or 20 acres in it. This is the statement of the march. As for health I have had it very good. lam as well satis fied as I expected to be when I left home, but I would be glad to get to come home and see you all again, and I will ever keep in hope I will get to come home. I have not heard from Peter since I come in camp. Write to me and let me know hew he is if you please. There is about 25 hundred soldiers around this place and there is several artillery men here. We fare as well as I ex pected before I come in camp. I am 15 pounds heavier than I was when I left home. You can tall all the girls howdy for me if veu please. You can tel! them I think I will get home again for I don't think the war can list much longer for there is not much, in the eastern of North Ca.o'ina to see now. You must excuse bad writing. 1 will close by asking you to Direct t' Kinston. X. C.. in care u: Captiun W. E. Lc oe. ! regimtnt. i remain jour rtspciful friend ur*:. death. GiiiiK'ii. i:i:;oii. i 1: ps Njura'.Ja kill* Pain. Sloan's 1 i"in« nt ? i >es instait rtin-: :i« m N-.r.. ••• :'i ' i. it j-i vj, .• t-raii'.L-t t • tio : a ;i i dart - S »thes t!i. Xum? ai d St '.l; pai l. I t; r Ki.i .ma'ism, S-t« • : •. Pain and Sprairs. You d"n't n e«i u» t -■ it ;> !»'•: r;.tMr. J. !; S .ingr, i c.u:?vid • Kv. writes: ' 1 suffered with quite a A'Ui' X.'"•*. i;auauie for four m v i i..-ut sif.% lie;. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or Hire-.- i 1 ..his Mid I haven't sullen d v.ith i. v head since." Cet a bottle t.)''ay. Keep in the house all the t .n.e 'ifor pains and all hurts. 25c., ,50c. and >'l.'", at you Drug gist. Bujklcn'p Arn!?a Sa've frr r.II i Sores. Huerta Resignes; Fleess from Country Mexico City, July 15.—Vie toriano Huerta presented his re signation as president of Mexic* to the chamber of deputies to night, through the foreign rela tions department. His resigna tion was referred to a commit tee of deputies. Spectators fill ed the galleries and shouted. "Viva Huerta. - ' The committee reported, re commending that the resignation be accepted and Francisco Carba.ial took the oath of office as president of Mexico at 7:23 o'clock before the as sembled Senators and deputies. Escorted by the presidential guards, Carba.ial immediately went to the national place and was cheered by the people. HUERTA LEAVES CAPTIAL Mexico City, July 15--Gener al Huerta and (General Blanquet left the capital tonight. They boarded a special train on the Mexican Rail way a few miles out from the city. It is thought that they are going to Puerto,' where they will board a steamer for some foreign port. Before his departure Huerta went to the palace to pay his respects to President Carbajal, his successor. There va? com plete lack of disorder in the cap tial tonight and the theaters and cafes were crowded. There ap pears to be a general feelirg among the populace that the end of the war is in sight. Miss Ka'e McPherson. of Cameron, Moore cc ur.ty, is the guest of Mi?s Mary Martin. FOR MGSDAK, AUGiIST IHIRO. The Stokes County Farmers' Union to Meet to Transact Important Business On the First Monday in August. i The Stakes County Farmers' L'nion is hereby called to meet at the court house in Dan bury on the first M >:i.hy in August, the' same being on August ••». It is earnestly desired that every 1 member of t! v I .:i >r. in the c un'y shall attend meeting, sxv important b;:?i;i? ; - i- tube tra is..c;>. d. Als. the ex.ouiive com mittee i the I' 1 r, i rt the founty is heiv'v. nq.jrsted t meet at th sa.' • ;i...and place not i i tli.m l A. M. i: ii > u! v ' . .1. A. i.wv.-'( Pus. i*-tc!:es iV.mtv :',i":t>eis' I'mon. 1 , " 1, ' | CORTRIGHT Metal Shingle It U put thf TO t • j.rotoi't you us wi'il 1A j;; ns n~ from t l '. ■ iniii.ntu*'. Roofs covered j l * with it. • •• L 7 years «jr«> ar>- J \ Ml ;'o..i totin; ,an ! .vc never needed re- / \ pair-i. 1 nut's why they're imitated. H / \ it Therefore, look for this *tu:np. I / \ [il 2 For Sale by R H. R. BLAIR D ANBURY, N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER Sav/ing Hard Hock. The hadest rock is easily cut into regular shapes or slabs by our modern methods. An endless rope composed of three steel wires twisted together is set in move ment and draws with it a grind ing granular substance, pressing 1 this hard upon the stone that is to be sawn. The cutting sub stance is grit mixted with water. The stream of water renders the ! movement easy and prevents the heating of the cable. ■ The hardest rocks, such as ! prophyry, are now sawn more : easily than the softer, such as marble, but not so rapidly. Marble is sawn at the rate of nearly nine inches an hour, gran ite at from six to seven inches an ; hour. I Sure Death to flies. Cod liver oil will kill flies. Dr. Lang, who made this discovery, ' has used it especially against cer ! tiin flies that are attracted by j wounds upon horses and cattled,' ,! pestering the pojr creatures and , infecting the sores. He wipes the skin of the animal with ccd I liver oil; the flies