BIRTHDAY DINNER Relatives and Friends of G. G. Boles Give Him Pleasant Surprise. NEW ENTERPRISE The Troulore Bugy Company to Open Factory At Kinif New Bank to Open Soon. King, Sept. IT. Farmers in this section are busy cutting and curing tobacco. A m:ij )t i'y them are not pleased with th cures they are making. A • \vi:i l a!i day yesterday did :r. :tl. damage to tobacco. The relatives and l'riends of Mr. (i. Ci. Holes gave him a surprise birthday dinner at his home one mile south of tnvn Monday. About one hundred people were present. Mrs. J. S. Newsum's handsome new residence, which is being erected on her farm two miles south of town, is nearing com pletion. Your correspondent is reliably informed that the Troulove liuggy Co.. which will be a new manufacturing enterprise for King, will soon start to work remodeling the old school build ing which they have bought and will convert into a factory. I*»:-c preparations are being made here for the Stokes (' :j: 11y Fair, which takes place ' >ctober 'Jo-Jl-J-. Many improvements are being made, among which is the building of a quarter-mile race track. This will mean much toward drawing large crowds to the fair. Mr. L. K. Pidliam. the* secretary, is receiving „'om jnunications from all over tlie country from shows an I conces sion people who want to attend the fair. It is predicted that this will be tl e 1 iggei-t ar.-: ! st fair ever held in ol I Stokes. A meeting of the stockh lde:s of the Hank of King las been cdled ' r September •_!♦!. It is expected that the new bank v.ill open for business within a few weeks. Dr. O. R. made a bus ness trip to Walnut Cove yester dav. Mr. Cephus Culler, of Pin nacle, wa* here yfserday prospecting with a view of locating. Shooting Gloss. Speaking of shooting close to the trunk, Hujjh H. Miller, form er lieutenant governor of Indiana, told a story about Cousin Hiram, siys the Philadelphia Tebgraph. Cousin Hiram, who lived in the cabbage /.one of a Western rambled into a jewelry store one afternoon and told the man amidst th*} gold and >jlassv\are that he. wouli like to buy a watch, i The jeweler got right on the job t nd asked him what kird of a wai :h fee wanted. "Can' ti I till I see 'em," 3jiJ Q usi i Hiram, glarcing anxiousj r a vss the case. "Think what i jjwa t is one o' them ls parsnip; ;ini " "Parsi dp kind!" wondtringly exclaimed he jeweler. And then h i ontinuedT with an enlighW led smilef guess you Mean li| kai it." "Yes; tl it's eagerly rej ineJ the purchuer, "I kno> edl it was dfflhed vegetqUMMther.'' ROCKINGHAM NEWS. Rev. C. W. Glidewell To Remove To Hillsboro De cember 1 --Sherifr Order ed To Break Dam. From The Madison Herald. Pickpockets were in evidence on the show grounds Saturday. Quite a .number of persons re ported losing their purses. None of the losses were large— the highest one we heard of be ing about ten dollars. One lady was in the number robbed. An unknown party. or parties, entered the of Mr. J. \V. A isti". i." Mayo-:an Wed :irs .y and tarried avay a pistil, several pairs •:' iT.nt*. nine purs of shovs ar , : a number of other things. Fr.t was gained through a side window. Therels no clue whatever as to the guilty party. A store at Ridge vay was broken into the same night, we understand. Rev. 0. VY. (ilideweil, of near; Mavodan. was in the city this morning. We regret to learn that he has purchased a farm near Hillsboro and will move there about December Ist. We understand that Judge Lyon has signed an crder to • Sheriif K -mp ordering him to ; break High Iv ck datn across • Haw River in :>. :• eastern part ioi the at nee. This case was up for trial at the r spring term of court. A crowd estimated at live or • sis thousand people was ir; town 5 Saturday to ste Sparks Show « and every body seemed to enjoy • themselves th n-oughiy. The i show was first-class in every re > spect, every act and featurr? be ing as g >od as is seen in any of • the larger shows. The troop of eduja'ed sea lions very tine indeed and wei! worth the price of admission, alone. In spite of the !*y ! jr• c." wd there was very .iv.l? «1 r:n ,:ng an 1 not a single arrtit v is during the d HOW'S We otl'er Ore Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Ca'anh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. We. the undersigned, have j known F. J. Cheney for the last: lo years, and believe him per fectly honorably in ad business transactions and rtnacially able to carry out any obligations made in* his firm. NATIONAL BAXK OF COM MERCE. Toledo. 0. Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken ii.terr.allv. acting directly ui cn the blood and mucous surfaces of ;he sys'etr. Testimonials ;-ent free. Price To cents per bottle. So'd by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Sow Crimson Clover and Save Fertilizer Bills The indications are that prices of fertilizer the coming season will be much higher than usual, owing to the fact that the supply of fertilizer ma terials will be largely cut oflf on ac count of the European war. This Bhouirt cause farmers everywhere to put land in crops that will save ferti lizer bills. Nothing will do this better than Crimson Clover. It is unques tionably one of the best soil-improv en that can he put in, and wherever it is grown, it gives largely increased crops of corn, cotton and tobacco. We have secured more liberal sup plies of Crimson Clover than was ex pected and will be able to sell at much more reasonable prices than was anticipated. WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL gives full and interesting information a bout the fertilizing value of Crimson Clover; also about other seeds for Fall sowing. Write for Crop Special and prices of any seeds required. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vs. THE DANBURY REPORTER 'CARL RAY WINS PRIZE. Gets Overland Automobile or Its Equivalent In Cash-- Jim kellv Gets the Cadillac ' ' Durham, Sept. 17.—The official vote of the winners in the Sov ereign cigarette voting contest given by the American Tobacco, company for the most popular baseball player in the North' Carolina State league has been announced. Jim Kelly, manager of the Durham Bulls during the season just closed, wins the first automobile with a vote of." 12, wl.iie Carl Hay, premier twir'er for tho Winjtor.-Sa' Twir.s, gets the scc^nu with a vot»» of Oil. i The nrst |.r:;:e is a Ulo Cadil lac, o! $2,1."P. The second 1 is a !sU."» Overland or $1,075 casi:. I Moon Has So Effect |. On Planting of Crops. The old fashioned farmer wro governs his planting by the 1 movements of the moon will receive a jolt from a bulletin just issued by the department of agriculture declaring that neither the moon r.or the planets have the slightest effect on weather conditions therefore cannot have any effect on planting. "iVant your corn in the full of the moon," a rule regarded as 'ittle short of sacred in many rural communities is entirely dis proves according to the depart ment's bulletin. "All weather changes depend on temperature differences," the bulletin says. "The temperature, as we !;no\v, constitutes of itself, a most important weather factor. Another ar.d equa'ly important weather factor is rainfall. But t i it i-: necessary first to evaporate the water from the -'irfaeo of the earth and this as everyone knows, ruiuires heat. "Mi!! another important factor i the direction and force of the i wind, an ! this, too, requires hfat. for the winds will not blow unless the temperature is differ ent at one place from what it is at another, any more than the air will draw up a chimney where' i there is no fire in it. "Since, then, the heating of the earth and its atmosphere to different temperature is the real 1 I icause of the winds an 1 of all weather changes, it follows that the moon and the planets cin a.Tect the weather cnly so far as they supply heat. "The amount of heat sent to the earth by all the planets end by the mocn is insignificant in omjarison to the amount that comes from the sun. Hence we could not expect the moon or the planets to appreciably affect the weather since they do not supply heat, the one thing that causes all uur weather changes." Io Recclor fabrics. To recolor a hat, fine lace, silk or an\ other dflieate material, dissolve enough r rtiststube paint in gasoline to get the desired tint. Dip the material in and dry. A faded light-tinted carpet cin be made a beautiful tone of deeper color aplying this with a broom. Remember that gaso line is very, very inflammable ani must be Vsed sway fromany fir J, 'amp or great heat. • • Notice. . I ! Public Speaking! Honorable A. E. Holton will ad dress the people of Stokes county at the Court House in Danbury on Monday, Oct. 5, 1914, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. upon the proposed Constitutional Amendments and other issues. Mr. Holton is one of the most able speakers in the State, and everybody is most respectfully invited to come out and hear him. Do not miss the opportunity to hear this able and distinguished gen tlemen, but come out, and you will never regret the time. This the ISth day of September, 5^4, I). V. CARROLL, C. M. JONES, Secretary. Chm. Rep. Ex. Com. Stokes Co., N'.C. Dr. A. S. Mitchell OPTOMETRIST. My winil«' thin* ;i:i■ I at ti'iitiuii i* sftiv»'ii t.i tilt' tit tinir i>t ul.'iswh, mill charm-.