come and are instantly killed. Dr. Lang says that ticks on I dogs and other animals are killed i , by a drop of wounds ! ing the open air and sunlight 1 treatment they be covered with cod liver oil. as this will prevent any infection. . j Puzzled. j ! Fanny, the little daughter of a clergyman, pranced into her father's study one evening while the reverend gentleman was! preparing a lengthy sermon for the following Sunday. She looked curiously at the manu script for a, and then turned to her father. "Papa," she began, seriously, "does Gou tell y, u what to write?" "Certainly, dear!?," replied the clergyman. "Then why do yo j scratch so much of it out?" asked Fanny. J. N. YOUNG Thj GROCER WALNUT COVE, N. C. Fancy Groceries, Fancy Candies and Cigars a Specialty FIRST QUALITY GOODS Stokes County Sunday' School Convention, Sat- j urday, August 8. The Stokes County Sunday l School Convention will beheld: at Quaker Gap Baptist church on Saturday. August the Bth, | 1914, opening at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. AM Superintendents of Sunday , Schools in Stokes county are hereby moat respectfully re quested to send full reports of their respective Sunday schools to J. B. Green, Secretary of the Stokes County Sunday Associa tion, Walnut Cove, N. C., Route ] No. 1, as early as possible, so he may be able to make a full re- j port to the convention above named. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to everybody to attend ! the convention, and we sincerely hope that we will have a good attendance, and that the work of the Sunday School may be extended, and that interest therein may be increased. Lc-t everybody come and bring baskets with a nice dinner, anu let us all have an enjoyable time. Speakers will be procured and a program prepared. This the 7th dav of July, l!'i i. N. O. PETREE, Preside m. .1. L». GREEN. Secretary. Beware Ointm ofents for Ca tarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell arid completely derange the whoL> system v. hea entei ir.g it. through the mucous surfac Such nrlici »■ i • i never be us'. 1 \ vpi '»n r. - •* scrip*.!«»nsofivputa*■ ' a ■.?. as i!';»• i aiiago they v. : i ' fold vi ■; can pos :i !.' derive .*:*« m t' • . ' 'atarra i' ire. mar. • F. J. Ch?n3y & Co., r ii.d ». 0., contain- a iinero:; ' • ' inti rnaliy aesirg directly »p n the Lii •• 1 ... »• . the* r... I'i t•• 1 .:. Catarrh Cure be sure you get the -renuiai It is iuk. :• vr-r and • it: I". '• de. ; : a .! , .1 Chf ■ey Co. '!' stim nis Is :'i c c. Sc!d ! y dri:gj. ; ' i .• ice oa*» hi> Take I .all's r. mil 1 ti! • i i e >n>U'»v.'.ioa. The man who f >!!ov/s his in tiinat.»*!i s.cliom travt Is long in the strr.igl tar.d narrow wa . Some rtople wou'd ciy our l °\Tr. i f they *t like miin any form. For Marble and Granite Monuments' and Tombstones, Iron Fencing and all kinds of Cemetery work, call or write The Mouut Airy Marble Works W. D. IIAYNES & CO.. Propr's. Mount Airy, N. C. DR. A. S. MITCHELL SPECIALST IN FITTING GLASSES. My I'Nictiw coinliiii'-s tlint of Vnlist iiii'l «in tin* I'Xiiiuin iny of I'.M-s, iiin 1 t lit* liuir.u 1 iif yl.isws tn li'lii've I'Vc Ktl'.'lilis ;il|il l';ii!inii' vision. Tluvi' yejirs of stn>- i't'i4»ful itriii'tli'i* in WliiMiiiu-Siilfiii is n iciinraiiti'i' tlint you will ivo-lve ji'oo.l stTvifi'. My rim ryes for r\- Jiliiin.'itioii mill jiljisst's is from !ivi' to si-veil iloll.'irs. I."ii|i'i-|:. lyj miff ov«>r Khnoiit Tliojitrt'. I IJI'.KItTV N'i\, Wl\sTi»X. r ■ laffarsnie PIANO Excells in Furity of Tone and Durability of Construction, Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winstoa'SaJri, N. C. We carry a complete linp o: !•] i : son i'ivvi vrrnpl s and R cords. W:i:e for catalogue m iU'W I't'C 'I lis » "' "" «■ • ) ' * .• • •! . • • r • ■ JX 11 . U I . . •a. ' u; \ | : til ilcfustt tu. alcoholic substitute j n : i-o? vno lUI CiJ..., S'» 1-2 acres *»f la- i, ••*, !i watv reel \vithereek:.:.d !> -ancia good springs, plenty (.r ti for a small iV.rm, gocc bottoms, 1 tobacco ba:ns, t'.v dw C.i.j. y, miles e; f " «>!* .n ! Hi \x'» it. fo ■ j arti uhi s ii in i stcd. K. 11. VERNON, Route 1, S r.dy Ridge, N. C Profited Meel'ngs. Protracted m.'etinrs will be gin at tha fodr.ving times and places : Delta. July £Jtl\ Davis' Chape!. August !>th. Smith's Chapel. August 'Jord. Vade Mecum, September (!. Union Hill. September '.lOth. THOS. J. FOLGER. I ; ( 1 \ , '-**' >• I \'t ■ ' b J " A L'.haum Co. i Big Chief " 'Fraid of ii:e Rain" Hr.S trie poor In. .. » i o V. J St ,l\ r r.»L • sr J It. G t!* caught in a shower. Cat: r wrinkle-? and puck ers that n. vi-r rmn*' out. 2 P v ! ..r\ Ktrsch* *>Jt/m ■ 1 1 - u'» -r r.-.u 'k\ to }•-■ •• I » rt*nK \ \ the original I.omlo:. . •! i w.t 1 pro« t-ss. «»n i .! 1 ~ t gather pi; k r - a hot iron won't 1 :: .ovc Kirschbaum Clothes *ls *2O *25 and up "See the Guarantee and Price Ticket on the Sleeve" Brsidcsthe qualities above. Guarantee insures pure wool, fast in color and hand-tail, j orcd. \\ orth looking at aoon. iSMDEL H. STEWART, | WALNUT COVE, N. C.