* for Mll nit> very tvartoiialiU'. For ri'fiTi'tuv ask any Imsi nrsH In nisi- in tin- city. >fl'iiv Klinont Thwitiv lilily:.. WINSTON-SALKM. N. • Ready for To-morrow ? Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than r— —————— other farm animals. In order to insure thorough lam using Bee Dee all the food eaten, and to make your STOCK MEDICINE with horses readier for next day's work, add to their evening feed a teaspoonful of— on Iced, it also make* thorn healthy, thriving anil PI/LA STOCK Clian ' Irajohnston. £>CE L/CC MEDICINE It will lessen your feed bills. ' 25c, 50c and sl. per can. It will Increase your profits. At your dealer's. A List of Reliable Family Remedies "Back Ease"—Kidnew pills for backache, kidney and bladder trouble, rheumatism, etc.* Price, 50 cents. "Stomach Ease"- lias and dyspepsia tablets, relieves the stomach and lets vou eat what you please. Price, 50cents.. "Quick Buster" Cold Tablets will break up a cold, also re lieves headache and constipation. Price, 25 cents. "Work Easy" Cascara Tablets will keep your bowels open and your liver acting. Splendid for billious headache. Price, 25 cents. "Sure Shot" Worm Wafers are the best for worms in child ren—sweet as candy and the children like them. Price, 25 cts. Our Palatable Extract of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry, Malt and Hypophosphites is the best Spring tonic for a run down system, weak lungs, coughs. Price. SI.OO per bottle, or 6 for $5.00 by express to your nearest express office. The above medicines are reliable, made from prescription of an experienced physician and will be sent by mail or express on receipt of price. , BITTING'S DRUG STORE, , ,„ .. SPRAY, N. C. • Laffargue PIANO Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cataogue Free. Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salem, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new recoi ds. For Marble and Granite Monuments and Tombstones, Iron Fencing and all kinds of Cemetery work, call or writ* The Mouut Airy Marble Works w. D. IIAYNES & CO.. Propr's. Mouht Airy, N. C CHAS. L. MARTIN Dentist. Office over Madison Drug Co., Madison, N. C. W. O. Jerome Real Estate and Insurance Winston-Salem. N. C. 596 Wachovia Bank & Trast Building. I'hone 953. ; \V. READS JOH.NSON~ Attorney-nt-Lav»*. Alasonic Temple. i WINSTON-SALEM, N. C Will practice In both State ard Federal Courts. CM AS. ». McMICIIAEI.. J. E. SAI.NTSIVI, Went worth. KeiJsvllie. M'MICMAEL & SAINTSING, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lur. j Practice in Stite and Fedarit j Courts. All business givea prompt attention. Chas. O. MJ. | Mictiaol will be in Madison on | Saturdays, at his old office ov-jr | the post office. | DR. H. V. MORTON, Dentist, jls now back in his old location, i corner 3rd and Main Street 3. j Wachovia Bank & Trust Co building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. ! I DR. JNO. K. PEPPER. Disease of the Stomach Intestines. M IIMOII if 'IV I*l pip, Winston-Salem, N. C. DR. THOMAS W.~DAVIS. Ey, Ear,_ Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Mascnio Torupie Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : 9to 12:30, 2to 4 au i by appointment. CHAS. R. HELSABECK Attorney at Law. DAN BURY, N. C. ; Prompt attention to all busi ness. Office in Taylor Hotel. DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DAN BURY, N. C. Prompt attention to aiS business entrusted. Willpractice in all courts, both State and Federal. Office over Martin's store. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS. Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all busin*3i entrusted. Will praotioe ia .-ill State oourts. Dr. I. A. McClung, Dentist j Office—7ol-702 Wachovia Bank Building. Phone 420—Hours 9to 1, 2to 5 WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. Levi W. Ferguson. Arthur E. PeririMin Ferguson & Ferguson Attorneys At Law, I Over Thompson's Drujf Store, Winston-Salem, N.C. Phone 1126. Collection a Specialty. Notary Public in Office. DR. W. H. CRITZ DENTIST. Office over Drug Store. HMVP 1 Connection. WALNUT COVE, - - N c DR. C. C. KEIEEII, Dentist, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Will be at King July 28, 29, 30 and 31 prepared to do all kinds of Denta' Work.

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